I have FINALLY finished my Valentine unit and I am really excited about how it turned out. I hope you will check it out and see if it is something your students could use.
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Here is what is included…
Lots and lots of pink, purple and red.. and cupcakes and hearts! Such cute stuff!
First up.. money!
Count the money on each card and write how much.
There are 12 cards total.
Word Sort
Sort the word cards into 3 piles.. colors, numbers, and shapes.
There are “header” cards listed in the packet too.. but, somehow they did not get into the pictures!
There are 30 word cards in all {10 shapes, 10 colors, and 10 numbers}.
Place Value
This is a great activity that is a more higher-thinking activity but something my first graders NEED!
Follow the directions on the card to make a 3 digit number.
You can match the answer OR don’t use the answer cards and have your students make and write the answer on a recording sheet.
There are 15 place value cards.
Ordering Numbers
Use those same answer cards from the place value activity to order from least to the greatest.
Math Fact Match
Match 3 math facts with the same answer.
There are 21 math fact cards and 7 answer cards. These use subtraction and addition math facts.
You could also use the math fact cards as flash cards. Or number them and have students write the answer on a recording sheet.
Counting by 2’s with odd numbers
1, 3, 5, 7, 9… 99
These cards go up to 99.
These cards will be worth buying the whole unit. I can see they will be used over and over in my pocket chart center.
Cut and Glue the letters in order to spell VALENTINE
Follow the directions to color the letters. Great ordinal word practice!
The letters fit perfect on a sentence strip when you glue!
Here is another glimpse of everything after I printed it and cut and lamintated it. If you are interested you can find this in my teachers pay teachers store for $5.00.. and the recording sheets are free.
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Thank you!!
xoxo, Kacey
Buy The Valentine Unit
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