Showing posts with label WOYWW. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WOYWW. Show all posts

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Poor Old Messy Scale and Happy WOYWW

Good morning to you all
This is for those of you that often pop by to see what is on my workspace WOYWW and to view where you sat on the messy scale from the week before.  If you are not familiar with this please pop over to the creator of the amazing phenomina Julia at The Stamping Ground

Today I am sorry to say due to computer replacement and trying to get everything back to normal I do not have anything to show you, sorry.

Now the Messy Scale was something I started doing for fun and I loved seeing where you all thought you sat within this and loved coming to check out your blogs to compare them to others who had graded themselves.  I have met some lovely people through this and will try to continue to visit you you all.

However it is with such regret that this will be the last of the Messy Scale posts, full time work and family committments along with the need to actual do some crafting have dictated that I am unable to spend the whole of my Saturday morning blog hopping to compare you all, especially as the number of people entering the messy scale was getting more and more and I think I was actually running out of numbers on the scale.

I am thankful that so many of you enjoyed the fun as I know I did.

So here is the very last Messy Scale

1/10 little old me
2/10 Wipso
 3/10 Li'l Pidge
4/10 Katie
7/10 Helen
8/10 Anne
9/10 Kate
10/10 Sheila

I am sorry once again, but as always happens the crafting time gets taken over by the blogging time, and I think sometimes you have to make a choice.  I would like to be able to create more lovely items and comment on other peoples inspirational work and therefore cannot commit the time to the Messy Scale at this time.

I hope you all understand

Hugs Kate xx

Wednesday, 29 September 2010

The Messy Scale and WOYWW

Good morning to you all 
Happy WOYWW day to you 

Now if you are not sure what I am on about and would like to know more then pop over to see the creator of the WOYWW, who is the wonderful Julia at The Stamping Ground

Now first of all I would like to say thank you to Sue for linking me last week, you are an angel hun  and  apologies about last week and not getting back to some of you, but thank you all for your wishes and just to let you know all is well.

So onto this week, well my desk is pretty tidy, just a few bits of prep for a couple of DT bits in the head but not yet moving on them, and that would be down the extra mess in the downstairs bathroom

Here is the cleanish 0.5/10 on the messy scale work area
followed by the 10/10 in the bathroom.  Hope you can see it but if you can't imagine this.  My son offered to sand down the wood paneling in the bathroom, ready for a spritz of decorating.  Yes the sawdust is every where, so pleased we have an upstairs loo.  Dust gets in every little hole.  It will look fab when done I am sure!
The Messy Scale
So onto last weeks messy scale, where do you think you were in comparison to all of the others who rate themselves on the messy scale.  I was unable to rate myself last week but these are the lovely people who did.  Remember 0/10 is squeaky clean and 10/10 pure creative genius mess

So at number 1/10 is Elizabeth and Bleubeard
followed fractionally by 1.5/10 Sue
Heather crept in at 2/10
whilst Brenda was a comfortable 3/10
at 4/10 Jozarty 
and middle for diddle was Anne with 5/10
6/10 was Carola
and just ahead with 7/10 was Carolynne
just a smidgen in it at 7.5/10 was Sunshine Girl
and our Wipso was at 8/10
Andrea nudged it with a 8.5/10 and 
there was a bit of a tussle between 9/10 Helen
and our own Julia at 10/10

Well that is me for today, and thank you to all those lovely visitors who take the time to leave a comment so I can hop over to see you too.
Just a reminder that very shortly  I will be the very first Spotlight Guest Designer for 

The Dragon's Den.  So do hope you will pop over and see what I have been busy creating for them, I have really enjoyed working with their creations.


the creations will also be on their page at  Crafter's Digital Art Center (CDAC).  Now if you are not a member it is a free sign up, so you will need to sign up first.  This is a great place to get ideas and for those who use digital images places to enter challenges.  It's basically a great source of information.

coming soon will be the store forum so keep watching and I will link these details shortly

I am so so so excited, only a few more days to go

so think that is me for today other than to say have a great day and enjoy your blog hopping to see all
those messy work desks

happy snooping
Kate xx

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

WOYWW and The Messy Scale

Hi all
and welcome to the mystery of the WOYWW now if you are not sure what I am on about then pop over to see Julia, the creator of this amazing phenomena at "The Stamping Ground", it is where all the best crafting snoopers gather.

