Showing posts with label Columbia University. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Columbia University. Show all posts

June 10, 2016

Celebrities Helping Celebrities

Columbia Law School Visiting Professor Amal Clooney took on the case of former Maldives president and climate change activist Mohamed Nasheed (left), after he was ousted by the military and sentenced to 13 years in prison in what has been described as a politically motivated sham trial.

Here is one more example of how elite celebrities help other elite celebrities enjoy access to courts via celebrity lawyers. Also it indicates that resources of Americans are being used to help other countries but not American citizens. Internationally famous Amal Clooney, represents the former President of the Maldives. Ordinary civilians are often unable to access courts to get relief from abuses. I know I am not the only person. This gentleman is celebrated as the first democratically elected president of the Maldives. He had enough supporters to get elected. Were there no lawyers who supported his efforts and success even in other countries? When he was jailed were there no lawyers available to him? The prestigious Columbia University Law School which includes the prominent former United States Attorney General Eric "White people are cowards" Holder, among its alumni, uses its resources to assist this abandoned gentleman to get temporary release from prison for medical purposes. How many ordinary civilians have such internationally famous help when they are abused by their government?

Recently I wrote about obvious misguided priorities of the United States law enforcement community regarding the killing of a Massachusetts policeman by a known violent criminal with a lengthy arrest and conviction record. At this link

It is not the first time I focused on this counter productive pattern of abuses of power. Nonetheless the abuses continue. I am not a celebrity. One additional element that makes the news often is the pattern of women being raped. They do not report the crime to authorities. They say, "I did not think anyone would believe me." In the case of the 50 women who reported being drugged and raped by Bill Cosby some of them did go to a lawyer who laughed at them. I got the same reaction from many people who know me. Many elected officials and police officials had the same reaction. They have the added excuse that for many years government criminals who conduct this abuse have generated concurrent character assassination which includes relentless, "He's crazy." to cover up their criminal abuses.

In June 2016, after many years of participation, Chinese Communists and the California crime Syndicate, have the primary roles conducting abuses. These include disturbing my sleep every hour, or keeping me awake. Tampering with communications, telephone, computer and cable TV. Surveillance and character assassination. Abuses of power using psychologists and psychiatrists trying to provoke violence in order to get control. They disagree with the American system of individual rights. The current White House supports this un-American view, but that is another story. One young man visiting at Harvard University from China, told me maybe it is time to get rid of individual rights.

During our brief conversation he verified his belief that the highest form of service is to serve their government. Not their country, their government. At the same time he insisted that the United States is a leader and must provide assistance to other countries when they are in need. I asked why these countries are often filled with people who hate Americans. He repeated his belief that it is the duty of Americans to help others. Yet he was unable to understand why it is the strong individual rights that allowed the population of the United States to achieve its wealth and successes. U.S. Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) recently claimed that the government developed the iPhone, not Steve Jobs. The often delusional congresswoman shows it is not just Communists who fail to appreciate individual rights. 

But it does explain why there are Chinese Communists harassing me every day trying to provoke violence. I support individual rights. They do not. The California crime Syndicate harassed me since 1968, and continues to do so without reason. It seems as if they target me to train their young criminals. Groups of police thugs are trying desperately to provoke violence in order to discredit me and/or to get control of me by putting me in jail or a mental hospital. As if 45 years of character assassination did not discredit me enough. These are not the first criminal police employees to try to do this. It is a daily event in my life. These are the same people who try to make me into a homosexual using behavior conditioning--a failed project after 45 years. They beat a dead horse using taxpayer funds and abuse police powers contrary to law. Then there is also my life which was uncivilly disrupted in 1973 when government psychiatrists drugged me for 80 consecutive days using hallucinogens, because they thought I was a spy. Hahaha. Misguided priorities. Is that all this is? 

In 1990 the California crime Syndicate hired police employed by Cambridge, MA and Somerville, MA for a frame-up. This is briefly described at above link and elsewhere on this blog. Keep in mind that the crime families and police who participated in the 45 years of criminal abuse, consistently declared "He's a Communist." That was to justify why they attacked me relentlessly, but did not explain what the Communists did.

