Showing posts with label DIY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DIY. Show all posts

Monday, December 26, 2011

MORE pickling !!!! And a fun pic of my little girl...

I did not have as much time  as I would have liked today, but I still managed to fill some more pots and to finish some others

The onions got labels. Anyone with more than my two brain cells would have hit upon label making in Word loooong ago... well, I did so, finally, today.

The cherries were labelled and got little covers (brrrr fiddly)

The bottles had dried and look nice, I think. They are solid acrylic, painted with glasspaint.

And I filled some marmelade jars, chopped orange canes by Angie Scarr, colored scenic water. The color is a bit VERY orange, I am afraid :-) and at least two of the pots are going to burst- bubbles are developing! There will soon a marmelade-bomb exploding in the Kendrew house,I think :-)

and while I was at the computer yesterday a little girl was playing acrobatics next to me:

Friday, December 9, 2011

And here is the first part of the harvest...

Some of them may still get gingham covers, but that is  later!IF I am adding them, that is.
The labels are from printimini's , the well-known site :-)
Euro in the back for size.

Pickled eggs ( I can do eggs in Fimo, hah !) and raisins in brandy (partially ochre painted mustard seeds)

Cucumbers sliced off an Angie Scarr cane, and green beans :

Apples ? Or peaches??? Well, yellow spilt peas :-) They do look impressive enough !

Cherries ( again painted mustard seeds) and carrots ( painted points of cocktailsticks, some lichen for parsley)

Gherkins ( painted cumin seeds )

Prunes ( pepper seeds. yes, I know these are biscuit jars, but I like them better this way, and it is MY house!!!)

More jars and bottles to follow, I think !

Sunday, October 24, 2010


If you are following the link and go to KITZ! be prepared to sit sometime -long time, in fact- at your computer, it is one of the most devious and tricky sites I know with the most fascinating finds....:-)
Other sites with the same danger signs hanging overhead are:Teepeecrafts (UK),Dragonfly (USA), Michelles miniatures (USA)and several more.....( will do more of this later again, grin)
Michelles miniatures actually made the lovely kitty mugs with portraits of all furkids that I have and had(three have gone on to the Rainbow Bridge)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Dafna and I

made some garden furniture today...
Our ingredients were embroidery fabric( canvas, actually) and electric wire (the chair nicked from the Freida Gray book , I thought out the trellis). Actually , we are both rather proud of our clever little selves!

The things will be spray-painted , like the old bench Dafna inherited from me ( white, btw, a visit to Halfords is indicated) After which we will fill the trellis with flowers. I think a lot of clematis will look nice, and maybe roses on the other side.....