Showing posts with label Discrimination. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Discrimination. Show all posts

March 23, 2016

History Lessons Remain Unlearned

Neville Chamberlain (1869-1940)

[From article]
Immigration is the new “No Nukes/Save the Whales” movement, only with more body bags.
After the mass murder committed by Muslims in San Bernardino, which came on the heels of the mass murder committed by Muslims in Paris, Donald Trump proposed a moratorium on Muslim immigration.
Explaining the idea on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” he talked about how Muslim immigration was infecting Europe: “Look at what happened in Paris, the horrible carnage. … We have places in London and other places that are so radicalized that the police are afraid for their own lives. We have to be very smart and very vigilant.”
Trump’s reference to London’s no-go zones was met with a massive round of sneering, which is what passes for argument in America these days. Jeb! said Trump was “unhinged,” Sen. John McCain called him “foolish,” and former vice president Dick Cheney said Trump’s remarks went “against everything we stand for and believe in.” (Based on Trump’s crushing primary victories, Cheney is no longer qualified to say what “we” believe in.)
[. . .]
UK Daily Mail: ‘TRUMP’S NOT WRONG — WE CAN’T WEAR UNIFORM IN OUR OWN CARS’: Five Police Officers Claim Donald Trump Is Right About Parts of London Being So ‘Radicalised’ They Are No-Go Areas
The Sun: ‘THERE ARE NO-GO AREAS IN LONDON’: Policemen Back Trump’s Controversial Comments
UK Daily Express: ‘TRUMP IS RIGHT!’ Police Say Parts of Britain Are No-Go Areas due to ISIS Radicalisation.
Then, in January of this year, Trump talked specifically about the Muslim invasion of Brussels on the Maria Bartiromo show. “There is something going on, Maria,” he said. “Go to Brussels. … There is something going on and it’s not good, where they want Sharia law … There is something bad going on.”
[. . .]
Indignant Belgians took to Twitter, the Times reported, “deploying an arsenal of insults, irony and humor, including images of Belgium’s beloved beer and chocolate.” Liberals have gone from not understanding jokes to not understanding English. When Trump talked about unassimilated Muslim immigrants demanding Sharia law, I don’t think he was knocking Belgium’s beer and chocolate.
[. . .]
All this would be perfectly normal if we were talking about an earthquake or some other natural disaster — something humans have no capacity to prevent. But Muslims pouring into our countries and committing mass murder isn’t natural at all. It’s the direct result of government policy.
[. . .]
When people are killing in the name of their religion, it’s not an irrelevancy to refuse to keep admitting more practitioners of that religion.
But this is the madness that has seized Europe and America — a psychosis Peter Brimelow calls “Hitler’s revenge.”
Apparently, what we have learned from Hitler is not: Don’t kill Jews. To the contrary, the only people who openly proclaim their desire to kill Jews are … Muslims.
What we’ve learned from Hitler is not: Don’t attempt to seize hegemonic control over entire continents. The only people vowing to conquer the world are … Muslims.
And what we’ve learned from Hitler is not: Beware violent uprisings of angry young men. The only hordes of violent, angry young men are, again … Muslims. (And Trump protesters.)
But instead of learning our lesson and recoiling with horror at this modern iteration of Nazism, we welcome the danger with open arms — because the one and only lesson we’ve learned from Hitler is: DON’T DISCRIMINATE!

Hashtag: We Are Neville Chamberlain!

Wednesday Mar 23, 2016 4:00 PM

March 18, 2016

Blacks Over Represented in Oscar Wins; Whites Under Represented in Grammy Nominations

[From article]
Between 2000 and the present, the percentage of the U.S. general population that is black has ranged between 12.3% and 12.6%. Over this time, the proportion of black Oscar nominees for acting was 10% – a slight under-representation, but not egregious by any reasonable standards.
On the other hand, nearly 15.5% of Oscar wins for acting were by blacks, which not only balances out any perceived under-representation at the nomination stage, but likely over-compensates. Winning an Academy Award is far more prestigious than being nominated for one.
[. . .]
According to the research team, among all racial categories, "Black males were the most likely to be shown in a committed relationship (68.4%)." Surely this must be excellent news. Perhaps a question should be raised as to why the film industry portrays white males as far less likely (only 58.1%) to be in socially positive committed relationship roles.
White females are more likely to be sexually exploited in top films.
[. . .]
In fact, the USC team noted that "across the 100 top-grossing 2013 films ... [a] total of 3,932 speaking characters were evaluated for race/ethnicity ... 14.1% [were] Black ... Black speaking characters slightly over index (1.5%) in comparison to [the] 2010 U.S. Census."
In others words, blacks are over-represented in speaking roles within top-grossing films compared to their proportion of the general population, and blacks are over-represented within Oscar wins for acting since 2000.

