Sunday, November 30, 2008

A French Village Garden

A new day in the South of France.....................

One morning I awoke just before sunrise. I tiptoed down the stairs and let myself out into the garden. The light was mauve, the village silent. Most French village houses are not blessed with extensive gardens. My family's house is an exception, they have a truly lovely garden on two levels. For several years they have worked diligently to resurrect this garden that had been neglected for a long time.

Passing the deck chairs and still blooming shrubs on an early October morning.

Overlook from the top garden ~ Caunes Abbey keeps the bell tower illuminated through the night.
As the sun came up the flowers seemed to open with the day.

The lovely garden has several natural springs. They have created small ponds, called bassins, the largest being home to many fish, others used to water shrubs and the vegetable garden.

Later in the day the sun was out and the air comfortably warm for Autumn.

If you follow the path from the house you will arrive in the potager ~ a vegetable garden of small proportions that somehow produces enough vegetables year round to feed the family......and all the visitors such as me! My sister-in-law bottles sauces, soups, chutneys, jams, vinegars, and even makes exquisite flavored aperitif wines. In another post I'll take you inside the house and show you her groaning pantry shelves!

From the lower level, steps lead to the upper garden.........

..............where the inviting pool overlooks the 9th century abbey and the village rooftops. Needless to say this was the perfect place to sit and ponder why one might want to live in a small village and enjoy a quiet and more simple life!
The day passed and late afternoon arrived. A storm was brewing in the fading light. I took another walk through the garden, enjoying the flowers as the thunder rumbled in the distance.

Caunes Abbey in the last light as the sun went down.
A beautiful day in the garden.


  1. everything is so pretty... wish i could be there...

  2. What beautiful gardens and vistas to look at.

  3. Wish my garden looked like that!

  4. Mary:
    I love seeing your little side picture changing. This one is too cute. Your pictures are magazine pretty. Great job and great place.

  5. I am not sure how you ever managed to leave!!Such beauty!! Thank you for sharing!

  6. Wonderful Mary! The flowers, the garden, the paths... I don't I would never want to leave that place. Looking forward to seeing you sometime this week! Love, Vanessa

  7. Mary, it is just absolute perfection. I can see why anyone would love it. It is like a little piece of heaven.

  8. A quiet simple village life looks pretty good right about now!

  9. Beautiful photos! I wish I was there.

  10. Stopping by to see how you're doing. Have enjoyed looking through all your recent photos and posts. Loved seeing your brother's home and garden again and to think, I can say, "I HAVE been there!"
    Also loved seeing my favorite village of Mirepoix.
    I've been super second book was accepted last week and I'm now on deadline, so have been pounding the keyboard finishing up the first draft.
    Hugs to you and Bob.

  11. These photos are gorgeous...and I love the should write a book!

    Can the Abbey bells be heard from the house? That would make it all over-the-top perfect.


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