Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I'm 26th, I'm blessed & I'm happy

Assalamualaikum. Entry yang agak terlewat sebenarnya. Tapi tak mengapa. Janji ada. Sebagai apresiasi dan sebagai pengubat rindu peminat-peminat iols di luar sana. hihi. Last 18th April was my 26th born day. Alhamdulillah. Dengan limpah kurnia, rezeki dan peluang yang diberikan oleh Allah SWT untuk terus meneruskan hidup untuk lebih berjaya di masa akan datang. Yang benar arijadi tuan tanah jatuh pada hari Isnin. Purposely tuan tanah cuti. tak mahu stress kerja. Ahad malam dah makan besar dengan family. Jadi Isnin bersama rakan rakan pula :)

Decided to go Bubba Gump, Sunway Pyramid lepas office hour. That was my first time there. Makanan sangatlah delicious. Especially tuan tanah yang betul betul suka seafoods. Marvelous wey!!

Fyi, tuan tanah memang tatau pape pasal kezutan ni. Bila diorang cakap dengan staffs sana pun tatau since kami masuk sama-sama. So seperti restaurant lain, of course they will entertain you with interesting activity. Kali ni tuan tanah kena BERDIRI atas kosi uols. Gayat ada, takut roboh pun ada. Almaklumla dengan keringanan badan tuan tanah. Opkos la tuan tanah rasa very insecure. Siap diorang nyanyi "if you want your birthday cake, let us see your booty shake" cmno? nak shake shake atas kosi. sambil ada la sorang staff pompuan yang kuruih melidi cakap "dont worry miss, i got your back" haaa aci? kalau tuan tanah jatuh, siap himpap dia tau.

Honestly, couldnt thank you enough to Afzan, Jery, Kd & Sidah for the exciting birthday celebration. Million thanks also to my partner in crime sebab bersusah payah mengorganizekan birthday party tapi tak berjaya kerana tuan tanah busy kan main. Sorry guys. Next year tau. hihi.

I've been blessed with loving family & supportive friends. Im gonna cherish the moments and I just want u to know that I really appreciate it. Dalam umur 26 tahun juga tuan tanah dah dapat personal biggest achievement dan tersangat sangatlah bangga dengan pencapaian sendiri. Thanks partner sebab sangat sangat supportive and never give up on me :)

Thanks guys. XOXO

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

One step ahead

Assalamualaikum semua. Ok straight to the point. When I was officially graduated for my Diploma in Accountancy, I was hoping I could continue study accounts and still close with my dip's friends. Sadly, all of them received their offer to further studies and I didnt received any. But Alhamdulillah I received an offer from UiTM after 6months unemployed. Bachelor in Business Administration with major in Finance. I was sooooooooo sad that time but luckily ive been located in UiTM Shah Alam.

First day was rough. Got no friends. No familiar faces and not feeling well. People were busy copying timetable and arranging timetable that suit them. Luckily i got to know Azra Shazila. During my "not feeling well" Azra updated me if there any changes from our timetable and I will arrange it accordingly. Then i got chance to know Jery, Ja'a, Lyas, Afzan, Nadya and the rest of GBS. hehe and I'm glad! Honestly im glad knowing them :)

So on 2nd April 2011, Azra made a step ahead from us (Lyas too btw) It was her engagement day and the lucky guy was Apis! haha. lucky ke? Rasa macam baru je kenal diorang ni. Rasa macam baru je dapat tau Azra (nama manja Aji) punya birthday on 14/2 dan macam baru je tau dia ada kembar kembong. hehe sorry angah if you're reading this.

Apis pulak, baru juga kenal tapi we could get along easily. Tanyala GBS yang lain, semua akan buat statement camtu. Klakar + slamber. ok la tu jodohnya dengan Aji yang garang + kerek :) Fyi, Aji ni juga our event manager. Dia la arrange if any lepak, if any activites related with GBS. Dan dia la slalu pegang our trust fund. Thank you Aji. Jasamu akan kami kenang sampai bila bila.

Jadi on behalf of the rest GBS, Congratulations Aji + Apis!! Cepat cepat la kawen. Nanti kalau gi holiday tayah la tumpang bilik kami lagi. hihi.