March 9, 2016
Blacks over-represented in Oscar wins since 2000
By Sierra Rayne

* * *

[From article]
Easily one of the most intellectually bankrupt social movements in recent times has been the absurd claim that blacks are under-represented in Grammy nominations and on popular music ranking systems, such as the Billboard Top 100.
[. . .]
Back during the 1980s, the racial demographics of the United States ranged from 80% to 83% white and 11.7% to 12.1% black. Thus, if Grammy nominations over this period were based on true equality – namely, each race receiving a number of nominations proportional to its share of the population – then whites should have received 7 times more nominations than blacks in any given year.
As a result, we must conclude that 1989 was a horrendously racist year for Grammy nominations – against whites. Among the 20 nominations discussed in the Vocativ article, 13 (65%) went to black artists, and just 7 (35%) were received by white artists. Had the nominations achieved racial equality, the number of black artist nominations should have been 2 or 3, with 17 or 18 of the nominations going to white artists.
Conveniently, Vocativ “crunched the numbers” on the number of Grammy nominations by race since 1959 and Billboard Top 100 artists by race since 1965. As shown in the figures below, the results are shocking for their discrimination against whites in favor of blacks.
During the 1960s and 1970s, on average there were about three times more Grammy nominations for white artists than for black artists. Based on American racial demographics at the time (83.1% to 88.6% whites vs. 10.5% to 11.7% blacks), there should have been 8 times more white artist nominations to reach racial equality.
The situation then got even worse for white artists. By 2000, the ratio of white to black artist nominations reached just 1.5, while at that time whites outnumbered blacks in the general population by 6:1. In other words, white artists were receiving severalfold fewer Grammy nominations than racial equality would dictate.
During the past few years, the ratio has increased in favor of white artists, back up to just over 3:1, but still constituting a gross under-representation of white artists as nominees and a corresponding over-representation of black artists.
For the entire history of the Grammy Awards, systematic racial bias is evident against whites and in favor of blacks.
[. . .]
On one aspect, the music industry race baiters are correct: if you accept the premise that any deviation from strict racial proportionality equals racism, there is substantial evidence of racism between whites and black artists. But the data strongly suggests that the racism is against whites, not blacks.

March 9, 2016
Whites, not blacks, under-represented in Grammy nominations and on the Billboard Top 100
By Sierra Rayne

February 9, 2016

White House Forced Payments From Banks Without Complaints From Aggrieved Individuals

[From article]
From New York Post:
Newly uncovered internal memos reveal the Obama administration knowingly exaggerated charges of racial discrimination in probes of Ally Bank and other defendants in the $900 billion car-lending business as part of a “racial justice” campaign that’s looking more like a massive government extortion and shakedown operation.
So far, Obama’s Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has reached more than $220 million in settlements with several auto lenders since the agency launched its anti-discrimination crusade against the industry in 2013. Several other banks are under active investigation.
That’s despite the fact that the CFPB had no actual complaints of racial discrimination — it was all just based on half-baked statistics.
[. . .]
The high-level memo, sent by top CFPB civil-rights prosecutors to the bureau’s director and revealed by a House committee, admits their methods for proving discrimination were seriously flawed from the start and had little chance of holding up in court. Yet they figured they could muscle Ally, as well as future defendants, with threats and intimidation.
“Some of the claims being made in this case present issues, such as use of [race] proxying and reliance on the disparate-impact doctrine, that would pose litigation risks meriting serious consideration prior to taking administrative action or filing suit in district court,” the Oct. 7, 2013, memo addressed to CFPB chief Richard Cordray acknowledges.
[. . .]
It's amazing to see separate government entities cooperating to wring money from a bank that is very likely innocent of any discriminatory practices but forced to pay tens of millions of dollars to the government so it can continue to do business.
Government by thuggery is what we get when "social justice" is enforced.

February 8, 2016
CFPB based anti-discrimination settlements on 'half-baked' statistics
By Rick Moran

February 7, 2016

Propaganda By Muslim Apologists, Ignore Terror, Focus on Anti Muslim Sentiment

This is pure propaganda. Little of it is true. Mostly fantasy to provide cover for the intolerance, hatred and anti American culture and laws that Islam promotes. A major population of the world 1.6 billion Muslims plead minority status in the United States. They do not mention the outrageous abuses of Muslim dominant countries which are really un-American. Jews, Hindus, Christians, and Buddhists are harassed, and killed in Muslim dominant nations. Like Africans who come to the United States from black dominant nations plead minority status in the United States, and ignore majority abuses in their own countries. 

