Showing posts with label Courts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Courts. Show all posts

June 30, 2016

Supreme Court of Japan Approves Surveillance of Muslims at Work and Play

Supreme Court Of Japan

Under some system of collective reasoning, it could be argued that if the United States could incarcerate Japanese descendants living in the United States during World War II, then Japan is 
justified watching Muslims during the undeclared World War III. I mean, you know, like, you know, the government in Japan is just watching them. They are not doing anything to them. Unlike in Cambridge, MA where police, crime families, Harvard University campus police and building superintendents not only watch a 70-year-old white man, they also harass him every day. They disturb his sleep, provoking, insulting, ridiculing, humiliating him while they see what he will do. Unlike the Japanese government and Muslims the US government uses psychologists for intense behavior conditioning, evaluations and testing all contrary to law. The US government has its priorities. Watch and attack weak, vulnerable persons. Leave dangerous violent repeat criminals alone. Vulnerable persons will not harm police or crime family associates or the men and women sent to do the daily dirty work. 

[From article]
Japan's Supreme Court has upheld the government's blanket surveillance of the country's Muslim community.
The court struck down the second appeal by Japanese Muslim plaintiffs against what they perceive as an unconstitutional invasion of their privacy and freedom of religion.
A 2010 leak of 114 police files revealed nationwide surveillance of Japanese Muslims. The files revealed that Muslim places of worship, halal restaurants and Islam-related organisations across the capital, Tokyo, were being monitored.
Within a few weeks of the leak, the data had been downloaded 10,000 times in 20 different countries from a file-sharing website.
A group of 17 Japanese Muslims, mostly from Middle Eastern and North African countries, decided to sue the Japanese government for infringing on their constitutional rights.
Mohamed Fujita, a native of Japan who converted to Islam over 20 years ago, is one of the 17 plaintiffs fighting the surveillance.
He told Al Jazeera: "They made us terrorist suspects, we never did anything wrong - on the contrary."
The Supreme Court finally dismissed the case after two appeals on 31 May.
The plaintiffs were awarded ¥90 million ($880,000) as compensation due to violation of their privacy by the leak.
However, the presiding judges did not make a judgment on police profiling and surveillance tactics which a lower court had upheld as "necessary and inevitable" to guard against international terrorism.

Japan's top court has approved blanket surveillance of the country's Muslims
'They made us terrorist suspects, we never did anything wrong,' says Japanese Muslim, Mohammed Fujita
Matt Payton
Wednesday 29 June 2016

June 5, 2016

Increased Jew Hatred In Massachusetts, Politicians Are Role Models

Newton Mayor Setti Warren responded to a question from Charles Jacobs at a community discussion at a community meeting on April 7.

Interesting article yet lacking in specifics. Professor Sarna recognizes the role of politicians in creating a hateful atmosphere. Campaigning for president former U.S. Senator, First Lady, and Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton called Republican candidate Donald Trump, crazy and dangerous. That is the pervasive attitude promoted by police, lawyers, courts, and politicians toward persons with disabilities. It is seldom recognized as hateful not even by journalists, who join in the hate campaign against disabled persons. Not distinguishing between lawful and unlawful discrimination in Massachusetts, the Attorney General indicates her less than thoughtful idea on the issue. Though she is quick to note any slight toward homosexuals and their powerful lobbyists. The AG seldom notices or expresses any concern about institutionalized bigotry toward persons with disabilities. Then there is the senior U.S. Senator from Massachusetts who was a professor of law at Harvard Law School. Being relentlessly humiliated for her identity by conservative journalists she was unable refrain from employing personal attacks against Donald Trump. Is she a role model indicating her approval of hatred toward persons with who she disagrees?  

[From article]
Reports of anti-Semitic incidents are soaring this year across New England, an increase fueled by vandalism, harassment, and other acts at schools and colleges, according to statistics released Wednesday by the Anti-Defamation League.
According to the ADL, there have already been 56 anti-Semitic acts in the region this year, nearly as many as for all of 2015, when 61 were reported.
The data alarmed Jewish clergy and academics, who said the incidents suggest a rising level of intolerance that may feed on the rhetoric from the contentious political season.
“Clearly, people are acting out on some long-held stereotypes and hatred toward Jews, and it’s designed to send a message of intimidation,” said Robert Trestan, director of the New England Regional Office of the ADL. “We’re increasingly living in an environment where incivility is becoming common and accepted practice.”
[. . .]
Brandeis professor Jonathan Sarna said he believes a combination of social media, anti-Israel sentiment, and rhetoric from politicians has led to a sense of public acceptance of some anti-Semitism.
“There is a sense today that this kind of hatred is more acceptable and that the public square has become coarser than it had been in the past, and indeed, one senses that even in presidential politics that there is often a relationship,” Sarna said.
“We look to a candidate as role models. When they employ very coarse speech, and people take notice, it’s not a surprise that other folks do the same thing.’’
[. . .]
Among the schools scheduled to take part are all four middle schools in Newton. At Newton’s F.A. Day Middle School, three anti-Semitic incidents were reported this academic year, including graffiti reading “Burn the Jews” scrawled in a boy’s bathroom.
The incidents prompted Newton officials to hold a public meeting, which in itself became a divisive event.
Newton Mayor Setti Warren said Wednesday that he was not surprised to hear about the uptick in anti-Semitic incidents.
[. . .]
Harvard Law School emeritus professor Alan Dershowitz said it was hard to measure the current state of anti-Semitism in statistics since many incidents go unreported.
He said he receives around 50 anti-Semitic e-mails, letters, and phone calls each year but does not report them to law enforcement.
[. . .]
Attorney General Maura Healey, who has yet to see the full data, called hate crimes an “egregious” type of an attack.
“Even a single incident of bias and hate is one too many. Discrimination is unacceptable in any form,

