Showing posts with label dogwood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dogwood. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Yearning to Carve

I have been longing to carve some new stamps for quite a time now and I have finally just gone and DONE IT!!!!! Sometimes that is what it takes- to heck with other things that are half done or undone, one must follow the inner artistic voice!!!
I am in process of creating another Traveling Pages swap and it needed a tree, so this is what I made for this page. Below you see the stamping on a sheet of my fabric paper, done in Bronze Lumiere paint- Yum!!!

This is the beginning- so obviously you will be seeing it again soon!
Now to share a bit of glorious Virginia springtime with you!

This ancient Pink Dogwood lives outside my chiropractor's office in Fredericksburg. Every year it puts on a simply stunning display of beauty. The trunk of this tree is at least a foot in diameter, truely a glorious old soul.

This dripping Wisteria lives on the property of Belmont, a Southern mansion in Fredericksburg, once the home of the artist Gari Melcher. I pulled over to take pictures and as soon as I left the car I was met with the most intoxicating fragrance and the humming activity of a million Bumbly Bees!!! Spring is such an amzing treasure chest of wonderful experiences.


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