Typical is this comment. "Not only is Trump’s interest­ in a burqa ban virtually unenforceable, hateful, uncultured and unpresidential, it typifies exactly the type of casual, unapologetic exclusionism that has led otherwise righteous countries down the path of violent colonialism, ethnic cleansing and ultimate self-destruction." But in Muslim dominant nations run by Sharia Law they ban the practice of other religions no less dress.

They add, "Hateful leaders can abso­lutely destroy nations and can even more easily destroy­ their own political parties." How many religious leaders in Christian, Jewish, Buddhist and Hindu churches openly express hatred and urge the murder of members of other religions? But many Muslim religious leaders repeatedly call for the murder of Jews, Christians and Americans. They demand the destruction of Israel. Is that what these authors object to?

Here's more illogical propaganda. "The Republican Party risks its own destruction as a result of this decade’s episodes of 'blame the minority,' especially when it comes time to court a new generation of minority voters,­ down the road." Surveys find 75 percent or more of illegal aliens, and up to 80 percent of Muslims identify as Democrats. Republicans have no interest to cater to Muslims or illegal aliens. The Democratic Party leads these thoughtless voters by their noses.

[From article]
We believe­ that our religious practice is not merely compatible with being Ameri­can; the social­ justice tenets we’re committed to, informed in our case by our Islam, are essential elements of American patriotism.

Thursday, February 04, 2016

February 6, 2016

White House Ignores Threats From Muslim Terror, Focuses On Anti Muslim Bias

[From article]
As the body count at the hand of Islamic extremists continues to rise in America, shouldn't the president be trying to come up with a way to defend Judeo-Christian types, who cling to guns and the Bible, from Islamic jihadi types who cling to machetes and the Quran?
Guess not, because for his first visit to a U.S. mosque, Obama chose a congregation where a Sudanese native and former member of the Muslim Brotherhood, Mohamed Adam el-Sheikh, was chief imam for almost twenty years.
Why would a U.S. president even give credence to a congregation once led by a man who also lent a hand in founding the Muslim American Society, a Muslim Brotherhood-established organization interested in advancing sharia law?
[. . .]
Even the alleged terrorist-affiliated Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) commended Obama's decision to visit the Islamic Society of Baltimore, saying:
For a number of years, we've been encouraging the president to go to an American mosque. With the tremendous rise in anti-Muslim sentiment in our country, we believe that it will send a message of inclusion and mutual respect.
"Inclusion and mutual respect"?
Maybe CAIR should tell that to the two homosexual men murdered by devout Muslim-American/convicted sex offender Ali Muhammad Brown, who, after rinsing the blood off his hands, went on to avenge Muslim deaths overseas by also executing 19-year-old college student Brendan Tevlin at a traffic light.
[. . .]
This is the guy who consistently assaults certain faiths.
In 2009, prior to a speaking engagement at Georgetown University's Gaston Hall, Obama requested the crucifixes be covered up. That same year, in order to have a "non-religious" Christmas, Obama suggested that the East Room Nativity be relocated. Likewise, the president has blamed Christianity for lives lost during the Crusades and regularly ridicules the Christian faith with snide remarks.
As for God's chosen people, Obama insulted Jews at a White House Hanukah celebration; publicly dissed Bibi Netanyahu; and, worse yet, minimized the threat posed by providing a genocidal anti-Semitic revolutionary theocratic state a pathway to a nuclear bomb.
Not to mention the president's failure to acknowledge the worldwide genocide being waged by Muslims against Christians, or ignoring the fact that in America, Jews are ten times more likely than Muslims to be targeted for a hate crime.
[. . .]
How about when Muslim extremists living in the U.S. shoot and kill 14 people at a Christmas party; behead a co-worker at a food distribution plant; or, "on a mission from Allah," stab a store clerk to death? Does that "make us safer"?
Besides, how is America elevated in the eyes of the world if our president remains silent after Islamic extremists behead two Coptic Christians in New Jersey, or slit the throats of three Jewish men in Massachusetts?

