Showing posts with label Anti Defamation League. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anti Defamation League. Show all posts

July 5, 2016

Three Times As Many Anti Jewish Incidents Than Anti Muslim; White House Only Sees Anti Muslim

Question that re-appears often, "Is an enemy spy running the White House?"

[From article]
The Anti-Defamation League just announced that anti-Semitic incidents in the United States rose dramatically in 2015. Colleges and universities were responsible for some 10 percent of the events, which included harassment, threats, and vandalism. The ADL, which pays close attention to such matters, said it was “not clear what may have led to the spike.” Any first-year political science major could furnish a working hypothesis.

Not a single statement has issued from the Oval Office about attacks on Jews in the United States or on foreign turf. Indeed, early last year, when Islamic terrorists went on a killing spree in the French capital, President Obama condemned “violent, vicious zealots who behead people or randomly shoot a bunch of folks in a deli in Paris.” The zealots were violent and vicious alright, but their shots weren’t random. They aimed to murder patrons in a kosher supermarket. In other words, they sought to kill a bunch of Jewish folks. Somehow, the president couldn’t bring himself to utter that word.
Nor has Obama referred to the uptick in anti-Semitic episodes in academia. Currently, the Left has a palpable presence on campuses, disinviting speakers who dare to articulate conservative views, shouting down defenders of the Second Amendment before they can make their arguments, demanding “trigger warnings” before students read books like Huckleberry Finn and The Great Gatsby, because literature that has been on the shelves for decades, and sometimes centuries, might disturb the frail sensibilities of today’s sophomores. Today, too, the low anti-Semitism of the Third Reich continues in the groves of higher education, often cloaked in pro-Palestinian rhetoric. The vocabulary of the academic Left brims with agitprop about “Zionist malevolence,” though many countries within rocket distance of the most liberal nation in the Middle East are notorious for the stoning of apostates, rape victims, and homosexuals.

Only the naïve, and the willfully ignorant, could fail to see another reason why anti-Semitism has increased overseas and in America. The ADL recently did a survey of religious and ethnic bias in 101 countries. Anti-Jewish sentiment was most prevalent in North Africa and the Middle East, where 74 percent of respondents expressed anti-Semitic views. In those countries, millions are taught that Jews are subhuman, or a dangerous and controlling force in geopolitics—or both. Now, many of those millions are pouring into Europe and America—legally or illegally—welcomed by governments that pay scant attention to their background. In the recent past, 56 percent of anti-religious hate crimes in the U.S. were against Jews. Some 18 percent targeted Muslims. Guess which received censorious comment from on high, and which were met with silence?

George Orwell’s old counsel resounds with fresh truth: “To see what is in front of one’s nose requires a constant struggle.” That struggle has yet to be made by the Obama administration, and sadder still, by the Anti-Defamation League itself.

Blind to the Obvious
Anti-Semitism is up, but even the ADL won’t say why.
Stefan Kanfer
July 1, 2016

July 10, 2014

ADL Supports Anti Jewish Opera in New York City

[From article]
Palestinians murdered three innocent Jewish boys in Israel, and the New York Metropolitan Opera is still refusing to cancel a performance that sympathetically portrays the murder of a Jew by Arabs. What’s worse, the Anti Defamation League (ADL) – the most powerful Jewish organization tasked with defending Jewish interests – has made a backroom deal with the Met that allows the anti-Jewish performances to go forward without protest.
The opera – “The Death of Klinghoffer” – is based on a hijacking incident in 1985 on the Italian ship Achille Lauro. While on an anniversary cruise with his wife, Leon Klinghoffer, an elderly Jew from New York who was confined to a wheelchair, was – like Eyal, Gilad and Naftali – shot dead by Palestinians. His body was then thrown into the sea.
The 1991 opera, according to Met general manager Peter Gelb, aims “to understand the hijackers and their motivations, and to look for humanity in the terrorists, as well as in the victims.” In other words: to create sympathy for the killers by making them morally equivalent to Klinghoffer and, by extension, all Jews.