Anti-Semitic incidents are soaring, group says
By Steven A. Rosenberg
 JUNE 02, 2016

April 24, 2016

Updated(3): Harvard University Campus Police, Building Superintendents Ramp Up Criminal Harassment of White Elder With Legal Disability.

Posted March 2016; Last updated April 22, 2016 6:57 PM ET

[Updated April 22, 2016]
A Chicago assault victim left in the street until he was run over by a taxi. No one stopped to protect or to comfort the victim lying in the street.

Lawyer, family: 7-Eleven, bystanders failed assault victim before he died
William Lee
Chicago Tribune
5:05 pm, April 21, 2016

Not the first recent incident like this. In Hartford, CT a man was hit by a car. Pedestrians and drivers, walked and drove by his body leaving him lying there.

The Day the Traffic Did Not Stop in Hartford
JUNE 8, 2008

At colleges and universities across the United States faculty and administrators, with enthusiastic support from misguided journalists, enforce a strict speech code prohibiting unkind words about black people. homosexuals and Muslims. Hate speech, as it is called, is permitted against Christians, Jews, white heterosexual men, and Israelis.

Minow, Law Students Condemn Perceived Anti-Semitism
April 21, 2016

At the richest university in the United States, with an endowment of $37 billion, Harvard University campus police, who are poorly trained, abuse their privileged state police power by harassing older civilians with disabilities, and breach their contract with the host city, Cambridge, MA, by harassing tenants they promised not to evict.

These events indicate the depravity of wealthy and powerful institutions in this nation, the twisted values where bullying is encouraged and tolerated. Young people are taught not to say or think bad thoughts. But it is acceptable behavior for wealthy and powerful people and institutions to ignore vulnerable people under attack by wealthy and powerful people and institutions, abusing their police powers. It is acceptable to stand by and watch while bullies with guns harass vulnerable citizens.

Establishment politicians wonder why Donald Trump is so popular.

* * *

[Updated: April 21, 2016]
In 1995 the Massachusetts rent control law was repealed by statewide referendum. Before the repeal Harvard University maintained a waiting list for non Harvard affiliates to get access to Harvard University housing. After the repeal the university made an agreement with the city of Cambridge, MA. Harvard gave about 100 affordable units (whatever that means) to the city. In return Harvard was allowed to restrict their property portfolio to only Harvard University affiliates. But they agreed not to evict any tenants who were in place when rent control was repealed. There were some abuses, when aggressive superintendents served notices to quit to non Harvard tenants. After the thirty day notice period the supers appeared at the doors of those tenants and demanded that they vacate their premises. Some young women were intimidated and they abandoned their belongings in the basement and left. Harvard employees tried three times to do that to me. Each time I asked if they had a court order for eviction. They did not and left.

Nonetheless it did not stop the superintendents and their police employees from questioning the presence of non Harvard affiliated tenants. I do not count the number of times I had to explain why I was a tenant in a Harvard owned building. It is understandable for the students who are only in the buildings for a year or two. But their police indicate they are extremely negligently trained. Being unaware of the agreement and not providing the same treatment to non Harvard affiliates as they do for Harvard affiliates shows their selective enforcement of laws. It may be a violation of the HUD Fair Housing Act.

But it also shows a conflict with the current White House's attempt to eliminate any kind of segregation, housing separating wealthy and poor residents. Here is a link to an essay about the current effort to integrate whole cities moving poor residents into wealthy neighborhoods.

April 8, 2016
Obama Administration Sticking it to Whitey
By Robert Weissberg

But Harvard University's deal with the city of Cambridge allows it to segregate its housing limiting it to students, faculty and staff. One defender of Harvard asked "Is Harvard the only university that does that?" No they are not. What happened to the benefits of diversity? 

But the university does not honor its part of the agreement. Their poorly trained and abusive police officers and employees conduct a relentless campaign of criminal harassment. One explanation is they try to persuade me to leave their property. It is not unknown in Cambridge, MA. Harvard campus police and their superintendents relentlessly harass an elder man with a disability, trying to provoke him so that they can evict him. Their police who nonsensically claim exclusive jurisdiction on their property refuse to assist this same elder when he is victimized by criminals at his premises. They pretend he is imagining the crimes, not a one time occurrence, but several times most recently in March 2016. On several occasions the campus police refused to respond at all. The emergency dispatchers assist these abuses of power denying access to police protection. But city and state officials refuse to hold Harvard accountable for their criminal abuses of this white elder man with a legal disability.

