Showing posts with label pickles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pickles. Show all posts

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Been pickling again, rack is nearly full now!

And of course I cheated...

I took a lemon cane from Angie Scarr and pickled the lemons ( yellow colored scenic water),
and did the same with orange slices (right lower corner)..

Then I started cheating even worse :
I painted ( with glass paint) little jars and bottles which gave me honey and vinegar:

Then I painted the outside of jars with red glass paint, filled the jars with ordinary Scenic water, used some more canes and came up with strawberries in juice;
then did the same with big jars, painted them on the outside with olive-green translucent glasspaint and filled them with more Angie Scarr slice, being gherkins/pickles!

Unfortunately I made a mess of trying to cover the bottles with gingham, as I had planned. It simply would NOT happen, so I have given up .