Showing posts with label Misguided Priorities. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Misguided Priorities. Show all posts

July 5, 2016

Three Times As Many Anti Jewish Incidents Than Anti Muslim; White House Only Sees Anti Muslim

Question that re-appears often, "Is an enemy spy running the White House?"

[From article]
The Anti-Defamation League just announced that anti-Semitic incidents in the United States rose dramatically in 2015. Colleges and universities were responsible for some 10 percent of the events, which included harassment, threats, and vandalism. The ADL, which pays close attention to such matters, said it was “not clear what may have led to the spike.” Any first-year political science major could furnish a working hypothesis.

Not a single statement has issued from the Oval Office about attacks on Jews in the United States or on foreign turf. Indeed, early last year, when Islamic terrorists went on a killing spree in the French capital, President Obama condemned “violent, vicious zealots who behead people or randomly shoot a bunch of folks in a deli in Paris.” The zealots were violent and vicious alright, but their shots weren’t random. They aimed to murder patrons in a kosher supermarket. In other words, they sought to kill a bunch of Jewish folks. Somehow, the president couldn’t bring himself to utter that word.
Nor has Obama referred to the uptick in anti-Semitic episodes in academia. Currently, the Left has a palpable presence on campuses, disinviting speakers who dare to articulate conservative views, shouting down defenders of the Second Amendment before they can make their arguments, demanding “trigger warnings” before students read books like Huckleberry Finn and The Great Gatsby, because literature that has been on the shelves for decades, and sometimes centuries, might disturb the frail sensibilities of today’s sophomores. Today, too, the low anti-Semitism of the Third Reich continues in the groves of higher education, often cloaked in pro-Palestinian rhetoric. The vocabulary of the academic Left brims with agitprop about “Zionist malevolence,” though many countries within rocket distance of the most liberal nation in the Middle East are notorious for the stoning of apostates, rape victims, and homosexuals.

Only the naïve, and the willfully ignorant, could fail to see another reason why anti-Semitism has increased overseas and in America. The ADL recently did a survey of religious and ethnic bias in 101 countries. Anti-Jewish sentiment was most prevalent in North Africa and the Middle East, where 74 percent of respondents expressed anti-Semitic views. In those countries, millions are taught that Jews are subhuman, or a dangerous and controlling force in geopolitics—or both. Now, many of those millions are pouring into Europe and America—legally or illegally—welcomed by governments that pay scant attention to their background. In the recent past, 56 percent of anti-religious hate crimes in the U.S. were against Jews. Some 18 percent targeted Muslims. Guess which received censorious comment from on high, and which were met with silence?

George Orwell’s old counsel resounds with fresh truth: “To see what is in front of one’s nose requires a constant struggle.” That struggle has yet to be made by the Obama administration, and sadder still, by the Anti-Defamation League itself.

Blind to the Obvious
Anti-Semitism is up, but even the ADL won’t say why.
Stefan Kanfer
July 1, 2016

July 2, 2016

Gun Used In Paris Terror Attack Is From Fast And Furious Scandal Under Former U.S. Attorney General Eric "White people are cowards" Holder

[From article]
One of the guns used by terrorists to shoot up Paris on November 13 of last year originated in Phoenix,, AZ and was sold illegally as part of the Fast and Furious gun walking operation.
And ATF agents did their best to cover up that information.

Judicial Watch:
A Report of Investigation (ROI) filed by a case agent in the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco Firearms and Explosives (ATF) tracked the gun used in the Paris attacks to a Phoenix gun owner who sold it illegally, “off book,” Judicial Watch’s law enforcement sources confirm. Federal agents tracing the firearm also found the Phoenix gun owner to be in possession of an unregistered fully automatic weapon, according to law enforcement officials with firsthand knowledge of the investigation.
The investigative follow up of the Paris weapon consisted of tracking a paper trail using a 4473 form, which documents a gun’s ownership history by, among other things, using serial numbers. The Phoenix gun owner that the weapon was traced back to was found to have at least two federal firearms violations—for selling one weapon illegally and possessing an unregistered automatic—but no enforcement or prosecutorial action was taken against the individual. Instead, ATF leaders went out of their way to keep the information under the radar and ensure that the gun owner’s identity was “kept quiet,” according to law enforcement sources involved with the case. “Agents were told, in the process of taking the fully auto, not to anger the seller to prevent him from going public,” a veteran law enforcement official told Judicial Watch.

It’s not clear if the agency, which is responsible for cracking down on the illegal use and trafficking of firearms, did this because the individual was involved in the Fast and Furious gun-running scheme. An ATF spokesman, Corey Ray, at the agency’s Washington D.C. headquarters told Judicial Watch that “no firearms used in the Paris attacks have been traced” by the agency. When asked about the ROI report linking the weapon used in Paris to Phoenix, Ray said “I’m not familiar with the report you’re referencing.” Judicial Watch also tried contacting the Phoenix ATF office, but multiple calls were not returned.

The only language these people understand is the language of lawsuits. You have to pry information from them using the federal courts, who have been more than cooperative in getting government to open up and disclose their wrongdoing. In this case, leaks from within the law enforcement community aided Judicial Watch in their investigation. If the documents still exist that confirm this info, they were likely destroyed long ago with other Fast and Furious docs.
I'm sure the French government would be very interested in following up on this investigation. But if the denial by ATF is any indication, the stonewall will continue and French intelligence will be denied access to any helpful information.

June 30, 2016
Shocker: Gun used in Paris terrorist attack part of Fast and Furious gun walking op
By Rick Moran

July 1, 2016

Black Racist New York Private School Administrator Teaches All White People Are Rich, Powerful, Racists, and All Black People Are Weak and Poor. Hahaha

Unmentioned in this article is the irrational black racists stereotyping that all black people are poor and weak, while all white people are wealthy and powerful. The black racist administrator argues that only black people suffer during their lives. That white people's lives have no unpleasantries. This is pure black racism at its best funded by white people who are simply useful idiots. 