* * *

[Updated April 16, 2016 7:41 PM ET]
During the first week of April 2016 three crime families (Kennedy cult, Midwestern Outfit, and California crime Syndicate) and their government, police and psychiatric associates teamed up to conduct a brutal harassment campaign. They are mostly from New Jersey and New York. Primarily they consist of American hating, Jewish hating and Israeli hating Muslims, white hating black racist homosexuals, and a black lesbian employed by Harvard University campus police. (I have no evidence to suggest these Muslims have any connection to terrorist organizations.) Harvard University property management runs a criminal business renting out a unit above mine for these criminals to conduct their campaign of disturbing my sleep every one hour or just keeping me awake. They intrude into my computer as I try to use it. When I conduct errands they exhibit their despicable psychopathic beliefs and perhaps their practices. After 45 years of using young women as bait (I am now 70 years old) and when that failed, young men as bait, they now have begin using toddlers as bait. This is a clever idea from misguided psychiatrists who are unable to make a valid evaluation (contrary to law due to lack of consent, and relentless government and crime family lies),  after 40 years of trying. Their limited knowledge (though they believe they are omniscient) and extraordinary need to control others makes it imperative that they continue to use drugs, provocations, ridicule, insults, character assassination, humiliation and behavior conditioning trying to make me into a homosexual, and to try to have me arrested for some provoked criminal act. There is apparently a shortage of psychopaths and homosexuals in Massachusetts. They need to import criminal creeps from New York and New Jersey. Local state and US law enforcement officials in Massachusetts are aware of this ongoing criminal enterprise and stand by when they are not participating or providing material support. In politically correct Massachusetts, and at Harvard University both apparently run by homosexuals in the Kennedy cult, black homosexuals and Muslims are victims and cannot be designated criminals. They cannot even be suspected of crime because it would hurt their feelings. This allows the same criminals to conduct a relentless campaign against a white elder civilian with a legal disability for 45 years. On Friday April 15, 2016 they employed a prominent foreign government official who is also a psychiatrist to conduct an evaluation (contrary to law) at a public event. It shows how thoroughly corrupt and misguided even the most educated and highly regarded professionals can be.  

Police and their criminal political leaders say "He's crazy." in order to discredit me, for over 45 years in three states. Women I met and spoke with in Cambridge, MA declared to me emphatically, that Sarah Palin is NOT a woman. Black activists demand killing police, and are celebrated in churches and at Harvard University with funding from George Soros. Muslims who want to kill Americans, Jews, Hindus, Christians, Buddhists and to destroy Israel are celebrated and protected from criticism at Harvard University and in Cambridge, MA. They walk around freely, no one watches or harasses them, and are considered normal in Cambridge, MA host city for Harvard University, MIT and Lesley University. But they think of me as mentally ill.  Another clever lie these criminals broadcast is, "He's dead." "He's not real." "He's a body double." That assists their being ignored when I complain about criminal activity directed against me. That is the environment where I live.

* * *
[original post March 2016]

Near the end of this previous entry,

is the initial report on continued and enhanced criminal abuse by Harvard University campus police. At first I thought it was more negligent training. But it is simply more abuse of privileged special state police powers. I suspect it is one more Harvard University lawyer directing criminal abuse of a vulnerable person. This is not a unique pattern of abuse by Harvard Law School lawyers. During several periods in the past 25 years, lawyers and students at Harvard Law School stirred up controversies trying to force me to become entangled in the court system. After being so caught up in three states where organized crime families, criminal police and lawyers, thwarted my efforts at relief in the court system, I realized the courts were not open to me. Crime families and police, (FBI too), ensured I did not win any cases. They paid off judges, or simply did not file papers as required by law. When taxpayers paid for lawyers after police frame ups, criminals paid the lawyers to work for the criminals not for me. When I prosecuted the lawsuits myself court clerks and judge's law clerks, often Harvard Law School graduates simply dismissed my efforts. On one occasion, e.g., Bercaw vs. Mandak, in the Supreme Court of the United States, the briefs were not even filed with court as required by law. The papers in state court actions, were diverted to private attorneys who used my research because of their stupidity or their laziness. Fake orders were stamped in the clerk's offices and sent to me as if they were real. 

Corrupt lawyers and clerks wasted all together about 8 years of my life by corrupting courts in three states. And when I write about it having given up trying to get elected officials to address court corruption, and getting free from corrupt police, politicians who are mostly under the control of Harvard University criminals, get upset when I criticize them. They all seem to be unaware of Lord Acton's observation that power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. They appear to believe that Harvard University employees are exempt from that aphorism. They think Harvard University employs only gene screened, morally superior and intellectually superior humans.

Harvard University produces politicians, see e.g., Barack Obama, Deval Patrick, Ted Cruz, Elizabeth Warren, Ken Reeves. Not even candidates with Harvard Law School degrees have any respect for the laws and the constitution. The lawlessness of the current White House and his appointees are remarkable among corrupt administrations. Not even the similarly corrupt journalists is there any concern about how the government steals taxpayer funds and corrupts the legal system. Harvard University collects money in obscene amounts and purchases land to build monuments to their egos, as Saddam Hussein used to do in Iraq. Harvard University awards degrees to privileged candidates, then promotes them in media propaganda. See the utopia they brought to the United States?  