February 4, 2016
Obama, in radical mosque, calls for other religions to be tolerant
By Jeannie DeAngelis

January 2, 2016

Asian American Students Held Back By Misguided Priorities

[From article]
This is a disturbing article in the New York Post that chronicles the story of achievement by Asian-American students – and the policies adopted by school districts across the couintry to limit their advancement.
The reason for the success of Asian-American kids is the total committment and encouragement by their parents to their education. But other parents believe that their kids are at a disadvantage because they don't take the time or make the same effort as Asian parents. So school districts are now taking a "holistic" approach that keeps Asian kids down.
Here in New York City, Asian-Americans make up 13 percent of students, yet they win more than half of the coveted places each year at the city’s selective public high schools, such as Bronx Science and Stuyvesant.
What’s at play here? It’s not a difference in IQ; it’s parenting. That’s confirmed by a recent study by sociologists from City University of New York and the University of Michigan, which showed that parental oversight enabled Asian-American students to far outperform the others.
[. . .]
That formula is under fire at the West Windsor-Plainsboro Regional School District in New Jersey. The district, which is 65 percent Asian, routinely produces seniors with perfect SAT scores, admissions to MIT and top prizes in international science competitions.
But many non-Asian parents are up in arms, complaining there’s too much pressure and their kids can’t compete. In response, this fall Superintendent David Aderhold apologized that school had become a “perpetual achievement machine.” Heaven forbid!
Aderhold canceled accelerated and enriched math courses for fourth and fifth grades, which were 90 percent Asian, and eliminated midterms and finals in high school.
Using a word that already strikes terror in the hearts of Asian parents, he said schools had to take a “holistic” approach. That’s the same euphemism Harvard uses to limit the number of Asians accepted and favor non-Asians.
[. . .]
Affirmative action programs at colleges already limits the number of Asians who can attend the best schools. Now high schools, under pressure from parents, want to limit the number of high-achieving Asian kids who enroll in the best schools and the toughest courses.
What's up with that? Are the parents of kids of other races lazy, or don't they love their kids as much? That's nonsense for the most part, although some parents probably fit that description. The key is a culture that celebrates achievement. I don't think you'll find too many "Participation Trophies" being handed out in Japan or China. In those countries, either you achieve or you're left behind.
The competition just to get into college in those two countries is far more cutthroat than in the U.S. The question is, rather than dumbing down our educational system, why not emulate Asian parents? The answer is that secondary education – except for some sports – has been trying to eliminate the very idea of competition, because it is believed that losing marks a student for life and leads to low self-esteem and other problems.

December 31, 2015
Despite superior achievement, Asian students being held back
By Rick Moran

December 18, 2015

Kuwait Airlines Refuses to Accept Israeli Passengers From New York City To London

A Kuwait Airways plane
Photo: Getty Images

[From article]
Kuwait hates Jews so much that its national airline has ditched a popular and lucrative New York-to-London flight rather than allow Israelis on its planes, authorities said Thursday.
Kuwait Airways killed the flight to spite American officials, who threatened to pull the airline’s permit to fly to the United States if they continued discriminating against Israeli passengers.
The airline says they cannot allow Israelis on the planes because the Middle Eastern kingdom prohibits it citizens from doing business with citizens of the Jewish state.
“On December 15th, Kuwait Airways informed the United States Department of Transportation that they will be eliminating service between JFK and London Heathrow,” said a department spokesperson.
The airline has at least twice refused to let customers with Israeli passports buy tickets on flights from
New York to London because of the Islamic state’s ban on trade with Israel.
[. . .]
“They should show some gratitude that they even have their dictatorial little half-assed country,” said Lancman.
The airline will still run its New York-to-Kuwait flight from JFK, but since Israelis are not allowed in the country, the feds cannot require them to allow Israelis on that flight. The lawyer for Eldad Gatt, the Israeli citizen who tried to buy a ticket on the New York to London flight in the fall of 2013 and was denied, said he does not plan to drop his suit against the airline and that he would like a formal ruling that the airline is discriminating against Israelis.

Jew-hating airline cancels flight rather than allow Israeli passengers
By Danielle Furfaro
New York Post
December 17, 2015 | 1:14pm

OK To Stereotype Some People, But Not Muslims

We are often reminded that concerns about Muslim terrorists can be offensive to law abiding Muslims living in the United States and elsewhere. We're told it is not only unfair to think awful thoughts about law abiding Muslims, but also that it has the effect of radicalizing other peaceful Muslims. But we never hear about how providing special privileges to Muslims who openly express hatred toward and threats to kill Jews, Americans and to destroy Israel may offend ordinary Americans. What is the effect on them of the hate speech and threats? Does it radicalize Americans? But there is another extremely troubling effect of terrorist speech and actions on the lives of all Americans. That is the loss of freedom. It will likely be a permanent loss. Simple things that ordinary people can no longer do including but are not limited to going to an airport, buying a ticket and getting on a plane without having to be inspected by bureaucrats. Another is going to a football game without having to be inspected by security guards. There are many others but you get the idea. Americans are losing their freedoms due to the extreme acts of a small group of Muslims. The White House claims they are not Muslims as if he knows. He says they are just killers. Why is he more concerned with protecting the warlike acts against Americans, than the loss of Americans' freedom?

