Showing posts with label Cats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cats. Show all posts

Thursday, June 10, 2010



The ever-vigilant Hakuna sits by the front door, ready to get a Big Tail at the sight of any flower-munching rabbits.

Update: Friday Ark #299 is open for business over at the Modulator.

This Sunday, be sure to check out Carnival of the Cats, the 326th edition of which will be hosted by that most irrepressible Nikita over at Meowsings of an Opinionated Pussycat.

Update: CotC #326 is up... with Hakuna in pole position!

Thursday, June 03, 2010


Cartoony Koony
Cartoony ’Koony. [Click to embiggen.]

Hakuna permits one of her subjects to approach her Royal Personage and offer skritchings.

The image has been doctored in Photoshop, making it sorta painterly and/or cartoony. Hey, that’s it - Cartoony ’Koony!

Update: Friday Ark #298 is afloat at the Modulator... and this Sunday, Carnival of the Cats rolls around to Three Tabby Cats in Vienna.

Update 2: CotC #325 is up.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


This past weekend, the Mistress of Sarcasm and I enjoyed the hospitality of Elder Daughter and her two housemates.

It was our first chance to check out Elder Daughter’s new digs. Formerly living solo in an Adams Morgan apartment, E.D. moved to a large, rambling house in the rapidly gentrifying H corridor where she is part of a sort of Roomie-Family. It’s a huge improvement over her former situation.

Miss Kitty
Miss Kitty, one of the Animal Denizens of Elder Daughter’s house.

In addition to Elder Daughter and her housemates, there are several animal denizens of the residence as well. A parade of Foster-Dogs, one of whom (Craig) bears an astonishing resemblance to Laurence Fishburne, runs through at regular intervals. There’s a cat - Miss Kitty - who has adapted well to home life after having been rescued from the streets. And then there’s the appropriately-named Minnie...

Minnie - one Tiny-Ass Dawg.

...the tiniest frickin’ dog I’ve ever laid eyes on.

That Minnie is small is not too surprising when you consider her Chihuahua ancestry. But she is not just small, she is minuscule. Teeny-tiny. Small enough to be carried up Richard Gere’s ass with room left over for a whole family of gerbils.

Small enough to fit in one hand.

And she’s got a big, feisty heart, all out of proportion to her size. She takes no crap from the horde of big dogs as they traipse through the living room: She growls and barks at them like she’s ready to tear ’em a new one. Amazing.

Yet she is cuddly, in her own tiny-ass way.

Chris and Minnie
Chris and Minnie: Tiny-Ass Love.

Best yet: Minnie is Ren Hoëk personified. She even speaks with a bizarre, Peter Lorre-esque accent! Gotta love it.

Update: Friday Ark #297 is up at (where else?) the Modulator... and this week, CatSynth hosts an exceptionally well-done Carnival of the Cats #324.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


/Kuna on Stairs
Hakuna observes the goings-on in the kitchen from the back stairs.

This image is a composite of two shots: one taken with flash, one without. I like the coffee, cream, and chocolate colors.

Cassock Kuna 051810
Curled up comfortably on the ottoman.

Hakuna’s blue eyes are wide open as she gives me her classic Suspicious Glare. “You ain’t planning to use that damned flashy thing, are ya?”

Thursday, May 06, 2010


All curled up in her little bed
She sleeps.
Whene’er she sees the Laser Dot
She leaps.
At night, in mousie-hunting stealth
She creeps.

Hakuna curls up for a nap... not in her little bed this time, but on the ottoman in the den.

Hakuna lives the life of Reilly these days. (If Reilly were a cat, that is.)

Long, languorous naps in the daytime... a few frenetic sessions of Laser Dot chasing... and nocturnal hunting expeditions that leave her collection of Fake Mousies scattered throughout the house. For a kitty, it doesn’t get much better than this.

Friday Ark #294 is afloat at the Modulator - and this Sunday, Carnival of the Cats #321 will be hosted by Nikita at Meowsings of an Opinionated Pussycat. Be sure to stop by and visit... and tell ’em Elisson sent ya!

Update: CotC #321 is up... but at Life from a Cat’s Perspective, where Samantha, Clementine, and Maverick have done a fine job of pinch-hitting after medical issues sidelined Nikita’s human companion.

Thursday, April 29, 2010


[Another Guest Post - this one a 100-word birthday tribute to Hakuna by long-time admirer Rahel.]

