Showing posts with label Brandywine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brandywine. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

BLT'S Anyone ? I'll bring the tomatoes!!!

After returning to VA after our long drive home, it has become very clear to me how short sighted I was to neglect staking up my tomatoe plants before leaving home!!!! After some serious bushwhacking, I surfaced with all of these glorious tomatoes. DH had taken care of the watering while I was gone and the heat and humidity served to propell the plants to great heights of productivity!!! Unfortunately the weeds kept pace!
I planted one plant of Brandywine, one Mortgage Lifter and several cherry and grape varieties. I am not sure of the name of the yellow but it like the Brandywine and Mortgage Lifter are all Heirloom varieities. The enormous fruit at the top of the page is a Mortgage lifter, I believe. Before Eating it, I weighed the fruit and found it to be 3.4 pounds!! It looked more like a small melon than a tomato!!!! It is not the right color for the Brandywine, which is supposed to be more of a purple color. I have at least thirty more fruit ripening in the patch and many Brandywine that have not started to color up yet.
All are absolutely scrumptious!!! I think that I am going to look for a recipe to oven roast the little grape 'maters as there are hundreds of them!!! Anyone have a good recipe??????


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