The same White House explains that people are to be treated as they see themselves. Thus there are white men and women who say they are black. Men who say they are women and women who say they are men. Psychiatrists and the human services industrial complex (MA State Rep. Marie Parente's term) accept what people say if they believe they are mentally ill or not. Although when it is helpful to the human services industry to have more patients they often provoke people who do not believe they are crazy.

The process is called self identifying. Why does the system of identification of humans not apply to people who say they are Muslims?

Similarly we are told that it is not fair to stereotype all Muslims for the actions of a few. But every day in courts police, prosecutors, judges and lawyers openly assert that a defendant "has a history of mental illness. Does that mean that mental illness causes crime and violence? That all people accused of mental illness are dangerous? It is a pervasive belief in this country yet there are no White House efforts to protect the many harmless humans accused of psychiatrist diagnoses from the few criminals. Why are Muslims more important than persons with disabilities? Does it have to do with numbers? There are estimated 1.6 billon Muslims in the world. Is this simply bullying by this large group of religious people?

October 16, 2015

Boys Need Love Too

With all of the focus on helping women develop their skills and achieve their dreams, when will someone establish a program for young men, e.g., Men's Only Leadership Development for Youth. Women are a majority in colleges and men will soon disappear from their role in baby production. What will they be good for? Will men be able to maintain any self esteem when they are no longer needed beyond objects of ridicule? Men need a MOLDY program.

Cambridge Councilor Simmons and YWCA launch Gold Program
Posted Oct. 15, 2015 at 3:45 PM
Cambridge Chronicle

June 18, 2015

Taxpayer Funded Boston Public Television Bans Persons With Disabilities As Guests

Emily Rooney, daughter of CBS News celebrity, Andy Rooney. Long time host of WGBH-TV Boston PBS Greater Boston news show and former news director at WCVB-TV. As host on WGBH Rooney banned persons with disabilities as guests on her show, except allowing them to explain how much they loved their goods and services from the human services industrial complex (MA State Rep. Marie Parente's term).

New host, former Cambridge City Councilor, Jim Braude, continues Rooney's policy.

Glad to see that taxpayer funded WGBH presents a one-sided view of this issue. Adam Reilly interviews two extremist black supremacists for their analysis. They lament a white racist nation as they advocate on taxpayer funded TV with no opposition. Racist? Do they mean black racist? They act as if they are the only persons ever discriminated against. Maybe reading some history is in order for the Tufts University historian and the special interest communications corporate executive. For many years the three wealthy and politically powerful "victim" groups dominated the air time of taxpayer funded Greater Boston and other WGBH shows, while persons with disabilities remain banned from appearing on those shows. Why do Greater Boston and WGBH in general open their shows to full participation by three wealthy and politically powerful "victim" groups, while banning persons with disabilities from appearing on TV? The producers, directors, airhead anchors, and management appear to share the misguided, unlawful hateful beliefs that all persons with disabilities are ignorant and stupid. Shame on them for their continued extreme hatred toward persons with disabilities denying them access to taxpayer funded television. Shame on them after several years of bringing this unlawful bias on WGBH and PBS to their attention. The response was threats to have me banned from Boston media, which they did, adding criminal harassment by local supporters of the taxpayer funded radio and television, PBS and WGBH. and their three powerful and wealthy victim groups.

Greater Boston
June 16, 2015
Host: Adam Reilly
Segment on NAACP Leader, Rachel Dolezal, Passing As Black
Periel Joseph, Tufts University History Professor
Colette Phillips, CEO Communications Corporation

May 31, 2015

Bias In Health Care Denies Appropriate Treatment of Elders

[From article]
Under the proposed Sustainable Development Goals, UN member states will be given targets to cut the number of deaths from diseases like cancer, stroke, diabetes and dementia by one third by 2030.
However because many are age-related illnesses people who succumb to those diseases from the age of 70 are not deemed to have died prematurely and so are not included in the target.
[. . .]
Prof Peter Lloyd-Sherlock, professor of social policy and international development at the University of East Anglia, and lead author of the letter, said: “This premature mortality target is highly unethical, since it unjustifiably discriminates against older people.
“We already know that there is age discrimination in cancer care and surgery and these targets give that the stamp of approval.
“The targets are not quite set in stone yet, so we have a final opportunity to impress upon the UN the need to alter this explicitly ageist health target.
“If this doesn’t happen, people aged 70 and over will become second-class citizens as far as health policy is concerned.”
[. . .]
Last year the Royal College of Surgeons warned that elderly people are being denied life-saving operations because of age discrimination within the NHS.
[. . .]
Tom Gentry, policy advisor at AgeUK said that people were living far longer than in the past, with even the average 70-year-old expected to live for at least another decade.
“We know that access to surgery is getting worse for older people, and yet we are talking about people who still have years left to live,” he said.

