Showing posts with label Garlic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Garlic. Show all posts

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Cook Up with Donna Hay No 15...Pork Belly with Garlic, Caramelized Onion and Quince Sauce

Another delicious Cook Up with Vicki  has happened here from Donna Hay magazine Issue 60 Dec/Jan 2012...

Menu tonight is:

Spiced Carrot Dip
Pork Belly with Garlic, Caramelized Onion and Quince Sauce
Roasted Baby Vegetable Salad
Mini Strawberry Tarte Tatins

Cumin and coriander seeds roasting for dip...

Add carrots, cayenne pepper, honey and chicken stock...

and the most delicious dip is ready after a little while...yummy...

The recipe called for malt vinegar (not gluten free) so after some research for a substitute I bought Red Wine Vinegar...

Pork Belly ready for oven...with our thyme on it...

And out of the oven...

Roasted vegies...beetroot, parsnip, carrot and kipfler potatoes...

There was even a heart shaped potato!!!

This meal was full of flavour...we thoroughly enjoyed it!!!

Patchwork placemats and table runner bought at my local Needlework Group...
These were made by a lady who cannot sew anymore...

Butter, sugar, water and vanilla bean for dessert...

Strawberry Tarte Tatin out of the oven...
recipe for these over here...

looks a bit of a jumble but this sure packed a very very tasty!!!

Now I'm looking forward to the next Cook Up...
Bon Appetit......Dzintra

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Flu Juice..To Help That Cold On It's Way!!!

My Friend in Ireland...Micki has come down with bronchhitis...and not feeling too well at all...Thank Goodnes for the Twilight books to keep her occupied while feeling so lousy. I mentioned to her this Flu Juice Recipe...given to me by a Herbalist...which if taken regularly will help a cold on its' way...We have tried it here and it does, here 'tis Micki...

Here's my DH garlic from this past Summer...grown in a pot
* 8 mugs of water * 6 crushed garlic cloves * 2 whole lemons - sliced
* 2 rosehip tea bags * 1 root ginger - grated * 1/2 teaspoon thyme
* 1 pinch cayenne pepper
1. Simmer all ingredients together
2. Strain one mug off, add honey and whisky to taste, drink and go to bed.
3. Consume over 2 days and flu will be on its' way...
This mix tastes rather strong but we have tried it here...and it does help!!!
Garlic has been grown since before recorded history and probably originated in central Asia. It was important in the culinary, medicinal and religious practices of many ancient civilizations, and is said to have been fed to the Egyptian slaves building the pyramids to promote strength.
There are an astonishing number of myths and beliefs concerning garlic, ranging from its ability to ward off vampires to its use as a folk remedy for high blood pressure and for fighting diseases from the common cold to cancer. Modern medical research does not discount the value of garlic...Stephanie Alexander ~The Cook's Companion~
Couldn't resist putting this little bit in...especially since I have recently finished the Twilight Series of books by Stephenie Meyer...all about vampires!!!