Unlike the former President of the Maldives, the seven (I fired them all) taxpayer funded lawyers were also paid by the crime families, to NOT put on any defense. The morally superior Cambridge, MA city officials, who just changed Columbus Day to Indigenous Persons Day, remains silent and has no comment on court abuses of a law abiding citizen. They remain focused on getting re-elected and stealing taxpayer funds.

[From article]
When former Maldives president and international climate change activistMohamed Nasheed finally arrived in London in January, after spending almost a year in prison, few people outside of his family were as relieved as his lawyer, Columbia Law School Visiting ProfessorAmal Clooney.
Tense negotiations with the Maldives government had been touch-and-go until his plane was airborne, and Clooney anxiously awaited word that Nasheed, the first democratically elected president of the island nation, had been freed temporarily for medical treatment. “It was a big relief when I saw him walk down the terminal at Heathrow and give his wife Laila a big hug,” she recalled.
For Clooney, a senior fellow at Columbia Law School’s Human Rights Institute, the wait had been long, intense, and occasionally unnerving. Aided by two Law School students working within her legal team, Kristina Ravic ’15 LL.M. and Fang Yi Liu ’16, Clooney was part of an international campaign to win freedom for Nasheed, who had been ousted by the military in 2012 and later sentenced to 13 years in prison in a politically motivated sham trial. For Nasheed, of course, the wait had been longer. His road to freedom began four years earlier at Columbia Law School—though at the time, he had no idea his visit to Morningside Heights would prove to be so fortuitous.
Behind the Scenes
Just months after Nasheed had been deposed, Columbia Law School Professor Michael B. Gerrard,director of the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law, invited him to speak at a public event co-sponsored by the Sabin Center and Columbia University’s Earth Institute. Gerrard moderated the discussion.
[. . .]
For Nasheed’s case, Clooney drew on research conducted by Columbia Law School students.
The case illustrated lessons from the Columbia Law School course Clooney has co-taught for the past two years with Sarah H. Cleveland, the Louis Henkin Professor of Human and Constitutional Rights and faculty co-director of the Human Rights Institute.

From Morningside Heights to the Maldives
How International Human Rights Lawyer Amal Clooney Came to Represent Former Maldives President Mohamed Nasheed, with Help from Columbia Law School Professors and Students
May 12, 2016

May 15, 2016

University President Salaries Skyrocket

Columbia University President's Salary, $4.6 million

[From article]
In his last year as the head of public markets for the Harvard Management Company, Stephen Blyth—now the CEO of Harvard’s investment arm—earned $3 million less than he did the year before, making about $8.3 million in the 2014 calendar year compared to $11.5 million in 2013.
University President Drew G. Faust saw a pay increase—though her compensation was again dwarfed by those of top HMC executives—taking home $1.2 million over the course of the year, roughly $91,000 more than she received in the previous year. The figure includes $810,884 in salary and $153,460 in benefits such as her residence at 33 Elmwood Ave. in Cambridge, according to recent Internal Revenue Service tax filings. Still, the presidents of other peer institutions often make much more than Faust; Lee C. Bollinger, the president of Columbia University, made $4.6 million in 2013, according to a Chronicle of Higher Education database. Amy Gutmann ’71, the president of the University of Pennsylvania, made more than $3 million that year.

Faust Made $1.2 Million in 2014
Stephen Blyth, then head of public markets for HMC, made $8.3 million in calendar year 2014
May 15, 2016
UPDATED: May 15, 2016, at 6:57 p.m.

March 15, 2016

Exposing Campaign To Destroy United States, Trump Threatens Socialists, Elitist Washington, DC Political Oligarchs

[From article]
“Critical theory” is the academy’s weasel phrase for nontraditional scholarship that seeks to change society instead of studying it. Traditional scholarship would, in other words, be “traditional theory” rather than “critical theory.” The “critical” has nothing to do with understanding and explaining society. It has everything to do with censuring and changing society. It’s the academic provenance of Obama’s political vow to fundamentally transform America.

