Showing posts with label time-lapse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label time-lapse. Show all posts

Monday, November 12, 2018

Silhouettes at the Irish Festival! with time-lapse videos

My hubby is Irish and I'm 25%, so we love going to the MD Irish Festival in the autumn.  This year I again did silhouettes for donations to MD Irish Charities, It is such a fun vibe there (but it's always chilly in the big, unheated fairground building). My husband took some cool time-lapse videos of my cutting skills for me.


Thursday, January 16, 2014

Scandal in New Jersey!

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie will cross THAT bridge when he comes to it…
Here's a link to my Vine of this #pencilsketch #politicalcartoon from start to finish: