Showing posts with label Ricotta. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ricotta. Show all posts

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Chicken Breast stuffed with Spinach and Ricotta

From what has turned out to be one of my very favourite food magazines comes tonight's dish...
Chicken Breast stuffed with Spinach and Ricotta!!!
I had often bypassed this magazine without looking at it closely until my daughter showed me one of her copies and I was hooked!!!
The recipes are so achievable...ingredients seasonal and mostly on hand...
The magazine...Australian Good Food

This latest issue Jan/Feb 2011 features recipes from Masterchef Australia Judges, Gary Mehigan, George Calombaris plus to mention a few others, Kylie Kwong, Suzanne Gibbs and Miguel Maestre...

From the mag...

I added some baked potatoes, garlic and sage leaves along with red onion...

Chicken frying...

all done in no time...
Pretty good after browsing the magazine over morning coffee and then saying we're having this for dinner!!!
And the best part...all the ingredients we already had!!!

Chicken Breast stuffed with Spinach and Ricotta
Serves 4

  • 125 g baby spinach
  • 200g fresh ricotta
  • 40g (1/2 C) grated parmesan
  • 1 garlic glove, crushed
  • 4 x 180g chicken breasts
  • 2 T plain flour
  • 2T olive oil
  • 250m chicken stock
  • 1/4C chopped parsley
  • 400g green beans

Place spinach in large heatproof bowl.  Cover with boiling water.  Stand 1-2 minutes until wilted.  Drain and refresh under cold water.  Drain again, pressing out water.  Roughly chop and place in bowl
Add ricotta, parmesan and garlic to bowl.  Season and stir to combine.

  • Add ricotta, parmesan and garlic to bowl.  Season and stir to combine.

  • Cut a pocket in thick side of each fillet.  Fill with spinach mixture.  Dust chicken pieces with flour, shaking off any excess.

  • Heat oil in large frypan on medium.  Cook chicken for 5 m each side, until browned.  Add stock to pan.  Reduce heat to low, cover and simmer for 8-10 m until cooked through.  Stir in parsley and season.
  • Meanwhile, cook beans until tender
  • Slice chicken and serve with sauce from pan, green beans...
Serve with bread...potatoes etc

Bon Appetit...Dzintra

Monday, July 12, 2010

Lemon and Broccoli Soup

Recently I saw over at Vickis-bit-o-earth that she was going to pick some broccoli from her abundant Californian garden and turn it into soup...Vicki's post is over here...I immediately enquired of her the recipe and she said it was a Donna Hay one...I tried it and what an absolute treat it was!!!
Vicki and I regularly do a cook up from Donna Hay magazines and blog about it...
anyone can come and join's simple, just cook something from the magazine and then blog it!!!
Thank you so much for the heads up on this Vicki...I loved it!!!
English Spinach...

Sauteing leek...

Adding the leek to the broccoli...

I recently saw this bread mix and though I'd try it to have with the soup...

Using the dough hook...

in the oven...

Sliced into...texture is quite different to 'normal' bread as it is gluten free...

Not too long to wait...and the soup is absolutely delicious!!!

This soup is one of my Winter favourites...perfect with a glass of red!!!
For the recipe go over here...
Bon Appetit...Dzintra