JACOBS: ADL’s Backroom Deal with Peter Gelb and His Hateful Opera
Make no mistake: This opera is anti-Semitic.
Truth Revolt

October 5, 2009

Hugo Chavez, Ousted Honduras President Accuse Jews

Jewish civil rights group condemns anti-Semitic conspiracy theories voiced on Honduras crisis
Associated Press
Washington Examiner
10/04/09 8:15 PM EDT

December 3, 2007

Letter to Council About Noise

Letter to Cambridge City Council November 29, 2007

Cambridge City Council November 29, 2007
City Hall
795 Mass Avenue
Cambridge MA 02139 Cambridge Conformist Party

Honorable City Councilors,

Cambridge Conformist Party

The Boston office of the FBI is an unofficial member of the Conformist Party. They ensure that no party members are ever prosecuted for malfeasance or any criminal abuses. The Boston FBI works closely with the ACLUeless and the high psychiatric priests. In order to maintain access to their sources the Boston Globe, Conformist Party organ, does not publish negative stories about the Boston FBI, no matter how difficult that is.
Citizens have rights guaranteed by the US and the MA Constitution. The Right to Petition, the Right to Redress, and the Right to Access are all parts of the First Amendment to the US Constitution.
Being a citizen has little meaning in Cambridge where limousine liberals grant rights to illegal aliens and give special privileges to members of special interest groups.
The Conformist Party that rules Cambridge and much of Eastern Massachusetts is not a registered political party. It is part of the shadow government, which rules the area. The puppets that run Cambridge City government, and other elected and appointed officials in Eastern MA are members of the Conformist Party.
The puppeteers at Harvard University and at MIT dictate policy and determine what laws will be enforced (and not enforced), and who will be permitted to enjoy the rights enumerated in the Constitutions.
The Conformist party shares a propaganda machine with the Democratic Party, using the Boston Globe to promote the Party Line. The Conformist Party has some members at the Globe who promote the interests of Harvard and MIT and keep unpleasant news about Cambridge from print.

Cambridge Minister of Information

The Minister of Information for Cambridge is Robert Winters who maintains the City propaganda organ online, The Cambridge Conformist Journal. Winters and his fellow Conformist hacks ridicule deviants from Conformist party policies. Winters is also Chief of the Hackerama for Ridicule in Cambridge.
He dutifully reprints propaganda, which he copies from the City websites and from other government publications. Conformist Party members prefer to get their government documents from Winters. They believe with some justification that his site is more reliable than the government information.

Conformist Media Mogul Priests

Former Cambridge City Councilor Jim Braude, charter member of the Cambridge Conformist Party is a high priest of Broadcast Information Technology (BIT). He hosts a daily Cable TV show and co-hosts a daily radio talk show. Like his former Council colleagues he promotes the same interest groups as the career politicians.
Another high media priest of the Conformist Party is Emily Rooney, daughter of 60 Minutes super star Andy Rooney. From her regal perch on taxpayer-funded WGBH-TV the local PBS station, she hosts Conformist Party members who promote themselves and the shadow government of the Party. Rooney ignores discrimination against persons with disabilities. Braude’s guests make hateful comments about persons with disabilities.
Rooney was news director at Boston commercial TV station WCVB-TV for many years. That is where she solidified her prejudice against persons with disabilities. She believes they are clients for Human Services Corporations, the Psychiatric Industry, the Drug Companies and the Academic Research Industry. She frequently has corporate leaders and members of the academic community on her show promoting these ideas.

Anonymous Conformist Soldiers

Conformist soldiers use anonymous handles on blogs promoting Conformist puppets in Cambridge government. They use the First Amendment for government officials to harass, to ridicule and to discredit their critics and to silence victims of government abuses of power.
This was raised to an extreme level when James Bulger ran the Boston FBI office. When a citizen tried to expose the real Special Agent-In-Charge in Boston, Bulger and his gang murdered the 19 potential leaks. Bulger is now allegedly a fugitive. But his criminal empire continues to function silencing critics of the puppets.

Deviants: Useless Eaters Need Treatment

Psychiatry is based upon conformist principles. Mental illness is speech and behavior, which is unacceptable to the high priests of Psychiatry, who rule the Conformist Party. Anyone who deviates from what psychiatrists like or from what they understand, are declared mentally ill. They are not only deviants from the Conformist Party principles, but they are also deviants from proper psychiatric behavior and speech.
Mental illnesses are created as fast as critics are found who deviate from the Conformist Party Line. Criticism of Party officials is a mental illness. Non conformists are mentally ill. In Massachusetts being a New York Yankee fan is a mental illness.
Approved peaceful spokesman for the Conformist Party says “Cambridge people are not intolerant. We are diverse. We love people from El Salvador, from Guatemala, from Haiti and from Iran. Everyone knows that heterosexual men of no color are deviants. We’re trying to weed them out of here to purge the population of useless eaters.”