That nexus should surprise no one. The academy’s the laboratory of culture. All politics are cultural. Obama’s the academic product of Occidental College, Columbia University, and Harvard University. And the modern American academy’s the leftist hotbed of domestic neo-Marxist social activism. Indeed, when the Nazis chased Max Horkheimer’s critical-theory Institute for Social Research out of Germany in 1933, Horkheimer in 1934 reformed the Institute as part of Columbia University Department of Sociology. That same year, Herbert Marcuse, an Institute colleague, followed Horkheimer to the reincarnated Institute at Columbia University before joining the CIA’s predecessor during World War II.
Karl Marx got the ball rolling: “The philosophers have only interpreted the world . . . the point is to change it.” But Marxism at the end of a rifle barrel didn’t work out well in the Soviet Union, and it was Horkheimer’s critical-theory Institute which restated neo-Marxism’s objective:
The Revolution won't happen with guns, rather it will happen incrementally, year by year, generation by generation. We will gradually infiltrate their educational institutions and their political offices, transforming them slowly into Marxist entities as we move towards universal egalitarianism.
But it was Marcuse himself who -- teaching from 1951-1976 at Columbia University, Brandeis University, and the University of California (where he remained a Professor Emeritus until his death in 1979) -- would go on to preeminently lead critical theory’s long march through the modern American academy (a fait accompli since chronicled by Allan Bloom, Roger Kimball, and Dinesh D'Souza).
[. . .]

So what does critical theory’s cultural Marxism do when its own failure becomes empirically manifest? It shuts down discourse, as every utopian ideology everywhere has always done when it senses the proletarian pack hot on its trail.
“Political correctness is,” as Theodore Dalrymple said, “communist propaganda writ small.”
[. . .]
The secret of Trump’s Republican presidential political success is that mainstream America is terminally sick and tired of a culturally-Marxist political correctness that has squelched it into “a society of emasculated liars.” If Trump’s anything, he’s the antithesis of political correctness. And mainstream America is turning to Trump not because he’s a lifelong principled conservative but because he’s the living and breathing negation of political correctness. Mainstream Americans who empirically sense cultural Marxism’s deconstruction of their traditional society, but can’t object without being condemned as racists, sexists, homophobes, or simply mean-spirited reactionary rednecks, are in full-blown revolt against their critical-theory jailors. And Trump -- political incorrectness incarnate -- is their natural leader.

The Republican Party needs to wake up to this reality because the revolt involves much more than the working-class Republicans at whom the Party elites turn up their patrician noses. The revolt involves every man and woman in America -- liberal or conservative, male or female, rich or poor, Republican or Democrat -- whose disgust at cultural Marxism’s repression of their freedom to engage in a principled dialogue about the future of their society is now at the boiling point.
And Hillary Clinton -- the most grotesquely hypocritical politician in American history -- was a Goldwater Republican until she got into ideological bed with the critical theorists at Wellesley College and Yale University. She’d be President today if Obama hadn’t beaten her at her own game.
The great Trump PC jailbreak is about to go down.
And the jailors are getting nervous.

March 13, 2016
The Great Trump PC Jailbreak
By Michael L. Grable

December 11, 2015

Student Protests At Columbia University In New York Get Weird

Columbia students say they feel pressure to join rallies -- like this one, held on campus -- in support of protests at Missouri and Yale.
Photo: J.C.Rice

[From article]
Columbia student activists are pestering peers to attend campus protests and walk-outs in solidarity with college students at Missouri and Yale or risk social isolation, students say.
Organizers posted flyers and sent Facebook messages inviting undergraduates to wear black clothing and join two demonstrations last Thursday to support people of color who are “marginalized and threatened.”
But some students worried they would be “ostracized” if they did not participate or dress in sync, one college parent said.
“There’s been a campaign of intimidation, where students are going dorm to dorm, floor to floor and asking students to go back to their dorms and put on black if they’re not wearing black,” the parent said.
“My daughter told me people are uneasy and fearful,” she added. “Her personal politics are left-wing and she shares their sympathies, but she doesn’t like to feel that she can’t wear blue if she wants to wear blue.”
Some students felt caught between their politics and academic responsibilities.
[. . .]
Hundreds of Columbia students gathered at the South Lawn Thursday, and some speakers heckled bystanders who did not participate.
“Look at those guys playing Frisbee — that is the definition of privilege,” said one speaker.
The students stopped playing Frisbee and left the area.
Another student wearing a T-shirt with the words “Kill White Supremacy” called Columbia a “white supremacist institution.”
She led the crowd in a progression of chants including “I love black people,” “I love all black people” and “I love queer black people,” before adding “I love black criminals” and “I love black people who steal.”