[More to come when I am able to write and post]

April 13, 2016

Law Student Charged With Tampering With Court Verdict Document

[From article]
A former law school student given a 90-day suspended sentence for stealing a laptop computer now faces up to 20 years behind bars after prosecutors say he changed the jury verdict slip in his case from "guilty" to "not guilty."
David Scher was convicted of larceny in 2014 for stealing the laptop from Suffolk University Law School while still a student. He got three months in jail, with the entire sentence suspended for two years.
Instead of accepting his fate, the 33-year-old Boston man returned to the clerk's office in Boston Municipal Court at some point after his conviction, requested access to the case file, which is a public record, took out the verdict slip and replaced it with a copy that said "not guilty," according to Assistant Suffolk District Attorney Greer Spatz.
The original has never been found.
The forged verdict slip later became an issue in three subsequent matters involving Scher, including in a complaint to the state Department of Criminal Justice Information Services in which he allegedly claimed he had been acquitted and had notified the court of the error.
It was also submitted to Suffolk Law in an effort to obtain the degree he had been denied because of his conviction, prosecutors said.

Former law student charged with changing jury verdict slip
Associated Press
Boston Herald
Wednesday, March 30, 2016

April 11, 2016

Defense Lawyer Beaten In Courthouse

Defense attorney James Crawford after a brawl with an investigator in a California courthouse.
Photo: AP

[From article]
James Crawford was speaking with a witness in the courthouse Wednesday morning when an investigator asked him who he was and called defense lawyers sleazy, said Jerry Steering, Crawford’s attorney.
The men traded insults and the investigator threw a metal document clip at Crawford, which he threw back, Steering said. The investigator then grabbed Crawford, slammed his head into a bench and began punching him, Steering said Crawford did not strike back.
[. . .]
“It is an affront to the criminal justice system and to the citizens of Orange County that this DA would allow this to happen on his watch and stay completely silent,” Jacqueline Goodman, an executive committee member of the California Attorneys for Criminal Justice, said in a statement.
The fight comes amid a simmering scandal in the county over the Orange County district attorney’s use of jailhouse informants and handling of related evidence.
Crawford recently won a new trial for a suspect in the 1998 murder of a pregnant woman over the allegations.
The Justice Department is reviewing requests for a federal investigation into the county’s justice system, Dena Iverson, a spokeswoman for US Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch, told the newspaper.
The Association of Orange County Deputy Sheriffs, which represents district attorney’s investigators, said there were many witnesses to the courthouse fight.

This defense lawyer literally got his butt kicked in the courtroom
By Associated Press
New York Post
March 11, 2016 | 5:01pm

April 1, 2016

Suspect In NYPD Killing, Refuses to Attend Court Because of Conversion to Islam

[From article]
The career criminal charged with shooting NYPD Officer Randolph Holder dead during a foot chase in Harlem has found Allah, it was revealed Friday in Manhattan court.
“Mr. Howard is refusing to appear and now says he’s Muslim and will not come to court on Fridays,” said Justice Michael Obus after defendant Tyrone Howard told court officers he wouldn’t leave the pen for a scheduled hearing on his first-degree murder case.
Several cops, who showed up to support the slain officer, scoffed from the gallery at the 31-year-old killer’s alleged conversion.
“Mr. Hurwitz, were you aware he was going to take that position?” the judge asked defense lawyer Michael Hurwitz in Manhattan Supreme Court.
“No,” the attorney replied.
[. . .]

Suspect, Convert to Islam, Tyrone Howard

Holder, 33, was tragically murdered Oct. 20 of last year when he and his partner pursued Howard on foot after the thug got into a drug-related shootout in East Harlem.
As the cops chased him down a ramp near the footbridge of the East River Promenade and 120th Street, Howard allegedly pulled out a .40-caliber Glock and shot Holder in the forehead.
His partner, Omar Wallace, returned fire, wounding Howard in the buttocks.
Howard, who has a rap sheet that includes 28 arrests, was already wanted in connection with a Sept. 1 shooting.

Accused cop killer skips court date because he found Allah
By Rebecca Rosenberg
New York Post
April 1, 2016 | 1:39pm

March 2, 2016

Teach Students How Criminal Justice Laws Process Sex Offenses

Would it be helpful to students if a seminar by knowledgeable lawyers was presented explaining criminal procedure for sexual offenses? Then a spokesperson for HUPD could explain what their procedure is and how it differs from state criminal law procedure. Finally students may learn about the difference between a civil proceeding and criminal procedure, and that one does not eliminate the potential for the other. I.e., both criminal and civil liability arise when there are allegations of sex offenses.

Karvonides Clarifies ‘Unwelcome Conduct’ Standards
March 2, 2016

January 25, 2016

Politicians Promote Psychiatric Industry

Women have sufficient influence in the nation, in courts and among legislatures that they can have an abortion, take birth control pills. The government was persuaded to stay out of the bedroom and off their bodies. Homosexuals convinced national leaders that the five-thousand-year ban on same sex should be repealed and was. Black Americans demanded and got special privileges for not suffering any harm, and to punish white people who did no wrong. All of this in the name of fairness. 