Role of ACLUeless Conformists

The Cambridge Conformist Party puppets obey the ACLUeless strategists. When the ACLUeless condemned the Commander-in-Chief of US military forces, the Cambridge puppets did the same. The Conformist City Councilors declared Cambridge a Sanctuary City for illegal aliens to support the War on Terror for the other side.
The Cambridge Chapter of the Conformist Party demanded the repeal of the USA PATRIOT Act. They claimed it violated conformist rights. Nonetheless Cambridge Conformists want a policeman on every block to stop city violence some of which is committed by illegal aliens. Contradictions of the Conformist Party are too many to be discussed in this letter.

Cambridge Police Priorities

Cambridge police are much too busy to address violent street crime. They have higher priorities. Cambridge police enforce discrimination laws protecting the five divisions of the Conformist Party.
Jokes are not for everybody. Many jokes do not carry over and across cultural boundaries. I encounter many visitors from other states and from other countries in Cambridge. I offer to help people who are looking at maps. I ask, “What are you looking for?” Then I show them where they want to go. One day I was looking at Harvard’s Memorial Hall. A man from Africa approached me and asked, “What are you looking for?” I looked at him and wondered if he was making fun of me. I live near Memorial Hall.
I said to him, “I’m looking for love, money and power.”
He laughed and said to me “That’s funny.” as he walked away smiling and looking back at me.

P-Whipped Cambridge Cops

This joke is not always received as well. On Friday August 24, 2007 I went to the Fresh Pond Whole Foods store at about 9:30 PM. It was the second time I was in that store since it was the Bread and Circus.
A woman employee was placing containers of fruit into a shopping cart. As I passed her she said to me, “Can I help you?” I ignored her because I did not need any help. I also do not like when police approach a person in a store they want to arrest saying, “Can I help you?”
She asked me again, “Can I help you? I saw you walking around and looking.”
I said to her, “I’m looking for love, fame and power.” I paused. Then I asked “You can’t help me with that can you?”
She looked at me. When I passed the customer service desk walking to the checkout lanes, I saw a uniformed Cambridge police officer, who used to work details at the Porter Square Star Market.
While waiting in the checkout lane, the officer moved to the front of the lane in which I was standing. I thought nothing of it at first. Then I recalled my comment to the women in the produce section. I wondered, “Did she complain about what I said?”
The officer walked away from the line. I thought I was being paranoid thinking he was standing there for me.
After I paid for my items I walked out of the store. The officer was standing outside of the store keeping late arrivals from entering the store, which had closed.
The officer asked me, “Can I speak with you?” I was wrong. He was standing at the checkout for me.
He asked me if I said anything to a woman in the store. I told him what I said. I told the officer I’m from New York. I tell jokes. Sometimes they don’t carry over into other cultures. The woman was from Central or South America. She is not a fashion model.
I discussed this event at length with the officer. I asked him “What’s the crime, harassment?” He said it was. I asked, “She was alarmed?” I did not add “rationally?”
He stated he knew I had no intent to cause her alarm. He said that he too is or was a wise ass. I inquired about the fact that as an immigrant, whether legal or illegal it was suspicious that she was aware of the discrimination laws. I mentioned how some immigrants come to the US and want to kill us but they are well versed in the discrimination laws and claim they are victims.
I said, “I’m a citizen.” I did not mention 35 years of harassment from organized crime families about which the City of Cambridge ignored my complaints. I told about a Harvard lawyer who complained about my criticism of Harvard. I said I told the lawyer I thought I was being civilized considering what Harvard did to me. I told the officer “I respond with pen and paper, not weapons.”
I noted that the woman was not attractive to me. She may have an exaggerated self-image thinking that all men wanted to bed her. I also wondered how this was an issue.
I asked the officer how my alleged pass at her was an issue for the police. Was it a crime to ask a woman to go to bed? He declared that she was entitled to be free from a hostile work environment.
This raised a further issue. Are the Cambridge police enforcing private corporations’ work rules? Isn’t that an issue for the MCAD or the EEOC? I told the officer I did not think that hostile work environment applied to customers. It is for a employee’s superiors. He disagreed. I told the officer of my experiences at CCTV where women harassed me and that the management laughed at me when I complained. I did not tell him about homosexuals who rubbed up against me (sexual assault) in work places.
Assuming that the officer was being truthful, why did he respond to the complaint? He said that he knew me. He knew the name of my television show which I used to do on CCTV. He did not know the law and misapplied it in any case.
Moreover, if the Cambridge police were now enforcing discrimination laws, why do they openly harass persons with disabilities contrary to city policy, state and US laws?
The officer’s response to the alleged crime shows that the Cambridge Police are p-whipped by the Women’s Lobby. A feminist runs Harvard. A feminist runs MIT. It appears feminists run the Cambridge Police and the City Manager’s office too. The standard for speech and conduct is not law but what the loudest whiners want?
I did not argue with him because I know police love to arrest people. I recalled vividly how in 1990 when I complained about police harassment, the Cambridge police arrested me and held me for 78 days. The seven lawyers assigned all worked for the police and put on no defense. That police frame-up is still being used to scare people. In August 2007 Harvard police and the tenant of record tried to repeat the event of 1990.
I told the officer about another incident with women. I asked him if these were all lesbians or man-hating women. He said they were all kinds. He revealed that he was aware that the pendulum has swung too far with this ability of women to complain about men for minor incidents, which do not rise to level of being a crime.
We discussed the many murders of women by their boyfriends and husbands. I asked, “Why don’t they just kill themselves? Why do they need to kill the women first?” I lamented the murder of young babies by boyfriends and stepfathers.
Another Cambridge citizen told me that a Cambridge police officer called him to tell him that it was illegal to discriminate against illegal aliens.