Columbia protesters cheer: ‘I love black criminals’

By Aaron Short

November 15, 2015 | 6:02am

September 29, 2015

Wife of Columbia University Graduate Student Jumps to Death

[From article]
A new Manhattan mom jumped to her death from a sixth-floor window early Monday despite a desperate attempt by her Columbia University grad-student husband to stop her, police sources told The Post.
Jiyunu Kim, 33, who gave birth just four months ago, broke free from her husband’s grasp and jumped out the window of their apartment at 414 W. 120th St. in Morningside Heights at about 5 a.m., the sources said.
She landed in a small courtyard, with the window screen falling nearby.
“I woke up at about 5 a.m. and heard a crash. Then I heard a door slamming and someone taking off running. I heard screaming in Mandarin or Cantonese,” said a resident who refused to provide her name.
A police source said Kim lived in the apartment with her husband, Donghan Kim, 27, who attends Columbia’s Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.

September 17, 2015

Columbia University Greases The Skids For Dumbing Students Down

[From article]
The school is a hotbed of weakness, like Obama in Mom jeans.
I know that if I hopped a subway to Columbia and asked any of the students a political question, I would get the same type of liberal clichéd response. The students believe in diversity but are consistently progressive.
[. . .]
They would say that Obama improved family relationships even though single-mother parenthood has exploded and same sex-marriage has arrived as a joke alternative.
If these are the stupid, repetitive students that come out of Columbia, maybe the radicals in the sixties who tried to take over the administration building were right. I hated them, but maybe they should have burned the university down.

September 12, 2015
Columbia University: One eye open
By David Lawrence

August 27, 2015

Columbia Law School Professor Presents Propaganda As Scholarship

Columbia awarded a JD degree to Eric Holder co-author of the Obama-Holder doctrine, which makes inconvenient laws optional for selected elitists. Relaxed rectitude may be shared by Professor Harcourt. At Columbia Law School is The Sabin Center for Climate Change law. Got no reply when I asked if they thought the sun could be persuaded by law to behave and not to affect the weather on earth. Today's law schools have unusual standards.

[From article]
For the better part of two decades, Columbia University law professor Bernard Harcourt has been on a personal crusade against Broken Windows policing, criticizing both its theoretical underpinnings and its policy applications. A close look at Harcourt’s work, however, reveals not only the weaknesses of his arguments but also his lack of attention to other research findings that conflict with his own. His portrayal of Broken Windows policing, it turns out, is fundamentally inaccurate and incomplete.
[. . .]
Broken Windows policing (as performed by NYPD during the 1990s) involved a great deal of discretion on the part of officers. When it came to disorder, arrest was actually the exception—police were far more likely to handle minor offenses informally.
[. . .]

Harcourt must know that these were the results of the report. Even a casual look at the document shows that the NYPD’s Broken Windows policing involved a high amount of officer discretion. To conclude, as Harcourt does, that Kelling encouraged a high-arrest strategy clearly misrepresents Kelling’s arguments.
[. . .]
In a recent review in the prestigious Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, Anthony Braga and colleagues statistically combined the results of the most rigorous academic studies and found that, overall, police efforts designed to manage disorder reduce serious problems in communities. They conclude that “the results of this systematic review and meta-analysis lend some credibility to the NYPD’s claim that disorder policing was influential in reducing crime in New York City over the course of the 1990s.” Harcourt is either unaware of this research or chooses not to acknowledge it.
[. . .]
Harcourt will likely continue his assault on Broken Windows. But an inspection of much of his writing reveals that his arguments are based heavily on intentional misrepresentation, questionable research, and omission of relevant information. The media outlets that continue to accommodate Harcourt’s promotion of this misleading agenda should take note.

