Showing posts with label classroom pics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label classroom pics. Show all posts

August 13, 2011

Classroom Pics- Picture post #4


Hope you are having a great Saturday. I am busy working on stationery orders and trying to catch up on emails. I’m taking a little break to share the last of my classroom pictures with you.. These are just random shots but I will “explain” a few things in each one.


This is the table right beside my door. Students put their folders in the basket when they come in every morning. I put their morning work on my stool every morning. So, they pick up their work when they walk by.

The small bulletin board is where I hang pictures of my students. Especially if they are in the newspaper. I live in a small town so this board will be full of newspaper clipping before the end of the year.

The purple bucket underneath the table is the magazine bucket. I use magazines a lot with my first graders.


Bible verse above the door.. benefits of teaching in a private, Christian school!!


These are the name labels for my coat hooks. The graphics are from Lettering Delights.


My desk area- and whooo hooo .. look how clean!! Any other time there are STACKS of stuff! I am a really organized person but I also have lots of stuff!

The sign above my computer hung outside my door for awhile. I made it a few summers ago.

The purple bulletin board behind my desk is where I hang personal stuff or important notes/memos that I need to see frequently.


Cubby area.
This picture was taken before my students arrived but soon they will have a math and phonics workbook. We also store center or work that needs to be finished in the cubbies.

My mom made my precious curtains. They have animals on them. I hate I don’t have a close up view because the fabric is awesome! They have been hanging in my room for 5 years now.

The I ♥ Mrs. Kacey poster was a former student’s 100 day project. You can’t tell but the letters are acorns glued to the poster. So there are 100 of them.. precious!

And there is our little gumball machine!! My new first graders are loving it too!

We have desk- and I have a love/hate relationship with them. I love them when I am teaching whole group. I hate them when are doing centers or group activities. We spend lots of time on the floor..In my dream classroom I would have desk and table space for each student.


This is a view from my desk looking toward by door.

You can see my little reading table {with my smurfs, HA!} and the book shelves with all my books.

And, yep.. I really, really do NEED all those plastic buckets and baskets stacked up on top!!! HA! You can never have enough can you??


This is looking from the door to my desk.

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Close up of my stool.. my mom painted it the same time she made my curtains..

Have a great weekend.. I am off to work on my orders. Tomorrow I need to do some lesson planning.

It’s all about Brown Bear, Brown Bear for us next week.. we are ready to review and practice those color words!!

August 12, 2011

Classroom Pics- Post #3


Day #2 is done.. whew! Remember I said I had a date this afternoon..

my couch and dvr are awaiting.

Here are a few more classroom pictures.


I made these words for my hall bulletin board but then I changed my mind about what I wanted to do.. so, I put them up in my room.  I love the colors!


This is the main bulletin board in our hallway. I was assigned August as my month.. This board is huge- it looks like a normal size in this picture but it actually is much larger than it looks.

I also have to admit that my mom painted the sun.. she took over that project for me!


This is the bulletin board right outside of my classroom. I always put my student’s names on this board but they wouldn’t fit with the alligator so I put names on my door right

Alright.. gotta go.. Big Brother, General Hospital, and America’s Got Talent area all waiting for me!

August 11, 2011

Classroom Pics–Post #2


Well, I survived the first day.. and I am TIRED! Just like every year.. I wonder if I have enough patience to “train” another group.. but, I am sure I have plenty.


This is my calendar/morning board corner.

The board on the left side is where I display good work each week. If a student’s paper gets selected to go on the board they earn a sticker for their sticker chart.


Here is a close up of my calendar board. I want to put birthdays in that empty spot where I put the “welcome back to school” sign.. but after thinking about it I think I am going to put birthdays above the board on the wall.. so I need something else for that big empty spot..

I do like to put something seasonal or something theme/unit related on my board to change it a little throughout the year but I think that space is too big and it looks empty right now.



Front view- with money signs and community supply shelf.



My kids keep their own school supply box with pencils, colors and a glue stick. This shelf is here for when they need something they don’t have.


Tomorrow is another 1/2 day.. thankfully. I am not ready for a whole day yet!

August 10, 2011

Classroom Pics–Post #1

Tomorrow is the big day! My new first graders come tomorrow and I am READY! Okay- so I am ready .. meaning.. my room is ready. I need a few days off to rest and get caught up on a few hours of sleep before jumping into a new school year.. BUT.. at least Thursday and Friday are 1/2 days. I have all ready made a date with my couch and dvr Friday afternoon ..

I finished my room today and took some pictures to share.

Remember I mentioned earlier in a post that my room is teeny tiny compared to most of the rooms I see on other blogs- I am jealous. But, I taught in a bigger classroom for 3 years and I complained during those years that I didn’t have enough room- and I even had 2 HUGE walk-in closets!



I do books or my library area different than most.. mainly because of not having a large classroom. I have a book table where I change books out each week. The books that are on the table go with whatever theme or unit I am teaching that week. Most of the books are numbers and counting .. then I will add in color words and alphabet books. It is also tradition with me that I put out small trinkets, toys or little fun objects on the table.. you would be surprised at how these items are LOVED! I collect items all year to go with whatever we doing at that time.


Right now- I have VINTAGE smurf figures. These were mine when I was a child- my mom has had them in storage since then. I have at least 50 of them. I have more to put out next week.. These little guys make me so happy!


Here are my books organized by theme. These are shelves as soon as you walk into my classroom. I keep pocket charts hanging over the front. Mainly because I have no other place to hang pocket charts but it also hides all my stuff too!



So, have you seen the smurf movie?