[From article]
An elite Manhattan school is teaching white students as young as 6 that they’re born racist and should feel guilty benefiting from “white privilege,” while heaping praise and cupcakes on their black peers.
Administrators at the Bank Street School for Children on the Upper West Side claim it’s a novel approach to fighting discrimination, and that several other private New York schools are doing it, but even liberal parents aren’t buying it.Modal Trigger
They complain the K-8 school of 430 kids is separating whites in classes where they’re made to feel awful about their “whiteness,” and all the “kids of color” in other rooms where they’re taught to feel proud about their race and are rewarded with treats and other privileges.
“Ever since Ferguson, the school has been increasing anti-white propaganda in its curriculum,” said a parent who requested anonymity because he has children currently enrolled in the school.
Bank Street has created a “dedicated space” in the school for “kids of color,” where they’re “embraced” by minority instructors and encouraged to “voice their feelings” and “share experiences about being a kid of color,” according to school presentation slides obtained by The Post.
Meanwhile, white kids are herded into separate classrooms and taught to raise their “awareness of the prevalence of Whiteness and privilege,” challenge “notions of colorblindness (and) assumptions of ‘normal,’ ‘good,’ and ‘American’” and “understand and own European ancestry and see the tie to privilege.”
The same slides point out that a number of leading private schools across the country also have segregated students by “race-based affinity groups.” It lists several in New York, including Riverdale Country School, Brooklyn Friends School, The Cathedral School, The Calhoun School, Ethical Culture Fieldston School, and Little Red School House and Elisabeth Irwin High School.
[. . .]
The program, these parents say, deliberately instills in white children a strong sense of guilt about their race. Some kids come home in tears, saying, “I’m a bad person.”
They say white kids are being brainwashed into thinking any success they achieve is unearned. Indeed, a young white girl is seen confessing on a Bank Street video: “I feel guilty for having a privilege I don’t deserve.”
[. . .]
Parents, moreover, say the classroom segregation only breeds resentment. Younger children, for instance, feel left out when the “kids of color” come back to the main classroom munching on cupcakes they were given in their “affinity group.”
The divisive program is run by Anshu Wahi, a longtime “social justice” activist who’s held the title of “director of diversity” at Bank Street since 2013. She referred questions to the school’s communications office, which did not respond to requests for comment.Modal Trigger
Still, Wahi’s radical beliefs come into clear view from recorded conversations with parents, as well as handouts and emails to parents. She believes the answer to racism is teaching white kids to see race in everything — a process called “white racial socialization.”
[. . .]
Forget teaching them to be color-blind — that’s a cop-out, she suggests, an excuse to ignore the hardships of people of color. It’s also a “tool of whiteness” to perpetuate the “oppression” of people of color, according to one paper she recommends parents read.
Wahi believes even white babies display signs of racism, so she encourages parents to talk to their kids about race as early as kindergarten, making them hyperaware of racial differences, and even “examine your own whiteness.”
She defends segregating minority children by race by arguing they need a safe place where they can share their “ouch moments,” including subtle but offensive white comments known as “micro-aggressions.”
[. . .]
“Bank Street wants to give kids of color a space to talk about shared experiences,” Wahi explained in a parent handout, “because even in society today, people of color are treated unfairly.”
“In the recent past,” she added, “children of color in our Lower School have been told by well-intentioned peers that their skin looks like the color of poop.”
Wahi says the school is merely empowering children of color who feel “alienated” and “devalued” in a “dominant white culture.” But some parents fear the school is nurturing resentment among minority pupils and reinforcing perceptions of victimization.
Her extreme diversity program is based on the premise that America is still plagued by “systemic racism,” which she claims she saw first-hand while serving as a juror hearing criminal cases in Brooklyn. She told parents she was shocked to learn that every case involved a minority defendant. In the same May 2015 meeting with parents, she cited the GI Bill as proof of “white privilege,” claiming the popular post-World War II legislation only benefited white soldiers and their heirs, when in fact, black enrollment in colleges exploded under the GI Bill.
Most recently, parents were upset with her airing a documentary film lionizing leaders of the violent Black Panthers movement. On May 31, the Bank Street School screened “Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution,” which depicts Panthers founder and convicted cop-killer Huey Newton as a martyr.
In 2013, moreover, parents expressed outrage over an email from Wahi that seemed to sympathize with Muslim terrorists after the Boston Marathon bombings.
The April 17, 2013, message — “From Anshu, our Director of Diversity and Community: The Boston Marathon — Another Perspective” — advised students and parents to “be mindful of stereotypes and dangerous ideas” regarding “Arabs (and) Muslims.”
It linked to an article titled “Let’s hope the Boston Marathon bomber is a white American.”

Elite K-8 school teaches white students they’re born racist
By Paul Sperry
New York Post
July 1, 2016 | 2:15pm

June 12, 2016

Economist Stephen Moore: Climate Change is World's Greatest Propaganda Campaign In History

Economist and author Stephen Moore. 
(Heritage Foundation)

There is a difference of opinion. Some believe that psychiatry is the greatest propaganda campaign in history. 

[From article]
Commenting on the Obama administration’s high-pressure offensive to address global warming, leading economist and author Stephen Moore said it is “amazing” because this “dingbat idea of global climate change” is “one of the greatest propaganda campaigns in world history” executed by the political left.
During a June 3 radio interview on the nationally syndicated Janet Mefferd Today show, Moore, the founder of the Club for Growth and a former Wall Street Journal editorial board member, said, “It’s really amazing, I have to say. I have to tip my hat to the left: This has been one of the greatest propaganda campaigns in world history that the left has pulled off.”
“I mean, they’ve taken this dingbat idea of global climate change and they’ve put it in the schools, they’ve put it in the movies, they’ve put it in the media and the churches — you know, I’m Catholic, even the Pope talks about climate change,” said Moore, co-author of Fueling Freedom: Exposing the Mad War on Energy.
“So, it’s very alarming how this propaganda campaign, that they made this stuff out of, almost completely out of thin air and they’ve convinced millions and millions of thought leaders that this stuff is real,” said Moore, who is the Distinguished Visiting Fellow at the Heritage Foundation’s Project for Economic Growth.
[. . .]
Moore said, “Yes, it’s interesting, it’s very Stalinistic. Right? … It’s like, ‘You’re going to toe the line or were going to put you in jail.’ You mentioned the fact that now, if you question them, they’d put me in jail, if they could. Steve Moore is an environmental skeptic, let’s put him in jail.”
“It’s like the Spanish Inquisition,” he said. “Truly, it’s frightening actually. These people don’t want dissent. They don’t believe in freedom of speech. They don’t think you have the right to question their religion of global warming.”
“They’re becoming more militaristic,” he said. “They are young Stalinists. I can’t go on college campuses today to even question their religion of global warming – and it is a religion, by the way. “

Stephen Moore: Climate Change 'One of Greatest Propaganda Campaigns in World History’--'Very Stalinistic'
By Michael W. Chapman
June 9, 2016 | 1:39 PM EDT

June 10, 2016

Celebrities Helping Celebrities

Columbia Law School Visiting Professor Amal Clooney took on the case of former Maldives president and climate change activist Mohamed Nasheed (left), after he was ousted by the military and sentenced to 13 years in prison in what has been described as a politically motivated sham trial.