Somewhere in eastern North America is a cat the color of mocha, chocolate, and café-au-lait. The legend goes that those who stroke her fur and hear her purr shall have good fortune.

But – it is said – this cat does not let just anyone approach. Only a lucky few may come close, extend a hand for sniffing, and then, in fear and trembling, offer her the tribute of a skritch.

The line extends eastward, over an ocean and beyond a sea, to a woman at the edge of a desert.

She gazes at the screen, into the blue eyes...

and waits.

[Happy birthday, Hakuna!]

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


This is your Birthday Song!
(It isn’t very long.)

Attentive Hakuna

Today is Hakuna’s fifteenth birthday!

She’s a Senior Citizen in Kitty-Years, but she still scampers around like a kitten when I trot out the Red Dot Machine.

I would give her special treats, but Hakuna disdains special food of any kind. And so she will needs be content with some extra ear-scratches.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Backlit Hakuna

It’s been a while since I’ve put up a picture of Hakuna, whose fifteenth birthday comes around next week. Time for a Kitty-Quinceañera!

Sunday, March 28, 2010


...I want you to give me a skritch.

Skritch Me Diptych
Hakuna cranes her neck for a skritch as SWMBO catches up with her Facebook buddies. [Click for embiggification.]

How dare you run off and leave me by myself all weekend? Just because I ignore you most of the time doesn’t mean I don’t want your undivided attention.

Update: Friday Ark #288 is afloat at the Modulator.

Friday, March 19, 2010


Hakuna 031910

Hakuna wishes to remind you that Friday Ark #287 is afloat at the Modulator. And that’s not all: Carnival of the Cats #314 goes up Sunday evening at When Cats Attack!

Update: CotC #314 is up.

Thursday, March 04, 2010


Hakuna naps in the sunroom.

On any given afternoon, this is where you’ll find her: curled up in that pose of Ultimate Kitty Relaxation on the sunroom loveseat, catching the rays of the westering sun.

Update: Friday Ark #285 is afloat at the Modulator... and don’t forget to stop by Meowsings of an Opinionated Pussycat Sunday evening, where Nikita will be hosting the 312th edition of Carnival of the Cats.

Update 2: CotC #312 is up.

Friday, February 26, 2010



Hakuna has discovered the joys of my Kelty Light Year Down 20 sleeping bag.

I had left it on the bed to air out after last weekend’s mountain retreat... and it was only a matter of time before Hakuna checked it out. Smooth nylon and soft, comfy down. What’s not to love?

Now if I can just train her to schlep a backpack...

Update: Friday Ark #284 is afloat at the Modulator. And for yet more cat-related hijinks, head on over to Friends Furever Sunday evening for Carnival of the Cats #311. It’s a perfect way to close out this frigid February!

Update 2: CotC #311 is up.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Meet Honey Bunny.

Honey Bunny

Ain’t she cute? (Even if she does look like she’s giving me the Stink-Eye.)

Hakuna, meanwhile, insists on equal time...

Hakuna Sunbathes

Here, she’s catching a few afternoon rays. Sleep all day; prowl all night. Oh, for the life of a cat!

Update: Friday Ark #384 is afloat at the Modulator, with Honey Bunny and Hakuna in pole position. Not enough kitties for ya? Sunday evening, drop by When Cats Attack! for Carnival of the Cats #310.

Update 2: CotC #310 is up.

Friday, February 12, 2010


Loveseat Katz
Hakuna and Matata relax on the sunroom loveseat.

Given that Valentine’s Day is hard upon us, I recalled this photograph of Hakuna and Matata side-by-side, each of them forming a Kitty-Heart against the cushions.

It’s a bittersweet thing, to look at this picture: a reminder that Matata is no longer with us. But that’s love, isn’t it? Bittersweet... with the sweet far outweighing the bitter, tasting all the better owing to the contrast.

Update: Friday Ark #282 is afloat at the Modulator. If you’re still hankerin’ for a heap of Kitty-Love, swing by Meowsings of an Opinionated Pussycat Sunday evening, where Nikita can fix you up with more cat-related linkage as he hosts Carnival of the Cats #309.

Update 2: CotC #309 is up.

Friday, February 05, 2010


...a Kitty in a Basket.


Hakuna catches some Z’s whilst nestled in a pile of blankets.