Today's post will be very brief and I will not get this linked till late afternoon, although the very kind Mr Blogger will publish it for me whilst I am having my annual hospital sleep. Then the DH will be playing nurse for the afternoon, keeping me topped up with the food, I have not had for the past two days.....................Gosh I am so hungryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy............... moving on!!!! oh and nothing to worry about btw.

This is a bit of my mess not much as I am quite a tidy person but I have not rated myself this week as due to the anesthetic I may not get to visit many of you till much later, that is if I get myself linked up.
This is me stood in the corner trying to show you the length of the work bench.
These are my HOOKS and I have recently topped up the lace and ribbon.
Wow that photo was very colourful don't you think?  At the end of the work bench is a little pile of mags and some stuff I am working on, the blue bag well I really must return to that bag and create something from what is in there.

Now before I forget there are a couple of more days till my CANDY runs out so pop over here to get your name on the list, I will be drawing it shortly.

Here is the current update on the

Messy Scale

Now for those of you who have not joined in before all you need to do is leave a comment on this post saying where you feel you fit on the messy scale, it is all in the name of fun.  
0/10 is squeaky clean 
10/10 is a happy crafter with all that mess on the desk and everywhere else too.

Now last week Suzanne was off the scale at the low end as she was absolutely spotless

coming in at 0.5/10 was Elizabeth and Bleubeard, (loved the commenting on the other messy scale contenders last week just fab to read and made me giggle) thanks
1/10 was Ciara
2/10 was Phree
squeezing in the middle was 2.5/10 Sarah
followed by 3/10 Sue
4/10 was Joey
and half way with 5/10 was Pam
6/10 is where Carola sits
and I had a gap at 7/10
at 8/10 was Andrea (who reckoned she was a 10 but Elizabeth and Bluebeard said no to that and that she was an 8.5/10, so on looking across the board she came out at an 8)
at 8.5/10 was Crafty Musings
with no takers for the 9/10 spot
10/10 this week was Anne

and on the floor and right in the middle of a good old mess was Donna of Doone sometimes this is a good place to be!

although Claire sort of is also off the scale as she spreads herself around the house

but don't forget usually the messier you are the more creative you are and some may use the brush it to the side technique and others (like me) the sweet it on the floor technique but we all have our ways of continuing to make more mess.

Have a happy WOYWW day


Wednesday, 15 September 2010

WOYWW and The Messy Scale

Hi all

this will be a very quick post this week as extremely busy at work and I apologise now if I do not get back to you all this week but felt I should at least post to answer Julia's comment and to list the Messy Scale

Julia is the founder of the WOYWW and if you don't know what I am going on about then pop over to the Stamping Ground to find out.

Just for you Julia, when everyone was concerned about my two green mats last week, you were not and for those of you who were, I have a glass one and a blue one too (they only come out to play for heat embossing and painting - sad I know)

Julie wanted to know what the little stamp was that was turned upside down at the back of my desk, would this be the stamp hun?
My husband bought me this so that I could personalize all my cards and creations  isn't he just the best I love it to bits and him as well.

Anyway onto the Messy Scale, where some confusion appears to have stepped in 

0/10 is so squeaky clean that the squeak would hurt our ears and 10/10 is that messy that you cannot actually work on your workspace.  I loved the comment last week on the sweep it back technique for clearing space and I actually go for the brush it all on the floor technique, what is your technique??