Here is one more example of how elite celebrities help other elite celebrities enjoy access to courts via celebrity lawyers. Also it indicates that resources of Americans are being used to help other countries but not American citizens. Internationally famous Amal Clooney, represents the former President of the Maldives. Ordinary civilians are often unable to access courts to get relief from abuses. I know I am not the only person. This gentleman is celebrated as the first democratically elected president of the Maldives. He had enough supporters to get elected. Were there no lawyers who supported his efforts and success even in other countries? When he was jailed were there no lawyers available to him? The prestigious Columbia University Law School which includes the prominent former United States Attorney General Eric "White people are cowards" Holder, among its alumni, uses its resources to assist this abandoned gentleman to get temporary release from prison for medical purposes. How many ordinary civilians have such internationally famous help when they are abused by their government?

Recently I wrote about obvious misguided priorities of the United States law enforcement community regarding the killing of a Massachusetts policeman by a known violent criminal with a lengthy arrest and conviction record. At this link

It is not the first time I focused on this counter productive pattern of abuses of power. Nonetheless the abuses continue. I am not a celebrity. One additional element that makes the news often is the pattern of women being raped. They do not report the crime to authorities. They say, "I did not think anyone would believe me." In the case of the 50 women who reported being drugged and raped by Bill Cosby some of them did go to a lawyer who laughed at them. I got the same reaction from many people who know me. Many elected officials and police officials had the same reaction. They have the added excuse that for many years government criminals who conduct this abuse have generated concurrent character assassination which includes relentless, "He's crazy." to cover up their criminal abuses.

In June 2016, after many years of participation, Chinese Communists and the California crime Syndicate, have the primary roles conducting abuses. These include disturbing my sleep every hour, or keeping me awake. Tampering with communications, telephone, computer and cable TV. Surveillance and character assassination. Abuses of power using psychologists and psychiatrists trying to provoke violence in order to get control. They disagree with the American system of individual rights. The current White House supports this un-American view, but that is another story. One young man visiting at Harvard University from China, told me maybe it is time to get rid of individual rights.

During our brief conversation he verified his belief that the highest form of service is to serve their government. Not their country, their government. At the same time he insisted that the United States is a leader and must provide assistance to other countries when they are in need. I asked why these countries are often filled with people who hate Americans. He repeated his belief that it is the duty of Americans to help others. Yet he was unable to understand why it is the strong individual rights that allowed the population of the United States to achieve its wealth and successes. U.S. Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) recently claimed that the government developed the iPhone, not Steve Jobs. The often delusional congresswoman shows it is not just Communists who fail to appreciate individual rights. 

But it does explain why there are Chinese Communists harassing me every day trying to provoke violence. I support individual rights. They do not. The California crime Syndicate harassed me since 1968, and continues to do so without reason. It seems as if they target me to train their young criminals. Groups of police thugs are trying desperately to provoke violence in order to discredit me and/or to get control of me by putting me in jail or a mental hospital. As if 45 years of character assassination did not discredit me enough. These are not the first criminal police employees to try to do this. It is a daily event in my life. These are the same people who try to make me into a homosexual using behavior conditioning--a failed project after 45 years. They beat a dead horse using taxpayer funds and abuse police powers contrary to law. Then there is also my life which was uncivilly disrupted in 1973 when government psychiatrists drugged me for 80 consecutive days using hallucinogens, because they thought I was a spy. Hahaha. Misguided priorities. Is that all this is? 

In 1990 the California crime Syndicate hired police employed by Cambridge, MA and Somerville, MA for a frame-up. This is briefly described at above link and elsewhere on this blog. Keep in mind that the crime families and police who participated in the 45 years of criminal abuse, consistently declared "He's a Communist." That was to justify why they attacked me relentlessly, but did not explain what the Communists did.

Unlike the former President of the Maldives, the seven (I fired them all) taxpayer funded lawyers were also paid by the crime families, to NOT put on any defense. The morally superior Cambridge, MA city officials, who just changed Columbus Day to Indigenous Persons Day, remains silent and has no comment on court abuses of a law abiding citizen. They remain focused on getting re-elected and stealing taxpayer funds.

[From article]
When former Maldives president and international climate change activistMohamed Nasheed finally arrived in London in January, after spending almost a year in prison, few people outside of his family were as relieved as his lawyer, Columbia Law School Visiting ProfessorAmal Clooney.
Tense negotiations with the Maldives government had been touch-and-go until his plane was airborne, and Clooney anxiously awaited word that Nasheed, the first democratically elected president of the island nation, had been freed temporarily for medical treatment. “It was a big relief when I saw him walk down the terminal at Heathrow and give his wife Laila a big hug,” she recalled.
For Clooney, a senior fellow at Columbia Law School’s Human Rights Institute, the wait had been long, intense, and occasionally unnerving. Aided by two Law School students working within her legal team, Kristina Ravic ’15 LL.M. and Fang Yi Liu ’16, Clooney was part of an international campaign to win freedom for Nasheed, who had been ousted by the military in 2012 and later sentenced to 13 years in prison in a politically motivated sham trial. For Nasheed, of course, the wait had been longer. His road to freedom began four years earlier at Columbia Law School—though at the time, he had no idea his visit to Morningside Heights would prove to be so fortuitous.
Behind the Scenes
Just months after Nasheed had been deposed, Columbia Law School Professor Michael B. Gerrard,director of the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law, invited him to speak at a public event co-sponsored by the Sabin Center and Columbia University’s Earth Institute. Gerrard moderated the discussion.
[. . .]
For Nasheed’s case, Clooney drew on research conducted by Columbia Law School students.
The case illustrated lessons from the Columbia Law School course Clooney has co-taught for the past two years with Sarah H. Cleveland, the Louis Henkin Professor of Human and Constitutional Rights and faculty co-director of the Human Rights Institute.