ACLUeless and Psychiatry

ACLUeless is unaware of psychiatric abuses. They do not believe that psychiatrists employed by organized crime families would enter an apartment to place drugs into foods ingested by critics of the Conformist Party. ACLUeless believes that if a person complains about such criminal abuses by police and psychiatrists that the person is mentally ill. The ACLUeless believes that if a person is mentally ill then the Conformist Party should ignore everything the person says. That’s how the ACLUeless complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act. The ACLUeless believes that psychiatrists have genes cleansed of greed, mendacity and sadism. They stand beside the Cambridge puppets that strictly follow ACLUeless policies.

Is the ADL Conformist?

The Anti Defamation League of B’nai B’rith is the most successful fighter of hate speech and discrimination in the country. They are better than the Civil Rights Division of the US Department of Justice, whose main function is writing letters to public officials explaining the law. Beginning with hate speech against Jews the ADL expanded its focus to include the same four divisions of the Conformist Party as the Cambridge City Council’s focus. Like the City Council and the Conformist Party and the ACLUeless the ADL excludes persons with disabilities from their interest groups. The question is, “Has the ADL joined the ACLUeless as a division of the Conformist Party?”

El Poo-Bah

The Cambridge Conformist-in-Chief (el Poo-Bah) City Manager brought workers from El Salvador and Guatemala to Cambridge to complain about US military abuses. “The people of El Salvador need love,” they shouted. The Conformist Party ignored the needs of vulnerable Cambridge citizens and showered the visitors with love.
Cambridge Conformist policy condones abusing vulnerable citizens who have no rights under Conformist policies. Conformist policy approves using persons with disabilities for medical research experiments without consent. They protect animals from research abuses. “It is a matter of priorities,” their website says.
In November 2007 the City Manager (el Poo-Bah) puppet held a public teach-in to reveal why Conformist members love Iranians. The President of Iran wants to kill all Americans and Jews, and wants to eliminate Israel. Conformists say “No problem.”

Conformist Boy Scout Policy

Boy Scout troop (# 45?) ignored Conformist Party policies. They sought and were granted permission to place collection boxes for US soldiers at polling places on Election Day November 6, 2007. 24 percent of eligible voters came to the polls on Election Day 2007. The Boy Scouts thought some voters would make a contribution to help the soldiers fighting for the rights of the Conformist Party members.
One member of the Conformist Party Central Committee (allegedly the Homosexual Division) objected. The Chief Legal Theorist of the Cambridge Conformist Party ordered the collection boxes removed. Ordinary citizens rallied by FOX News (considered to be a deceptive lying and criminal corporation by the Conformist Party), expressed outrage. The Conformist Party Central Committee official claimed that the Boy Scouts promoted the war.
The Homosexual Lobby controls the Cambridge Conformist Party. The Lobby condemns the Boy Scouts because they refuse to allow homosexuals to be troop leaders. The Homosexual Lobby says that the Boy Scouts are warmongers.
Responding to national outrage that the Conformist Party thwarted the efforts of the Boy Scouts, the Cambridge City puppets declared they are misunderstood. They say they oppose the war and the Commander-in-Chief. But they say they support the troops. Why they even violated state law to pay some city employees their full city salary and their military pay. They got state approval to pay others both full salaries while they work for the Commander-in-Chief.
The Cambridge elected puppets of the Conformist Party asked the Chief Conformist City Manager (el Poo-Bah) to allow the Boy Scouts to collect contributions at fire stations, libraries and City Hall. They want to show the world how much they love the Boy Scouts. The Homosexual Lobby remains silent.
The voters are happy because they are the real conformists in Cambridge, re-electing the same people over and over again and again. The Conformist Party moved one member from the City Council to the state house (he supports young people). Now they have nine Conformist Party members on the City Council. They all support housing, the environment and education. How can you not love them all? They all conform to the party priorities designed by Harvard and MIT.