So last weeks Messy Scale looks like this

Elizabeth along with Bleubeard - well they fell off the end of the 0/10 as she was cleaning as she went, you go girl, just my style of creating.
1/10 -  Becky
1/10 -  Wipso
1.5/10 Me (well I keep trying to be messy honest)
2/10 -  Nikki
3/10 -  Sue
3/10 -  Brenda
3.5/10 -  Andrea
4/10 -  Jozart
5/10 -  Sunshine Girl
6/10 -   Marilyn 
7/10  - no takers
8/10  - no takers
9/10  - our very own Julia
10/10  - no takers

and Donna at Doone says she is well over at around 15/20 so maybe we all need to pop over to see her as you all know that a messy desk means so so so much creativity (lets go see what she is up to - to make all this mess)

Well that is me today other than to say hello to my new follower Troy, and welcome to my little section of blogland and hope I can make you smile along the way :) and thank you to all my lovely visitors who leave such lovely and interesting comments as they pass, thank you I love them all.

Mr Blogger will as always publish this for me whilst I am at work and I will try to mobile link it at some point during the day 

Have a happy WOYWW day

Kate xx

Wednesday, 25 August 2010

WOYWW and the Messy Scale!!!!!

Hello to all you WOYWW'ers this fine day

and if you are not sure what I am on about at all, then you definitely need to pop over to see Julia the creator of the WOYWW phenomena. It's an awesome location with some great views to see, better than some holidays abroad I promise you.

First of all before I show you what's going on this week in my Beach Hut 

From today, I would like to thank the ladies at Tuesday Throw Down for selecting me as the winner of 4 digi images from Robyn's Fetish, really appreciate it and cannot wait to chose my digi images.


From yesterday, I would like to thank the ladies at the Cupcake challenge for Mr Random choosing lucky me for my gift voucher of £10.00 worth of digital products, thank you xx 

So even though at work we are in the middle of an OFSTED inspection, I am so far this week, feeling great, and hope you all are too.

Last week, the messy scale was very busy and there were loads of takers for the empty positions on the messy scale table.  I had a great time visiting you back to see your messy work areas.  Of course it is only for fun, so when duplicate's for the scale came in I just added them to the list.  The full list is below for your further interest and so you can visit to see what you think.

However, think that the list should be refreshed for this week, as those that were high scored last week may be very tidy and low scored this week.  So I will if you like, be taking your scales again this week for viewing next week etc.

Here is last weeks messy scale 1 = Tidy and 10 = bomb site

1/10      no one felt they were tidy last week (which is good for us crafters)
2/10      again no one felt they were even a tiny bit messy
3/10      I felt I sat here last week
4/10      Sue from ScoopyStuff fitted right in here
5/10      Our very own Julia from The Stamping Ground, placed herself middle for diddle
and was joined by
5/10     Joanne at Mytobyjug
6/10     Tina B from Tinascraftyplace rated herself in this position
as did
6/10      Morti from Coupdemain
7/10      is Alison30 from Alicardmaking
along with
7/10      Darcy from Art-And-Sole
Now there is a big interest for the next spot with three challengers
8/10      Andrea from Where Can I Buy Time
8/10      Mustavacoffee (hope this is a pet name) from MustAvCoffee-Craftymusings
8/10      Anne from  LiverpoolLou
9/10      Helen from Stampingbyh is almost one of our messiest crafters she says.
and the messiest from last week
10/10   Kate from Noseycritters

Now you would think that the list would stop there wouldn't you, well no actually, as Donna from Doings of Doone explained proudly that she is off the scale.  So a suggestion would be we might all want to pop over to check out her messy work place :)

Cannot wait to see how the list changes this week!! So where do you think you sit?