Elderly face NHS discrimination under new UN death targets
Elderly people will be treated like second-class citizens and denied medical care under new targets which give priority to saving the lives of young people

By Sarah Knapton, Science Editor
12:01AM BST 29 May 2015

March 11, 2015

Updated: Harvard University Charged With Admissions Discrimination

Posted November 18, 2014 9:04 PM ET; Last updated March 11, 2015 8:33 PM ET

[From article]
The legal defense group Project on Fair Representation filed the suit against the University last November after soliciting rejected applicants as plaintiffs on its site, “Harvard Not Fair.” Edward Blum, the director of POFR, alleges that Harvard racially balances its incoming classes. He said the University sets “target percentages” for underrepresented minorities and illegal quotas on students of Asian descent.

In Legal Filing, Harvard Denies Allegations of Race-Based Discrimination
March 11, 2015
* * *

[From article]
“It is especially disconcerting that public data shows that Harvard has purposefully limited the percentage of Asian-American freshman it admits,” Blum wrote in a press release. “In fact, the number of Asian-Americans Harvard admits today is lower than it was 20-years ago, even though the number of highly qualified Asian-American applicants to Harvard has nearly doubled.”
[. . .]
University General Counsel Robert W. Iuliano ’83 wrote in a statement that the University’s admissions policies are “fully compliant” with the law.

Suit Alleges Race-Based Discrimination in Harvard Admissions Practices
By Theodore R. Delwiche
November 18, 2014

February 24, 2015

Black Association Sues Comcast, NBC, Al Sharpton For Bias

The National Association of African-American Owned Media alleges that Sharpton and other advocates have been bought off.

[From article]
The plaintiff objects that the only fully black-owned channel picked up by Comcast is the Africa Channel, and that entity is owned by former Comcast/NBCU exec Paula Madison, who "was directly involved in putting together the sham MOUs and obtaining government approval for the Comcast acquisition of NBC Universal, thus creating a serious conflict of interest."
Other black channels are said to be "window dressing," with black celebrities as "fronts" when they are "white-owned businesses" that are run by friends or family of Comcast executives.
The lawsuit goes on to say that Comcast made large cash "donations" to obtain support for its acquisition. The money includes $3.8 million to Sharpton and his National Action Network. The money, it's charged, was meant to pay Sharpton to endorse the NBCU deal and divert attention away from discrimination. As for Sharpton's MSNBC gig, the complaint says, "Despite the notoriously low ratings that Sharpton's show generates, Comcast has allowed Sharpton to maintain his hosting position for more than three years in exchange for Sharpton's continued public support for Comcast on issues of diversity."
[. . .]
The lawsuit seems to count Sharpton's reported $750,000 annual salary at MSNBC as part of the $3.8 million and leverages past criticism of the noted civil rights leader that's rooted in him allegedly turning an eye and forgoing boycotts and protests on corporations upon receiving monetary contributions to the National Action Network.

Comcast, Al Sharpton Hit With $20 Billion Racial Discrimination Lawsuit
7:29 AM PST 2/23/2015
by Eriq Gardner

January 10, 2015

Paris Terrorist Brothers Grew Up In Neighborhood of Hated Minorities

Building Where Paris Terrorists Grew Up

Did all the other people who grew up in that neighborhood also become terrorists? 

[From article]
Today, you can walk the length of a crowded boulevard here without seeing a solitary white Frenchman, and the idyllic ambience lives only in the memory of the very few older residents who remain.
[. . .]
During the Sixties and Seventies, he said, when immigrant labourers from Morocco, Algeria and Senegal were shipped in to rebuild post-war France, suburbs such as Gennevilliers (where they worked mainly in car factories and heavy industrial plants) were utterly transformed.
Yet for this first generation – well-paid and comparatively well accommodated in the vast new tower blocks built to house them – life was satisfactory enough. However, it was not the French policy even to attempt to integrate or educate them. On the contrary, they were pushed to the margins, to be tolerated rather than welcomed, and among the indigenous French population the level of discrimination was beyond anything we have witnessed in Britain.
[. . .]
He told me that “to humiliate is to radicalise” – and that is exactly what came to pass. This second generation felt excluded, discriminated against, and most of all, humiliated. Added to which, they were deeply mixed up – they spoke and felt French, but were regarded as Arabic; they were culturally confused.’