What Passes for Scholarship These Days
A response to Broken Windows critic Bernard Harcourt
August 25, 2015

June 24, 2015

Song Book From Columbia University

[From article]
Columbia graduates have a long and influential history in musical theater. Songwriters Richard Rodgers (CC 1923) and Lorenz Hart (JRN 1916) wrote their first songs for the University Varsity Show in 1919, and Rodgers later paired up with Oscar Hammerstein (CC 1916) to create such classics as Oklahoma and The Sound of Music. Then there's composer John Kander (GSAS '54), who wrote a dozen musicals, including Cabaret and Chicago, with lyricist Fred Ebb.

May 4, 2015
For Some Columbia Alumni, Life Truly is a Cabaret
By Bridget O'Brian

Columbia Songbook Performance
from ColumbiaNews PRO

Before they graduate from Columbia’s School of the Arts, M.F.A. students in the theater producing and management concentration are required to put together a project that has some connection to the University.
As befitting a budding producer, Danielle Gautier, a first-year student in the program, decided to go big on her project. “I got to thinking, `What could I do that would really showcase the Columbia community?’ she said. "I started researching who’s gone here – the composers, the writers, the actors. What I found was that there was more than enough material, so why not use everyone?”

Columbia Songbook Performance from ColumbiaNews on Vimeo.

House of Cards Creator, Speaks At Columbia University School of The Arts Commencement

Beau Willimon, Columbia College, 1999; School of The Arts 2003

[From article]
He writes about the world we live in. . . .
[. . .]
Willimon drew inspiration for his speech in part from the documentary The Fog of War, in which Robert McNamara, the U.S. Secretary of Defense from 1961 to 1968, talks about the Vietnam War and eleven lessons he learned from that conflict.
"I realized these eleven lessons were just as applicable to the making of art as they were to the waging of war," Willimon said. "And maybe it's because making art is a battle of sorts, because if you're not climbing Mount Olympus to spar with the gods, what's the damn point?"
Willimon shared the lessons, elaborating upon each of them:

1. Empathize with your enemy. ("The enemy is fear.")
2. Rationality alone will not save us.
3. There's something beyond oneself.
4. Maximize efficiency.
5. Proportionality should be a guideline in a war. ("I'm going to replace it with something a little more useful, which is, none of us can do this alone, folks.")
6. Get the data. ("Your data set has no boundaries. It's everything from Anna Karenina to the scribblings of a three-year-old child, from a Vermeer in the Met to the beauty of a piss stain on the sidewalk, from the kings and queens of Shakespeare's plays to the hookers and junkies and queens of an SRO on Jane Street.")
7. Belief and seeing are both often wrong.
8. Be prepared to re-examine your reasoning.
9. In order to do good, you may have to engage in evil. ("I think it's applicable if you revise it to 'In order to make something beautiful, you may have to engage in the ugly or the horrific or the uncomfortable.' ")
10. Never say never.
11. You can't change human nature.

"You are the warriors for truth and beauty," he said. "You have to be brave, because your bravery is the only weapon that you actually have."
[. . .]
"The nefarious underlying principle of our social and economic policy — that if you can't make it on your own, somehow you don't deserve to make it — lurks as subtext for all of us, but perhaps especially for young artists," [said Theatre Program Chair Christian Parker]


May 30, 2015

Science Magazine Withdraws Published Survey Study

[From article]
Science magazine Thursday formally retracted a highly touted article about a study gauging the ability of openly gay canvassers to shift voters’ views toward support for same-sex marriage.
Columbia University political science professor Donald Green, one of the article’s authors, requested the retraction on May 19, saying co-author Michael LaCour had been unable to produce the raw data that was used in the study.
[. . .]
The magazine said it based its retraction on misrepresentation of cash incentives for survey participants, false statements about financial sponsorship of the survey, and the inability to produce original data, “which makes it impossible to verify or alleviate concerns about statistical irregularities.”
[. . .]