Conformist Divisions

There are five divisions of the Conformist Party in Cambridge. The Feminist Caucus accuses men of sex crimes. The Persons of Color Caucus accuses white men of racism. The Illegal Alien Caucus accuses white citizens of racism. The Business Caucus (formerly called Organized Crime families) takes turns threatening, disturbing the sleep and slandering critics of the Conformist Party. The Homosexual Caucus stalks the Boy Scouts to prevent them from recruiting on the Harvard and MIT campuses.
Robert Winters is not only the Minister of Information for the Cambridge Chapter of the Conformist Party he is also the approved Conformist pundit for commentary on local government for the Cambridge Chronicle and the Harvard Crimson. Other Central Committee approved conformist commentators include Glenn Koocher and John Moot.
The Business Caucus, which runs Eastern Mass is unable to get permission to permanently silence one of the few remaining critics of Cambridge Conformists. They are reduced to preventing him from sleeping, threatening him, slandering him, tampering with newspapers he gets delivered, and having him repeatedly evaluated by Conformist (is that redundant) psychiatrists. They tap his phone intercept snail mail, email and FedEx deliveries. Conformity has its priorities.

Progressive Conformists

Though the Conformist Party controls the regular Democratic Party mechanism in Cambridge there are some Conformists who want to be different. AH-hem! They created the Progressive Democratic Party of Cambridge to make their distinctive mark on local policies. The current Chairman is Lesley Phillips who is also a Ward Committeeman for the Regular Democratic Party. This wing of the Conformist Party just elected Sam Seidel as a City Councilor to firm up their lack of conformity on that government body. This non-conformist division of the Conformist Party adamantly derides persons with disabilities citing Robert Winters’ ridicule on his Conformist Central Committee approved web pages.
One unifying policy of the Conformist Party is intolerance of non-conformists. Conformists and regular Democrats alike designate non–conformists mentally ill. Republicans who are scarce in Cambridge agree that non-conformists are a threat to the well being of Cambridge. That explains the solid support among Conformists for psychiatry. Most psychiatrists are card-carrying members of the Conformist Party. They write the rules for conformity -- what is acceptable thought, speech and behavior, and what is not. It was natural for them to become conformists because they share interests and views of reality with the politicians in Cambridge where the Conformist Party was founded.

Most Vulnerable Conformists

Conformist Councilors in Cambridge earn $100,000 in salary and benefits for a part time job. This puts them in an upper level economic class. Most Cambridge Conformist party members (the ones that vote) in Cambridge share their economic status.
Would that explain why City Councilors refer to upper class women as “some of the most vulnerable?” During the discussion of the decision of the Cambridge Health Alliance to end OB-GYN services at the Windsor Street Clinic, two Councilors referred to the women as “some of the most vulnerable.” At the Council meeting were women with PhDs., women who worked as medical professionals, and women city officials.
Some Conformist politicians grew up poor. Bill Clinton began life in a modest home. Deval Patrick claims an underprivileged start to his life as a Harvard corporate lawyer. Marjorie Decker boasts of her young life in “public housing.” But like the two multi millionaire politicians she forgot where she came from. She now has an MA Degree from Harvard’s JFK (“Life is not fair.”) School of Government.
In November 2007 during discussion of amending the Noise Ordinance to regulate leaf blowers, Conformist City Councilor Brian Murphy, a Harvard lawyer (redundant?) referred to the leaf blower operators as “Some of the most vulnerable.” The citizens who demand an end to leaf blower noise cannot understand why the men and women who operate these annoying machines are getting consideration from the Conformist Party. Does el Poo-Bah have anything to do with that?
When the Conformist Party wants to regulate an activity they are unconcerned whether they have jurisdiction to do so. In the case of noise at work that is definitely an issue for the US Government Department of OSHA. But never let it be said that the Conformist Party abstained from pandering when they had an opportunity.
Why are snow blowers not included in this ordinance? And what about wet vacs? They all make as much noise. Are there too many items for a conformist to consider at once? Are the Conformists confused?