People who are accused of a made up illnesses, protected speech and behavior that psychiatrists and psychologists do not like or do not understand, are forced to accept treatment that will not "cure" their "illness." This taxpayer funded business sells treatment, not cures. It is the fastest growing business in the nation, especially because taxpayers fund this abusive violation of human bodies in the name of good. The same organizations which import drugs into the country, are creating non profit corporations to treat the use of those drugs. It is a great business model. Maybe they got the idea from the Savings and Loan scandal. Criminal organizations bankrupted small banks. The same lawyers and accountants were paid with taxpayer funds to fix the problem they created. Ahem! You have to admire the creativity of psychiatrists who make up illnesses out of thin air. See e.g., Boston University Psychology Professor Margaret Hagan's book,
Whores of The Court
. Clueless politicians repeat their nonsense appearing to be knowledgeable. They seldom are but young people keep appearing who believe what the politicians and the psychiatrists say. It is a repeating pattern. How can punishment be treatment? Is this more Stalinist doctrine?

[From article]
There is a consensus research literature that says, in summary, that coerced treatment often helps.
[This sounds similar to the "consensus" that creates mental illness, and Al Gore's consensus of believers in computer models.] 
The Senator adds:
We have all been dragged to a meeting or entertainment venue and suddenly found that we are getting something out of it. But I think we need to be very cautious about expanding forced treatment.
[Is this how science works?]
My [legal] clients taught me a lot about what coercion means and completely changed my perspective on the issue.
[. . .]

his bill would give physicians the power to “pink slip” persons with addictions and hold them for treatment as they now can hold people with major mental illness.
[. . .]
it may transform hospitals into places that most persons with addictions will want to stay away from.
[. . .]

the approach that is emerging from the legislature's Committee on Mental Health and Substance Abuse [. . .] would push hospitals to evaluate people who overdose and to offer them treatment, but would not add new coercion mechanisms.

Column: Keeping addiction treatment voluntary
By Sen. Will Brownsberger
Posted Jan. 23, 2016 at 10:15 AM

December 18, 2015

OK To Stereotype Some People, But Not Muslims

We are often reminded that concerns about Muslim terrorists can be offensive to law abiding Muslims living in the United States and elsewhere. We're told it is not only unfair to think awful thoughts about law abiding Muslims, but also that it has the effect of radicalizing other peaceful Muslims. But we never hear about how providing special privileges to Muslims who openly express hatred toward and threats to kill Jews, Americans and to destroy Israel may offend ordinary Americans. What is the effect on them of the hate speech and threats? Does it radicalize Americans? But there is another extremely troubling effect of terrorist speech and actions on the lives of all Americans. That is the loss of freedom. It will likely be a permanent loss. Simple things that ordinary people can no longer do including but are not limited to going to an airport, buying a ticket and getting on a plane without having to be inspected by bureaucrats. Another is going to a football game without having to be inspected by security guards. There are many others but you get the idea. Americans are losing their freedoms due to the extreme acts of a small group of Muslims. The White House claims they are not Muslims as if he knows. He says they are just killers. Why is he more concerned with protecting the warlike acts against Americans, than the loss of Americans' freedom?

The same White House explains that people are to be treated as they see themselves. Thus there are white men and women who say they are black. Men who say they are women and women who say they are men. Psychiatrists and the human services industrial complex (MA State Rep. Marie Parente's term) accept what people say if they believe they are mentally ill or not. Although when it is helpful to the human services industry to have more patients they often provoke people who do not believe they are crazy.

The process is called self identifying. Why does the system of identification of humans not apply to people who say they are Muslims?

Similarly we are told that it is not fair to stereotype all Muslims for the actions of a few. But every day in courts police, prosecutors, judges and lawyers openly assert that a defendant "has a history of mental illness. Does that mean that mental illness causes crime and violence? That all people accused of mental illness are dangerous? It is a pervasive belief in this country yet there are no White House efforts to protect the many harmless humans accused of psychiatrist diagnoses from the few criminals. Why are Muslims more important than persons with disabilities? Does it have to do with numbers? There are estimated 1.6 billon Muslims in the world. Is this simply bullying by this large group of religious people?

