Monday, July 14, 2008

Digital Wedding Caricature!

This young couple got married over the weekend, so I can now post their finished caricature. The bride happened to order this at my busiest gig-time, and consequently had to wait a bit for it!
I especially liked her wedding colors-teal and fuschia--and how well they worked together for the background. Congratulations, Ashley and Cris!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Block party!

Also yesterday, I was part of a block party!
Too bad I forgot to ask this young man to re-make the face he'd wanted drawn when I took the photo!

Company Picnic

Yesterday I drew at a company picnic for the second year running, so there were lots of familiar faces! I got a video of one couple as their caricature was unveiled:

This dad could pass for his daughter's brother!
Finally, there was a magician performing nearby, and part of his act was drawing a cartoon face that talked back to him! So I heard, "I can barely draw stick figures" from a fellow performer!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Sweet 16 party...dinner and dancing!

Last night, I was part of a formal Sweet 16 celebration in New Jersey. The lovely, long-haired Cinderella-fan birthday girl touched many of her guests ( and me!) when she spoke of her love for her family and friends, so I was very honored to be there.
Here are some photos of my evening!
These two are sisters!!!! When I found out, I wrote "They're sisters???" on it, as they said 'we get that all the time!'
When I went online this morning, I found an email from the birthday girl's mom ---that quickly! Thank you for having me...
Hi Emily, I hope you got home safely last night. I just wanted to thank you for making Raquel's Sweet 16 party extra special. Your work is amazing and everyone loved the extra touch you gave to the party. You are also very pleasant and we enjoyed having you there. We will definitely be using you again in the future.
Take care, Donna

I have the best job in the world! :-)

Digital Gift Caricature for Sweet 16

Here is a lovely young lass whose 16th birthday was celebrated with a formal dinner, and this caricature became the sign-in!

Friday, July 11, 2008

New option with my caricatures...

I've decided to offer an extra option with my caricatures: mats, for a higher hourly rate. They not only enhance and protect the drawing, but can also be customized as well. Now, where do I put them all before I use them--my little studio is getting so jammed!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Latest digital BW

One of my agents had me do this digital caricature for a client. It's unique in that it's the first non-color one I have done, but I like the way it turned out. Hope he does, too!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Encounter with a Hirschfeld

Yesterday, some good friends and I (all artists) decided to visit the nearby Brandywine River Museum, which is famous for its large collection of Wyeth paintings (three generations worth--N.C, Andrew, and Jamie). Imagine our surprise when the first gallery we walked into, 'American Illustration', devoted one wall to Al Hirschfeld, David Levine, and Rube Goldberg! I am fairly sure I have never seen a Hirschfeld original that close up. It was a large pen & ink of the Odd Couple...but not the usual cast you'd think: it was Peter Ustinov and Boris Karloff. Of course, I could not take photos in the museum, so I'm posting below a similar version with Matthau and Carney. The 'Nina' that Hirschfeld inscribed on every drawing was there, and his lines had real texture and weight to them. They were not boringly perfect, but organically interesting. He definitely was the 'Line King'.
The Levine was a small cross-hatched drawing of General Custer, and the Goldberg was a pencil rendition of an outlandish contraption of some sort. But the jewel was that Hirschfeld, which was the highlight of my visit.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Drawing little kids in Baltimore...

Yesterday, I drew nothing but kids at a Baltimore Orioles game, which was funny because the night before that I drew all adults! Someone recently did ask me at a gig, what kind of face do I prefer drawing? My answer was that I could never choose--because I love variety!
(Above) This little guy's parents tracked me down from a caricature I did of their older son at Orioles Fanfest in 2005. (All my paper is labeled with my own or an agent's website.) They emailed Rick to find out when I would next be at Camden Yards-what a compliment!
On my way home in the summer twilight, I decided to stop and visit a place that I have only seen from the vantage point of driving over it...the Conowingo Dam.
It's on the Susquehanna River above the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland, and makes hydroelectric power for use during peak periods of demand. It's also a place famous for bird-watching, and many American eagles nest here. However, on the access road down to the park nestled next to the dam itself, I saw a bird of another sort!
He's got beautiful plumage!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

60th birthday celebration!

I trekked down to a beautiful bayside community in southern Delaware yesterday to draw caricatures at a 60th birthday celebration.
The theme was appropriately 'the 60's'--look at this great sign hanging in the community center where the party was held!
Many people, including me, were wearing tye-dye. Here's the guest of honor and her loved ones...
When I arrived, no one knew who I was, as I ate dinner with everyone before starting to draw. I explained I was an "internet friend" of the client's (that's how she hired me! ;-)
(I have to brag that I am very proud of my own hand-made tye-dyed t-shirt, and happy I got to wear it to a gig!)
My client, a nurse, joked that I was on a "foley" because I never budged from my chair the whole 4-hours-plus that I drew! And I actually knew what she was talking about (a urinary catheter and bag) because of my daughter's recently having graduated nursing school--she'd told me she was very proud of the day she put in her first foley!!!! Yikes!
What a blast-- thanks for having me!

Update: I got a wonderful thank-you letter from the birthday gal herself:

Hi Emily,
I just wanted to say how much I really, really enjoyed having you at my party. You truly made it a special day for all. Thanks so much for the photos. I've passed them along to people who were at the party.
Everyone I've talked to since I've been home can't stop saying what a wonderful job you did and they were so happy to take your work home with them. You can be sure that I will be passing your name on to everyone.
Thanks again,
(60th Birthday Party)