August 26, 2007

ADL Ignores Bias Toward Persons With Disabilities

ADL Ignores Bias Toward Persons With Disabilities

The reluctance of the National ADL to officially recognize the Armenian
genocide is not an anomaly. (Michael Levenson, "For longtime ADL leader, a rare
reversal of course," Boston Globe, August 22, 2007) For several years I asked
the ADL locally and nationally to address serious institutionalized
discrimination against persons with disabilities. The ADL ignores the abuses as
they did with the Armenian genocide.
The ADL acts as journalists and politicians do. They consider issues raised
by wealthy and politically connected persons. Instead of focusing on abuses of
vulnerable persons, journalists, politicians and the ADL help wealthy
individuals who are members of politically connected groups. Those who need the
help the least get special privileges due to their identity not according to
their need.

Roy Bercaw, Editor, ENOUGH ROOM

For longtime ADL leader, a rare reversal of course
By Michael Levenson,
Boston Globe Staff
August 22, 2007

He has stood up to Mel Gibson, Jimmy Carter, Louis Farrakhan, and the president
of Iran. But Abraham H. Foxman, the director of the Anti-Defamation League,
backed down yesterday after a standoff with Armenian-Americans in Watertown drew
the attention of some of the nation's most prominent Jewish leaders.

Foxman, a Holocaust survivor, reversed course and acknowledged that the
slaughter of 1.5 million Armenians by Ottoman Turks was genocide. The change
stunned those who have followed Foxman's 42-year career at the ADL, where he has
rarely bowed to critics.

Jewish leaders said Foxman, who has made it his life's mission to fight
anti-Semitism and injustice, had little choice but to acknowledge the Armenian
genocide. Elie Wiesel, the famous Jewish author, had already endorsed the
position, and this week counseled Foxman to follow his lead.

"This issue resonated so deeply with the Jewish community that he simply could
not resist the pressures from below," said Harvard Law School Professor Alan M.
Dershowitz, a self-described Foxman fan. "He had to listen to the people, and
the people spoke in a loud and clear voice. The people said: 'Truth first.
Politics second.' "

Last week, Foxman fired Andrew H. Tarsy, the ADL's New England director, after
Tarsy defied the national group's policy and agreed to call the Armenian
massacre genocide. Foxman said he worried that using the term genocide could
alienate Turkey, a rare Muslim ally of Israel. In a letter, Foxman wrote, "No
organization can or should tolerate such an act of open defiance."
Michael Levenson can be reached at

March 10, 2007

ADL Fights Anti Immigrant Bias

The ADL jeopardizes its reputation "saying that hostility toward immigrants represents a growing form of intolerance." The intolerance is toward illegal immigration. If the ADL cannot make the distinction it has joined the many interest groups who distort reality and confuse the public. (Yvonne Abraham, "For ADL, another mission, Group will combat anti-immigrant bias," Boston Globe, March 17, 2007)
Also troubling is Andrew Tarsey's comment, "We fight against bigotry in all forms." The ADL local and national ignored my many inquiries about why the ADL ignores the hatred toward and exploitation of persons with disabilities especially persons accused of psychiatric illness.
Perplexing is the ADL's opposition "authoriz[ing] State Police to arrest people who are here illegally." Persons with disabilities are arrested by police who openly advocate using electrical weapons (TASERs) on persons with disabilities who committed no crime and who live here legally.
The ADL joins the ACLU promoting the interests of wealthy and politically powerful groups while ignoring vulnerable individuals with disabilities. It is shameful that that ADL has lowered its standards to compete for support among the powerful and ignores continued exploitation of the weak.
Roy Bercaw, Editor
Cambridge MA USA

For ADL, another mission Group will combat anti-immigrant bias
By Yvonne Abraham,
Boston Globe Staff
March 17, 2007