December 11, 2015

Stalin's Courts Appear in Kansas

Dr. Andrea Quenette

[From article]
This woman was being forced by her judges to read what was in effect a confession of guilt prepared for her by the accusers (the self-same judges). She was then bullied into sitting quietly as her judges took turns condemning her. When, during this tribunal straight from the depths of twentieth-century totalitarianism, Quenette attempted to read her own prepared statement of clarification and apology, the students refused to hear it.
[. . .]
The charge was political incorrectness, the ultimate crime against the progressive state. There is no defense against this charge. The notion of defense presumes a charge that is rational and defined by a knowable and stable law. The rationale of defense is inapplicable in the world of progressive thought. You are guilty because you have been accused. You are accused because we have decided your action, in this instance, at this time, constitutes a crime. To answer the charge is to commit further offense. Do you find this incomprehensible?
[. . .]
This woman was being forced by her judges to read what was in effect a confession of guilt prepared for her by the accusers (the self-same judges). She was then bullied into sitting quietly as her judges took turns condemning her. When, during this tribunal straight from the depths of twentieth-century totalitarianism, Quenette attempted to read her own prepared statement of clarification and apology, the students refused to hear it.
[. . .]
As Orwell taught us, the essence of good citizenship in a totalitarian society is one’s willingness to say that two plus two equals five when that is the prescribed belief of the moment -- and actually to believe it.
[. . .]
Kafka shows us, in living grayness, the essence of our time. We all stand accused before a faceless establishment. The precise nature of our crimes will never be disclosed to us, and probably couldn’t be disclosed with any clarity. Our guilt, though never in doubt, is as elusive as the "true" perspective on an optical illusion.
The only difference between our real bureaucratic world and the one inhabited by Kafka’s Josef K. is that ours is being gradually superimposed on a civilization with a long-standing tradition of rational justification and reliance on empirical evidence.
[. . .]
one is always on trial, always in the process of being condemned. And our jury is not our peers, is not even human, but is a haze of superior sentiment issuing from one of those mysterious offices we can never find.
[. . .]
These winds blow most easily through the minds of the educated class, because education today means little more than having one’s mind fitted with a moral and intellectual revolving door prepared to accept anything the ruling class decrees, and to condemn dissenters as required, without so much as a twitch of self-doubt about the ever-shifting standards of judgment. In other words, the more time one spends in today’s academic system, the less rational one is likely to become, and the less open to having one’s platitudes challenged. For the most advanced scholars, i.e., graduate students and their professors, the winds of establishmentarianism have almost perfectly displaced the antiquated adherence to basic humanity and simple logic that were once considered the prerequisites of productive thinking.
In short, the university’s essence has been reversed. No longer a haven of philosophical detachment and open discussion, it is now the foremost exemplar of the mob mentality. No longer the one place in our excessively practical modernity where the theoretical life might get a fair shake, it is now the primary residence of fanatical activism, reason’s natural enemy.
[. . .]
how far the West has fallen, and how quickly. Graduate students in the American heartland, the heartland of modern liberty, are demanding that a young woman professor be terminated, forcing her to read aloud from their condemnation of her, and walking out on her as she seeks their forgiveness -- though neither she, nor they, nor anyone else in this Kafkaesque tragicomedy, can explain exactly what offense she committed for which forgiveness is needed.
[. . .]
But if we are foolish enough to make education -- the future of civilization -- our life’s work, the "gentlemen" will likely be a goon squad of role-playing militant idiot doctoral students and their cheerleaders/puppet-masters, the professorial parasites. The shame of it, indeed.
A civilization's future is only as bright as its educational establishment.

November 25, 2015
Thought Terminated: Kafka at Kansas University
By Daren Jonescu

November 29, 2015

Increasing Rape In European Nations With Large Muslim Migrants

About 90 links to related stories

[From article]
Muslim men rape non-Muslim women (and girls) in disproportionately high numbers in countries with growing Muslim minority populations. Rape of infidel women is part of Islamic law and Islamic tradition. As such, it’s been going on for centuries.

This article is about the current threat Muslim rapists pose to non-Muslim women. In order to keep this article to a reasonable length, the focus is on the rape epidemic in Europe, but suffice it to say rape jihad is a gruesome reality the world over.
Perhaps there is no European country where rape has reached epidemic proportions as it has in Sweden, a country now known as the “rape capital” of Europe. Sweden ranks Number 2 on the global list of rape countries. From 1975 to present, rape in Sweden has increased 1472%. Based on this model, it is now projected that one in four Swedish women (and sometimes little girls) will be raped. Rape of men and boys is also on the rise.
[. . .]
Few, if any, will state the truth: that the majority of rapes in Sweden are committed by Muslim males.
[. . .]
a Somali Muslim was found guilty of raping a dying woman to death (which is horrific enough), the judicial system refused to send him back to Somalia because they determined he would be just as much a risk to women in Somalia as he would be to women in Sweden.
[. . .]

In the United Kingdom rape is occurring on such a massive scale that women no longer feel safe taking a taxi cab. Meanwhile, Muslim child sex trafficking gangs have become so pervasive it is estimated there may be as many as one million victims. One million! It has been referred to as rape on an “industrial scale.” And how has this massive attack against non-Muslim girls in the United Kingdom been addressed by the authorities? They’ve covered up the truth, often blaming the victims. [. . .] They’re overflowing with cowards, leaving children to suffer the unthinkable horrors of kidnapping, torture, and rape.
[. . .]
In Germany, rape committed by “asylum seekers” is skyrocketing as rape by Muslim men is explained away as “cultural misunderstandings.” So to avoid such “misunderstandings” girls are told to cover up lest they draw attention to themselves and be raped.
[. . .]

In France, gang rape is on the rise. As with the rest of Europe, if the rapists are brought to trial they barely serve time for their heinous crime. In Spain, the situation is so dire that women don’t leave their house after dark for fear of being raped by Muslim men.
In Denmark, more than half of convicted rapists are Muslims. In Norway, there has been a dramatic spike in rapes. In Oslo, 10% of females over the age of 15 have been raped by Muslim men with Muslim men guilty of 100% of the rapes against Norwegian women. [. . .] As is the case throughout the West, anyone who speaks the truth about this is labeled a “racist.”
[. . .]

We must (more than) make up for the damage they inflict. So let us get about the task of educating others to make sure this reality does not take hold in America. Let us do our part to make sure that women and girls in the United States do not wind up victims of rape jihad.