From Morningside Heights to the Maldives
How International Human Rights Lawyer Amal Clooney Came to Represent Former Maldives President Mohamed Nasheed, with Help from Columbia Law School Professors and Students
May 12, 2016

June 4, 2016

United Nations Human Rights Council Ignores 45 Million Held in Slavery

[From article]
On May 31, 2016, the terrorist group Hamas executed three Palestinians, two by hanging, in Gaza City. A week earlier, Hamas had called for the resumption of capital punishment. To no one’s surprise, the silence about this from the UNHRC has been deafening. By contrast, a UNHRC resolution of March 24, 2016, initiated by Palestinians and sponsored by a number of Arab countries, was passed by a vote of 32 for, none against, and 15 abstentions.
The resolution concerned something called “Israeli settlements in Occupied Palestinian Territory including East Jerusalem and Occupied Syrian Golan.” It called for a blacklist, a database of all business enterprises involved in Israeli settlements.
[. . .]

Ironically, the UNHRC resolution was passed on the very day registering the fifth year of the Syrian civil war, a conflict that has become not only regional but international and has brought such misery to the area and the world. The Arab commentary in the UNHRC on the day was not on the 250,000 killed or the millions of refugees caused by the war in Syria, or the migration crisis that has consumed Europe. Instead, it was limited to the assertion that construction in the Israeli settlements undermines the regional and international efforts to reach a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian dispute.
The behavior of UNHRC as well as other international organizations, the BDS movement and activists, and so-called human rights groups towards Israel has largely been one of disgraceful bigotry and possibly manifestations of anti-Semitism. This is not liberal behavior but is reactionary as well as counterproductive in supporting the refusal of Palestinian authorities to come to the negotiating table with Israel.
This relentless concentration of effort and energy against the Jewish State has also meant neglecting almost entirely one of the world’s real great evils -- the existence of modern slavery. The UNHRC and the BDS bigots condemn products made by the labor of free individuals who may differ politically. They are not concerned with products made by slave labor.
The international community has paid little or no attention to the fact, as reported in a 2016 Global Slavery Index, that 46.8 million people are subject to some form of modern slavery. This condition is defined as possessing or controlling persons so as to deprive them of individual liberty through use, management, profit, or disposal.
Modern slavery has many dimensions. It would include domestic slavery, exploited labor, human trafficking, forced or servile marriages, sale or exploitation of children, women trapped in brothels, debt bondage, servitude, cleaning work, work without pay or under threat of penalty, removal of organs, and people subjected to violence. In modern slavery, persons are exploited and cannot refuse or leave because of threats, violence, coercion, abuse of power, or deception.
The paradox is that modern slavery exists despite the fact that all countries have declared slavery illegal. The number of slaves may well be higher because the survey in the Global Index of countries excluded places of conflict or where there was serious disruption of government functioning.
[. . .]

The Index presents a ranking of 167 countries based on the proportion of the population that is estimated to be in modern slavery. The countries with the highest estimated proportion are North Korea, Uzbekistan, Cambodia, India, and Qatar.
Qatar has the highest prevalence of slavery. In these countries there is forced labor, prison labor camps, forced marriages, sexual exploitation. The countries with the highest absolute numbers are India, China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Uzbekistan. The present U.S. presidential candidates might note that these are countries with low cost labor that allows them to undercut U.S. products.
[. . .]
India is the worst with 18 million slaves, while North Korea has the highest percentage of slaves per capita. Half, 58 %, of the 45.8 million are in five countries: India, China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Uzbekistan.
The Index ranks ten counties in the Middle East. The situation there has been worsened by ISIS, the Islamist Caliphate, which, among other things, has sold women and children into slavery, and has issued statements on Sharia law saying that it is permissible to buy, sell, or give as gifts female captives and slaves because they are merely property. Forced marriages with child brides are frequent as are “temporary” or “tourist” marriages. Palestinians in Gaza have used children as suicide bombers and human shields.
[. . .]
The UNHRC, BDS bigots, and the relentless enemies of the State of Israel will be unhappy to learn of it, but the country with lowest proportion -- virtually zero -- of modern slaves is Israel. These bigots need to take account of the proper moral calculus in the Middle East, as well as turn their attention to the horrors of slavery.

June 3, 2016
Why is the UN Human Rights Council Not Concerned About Slavery?
By Michael Curtis

June 2, 2016

Digital Intrusions at Federal Reserve

A man walks past the Federal Reserve Bank in Washington, D.C. December 16, 2015.

Politicians remain focused on getting re-elected, and stealing taxpayer money. Local police and US law enforcement agencies are unable to address cyber crime. Though government web sites are hacked as often as private corporations, individual citizens remain defenseless to computer crimes due to the negligence of governments. Clueless politicians continue to encourage more and more digital communications and information storage with little to no security.  

[From article]
The U.S. Federal Reserve detected more than 50 cyber breaches between 2011 and 2015, with several incidents described internally as 'espionage,' according to Fed records.
The central bank's staff suspected hackers or spies in many of the incidents, the records show. The Fed's computer systems play a critical role in global banking and hold confidential information on discussions about monetary policy that drives financial markets.
The cybersecurity reports, obtained by Reuters through a Freedom of Information Act request, were heavily redacted by Fed officials to keep secret the central bank's security procedures.
The Fed declined to comment, and the redacted records do not say who hacked the bank's systems or whether they accessed sensitive information or stole money.
'Hacking is a major threat to the stability of the financial system. This data shows why,' said James Lewis, a cybersecurity expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a Washington think tank. Lewis reviewed the files at the request of Reuters.
The records represent only a slice of all cyber attacks on the Fed because they include only cases involving the Washington-based Board of Governors, a federal agency that is subject to public records laws. Reuters did not have access to reports by local cybersecurity teams at the central bank's 12 privately owned regional branches.
The disclosure of breaches at the Fed comes at a time when cybersecurity at central banks worldwide is under scrutiny after hackers stole $81 million from a Bank Bangladesh account at the New York Fed.
Cyber thieves have targeted large financial institutions around the world, including America's largest bank JPMorgan, as well as smaller players like Ecuador's Banco del Austro and Vietnam's Tien Phong Bank.
Hacking attempts were cited in 140 of the 310 reports provided by the Fed's board. In some reports, the incidents were not classified in any way.
In eight information breaches between 2011 and 2013 - a time when the Fed's trading desk was buying massive amounts of bonds - Fed staff wrote that the cases involved 'malicious code,' referring to software used by hackers.
Four hacking incidents in 2012 were considered acts of 'espionage,' according to the records. Information was disclosed in at least two of those incidents, according to the records. In the other two incidents, the records did not indicate whether there was a breach.
In all, the Fed's national team of cybersecurity experts, which operates mostly out of New Jersey, identified 51 cases of 'information disclosure' involving the Fed's board. Separate reports showed a local team at the board registered four such incidents.
The cases of information disclosure can refer to a range of ways unauthorized people see Fed information, from hacking attacks to Fed emails sent to the wrong recipients, according to two former Fed cybersecurity staffers who spoke on condition of anonymity.
The former employees said that cyber attacks on the Fed are about as common as at other large financial institutions.
It was unclear if the espionage incidents involved foreign governments, as has been suspected in some hacks of federal agencies. Beginning in 2014, for instance, hackers stole more than 21 million background check records from the federal Office of Personnel Management, and U.S. officials attributed the breach to the Chinese government, an accusation denied by Beijing.

