[From article]
media hysteria, popular anger, and ideology determine whether revolutionary courts go after someone like Scooter Libby as an enemy of the people, or ignore those in the Obama administration who lie under oath or take the Fifth Amendment. The court system has become a valuable tool of perceived social, rather than individual, justice.
[. . .]
That prosecutorial overreach came in response to the popular furor whipped up by racialists like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, veiled suggestions from Attorney General Holder that civil-rights violations might be prosecuted, and improper editorializing by the president of the United States about his and Trayvon Martin’s shared racial makeup.
[. . .]
The American court system is insidiously focusing on social transformation rather than individual justice.
JULY 9, 2013 4:00 AM
Revolutionary Tribunals
Our courts have too often become expressions of the popular will.
By Victor Davis Hanson
National Review
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