November 29, 2015
Islam, rape, and the fate of Western women
By Carol Brown

October 14, 2015

NYPD Denies Access To Records of X-Ray Vehicle Used For Searches

The Z Backscatter vehicles, also used by US Customs and Border Protection, can scan for drugs and explosives.
Photo: AS&E

[From article]
The top cop was asked Tuesday about the counter-terror vehicles, called Z Backscatter Vans, in light of the NYCLU’s request to file an amicus brief arguing that the NYPD should have to release records about the X-ray vans.
“They’re not used to scan people for weapons,” Bratton insisted. “The devices we have, the vehicles if you will, are all used lawfully and if the ACLU and others don’t think that’s the case, we’ll see them in court — where they’ll lose! At this time and the nature of what’s going on in the world, that concern of theirs is unfounded.”
[. . .]
New York State Supreme Court Judge Doris Ling-Cohan ruled that the department should have to turn over the records, despite the NYPD’s arguments that disclosing that information could interfere with investigations.
“While this court is cognizant and sensitive to concerns about terrorism, being located less than a mile from the 9/11 site, and having seen firsthand the effects of terrorist destruction, nonetheless, the hallmark of our great nation is that it is a democracy, with a transparent government,” the judge wrote in the December 2014 decision.

NYPD has super-secret X-ray vans
By Yoav Gonen and Shawn Cohen
New York Post
October 13, 2015 | 5:39pm

September 21, 2015

Peter Breggin Testified in Murder Trial

Psychiatric critic, psychiatrist Peter Breggin testified at the trial of Justin Michael, former boyfriend of the woman whose fiance David Moffitt, was killed.

NBC News
Dateline - September 11, 2015
09/11/15 | 1:26:20

September 16, 2015

Hate Speech is Protected Speech

[From article]
A federal judge has ruled that an upstate New York town violated a Connecticut man's First Amendment rights when he was arrested on a charge of aggravated harassment for writing profanities on a $175 speeding ticket three years ago.
In ruling issued last week, U.S. District Judge Cathy Seibel allowed Willian Barboza's lawsuit against the village of Liberty, N.Y. to proceed on claims the town of approximately 10,000 people 100 miles northwest of New York City failed to properly train police officers about free speech.
The New York Civil Liberties Union, which represented Barboza, publicized a transcript of the trial Tuesday.

Barboza, who was 22 at the time of his initial arrest, was stopped for speeding on Route 17 in May 2012, according to The New York Times. On his payment form, Barboza crossed out the name of the town and wrote "Tyranny" in its place. He then wrote the phrase "F--- your s----y town b----es."
When the form arrived at the Liberty town clerk's office, one of the workers, all of whom are women, told a local judge Barboza's profane phrase upset and alarmed them, according to court records. The judge referred Barboza's speeding payment form to a prosecutor and ordered Barboza to appear in court.
When Barboza showed up, the local judge reprimanded him for his comments on the form and told him he would be arrested, Seibel said in her ruling. Barboza was handcuffed and taken away before his release on $200 bail.
[. . .]
Barboza's case is not unique in Liberty. Seibel said that between 2003 and 2012 as many as 63 arrests by police officers in the village had occurred "because of the use of vulgar words in what may be perceived as a threatening context." She said one arrest occurred when a defendant called someone a slut, another resulted from someone talking about sexual acts on a police department phone line and another came after a defendant threatened to kill someone's dog.

Judge rules man's arrest for writing profanity on speeding ticket was unconstitutional
Published September 16, 2015

August 21, 2015

Judge Previously Ordered Homeland Security Chief to Court, Changes His MInd

U.S. District Court Judge Andrew Hanen

[From article]

Top immigration enforcement officials won't have to attend a federal court hearing in Texas over problems that led to work permits being mistakenly awarded under President Barack Obama's executive immigration action after the judge had put the plan on hold.
Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson and four other officials previously were ordered by U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen in Brownsville, Texas, to attend an Aug. 19 hearing. Hanen had threatened to hold the officials in contempt of court for the problems.
But in a court order Tuesday, Hanen said the officials don't have to attend the hearing.
Last month, the Justice Department said in court documents the federal government now complies with Hanen's preliminary injunction that suspended Obama's immigration plan after a lawsuit was filed.

Jul 8, 1:33 PM EDT

August 14, 2015

New York City Taxi Driver Gets $226 Rent Controlled Apartment Using Obscure Law

[From article]
Two cabbies used an obscure law to score sweet apartments near the High Line for as little as $226 a month — even though similar-sized digs in the neighborhood go for around $3,200.
Hamidou Guira spent just one night in his new home in the Chelsea Highline ­Hotel before he was able to game the system with the help of fellow hack Joe ­Stevens and score himself a lifelong lease, according to sources.
Guira did it by submitting a written request to become a permanent tenant under a little-known section of the Rent Stabilization and New York City ­Administrative codes.
Because the hotel at 184 11th Ave. is a former SRO, “an occupant who requests a lease of six months or more . . . shall be a permanent tenant,” the law says.
The owner must accept the lease at the regulated rate — $226 — and it can be renewed indefinitely.
In Guira’s case, the hotel manager tried “forcefully preventing” him from entering his room on July 31 after learning of his plan.
But the cabby went to Manhattan Housing Court and, acting as his own lawyer, won the case when Justice Sabrina Kraus ruled he was “unlawfully evicted” from his dirt-cheap digs.