Hacked: Federal Reserve detected more than 50 cyber breaches between 2011 and 2015, including several described as 'espionage'
Reuters obtained the Federal Reserve's cybersecurity reports from 2011 to 2015 through a Freedom of Information Act request
Hacking attempts were cited in 140 of the 310 reports provided by the Fed
In eight information breaches between 2011 and 2013 Fed staff wrote that the cases involved 'malicious code,' referring to software used by hackers
Four hacking incidents in 2012 were considered acts of 'espionage'; Information was disclosed in at least two of those incidents
The central bank plays a critical role in global banking and holds confidential information on monetary policy that drives financial markets
Daily Mail (UK)
PUBLISHED: 06:00 EST, 1 June 2016 | UPDATED: 12:44 EST, 1 June 2016

May 31, 2016

NPR Celebrates Public Benefits Recipient As Success Story

[From article]
Listen to this NPR podcast. They are so proud of it that they re-posted it:
Meet a single mother who makes $16,000 a year and managed to fund a vacation at a Caribbean resort with an interest-free loan from one of the world's largest banks.
The report goes on: an abusive husband; her kid tells how much fun he had playing with dolphins at that resort. Meanwhile, pretty much all her expenses – child care, medical care, food, air conditioning, etc. – are taken care of by the government.
And she thanks God! (How about thanking American taxpayers?)
She declares she has never taken welfare! (She does not consider any of the above “welfare” even though our taxes pay for it.) And she talks about coming to America in 1997 and then talks about going back to “her country” for a visit and tells the interviewer to go to “my country” and see how life is there.
She also mentions taxpayer money going to pay for nails being done.
Taxpayer-funded NPR has the gall to say she "may be the single most successful and productive beneficiary of government assistance you'll ever meet."

May 27, 2016
NPR: ‘The Art Of Living At The Poverty Line’
By Ed Lasky

May 23, 2016

White House Provides Taxpayer Funds For Jobs For Migrant Youth

[From article]
The Obama administration wants to make sure Utica, New York’s young refugees aren’t without a job, so he’s spending millions to make sure it doesn’t happen.
“Access to a job in the summer and beyond can make all the difference to a young person – especially those who don’t have access to many resources and opportunities,” President Obama said of his new Summer Opportunity Project.
The project spends a total of $21 million on a variety of programs in 11 communities nationwide with the focus of helping young people find summer work, and permanent part-time jobs, the White House and U.S. Department of Labor announced Monday.
At least $2 million of the total will be set aside to help 400 refugee students in Utica, New York get to work through the New Americans Career Pathways Project, the Utica Observer-Dispatch reports.
“The New Americans Career Pathways project will provide in-school youth with summer jobs and academic support for 400 students in the refugee populations of Utica, NY,” according to a White House Fact Sheet. “The students will receive summer job work experience and academic tutoring in English and Math, and support in finding part-time jobs.”
[. . .]
Nearly everyone who discussed the Utica program in the comments was appalled that the president seems to be prioritizing illegal immigrants over U.S. citizens for summer jobs in their region.
“Most divisive president ever adds to the legacy,” Dawn Of A New Day posted.
“This is absurd!” greats wrote. “Yes people, vote for Hillary. She wants this too. To heck with American youth. Let’s employ refugees who can’t even speak English! Go Trump! Stand up for America!”
“So legal Americans are not worthy of summer jobs?” RockwellSprings questioned. “Can’t wait for November.”
“What about OUR kids?” bastracker wrote. “I am thoroughly disgusted.”

Obama spending millions to find summer jobs — for refugees
May 17, 2016
By Victor Skinner

May 18, 2016

Boston Police Join Harvard University Campus Police In Misguided Notion of Jurisidction

"Myeshia Henderson, a spokesperson for the Boston Police Department, said one building—Aldrich Hallfell under BPD’s jurisdiction. Their office received word of a bomb threat at 10:38 a.m., she said, and officers are currently investigating at 35 Harvard Way." This indicates that Boston Police Department has the same misguided arrangement contrary to state law as with the Cambridge Police. Under what system of jurisdiction do Boston police not have jurisdiction in Boston? Do Crimson journalists believe the fantasy promoted by HUPD that they have exclusive jurisdiction on Harvard University property? Are they like the group of young journalists that White House National Security Chief Ben Rhodes said "Know literally nothing?" Are they like the voters and taxpayers that Rhodes called stupid?

Police Evacuate Business School Buildings After Bomb Threat
May 18, 2016

May 6, 2016

Cambridge Spending Other People's Money Society 2016 Campaign

Politicians enjoy taking credit for the work of others. Taxpayers make it possible for the Spending Other People's Money Society to spend money. Vice Chairman of Cambridge chapter of the SOPMS does not thank taxpayers. He acts as if it was his money to spend. Troubling ideas in his essay include: "universal, high-quality early childhood education for all children." That moves closer to where government bureaucrats rear children. This politician supports more scrutiny by government psychiatrists. He speaks for everyone. How does he know that? Cambridge taxpayers are supporting neighboring cities and towns? 