The Anti-Defamation League of New England, saying that hostility toward immigrants represents a growing form of intolerance, is making the fight against anti-immigrant sentiment a significant focus of the 60-year-old organization. Leaders of the ADL, which is known primarily for its efforts to combat anti-Semitism, say they are alarmed at the animus toward immigrants that seems to be surfacing as the debate over securing the country's borders intensifies.
Andrew Tarsy, regional director of the ADL of New England, said recent events in immigrant communities around Boston demonstrate the urgency for more activism. "We fight against bigotry in all forms," Tarsy said. "It has become clear both in the extremist world and even in the mainstream that the conversation about immigrants is laced with bigotry." The efforts will take several forms: events to reach out directly to immigrants; advocacy on state and local immigrant issues; monitoring hate activity in communities; and meeting with police chiefs to alert them to possible tensions in their communities over immigrants.
On Thursday, the ADL will host its first immigrant-themed Passover Seder titled "Nation of Immigrants." The dinner for 800, including hundreds of immigrants, will highlight Passover traditions that celebrate the exodus of Jewish people from slavery in Egypt and feature readings of stories of immigration throughout the dinner. The readings will include passages from the Book of Exodus and Mexican labor activist Cesar Chavez.
ADL leaders hope they will raise awareness of the immigrant experience among the organization's members while promoting understanding between Jews and immigrants. "The story of Passover is: We were slaves, and then we were free," Tarsy said. "And you need to tell that story in every generation and appreciate that freedom. It's an insight into other human conditions, like immigration, the journey to be part of a diverse America, where we respect differences."
Earlier this month, the ADL held a youth congress, in which 800 high school students discussed the way the debate over immigration was playing out in their schools. Some immigrant students told their own stories of harassment and discrimination. Tarsy said there has been an upsurge in anti-immigrant activity nationally among organizations such as the Ku Klux Klan. The ADL here received reports in the last week of hate literature about immigrants being distributed in Taunton, Easton, and Brockton by another group, he said.
In Massachusetts, the influx of tens of thousands of new immigrants has led to tensions in some communities. The ADL, among the most influential civil rights organization in the region, has been working alongside immigrants' rights groups to stem the expansion of state and local powers to enforce immigration laws, such as former Governor Mitt Romney's push to authorize State Police to arrest people who are here illegally. While immigration has grown increasingly central to the local ADL's concerns over the past year, the organization plans to make a more public push on the issue. "Hate against one is hate against all," Tarsy said. "There is a bigotry here that comes from a very dangerous place." He said a March 6 immigration raid at a New Bedford leather goods factory and the consequences for families of arrested workers, "put a human face on this abstraction everybody's talking about." Regardless of one's stance on border control and immigration laws, Tarsy said, the raid demonstrated the need "to treat people with greater compassion," which is the message the ADL wants to convey. Leaders point out that the ADL has a long tradition of working for causes other than anti-Semitism. The organization was prominent in the civil rights struggles of the 1950s and 1960s and has supported the liberalization of immigration laws for decades. "Historically, the Jewish community has always cared about immigration issues," said Jonathan Sarna, professor of American Jewish History at Brandeis University and author of "The Jews of Boston." "So many Jews were immigrants or are descendants of immigrants," he said. Still, Tarsy said, there is a clear need to act now, because "this is a critical moment in the American conversation about immigration." "There is an urgency to humanize the issue in 2007, so that [immigrants do] not become some abstraction facing all manner of exclusion and suspicion," he said. Tarsy said that minority groups gain power when they unite and that it is in the Jewish community's interest to reach out to Hispanics, the fastest-growing minority group in the state, and one with increasing clout nationally. The regional ADL's emphasis follows a similar push by the 94-year-old national organization. "Jews have long understood, and the Boston ADL understands better than almost anybody, that, as a small minority in America, their clout totally depends on their ability to build coalitions," he said. One Hispanic leader welcomed the ADL efforts. "I don't think there were many efforts in the past to bring together Latino and Jewish communities," said Vanessa Calderon-Rosado, chief executive officer of Inquilinos Boricuas en Accion, or Puerto Rican Tenants in Action, which is helping to organize Thursday's Seder. "We haven't done a good job yet." Sarna said Jewish leaders hope that as Latinos recognize the Jewish community's support for their issues, Latinos, whose political clout is expected to grow with their numbers, will support Jews on other issues, such as US Middle East policy. Building coalitions between Jews and Latinos is not without challenges, however. A 2005 ADL survey found that 35 percent of Latinos born outside the United States hold "hard core anti-Semitic beliefs," while 19 percent of Latinos born in the United States fall into the same category.