The study claimed that opinion changes produced by the straight canvassers tended to fade within a few weeks and those voters reverted to their previous, less favorable views of same-sex marriage. It said that the changes in viewpoints produced by the gay canvassers persisted nine months later.
Green began to have misgivings about the study after the integrity of the data was called into question by two graduate students at the University of California, Berkeley, who tried to launch a similar study

Science magazine retracts gay-marriage article
By Fox News
New York Post
May 29, 2015 | 12:53pm

May 28, 2015

Updated (3): Columbia Law School Postpones Exams Due to Stress from Protests, Harvard Law Students, "Me Too!"

Posted December 8, 2014 9:21 PM ET; Last updated May 28, 2015 4:37 PM ET

That does it. I'm petitioning my landlord, and my credit card company for an extension from paying rent, and monthly card payment. Too much emotional and psychological stress, from this national media propaganda campaign. The University of Virginia responded to a report in Rolling Stone magazine by suspending fraternities on campus. Who needs laws and rules? Who needs courts and police? Universities don't need no stinkin' laws. Media drives the nation and Harvard Law School. This campaign shows the strength of the current student body and faculty in their willingness to uphold laws and the constitution of the United States. The law school community prioritizes fairness and justice for all. Who needs the law? What is it that you expect law students and law professors to support? What is law anyway? "Just words." as Harvard Law School graduate, Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick would say. If the current crop of students cannot maintain rational thought processes after reading political propaganda, what can be expected of them when they are practicing law? Does relaxed rectitude explain the popularity of the Obama-Holder doctrine, which permits selected individuals to ignore inconvenient laws?

[From article]
The Texas SCV's design caused a commotion because the organization's logo includes the Confederate battle flag. The Texas committee that approves specialty plates approved the SCV plate before it disapproved it because an official considered the plate "controversial." The Texas Transportation Code says that the state may refuse to create a plate "if the design might be offensive to any member of the public." Yes, any.
A district court rejected the SCV's contention that this decision was unconstitutional, but the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit held that specialty plates are private speech, so the state had violated the First Amendment by engaging in viewpoint discrimination against the SCV.
Texas is appealing to the U.S. Supreme Court, probably in vain. The SCV's brief notes that "every circuit to address a specialty plate program enabling private parties to submit their own specialty plate designs has held that the plates constitute private speech, the First Amendment applies, and regulation has to be viewpoint neutral."
[. . .]
The new entitlement aims to spare the people this burden. At many American colleges and universities, where thinking goes to hibernate, freedom of expression is restricted for the purpose of sparing the delicate sensibilities of the most exquisitely sensitive people on the campuses. The First Amendment is construed to stipulate that there shall be no abridgement of free speech — unless the speech annoys, saddens, angers, dismays or otherwise discombobulates the emotional equilibrium or intellectual serenity of any listener.
Inevitably, this entitlement is expanded to include the right to assume a fetal position and be absolved of burdens if news of some event in the wider world distresses some students. So, Columbia University Law School recently allowed students to postpone final exams if these frail flowers felt that their performance would be "impaired" because they had been traumatized by the fact that grand juries in Ferguson, Mo., and New York did not indict police officers in cases involving Michael Brown and Eric Garner.
Columbia evidently is training lawyers for a United States so tranquil it will not need any lawyers.

A license to debate: State takes aim at the First Amendment
By George Will
Published December 18, 2014

* * *

[From article]
Similar requests have been made at Georgetown Law and Columbia Law School.
[. . .]
The wave of activism was sparked by the decisions of Ferguson and Staten Island grand juries not to indict two police officers in separate cases that led to the deaths of two unarmed black men.

In Light of Grand Jury Decisions, Law Students Petition for Exam Extensions
December 10, 2014

* * *

Eric "White People Are Cowards" Holder's Law Degree Is From Columbia University School of  Law.

Updated December 9, 2014 10:34 PM ET

[From article]
Columbia University Law School has granted exam extensions to students who feel under stress due to the failure of Grand Juries to indict in the deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner.
Now students at my alma mater, Harvard Law School, are demanding similar treatment, as well as excoriating the HLS administration for not publicly feeling their pain.

