Sunday, December 7, 2008

Bed and Breakfast

Are you planning a visit to Southwest France? Spring would be the perfect time.

If you decide to go, while driving from picturesque village to village you will often see long straight country roads lined with beautiful Plane trees like this. It is said that Napoleon planted them to shade his marching soldiers from the hot sun. Passing under the colorful Autumn canopy of leaves, with vineyards stretching as far as the eye can see, the peacefulness of a gentle countryside envelopes you...........and you realize that the journey IS the reward.

The road to Lagrasse - October 2008

And if you do go there's another reason for showing you my family's lovely home in the village of Caunes-Minervois near Carcassonne.
You've left the nicest comments about the beautiful garden with inviting pool. You know the food is scrumptious. Sleeping soundly behind the heavy blue wood shutters, in a comfy bed, is the perfect night's rest after a busy day of sightseeing, market browsing, vineyard hiking, wine tasting.........and treasure hunting at the many brocantes and vide-grenier sales.

So, why don't you take a trip to the South of France and stay in this lovely place?

John and Alison will open their home to you for Bed & Breakfast and, if you want a wonderful dinner, they will prepare an evening meal you will never forget!

The above images were taken during my stay in October 2008.

In the kitchen with John and Alison.

October color in the vineyards of the Languedoc, Southwest France.

Contact Alison or John at for more details if you are interested in staying here.
I guarantee your visit will be memorable.

If you require a spacious rental house in Caunes-Minervois I know of just the place and can share details.


  1. Oh how you have stirred my longing for that wonderful country that we love so much.

    Just now it is doubtful that we will ever go again, just as we are unlikely to visit the US again, our trip for the spring has been cancelled beacuse of OH's ill health, but one can dream!!!!!

    Wonderful pictures............

  2. I can't make the journey but thank you for the pics, it looks beautiful

  3. Mary! It is so beautiful there! Last night Ry and I were talking about trip and planning our trip to Europe...(sometime we don't really know yet) we just gonna have to go there!! I'm sure your brother will just as sweet as you are dear Mary. Wish you have nice and warm Sunday. Tell Bob I said Hello! Hugs ~ Vanessa

  4. Well, as beautiful as these pictures are, and they are, I still like your home area of England better. I just love all of England and have never been to the part you lived in. Heidi says we need you to show it to us.

  5. Ah, but to be an arm-chair traveler..that's me..
    Thank you for taking us along on your visits - I really appreciate all the time you take on us- photos, dialogue, and tid-bits that make the journey with you fun and informative! And I LOVE the photo of you out the window! Darling!

  6. What a lovely trip that would be. I bet they have a lot of people who would want to stay with them.

  7. It is a place to feed our soul. All perfection!

  8. Mary, this place is so lovely. Your hosts look so kind and full of wonderful stories. Did they speak English or did you practice your French? I want to go there too. sigh.

    Can't wait to see you Friday. Thanks for all the info.

    Christmas hugs...Jeanne


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