This week I think I am a 2/10 on the messy scale :) I am proud to be a tidy crafter, striving to make a mess, as I can always improve the mess

So here are my photo's for you this week
This is the memory box I am in the process of creating, I do a little now and again, so as to not rush and spoil it's creation, the paper at the side is my paint pot, I know I could get the proper one out to use, but well then I would have to wash it and this way I just throw the paper away and it is scrap paper too, so recyling :)
This is a straight on photo from a slight angle (hey if you think I am killing myself standing on my hydraulic spinning bar stool, think again)

and finally
This is the wall directly behind my chair.  Oh I do really need more shelving 
(darl if your reading this could we take a trip to B & Q for some more wood, I will do the painting honest xxxxx) oh what a selection and more overflowing in the MSE pocket boxes too now 

(mental note to good conscience, stop buying stamps!!!!! bad conscience, "oh but there are so many nice ones out there and you would not want them to think you don't like them") :) ......................

Thank you to every one of you who visits and leaves me such wonderful comments they make every day special and I cannot wait to come visit all of you WOYWW snoopers, have a great blog hopping snooping day all of you

Now as always I will rely on the very clever Mr. Blogger to publish this post, he is so clever don't you think?  I will link via the mobile at some point tomorrow, I promise.

Take Care all
Kate xx

Wednesday, 18 August 2010

A Pesty little mess for WOYWW

Good morning to all of you WOYWW snoopers out there in blog land.

Thank you to all of you who visited last week, I really enjoyed visiting you back from your comments and as I was on holiday last week, I actually got around some more too - really enjoyed the blog hopping.  
I hope you are not squeamish as this post you may not like one of the images. Well it's not that bad (honest)

I start today's post by saying hello to my two new followers Carolynne and Heidi, hi ladies :) I hope you like little critters!!

I also would like to thank the ladies at Just Inspirational Challenge for choosing me as a winner of Challenge 6 for my son and his fiance's engagement card.  Cannot wait to play with my winning gift.
So onto the post, for those of you who have joined the new craze of snooping around the crafting sites in blog land.  We can thank our Julia for this, what a brilliant idea it is.  If you want to join in and have a snoop pop over to The Stamping Ground for this weeks WOYWW.  This is some mess I made creating the Beary Nice Anniversary card on the earlier post.  There you can see those lovely GCD Studio Paris Nights paper stack and the trusty finger lift tap and the pliers, used to trim the flower heads of their stems.  Not very interesting really.
This is a close up of the top of my cupboard in the Beach Hut, the one with no doors on it.  I collect all old cartons, and jars etc for future altered pieces.  I really enjoyed eating the Cadbury chocolate Easter egg that came in that delish purple carton.
mmmmmmmm now this is a tub of spilt pegs.  I use the pegs to hold papers together when creating.  However you are now wondering why they are spilt on the work top.  Well............................
This is the pesky little critter that caused it.  We appear to have a wasp nest under the eaves and although I cannot find a hole anywhere in my Beach Hut they keep getting in.  So whilst trying to swat it, I knocked the peg tub off it's perch and the pegs went all over.  Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.  I know they will evacuate the nest soon and will be gone and then I will fill in their access/egress hole :)

Now last week I was asked if there was an official list for the messiest crafter.  
so  for those of you who graded yourselves (1 being tidy - 10 being utter mess)

1/10 - no current takers
2/10 - no current takers
3/10 myself (all though last week one said I should be a 2/10 and another 4/10 so believe that leaves me at a 3/10 
4/10 - no current takers
5/10 - no current takers
6/10 Tina B
7/10 - no current takers
8/10 - no current takers
9/10 - no current takers
10/10 Kate  (I think Kate's blog name is perfect for WOYWW)

If you would like to rate yourself please leave the comment of where you feel you fit and I will add you for next week, all in the name of fun of course, can't wait for your reactions and thanks for the suggestion (you know who you are and hope this is what you meant)  

Julia I hope you don't mind this and if you would prefer to add this to your post please let me know and I will give this scale to you the originator of the fabulous WOYWW.