Inside the immigrant ghettoes where terror breeds: Concrete warren divided into 'boxes' houses 10,000 Muslims in grim Parisian enclave
Seven-storey block is where suspect Cherif Kouachi was radicalised
It lies in Gennevilliers - just seven miles from the Charlie Hebdo office
Half a century ago it was an archetypically French community
Now you can walk street without seeing a solitary white Frenchman
PUBLISHED: 19:03 EST, 8 January 2015 | UPDATED: 03:53 EST, 9 January 2015

December 9, 2014

White House Enjoys Black Privilege

[From article]
Many of us knew before his election what he really thought of the American people, but for those who didn’t we have Jonathan Gruber, one of the Chief Architects of Obamacare, saying repeatedly on camera that they had intentionally mislabeled what was obviously a bill-killing tax on the American people. He then told his elitist, left-wing audience that the entire sham depended on the stupidity of the American voter. Furthermore, Gruber has stated, on camera, that the President was not only well aware, from the beginning, that they were lying to the American people – Obama actually led the discussion of how this could be done.
We will set aside, for a moment, the fact that Obamacare passed without a single Republican vote – so when Gruber and Obama say they are depending on the stupidity of the American voter, they are really saying they are depending on the stupidity of the half of the country that votes Democrat. The bottom line is that there can no longer be any question of the contempt in which this President holds the American people.
[. . .]
When the Progressive Left began their takeover of academia in the 1960’s, they began inculcating their radical worldview all across the spectrum – and we let them get away with it. Three generations later, journalism students are no longer encouraged to seek out the truth, whatever the cost – they are taught which stories to promote, and which to suppress, in order to advance the Larger Truth of left-wing utopian philosophy.

Bill Whittle: Obama’s Black Skin Privilege
December 8, 2014
Everyone knows it is true, and no one has the courage to say it. The American people are letting Barack Obama destroy this country through illegal executive orders for one reason and one reason only. In his latest FIREWALL, Bill Whittle has the courage to speak out and make the case that no one else will make. See the video and transcript below.

October 27, 2014

Quarantine For Some, Not For All. Does Ebola Know the Distinctions?

[From article]
The soldiers being monitored include Maj. Gen. Darryl Williams who was the commander of the U.S. Army in Africa but turned over duties to the 101st Airborne Division over the weekend, Martin reports. There are currently 11 soldiers in isolation.
They apparently were met by Carabinieri in full hazmat suits. If the policy remains in effect, everyone returning from Liberia - several hundred - will be placed in isolation for 21 days. Thirty are expected in today, Martin reports.
A Pentagon spokesman calls it "enhanced monitoring." The soldiers are confined to a building and unable to see their families, Martin reports. The decision made by the Army and applies only to soldiers returning from Liberia.

October 27, 2014, 11:20 AM
U.S. soldiers returning from Liberia monitored for Ebola in Italy
Last Updated Oct 27, 2014 2:12 PM EDT

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[From article]
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie said Monday morning that the release of a quarantined nurse by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention didn't indicate that his state-level Ebola-containment policies had shifted at all.
'I didn’t reverse any decision,' he told reporters outside a campaign event for Florida Gov. Rick Scott. 'If she was continuing to be ill she would have to stay. She hadn’t had any symptoms for 24 hours and she tested negative for Ebola so there’s no reason to keep her.'
A Christie spokesperson told MailOnline that nurse Kaci Hickox 'was never going to be quarantined for 21 days in the hospital.'
State policy, she said, called for Hickox to be quarantined until she no longer had medical symptoms for at least 24 hours, after she arrived at Newark Liberty International Airport from west Africa.
New Jersey residents, the spokesperson explained, can be quarantined in their homes. But since Hickox is from Maine, her isolation had to be carried out at University Hospital, which was prepared to accept patients like her.
[. . .]
'We have let the governors of New York, New Jersey, and others states know that we have concerns with the unintended consequences of policies not grounded in science may have on efforts to combat Ebola at its source in West Africa,' a senior administration official said in a statement after that gathering.
Frieden also cautioned that health care workers might be discouraged from being honest about their travels, or even become reluctant to volunteer their time overseas, 'if we turn them into pariahs instead of recognizing the heroic work they are doing.'
[. . .]
Hickox is hired (sic) Norman Siegel, a high profile civil rights attorney, to challenge the order.
Christie on Sunday defended quarantining as necessary to protect the public and predicted it 'will become a national policy sooner rather than later.'
'The government's job is to protect safety and health of our citizens,' Christie said on Fox News Sunday. 'I have no second thoughts about it.'
Previously, Christie had characterized Hickox as 'obviously ill.'
'I'm sorry, but that's just a completely unacceptable statement in my opinion,' Hickox said Sunday during a phone interview with CNN. 'For him – a politician who's trusted and respected – to make a statement that's categorically not true is just unacceptable and appalling.'
Christie fired back on Monday, saying that 'she was ill.'
'She was obviously ill enough that the CDC and medical officials hospitalized her and gave her an Ebola test ... They don’t do that just for fun. That’s a very specific, difficult, expensive test to do.'
[. . .]
Cuomo also came under scrutiny over the weekend for criticizing Craig Spencer, a doctor who tested positive for Ebola on Thursday, for not obeying a 21-day voluntary quarantine. However, on Sunday, he called the health care workers 'heroes' and said his administration would encourage more medical workers to volunteer to fight Ebola.
[. . .]
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio called Hickox a 'returning hero' and charged that she was 'treated with disrespect,' as if she done something wrong, when she was put into quarantine. He said that she was interrogated repeatedly and things were not explained well to her.
Samantha Power, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations who is on a trip to West Africa, said returning U.S. health care workers should be 'treated like conquering heroes and not stigmatized for the tremendous work that they have done.'
In other developments, President Barack Obama met Sunday with his Ebola response team, including 'Ebola czar' Ron Klain and other public health and national security officials.