Cabbie lands Chelsea pad for $226 using little-known law
By Julia Marsh and Jennifer Bain
New York Post
August 12, 2015 | 10:39pm

August 10, 2015

EU Court Employs Arbitrary Standards

[From article]
Only 25 days after the Obergefell [v Hodges] judgment, the European Court of Human Rights, the highest human rights court in Europe, with jurisdiction over 47 nations, did what only months ago would have been unthinkable: it created a European “right” to same-sex civil unions by citing the Obergefell ruling as evidence of an emerging consensus toward recognition of same-sex relationships internationally.
[. . .]
the European Court’s unanimous chamber ruling on July 21 in the case Oliari and Others v. Italy. The first inference is the highly dangerous and selective element of populism the court has used in creating new human rights (which itself is a logical fallacy because rights cannot be created; either they are or they are not). The court continued to use its highly contentious and hypocritically finicky doctrine of “emerging consensus” to determine that a right to recognition of same-sex civil unions is required under the European Convention of Human Rights, because a trend exists in Europe towards such recognition.
[. . .]
Far from being an “emerging consensus,” such a low threshold of states dictates exactly the opposite: that no consensus exists.
The court also completely ignored the strong counter-trend in Europe, where countries like Slovakia, Croatia, and Hungary have legislated in favor of the natural family and man-woman marriage, or where those such as Romania have rejected civil unions.
[. . .]
the court has been flooded with complaints, among which are cases with such egregious facts as children being taken away from parents for home-educating in Sweden, a 15-year-old girl being placed in a mental asylum in Germany for being home-educated, or 14 parents in Salzkotten, Germany required to serve more than 40 days each in prison simply for opting their 9- to 10-year-old children out of two days of mandatory sexual education classes.
[. . .]
Oliari and Others v. Italy is perhaps the most dangerous and least reasoned judgment ever to come from the European Court of Human Rights. The court ruled in part, for example, that legal recognition of civil unions is necessary because it will provide a sense of legitimacy to same-sex relationships. Making couples feel good about their romantic relationships is not a legitimate interest that warrants attention from any court or legislature.
[. . .]
In the end, the only emerging consensus that has become clear in 2015 is that we live in a brave new world, where judges far too often take on the role of legislators, creating the law rather than upholding it.

August 9, 2015
The Most Dangerous European Court Decision to Date
By Roger Kiska

May 18, 2015

Executioners Needed in Saudi Arabia, Bring Your Own Sword

A Saudi Arabian executioner shows off his sword. Executioners are also required to perform amputations on those convicted of lesser offences. 
Photograph: Magazine/Rex_Shutterstock

Still wondering why so many people want to immigrate to the US and to European countries. Even while expressing hatred toward Americans, and America. Why don't they want to go to Saudi Arabia or to El Salvador?
[From article]
The Islamic kingdom is in the top five countries in the world for putting people to death, rights groups say. It ranked third in 2014, after China and Iran, and ahead of Iraq and the United States, according to Amnesty International figures.
A man beheaded on Sunday was the 85th person this year whose execution was recorded by the official Saudi Press Agency, compared to 88 in the whole of 2014, according to Human Rights Watch (HRW). Amnesty said there were at least 90 executions last year.
Most were executed for murder, but 38 had committed drugs offences,

Saudi Arabia advertises for eight new executioners as beheading rate soars
Jobs classified as ‘religious functionaries’ at lower end of civil service scale
85 reported executed so far this year, rivalling total for whole of 2014
Reuters in Riyadh
Monday 18 May 2015 12.00 EDT

May 12, 2015

Mediation Versus Law Courts To Settle Disputes?

Courts limit what is admissible as evidence to resolve disputes. Some facts may not be admissible. Mediation is dependent on both parties being truthful. If one party lies and the other cannot expose it, how does mediation perform any better than courts? Is it cheaper and faster, but no better at accurate decisions?

Mediation Initiative Would Partner Law School, Boston Police
May 6, 2015

April 19, 2015

FBI Expert Court Testimony Admittedly Unreliable

As long as the lawyers were alive, sleeping is OK, the defendants got effective counsel.

[From article]
The Justice Department and FBI have formally acknowledged that nearly every examiner in an elite FBI forensic unit gave flawed testimony in almost all trials in which they offered evidence against criminal defendants over more than a two-decade period before 2000.
Of 28 examiners with the FBI Laboratory’s microscopic hair comparison unit, 26 overstated forensic matches in ways that favored prosecutors in more than 95 percent of the 268 trials reviewed so far, according to the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NACDL) and the Innocence Project, which are assisting the government with the country’s largest post-conviction review of questioned forensic evidence.
The cases include those of 32 defendants sentenced to death. Of those, 14 have been executed or died in prison, the groups said under an agreement with the government to release results after the review of the first 200 convictions.

FBI admits flaws in hair analysis over decades
By Spencer S. Hsu
April 18 , 2015
Washington Post