The Vice Mayor  mentions "homelessness and [the] opioid crisis." How much money is spent on studies, plans, and providing blankets rather than homes to these people? What about the tsunami of illegal drugs across the open southern border? Who are the "we?" What is "socially just?" Who is included in "one another?" and "all our residents?" Some Cambridge citizens  remain outside the interests of this globally concerned politician, who boasts of how he spends US, MA and Cambridge taxpayer funds. No mention of billion dollar online businesses making money from civilian messages and searches. No mention of weak security for online medical records. Why does clueless government fail to protect citizens from harm?  

[From article]
I personally am excited to see is the $1.3 million that will go toward moving Cambridge closer to affordable, universal, high-quality early childhood education for all children.
[. . .]
There isn’t a person in our city administration who doesn’t understand and isn’t committed to finding ways to maintain affordable housing in Cambridge, and we will continue to direct funds to try and stabilize an ever-increasing housing market that is leading to higher rent and home ownership prices, not just in Cambridge but in the entire Metro Boston area.
[. . .]
continued funding to address our homelessness and opioid crisis
[. . .]
we know that we have more work to do in order to be the socially just community we want to be.
[. . .]
What makes Cambridge different, is that our financial stability, combined with our commitment as a community to support one another, puts us in a position to address these complicated issues and to put resources behind them to move our city forward for all of our residents.

Vice Mayor column: Cambridge pulls off difficult balance with budget
By Marc McGovern
Posted May. 5, 2016 at 12:13 PM

April 27, 2016

Curbing Waste Of Taxpayer Funds Strongly Opposed By The Spending Other People's Money Society

[From article]
The Government Accountability Office has released its annual report: "Additional Opportunities to Reduce Fragmentation, Overlap, and Duplication and Achieve Other Financial Benefits." As usual, no one is paying attention.
But people should. The GAO is the premiere government watchdog, and it has identified 100 actions that could be taken by Congress that would save the taxpayer hundreds of billions of dollars.
Washington Free Beacon:
The federal watchdog’s 2016 annual reportidentified nearly 100 actions Congress or the executive branch could take to make government run more efficiently, including eliminating $1.3 billion in disability insurance overpayments and more than $100 billion in savings from the Pentagon by sharing how much excess ammunition it has with other agencies rather than destroying it.
[. . .]
Among the report’s findings included $388 million that could have been saved between 2013 and 2015 by consolidating federal government cell phone contracts. In a GAO report last year, only five of the 15 agencies it reviewed knew how many cell phones and plans it had.
[. . .]

The $1.3 billion in disability insurance overpayments is on top of the $2.4 billion the Social Security Administration lost by waiving overpayment debts over the past 10 years.
[. . .]
This brings to mind that wonderful quote from the movie Contact as the industrialist informs Dr. Arroway that another alien machine has been built. "First rule of government spending: why have one when you can have two at twice the price?"
And that appears to be the mindset of government agencies. For example, 18 federal programs deal with nutrition education and assistance. There are a couple of dozen job training programs spread out over several agencies. Consolidating these programs could save the government billions.
Before a single new dollar of federal spending is authorized, these duplicate programs should be eliminated or consolidated as much as possible. But there appears to be very little effort on the part of government to deal with this waste and inefficiency, because the bureaucratic culture won't allow it. It's just not in their DNA to eliminate programs and possibly eliminate jobs in government.

April 14, 2016
Report: Feds waste hundreds of billions of dollars on duplicate programs and inefficiencies
By Rick Moran

April 26, 2016

Report on Young People Shows How Shallow Some Are

This essay reveals how shallow some young people are. They actually believe in the least reliable discipline, i.e., politics for avenues to effect change. The report itself conflicts with its thesis. Describing the current youth generation as the most diverse, only liberals can be heard in this piece.
No mention of the role of religion in maintaining a stable society. No mention of the failing institution of marriage, and failing schools. But most of all the hedonism of the young generation and demand for immediate gratification shows that the elements which are driving the degeneration of the nation and its leaders, remains unaddressed. 

[From article]
the conversation was meant to suggest a way forward as the most diverse and educated American generation in history begins to inherit an economic and political system that many of its members do not believe serves them.
[. . .]
The three panelists, all in their 30s, professed a sincere belief that civic and political work offers the best way to address the problems that plague Millenials

Millennial panel sees generation wary of politics but willing to engage
By Neal Simpson
The Patriot Ledger
Posted Apr. 25, 2016 at 11:31 am
Updated Apr 25, 2016 at 8:58 PM
Cambridge Chronicle

April 14, 2016

Harvard Law School Prohibits Hurting Feelings, But It's OK To Curb Free Speech

“Where do we draw the line? [...] I was appalled, quite frankly, that security didn’t do more,” said Harvard Law School Professor Hal S. Scott. It is Harvard University policy not to hurt people's feelings, which trumps the right to free speech. If "security" (campus police) did more they would hurt the feelings of the protesters. Nothing new, just one element of the Therapeutic State, run by psychiatrists, who make up illnesses by consensus, and masquerade as scientists. The university may begin offering to pay protesters not to protest.

Here's more evidence of negligent training of the Harvard University campus police. The US Constitution guarantees to speakers and listeners, First Amendment individual speech rights, under the Massachusetts and US constitutions. Harvard University campus police are sworn to uphold and to defend the constitution and laws of the United States and Massachusetts. Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 265, Section 37 makes it a felony to intimidate a person in the free exercise of a constitutionally guaranteed right. HUPD failed to protect the rights of the speakers and listeners. They are negligent and did not perform their duty. One element of negligent training is campus police, who have jurisdiction on Harvard University property, failure to enforce state laws (but not city ordinances). HUPD allowed protesters to intimidate the speakers and listeners, preventing them from enjoying their constitutionally guaranteed rights. It is the failed duty of the campus police, who failed to protect individual rights on Harvard University property. Are they acting under direction of the faculty and administration? Or are they abusing their power for personal and political purposes? While they failed to enforce laws, the same negligently trained campus police take time from their busy primary mission of fighting crime, to abuse their power harassing, provoking and slandering a 70-year-old man with a legal disability. They exhibit misguided values of the elitist university with a $37 billion endowment.