The Coalition at Harvard Law School created a website for the exchange of letters.
I have confirmed with the Harvard Law communications office that the letters are authentic.
[. . .]
[Group Signers]
Harvard Law School Affinity Group Coalition:
Harvard Asian Pacific American Law Students Association, Executive Board
Harvard Black Law Students Association
Harvard Middle Eastern Law Students Association
Harvard Muslim Law Students Association
Harvard Native American Law Students Association
La Alianza

In support:
Harvard Law School Chapter Advocates for Human Rights
Harvard Defenders
Harvard Environmental Law Society
Harvard Journal on Racial and Ethnic Justice
Harvard Law School Feminist Coalition
Harvard Law School Justice for Palestine
Harvard Law Students for Reproductive Justice
Harvard Law Students for Sustainable Investment
Harvard Prison Legal Assistance Project
Harvard Student Representative Board, Executive Officers
National Lawyers Guild
Students for Inclusion
The Harvard Asia Law Society
Unbound: Harvard Journal of the Legal Left

Harvard Law students also demand exam delay due to Ferguson and Garner
Posted by William A. Jacobson
Monday, December 8, 2014 at 5:15pm

* * *

[From article]
Columbia Law School is permitting students claiming to be impaired due to the emotional impact of recent non-indictments in the Michael Brown and Eric Garner matters to postpone taking their final exams.
[. . .]
Columbia Law School is permitting students claiming to be impaired due to the emotional impact of recent non-indictments in the Michael Brown and Eric Garner matters to postpone taking their final exams.
[. . .]
But anyone so unstable as to be incapable of preparing for and taking exams due to grand jury proceedings not involving themselves or their families should be given an indefinite leave of absence in which to get better.
What is really behind the request for postponement of exams? I suspect it’s the fact that the students in question would rather protest with their friends and perhaps disrupt New York City than read cases, review lecture notes, or whatever it is that students do these days to prepare for exams. In addition, the students in question presumably want the law school to take their side on what they take to be a political question. In other words, this is, in part, a power play.

* * *

[From article]
four professors have made themselves available for that purpose. The four are: Katherine Franke, Conrad Johnson, Olati Johnson, and Susan Sturm.
Who are these professors and what are they likely to say to support traumatized students? The law school’s website answers the first question.
Katherine Franke’s research centers on U.S. racial history; feminist theory; queer theory; sexual and gender rights in global contexts. Her principal areas of teaching are feminist and critical race theory; law and culture; civil rights law; critical legal thought. She is the director of the Center for Gender and Sexuality Law.
Conrad Johnson directed the law school’s fair housing clinic, which specialized in civil rights litigation. He is co-creator of the law school’s first distance-learning offering, the seminar in race-conscious remedies (such as racial quotas). The law school’s website says that he’s a nationally recognized leader in diversity in legal education.
Olatunde Johnson came to Columbia after serving with the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund and the ACLU National Legal Department, for which she was senior consultant on racial justice. Her areas of expertise include anti-discrimination Law, equal protection law, and “public interest” law practice.
Susan Sturm is a professor of law and “social responsibility.” Her areas of expertise include employment discrimination and race and gender.


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May 6, 2015

Columbia University Grad Student, Advocate For Muslim Terrorists, Condemns Free Speech and Demonizes Exercising It