Today I am also posting a card I made Monday evening and finished Tuesday morning.  
The papers are GCD Studios, called Joyful Peace.  It is a 12 x 12 48 page double sided paper stack, with a lovely vintage feel and again a lovely linen feel and look.  I got these from Denise at Tilly's again when I went shopping the other day.  The image is one of my favorites Edwin and Tilda skating from the Magnolia range (don't think I needed to tell you that)

I followed the sketch from Friday Sketchers and really enjoyed using this 
here is a close up the image partially coloured by copics the preferred media, paper pieced and decoupaged - this was a challenge and a half.
There are two layers on the hat but one everywhere else. 

I am also entering this card into the following challenges

Creative Card Crew - Sparkle and Shine, I have used one of my newer holly stamps and a glue stamp pad to add the glue areas for the fab green glitter to stick too, I also used the burgundy stickles to add the berries to the white areas of the stamp which are meant to be the holly berries.  Felt that this picked up the foil red berries on the base paper.

Cards for Men - Decoupage  I think that this could be a male side of the family card.

Magnolia Down Under - Edwin and Tilda together (I could not resist entering this one)

Christmas Stampin All Year Long - Designer Papers  how could I resist entering this challenge when my teamie Marianne is a Guest Designer this challenge

think that this is it for today

other than to say as I am back at work, so Mr Blogger will very kindly post this for me, I will link the challenges as and when I get time via mobile blogging and if I do not get time, when I get home.

Once again I thank you for taking the time to visit me and ask that you do please leave me a comment so I know you have been and can return the visit.  Look forward to visiting you all

Happy WOYWW day to you all

Kate xx

Wednesday, 28 July 2010


Look out it is Wednesday again, which means another neb around the blog to some amazing places where some very talented people create some great stuff.  

I really did chuckle at some of the comments last time, and managed to keep up and visit some more, really enjoyed the hopping.

The card I was making that you all got a snippet of last time is one post below, for those that were interested.

It is getting difficult to find new stuff to show you and could show you the newly tidied garden but decided to let you have a peek in my draws.

Crafting one's that is!!

So here we go
I could call this my paint pot, but it also has mists and glue in it.
This was suppose to be the glitter draw, but has embossing powders and crackle glaze in it also.
This is my still wrapped capsule ribbons, pearls, diamante etc draw. Due for a tidy.
Now don't laugh..................... I have not hoovered in here for at least a month. The blob in the middle is the glitter just used for my next DT card, I have really struggled not to clean this and now firmly smile and say 9/10 on the messy scale??

Finally the work top which I believe is what Julia actually asks us to show on her WOYWW day
Not much of a change, the remants of the ongoing DT card for the next challenge and the glue pen, or as my hubby Matt would probably say, "Nothing to see move along"  :) The DT card should be the next post above.

Well Mr Blogger will post this for me  in the morning and I will try link on the mobile at some point during the day.  Hope your all well and crafting hard.

Hugs Kate xx

Wednesday, 14 July 2010


Welcome to Wednesday Crafters out there in blog land

Today sees another day at WOYWW and if you have not entered this little number you are missing out on seeing what other crafters have on their work spaces.  In case your new "What is on your Work Space Wedensday"  I love blog hopping and seeing what everyone is up to. I love all the comments others leave as they pop by to have a nosey too.

So without too much of a do today, here is my messy desk which Mr Blogger will kindly post for me and with luck I will get to link sometime tomorrow, if my mobile blogging works for me.
See the stamps on the desk, they are my new house mouse arrivals from Simon Says Stamp, cannot wait to play with them and get them all inked up.  If you look on the window there are two stamps that I coloured at the Hobby House when Bev Rochester came to show us how to colour with Tim Holtz distress inks, I enjoyed that day but moved from this to copics.  The circles on the desk are left overs from last weeks DT card for Winter Wonderland, need to use them up. Anyway I reckon this is about a 4/10 on the messy scale, I do try each week, to increase this rating, but my obsessive cleaning makes it really difficult.  I wish I had the same trait in the housework.

Well hope your enjoying your week so far, and look forward to starting the weekend with you all.

Thank you for the recent lovely comments which I always love to read and make me smile through out the day when I mobile blog.

Happy Crafting and blog hopping to you all

Kate xx

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