[From article]
Housing rights advocates interrupted an event featuring Federal Housing Finance Agency Director Melvin Watt at the Law School Monday evening to protest Watt’s housing finance policies, prematurely ending the event and prompting questions about security protocol at the school.
The event, organized by Law School professor Hal S. Scott, was intended to be a “fire-side chat” about federal housing policy. Scott said he heard beforehand that activists might protest, and as a result, Harvard University Police Department assigned two plainclothes officers to the event at the request of Law School administrators.
Several minutes into the event, members of City Life—a Boston-area community organization that advocates for tenant rights—stood up and interrupted Watt’s remarks. City Life community organizer M. Antonio Ennis coordinated the protest with advocacy organizations Lynn United for Change and Springfield No One Leaves, and estimated that around 75 of the 85 event attendees were protesters.
The activists—who are not affiliated with the Law School—presented Watt with several demands primarily focused on principal reduction, a policy that reduces mortgage principals for qualifying homeowners. Ennis said City Life members had helped put Watt in office two years ago after Watt promised to make principal reduction a centerpiece of his agenda. Watt has not yet created such a policy.
“If he couldn’t do it, why can’t he tell us—the people who are losing our houses?” City Life volunteer Ramon Sepulveda said.
Representatives from Watt’s office at the Federal Housing Finance Authority declined to comment.
Ennis said that City Life had attempted to reach the Federal Housing Finance Agency director several times unsuccessfully. When he heard from a Law School student who does clinical work for City Life that Watt would be speaking at the school, Ennis saw an opportunity.
“Our objective in coming here was to show him the faces of people who have lost their homes,” Ennis said. “We’re embarrassed to be losing our homes, so we wanted to embarrass him here on his platform at Harvard.”
After protesters interrupted Watt in a manner Scott characterized as “screaming,” Watt attempted to answer their questions, but was unable to talk over activists. Scott said the HUPD officers did not ask protesters to leave, and seeing no way to continue the discussion, Scott escorted Watt from the event.
“An HLS administrator asked the protesters to stop disrupting the event. The event ended shortly thereafter,” HUPD spokesperson Steven G. Catalano wrote in an email. “As a matter of policy we are not going to get into specifics on what our officers did.”
Scott expressed disappointment that Watt was unable to finish the discussion, and raised concerns over security protocol in place at Harvard. Scott said he thinks security should have removed the protesters.
“I would hope Harvard’s policies are that we don’t allow people to come and disrupt events,” he said. “Where do we draw the line? Can these people come into classrooms, and we do nothing?... I was appalled, quite frankly, that security didn’t do more.”

Protesters Disrupt Law School Event, Raising Security Concerns
April 5, 2016

April 13, 2016

For White House There Are Good Victims of Terrorism, And Bad Victims of Terrorism.

[From article]
If you think Obama’s actions in Cuba showed some sort of disinterest in terrorism, or disrespect for the victims, you might be right. It is an inconvenient subject for Obama. It forces him to again have to try to differentiate terrorists and minimize their numbers from all others who might be in the camp of the unmentionable and much larger group -- radical Islamists, and almost alone describe the bad guys as ISIL rather than ISIS.
For Obama,there are good victims of terrorism, and bad victims of terrorism. Annika Hernroth-Rothstein writes:
If the Brussels bombers had been Palestinian, committing their murders in Israel, there ‎would probably have been a statement issued from the White House; something about ‎‎"both sides needing to show restraint" before adding that "all terrorism is horrendous." ‎(snip)
The victims of Islamic terror are not given any of the president's time because they do not fit his ‎overall plan. The same is true for the jailed freedom fighters in Cuba or the Iranian poets who have been ‎condemned to death. These are not good victims because they were not killed or jailed at ‎the hands of Israel or America. They were not persecuted by the West, so Obama cannot ‎afford to let them matter. ‎
By choosing to be an ideologue rather than a leader, Obama is dividing the ‎world into good and bad victims, the deserving and undeserving, and the ramifications of this choice will resonate long after someone else takes over at the White House. The soon-to-be eight ‎years under his watch have not only seen a lackluster response to the rise of Islamic terror ‎and the fall of American leadership but ironically also a world less liberal and less free than ‎when he was sworn into office.

March 26, 2016
Obama: ‘good’ terror victims and ‘bad’ terror victims
By Richard Baehr

April 5, 2016

Former Defense Secretary Reveals Misguided White House Priorities

Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates

[From article]
Former Secretary of Defense under George Bush and Barack Obama Robert Gates feels "double crossed" by Obama over his promise
[. . .]
He is the first president in US history to not see the US as a force for good in the world. His constant, groveling and gladhanding with murderous thugs and dictators and his numerous, humiliating apologies may please his lefty base in the US and radicals around the world, but a president is supposed to stand up for American interests, not apologize for defending them.
The damage Obama has done to our international standing might be applauded by those overseas who need a weak America to advance their agendas. But to those who rely on American strength, we already see them making other arrangements to protect themselves.

April 3, 2016
Former defense secretary Gates says Obama 'double crossed' him
By Rick Moran

* * *

[From article]
former defense secretary Robert Gates laughed when he recalled how his people handled the clueless White House national security team during the crisis in Libya.
[. . .]
We have a $700 billion military and Obama would rather listen to the 25 cent advice coming from Samantha Power.
The result of this ignorance is plain to see around the globe. Everybody is taking advantage of us and we are flailing about against our enemies with no real strategy to defeat them. Since Obama is even more clueless than his staff, nobody who knows much of anything at all about military policy has any input.

April 3, 2016
Gates: Obama White House was unable to understand Libya military strategy
By Rick Moran

March 22, 2016

Massachusetts EPA Wants To Bring Rattlesnakes Onto Reservoir Land

FILE-- In this September 2013 handout file photograph from the Mass. Dept. of Conservation and Recreation, a dirt and stone road leads to Mount Zion Island, at rear, at the Quabbin Reservoir in Petersham, Massachusetts. A plan by the state to start a colony of venomous timber rattlesnakes on the off-limits island in MassachusettsÕ largest drinking water supply is under fire. 
(Clif Read/The Mass. Dept. of Conservation and Recreation via AP)

[From article]
The commonwealth wants to “reintroduce” poisonous rattlesnakes to Massachusetts — what could possibly go wrong?
Perhaps you’ve heard about this plan, to turn Mount Zion Island in the Quabbin Reservoir into a sanctuary for timber rattlers. The question is, why? First of all, plenty of venomous vipers continue to slither around the state, and not just in their natural habitat on Beacon Hill.
Second, this “island” is a peninsula, with a causeway to the mainland.
Not to worry, though, we are assured by the state’s hack-
infested Department of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA).
Mount Zion is large enough,” the state lectures us on its website, “that the snakes would have little motivation to leave.”