Update: Friday Ark #281 is floating happily upon the Bloggy-Sea, ably piloted by Cap’n Steve of the Modulator. Also, be sure to stop by iMeowza Sunday evening, where you can enjoy the feline delights of Carnival of the Cats #308.

Update 2: CotC #308 is up.

Friday, January 29, 2010


Radiokuna Too
“ ‘Poke’ me, and you’ll pull back a stump.”

Hakuna looks on attentively, casting a glowing eye upon She Who Must Be Obeyed as she enjoys a little evening Facebookage.

Update: Friday Ark #280 is afloat (as usual!) at the Modulator... and Carnival of the Cats #307 can be found at Three Tabby Cats in Vienna.

Friday, January 15, 2010


Hakuna on Landing

Hakuna sits on the upstairs landing
To catch the rays of the morning sun.

I might distract her with the laser -
Chasing the red dot is plenty of fun.

But first I’ve got to take her picture:
“What’re you doing with that camera, son?”

I’m capturing kitty on Digital Media,
And then - watch! - under the bed she’ll run!

Hakuna Closeup

Update: Carnival of the Cats #305 is up at Meowsings of an Opinionated Pussycat. Go check out da kittehs!

Friday, January 01, 2010


I received a special New Year’s request from Rahel, a Bloggy-Buddy of long standing who writes over at Elms in the Yard.

“Now bring us some figgy pudding... and some pics of Hakuna!”

Rahel being a fellow ailurophile, it’s no surprise she would like to see a few shots of Her Hakunaness. On the other hand, a request for Figgy Pudding is a bit unusual coming from Israel. Nevertheless, never let it be said that Elisson does not try to please his Esteemed Readers.

First, the Figgy Pudding. Most of us are familiar with the old Christmas carol:

We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas
And a Happy New Year

Good tidings we bring
To you and your kin
We wish you a Merry Christmas
And a Happy New Year

Oh, bring us a figgy pudding
Oh, bring us a figgy pudding
Oh, bring us a figgy pudding
And a cup of good cheer

We won’t go until we get some
We won’t go until we get some
We won’t go until we get some
So bring it right here

We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas
And a Happy New Year

What is this Figgy Pudding, a treat so desirable that it causes carolers to threaten their listeners with an eternity of caroling and Doorstep-Encampment should it be withheld? It’s nothing more or less than Plum Pudding, AKA Christmas Pudding, a traditional British dish made with flour, suet, and dried fruits - a treat about which I have written previously.

We had a Figgy Pudding just a couple of weeks ago, at the Third Annual Aubrey-Maturin Dinner hosted by Houston Steve and Yours Truly. Flambéed with cognac and served with lashings of crème Anglaise (i.e., vanilla-flavored custard sauce), it was both spectacular and delicious.

Here it is, right out of the steaming basin:

Christmas Pudding

Looks kinda like an Ebonite bowling ball.

Now we apply the flaming brandy:

Christmas Pudding Aflame

Presto! Figgy Pudding!

And now, Hakuna... who couldn’t give a rat’s ass about figgy pudding:

Reclining Hakuna

Here’s another. (Rahel asked for “some pics,” not “one pic.”)

Regal Hakuna

Remember: Elisson delivers, baby!

Update: Friday Ark #277 is afloat at the Modulator. Want more cats? Go visit iMeowza Sunday evening for the latest installment of Carnival of the Cats.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Ringo, December 2009

Ringo, the cat at Chez Morris William, wears a somewhat smug expression in this photo.

I guess he’s entitled to it. You’d be smug, too, if the New York Times science section posted a link to a picture of your asshole... and kept it up for a month.

Update: Ringo rings in the New Year at the Modulator’s Friday Ark #276. The feline fun continues at Mind of Mog, where Carnival of the Cats #303 will be posted on Sunday, January 3.

Update 2: CotC #303 - a nice, palindromic number - is up.

Wednesday, December 09, 2009


Peek-a-Boo Hakuna

A watchful Hakuna hides in plain sight at the top of the stairs.

Update: In “News of the Predictable,” the sun once again rises in the east, and this week’s Friday Ark (#273) is afloat over at the Modulator. For yet more Catstuff, stop by Carnival of the Cats, the official home page of the Bloggy-Sphere’s longest-running Kitty Carnival, where you can catch the 300th edition Sunday evening.

Update 2: CotC #300 is up.