Thursday, December 18, 2008

Heading North

Tomorrow I'm leaving the comforts of home behind for a few days. Packing a light bag with warm clothes, tall boots, hats, scarves and gloves. Grabbing something to read.
Flying northward to New York City.
City lights, Christmas glitter, window dressing, busy shoppers, Rockefeller Plaza, skating, skyscrapers, riverboats, Lady Liberty, high kicking Rockettes, yellow taxis, bells ringing, children singing.........and snow expected!

Hopefully I'll capture some images showing the 'Big Apple' dressed for Christmas.
See you next week in time for the joyful celebration ~ and I just know you'll have done all your shopping, decorating, baking and promised, remember!


  1. Mary:
    Have a wonderful time. You are more a traveler than I am. LOL. I really have no plans to go anyplace right now. That sounds a fun trip.

  2. Have an incredible trip! We'll be here waiting for your return.

  3. Mary! Enjoy every single minute of your trip! NYC is beautiful! I still remimber the Xmas lights and all that busy people walking around... I hope you have a great weekend!! Love, Vanessa

  4. Have fun! Wish I could go with you!!

  5. Wishing you a wonderful trip sweet Mary!!! Sounds like it will be so much fun ~ xxoo, Dawn

  6. Oh lucky you, we were to have travelled to stay with friends in Florida in February with a 5 night stopover in The Big Apple on the way back. adly we have had to cancel the trip due to OH's health. We will not get there now...shame!!!

  7. New York City dressed for Christmas will be beautiful I am sure! Have a good time and, by the way, you could have booked that ticket to here... :)

    Christmas hugs ~

  8. So you didn't make it then?


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