So now they’re experts on the “motivations” of serpents. But wait, there’s more.
“The snakes will have radio transmitters to provide MassWildlife with important information about rattlesnake behavior.”
That’s great, they’re giving them radios. My show is broadcast on at least three stations that reach the Quabbin. I can 
always use more listeners.
Who’s responsible for this crackpot scheme, you ask. Well, the guy whose name is on the website is Tom French, assistant director of MassWildlife. He makes $105,000 a year. His boss is George Peterson, the commissioner of Fisheries and Wildlife, a former GOP state rep making $129,000 a year.
[. . .]

Suppose you’re enjoying a walk through the woods on a fine summer afternoon. 
Suddenly you hear that unmistakable rattling sound coming from a pile of leaves. You look down and see the coiled serpent, its fangs out. What is the first word that comes to your mind?
Probably two — “Holy bleep!” But that’s the wrong answer, 
according to French’s posting on the EEA website. He describes the rattler as “fascinating” and, my favorite, “persecuted.”
Persecuted is not a word often used to describe poisonous snakes. Usually “persecuted”
refers to someone — customarily a mammal, with two legs — who is “subject to hostility … 
especially because of their race or political or religious beliefs.”
So are timber rattlers “persecuted” because of their political beliefs? What, are they holding a rally for Donald Trump? That’s a … fascinating question.
This persecution, by the way, started around the time of 
“European settlement.” In other words, the reptiles are victims. They deserve reparations.
[. . .]

The local fishermen dutifully trudge in to complain that after the first snake bite, and there will be one, the bureaucrats will close the entire reservoir. As 
always, though, the pencil pushers and the Sierra Club and the rest know better than the people who actually live there.
The opponents are getting 
nowhere because they’re trying to raise common-sense 
objections. As they should know, rational arguments no longer count when you’re confronting the government.
[. . .]
In 2007, a guy in Dracut was trimming weeds in his backyard when one of the mild, persecuted, fascinating rattlers suddenly struck. The viper’s victim spent two days in the hospital in 
And now the hacks want to breed more of these poisonous reptiles. Professional courtesy, I guess you could call it.

Carr: A snake oil scheme for serpents
Howie Carr
Sunday, March 20, 2016
Boston Herald

March 20, 2016

White House Policy Enabled Illegal Alien To Remain in US, and Kill Five In Kansas

Pablo Antonio Serrano-Vitorino 
Photo (Missouri State Highway Patrol)
[From article]
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) failed on two occasions last year to detain and deport a 46-year-old illegal alien who is accused of slaughtering five strangers with an AK-47 in Kansas and Missouri earlier this week.
It was reported early Wednesday that the suspect in the killings, Pablo Serrano-Vitorino, slipped through ICE hands following a traffic arrest in September in Overland Park, Kan. ICE erroneously filed a request to detain the Mexican national — who had been deported in 2004 — with the Johnson Co., Kan. sheriff’s office. But that agency never had Serrano-Vitorino in its custody so he went free.
Egregious enough, it has since come to light that ICE was notified in June that Serrano-Vitorino had been arrested in Wyandotte, Co. for domestic battery.
An ICE spokeswoman said Wednesday that the agency “regrets the error,” which allowed Serrano-Vitorino to remain in the Kansas City area, where is accused of using an AK-47 to murder his neighbor and three of that man’s friends on Monday. He is also suspected of killing a New Florence, Mo. man in his home on Tuesday.

Feds Missed Not One BUT TWO Chances To Deport Illegal Alien Accused Of Slaughtering Five
11:15 PM 03/10/2016

March 8, 2016

Black Activism Has Misguided Priorities

[From article]
As a black conservative, over the years I have written countless articles about how the Democratic Party has been duping my fellow black Americans. I have explained how America is the greatest land of opportunity on the planet for all who simply choose to go for it. I have dispelled the myth that white Americans are burning the midnight oil plotting ways to keep blacks down.
I have written endlessly about how blaming white America for issues plaguing blacks is wrong and fruitless. Real empowerment comes from taking personal responsibility for one’s life. Why sit around waiting for someone to do something to make your life better?
[. . .]
The new modern authentic blackness means hating and blaming America for every evil in the world. Black talking heads on TV from comedians to pundits preach a gospel of hate to black Americans: whitey is still out to get you – be angry and push back hard, because black lives matter.
Folks, it is all so evil, so divisive, and so frustrating. God help us.

March 4, 2016
The black thing
By Lloyd Marcus

Bernie Sanders Believes Only Black People Are Poor, All Whites Are Wealthy, Powerful

[From article]
Bernie Sanders, the senator representing the socialist paradise of Vermont, has apparently never seen a poor white person. This is understandable, since about 1% of the state's population is black.
But Sanders considers himself an expert on the racial divide in poverty. And at last night's debate with Hillary Clinton, the senator expounded on his theories of race and poverty
[. . .]
“When you’re white you don’t know what it’s like to be living in a ghetto, you don’t know what it’s like to be poor,” said Sanders. “You don’t know what it’s like to be hassled when you walk down the street, or dragged out of a car.”
[. . .]
Clinton responded by saying, “being a white person in the United States of America I know that I’ve never had the experience that so many people in this audience have had.” Hillary went on to say, “I have spent a lot of time with the mother’s of African-American children who have lost them — Trayvon Martin’s mother.”
[. . .]
In short, Sanders doesn't know what he's talking about. In his effort to fully pander to black voters, he has made an ignorant statement based not on facts, but rather on urban myths. No doubt there are some blacks who are rousted, but is it racism or sensible policing?
And for Hillary to bring up Trayvon Martin's mother only feeds the false narrative that continues, despite the fact that the man who shot Martin was judged innocent and that the police had nothing to do with the shooting. Even Eric Holder's Justice Department couldn't find grounds to charge Mr. Zimmerman with violating the civil rights of Martin.
But why let the facts stand in the way of a good white-bashing narrative?
Neither Clinton nor Sanders has any shame.

March 7, 2016
Sanders: Whites don't know what it's like to be poor
By Rick Moran