Chris Christie insists he DIDN'T do U-turn under pressure from Obama after Ebola nurse is allowed to leave New Jersey hospital quarantine tent to return to Maine
New Jersey governor said Monday that the CDC cleared nurse Kaci Hickox to go home during 21-day quarantine after she tested negative for Ebola
Hickox was held after returning from Sierra Leone, and threatened a federal lawsuit to get herself released
Four states now require the same quarantine for Americans returning from Ebola-smacked countries if they have any symptoms
New Jerseyans can be quarantined at home, but out-of-state residents must be kept in hospitals
Reports suggested the White House pressured Christie and New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo to reverse their rules, but Christie says nothing changed
Christie predicts his state's rule 'is going to become a national policy eventually. Eventually the CDC will come around'
PUBLISHED: 22:54 EST, 25 October 2014 | UPDATED: 15:18 EST, 27 October 2014

August 11, 2014

CA School Questioned About Hiring White Teacher For Culutural Studies

[From article]
With just weeks before the new Rutherford B. Gaston Middle School opens in southwest Fresno, community and church leaders are calling on Fresno Unified School District to reconsider its hiring of a white teacher to instruct African-American, Latino and Southeast Asian studies there.

Southwest Fresno leaders criticize hiring of white teacher for Gaston school's cultural studies
The Fresno Bee
July 28, 2014

August 9, 2014

PA School Is Majority Minority. New Terms Needed?

Whites have been a minority in the world for many years. Latest is 16 percent of world population is white. 

[From article]
For the first time, U.S. public schools are projected to have more minority students than non-Hispanic whites, a shift largely fueled by growth in the number of Hispanic children.
Non-Hispanic white students are still expected to be the largest racial group in the public schools this year at 49.8 percent. But according to the National Center for Education Statistics, minority students, when added together, will now make up the majority. Y_ABRIDGED?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2014-08-09-13-51-17

Aug 9, 1:51 PM EDT

July 29, 2014

Lesbians, Homosexual Job Fair Finds Heterosexuals Offensive

[From article]
But Kidd said that the straight students attending the job fair were “offensive” as LGBT-identifying students overheard things such as “Dude, I’m not gay” or “There needs to be less focus on gay stuff at this event.”Straight students are accused of being 'offensive' and overheard saying 'Dude, I’m not gay' or 'There needs to be less focus on gay stuff at this event.'
Roughly 10 percent of attendees at last year's conference were straight.

LGBT job fair tweaks registration process to prevent 'offensive' straight kids from attending
on Jul 28, 2014 at 10:08 AM EDT

July 19, 2014

ACLU, NAACP Sue Over Law Which Bans Racial Discrimination

[From article]
“The purpose of this bill is to prevent discrimination,” he said. “We are trying to stop the heinous discrimination that ends with the murder of a baby inside the womb because she is going to be born the wrong gender or the wrong race.”

He added that the bill in no way singles out black or Asian mothers. “It doesn't matter what race, what part of the world, or what persons want to do something like this; it's wrong,” he said. “Here in Arizona, we want to make a statement that we don't want to allow that here.”
Montenegro is hardly the first person to note the practice of sex-selective abortion due to certain cultural preferences for male children. Former President Jimmy Carter called gender-selective abortion “the worst human rights abuse on earth.” He noted that at least 160 million girls are “missing” around the world as a result of the practice Montenegro is trying to end.

Fri Jul 18, 2014 - 9:54 am EST
ACLU, NAACP file new lawsuit saying bill to prevent race-based abortions is racist

Ben Johnson