Haroon S. Moghul,  Sharia Law Advocate and Enemy of Free Speech 
[From article]
The clearest indication that Haroon Moghul is a jihad terror-enabling charlatan is the fact that after jihadis attempt to commit mass murder at a free speech event, he doesn’t write a piece defending free speech and explaining why Muslims must accept it, or a piece condemning the Islamic jihadis and explaining why Islam’s death penalty for blasphemy must not be carried out in the modern age, or a piece calling for reform of the teachings and doctrines that Islamic jihadis use to justify violence and supremacism.
Oh, no. You will never see such from his august pen. What Haroon Moghul, fellow at the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding, Fellow at the New America Foundation, perennial Ph.D. candidate at Columbia University, and an energetic purveyor of the spurious concept of “Islamophobia” (a propaganda term designed to intimidate people into fearing to resist jihad terror), serves up instead is yet another in today’s ever-growing pile of condemnations of Pamela Geller for daring to stand for the freedom of speech.
Moghul is desperately afraid that other Americans might realize that standing up for free speech against violent intimidation is a great idea, in the finest American tradition. That would interfere with the mainstream media’s push to get us all to silence ourselves and conform to Sharia blasphemy laws in order to save our skins. And so Moghul pens this vicious little screed in order to convince his easy marks at CNN that Pamela Geller is not really a defender of the freedom of speech but really a very bad person, and to stay on the reservation, not question the elites, and continue to allow for restrictions on the freedom of speech.
[. . .]
Our quarrel is not with Muslims either as individuals or in the aggregate. It is with the elements of Islamic teaching that incite violence and hatred (including and especially Jew-hatred, which is particularly virulent in the Qur’an and Sunnah), deny the freedom of speech and the freedom of conscience, and that encourage oppression of women and non-Muslims. We’re also constantly told that Muslims in the U.S. reject all this. Fine. Then they should have no quarrel with our opposing those things.
[. . .]
a Hamas video that ran on its official TV station, containing the words, “Killing Jews is worship that draws us close to Allah”

Don’t be fooled by Haroon Moghul
MAY 5, 2015 5:33 PM

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Don’t be fooled by Haroon Moghul

April 24, 2015

Columbia University Graduate Killed In Pakistan By White House Drone Was Humanitarian Hostage

Warren Weinstein and his wife, Elaine

This is how the military genius in the White House likes to fight wars. Precision drone attacks. What could go wrong?

[From article]
The American hostage killed by a US drone strike was a grandfather and Columbia University grad who spent more than 30 years serving some of the most impoverished parts of the world.
At an age when others are ready for retirement, Warren Weinstein left his family to work for the US development firm J.E. Austin Associates in 2004, leading small-business growth in rural Pakistan.
He found a love for the culture, becoming proficient in Urdu and occasionally wearing local dress.
“He loved and respected the Pakistani people and their culture . . . and did everything he could to show his utmost and profound respect for the region,” his wife, Elaine, said Thursday.
Weinstein was kidnapped days before he was to leave Pakistan.
Gunmen broke into his Lahore home Aug. 13, 2011. He remained captive until his death at age 73.

American killed in drone strike dedicated to family, the poor
By Beckie Strum
New York Post
April 24, 2015 | 1:14am

April 22, 2015

US Court: Columbia University Did Not Discriminate Against Male Student

Did not see the original complaint or read the decision. Did the Plaintiff's lawyer allege violations of the equal protection clause, as applied to Title IX standards created by university administrators to adjudicate claims of sexual offenses? They usually do discriminate against men at college campuses. 

[From article]
A federal judge on Tuesday threw out a lawsuit by a Columbia University student who alleged the institution has an “anti-male” bias and was pressured by campus women’s groups into suspending him after a female student he had a fling with claimed it wasn’t consensual.
Manhattan Judge Jesse Furman sided with Columbia University officials, saying the suit filed last year by the unnamed student failed to provide proof the plaintiff was discriminated against and suspended because he’s a man.

Judge tosses student’s ‘anti-male’ suit against Columbia
By Rich Calder
New York Post
April 22, 2015 | 1:51am

April 18, 2015

Updated: TV's Harvard Medical School Graduate Dr. Oz Under Attack By Medical Profession; His Response

Posted April 17, 2015 7:27 PM ET; Last updated April 18, 2015 7:58 PM ET

Embattled TV and Columbia University Physician

[From article]
‘I bring the public information that will help them on their path to be their best selves,’ Oz said in a statement released through a representative of The Dr. Oz Show, according to USA Today.
He continued: ‘We provide multiple points of view, including mine, which is offered without conflict of interest. That doesn't sit well with certain agendas which distort the facts.'

Dr Oz hits back at doctors campaigning to get him booted from Columbia University faculty because of his 'lack of integrity' and 'quack treatments'
Dr Mehmet Oz is vice chairman at Columbia's College of Physicians and Surgeons and is a professor of surgery
He said in a statement that his show provides 'multiple points of view', including his, 'which is offered without conflict of interest'
Comes after ten top doctors sent letter to school urging for Oz's dismissal
Said there's no scientific proof his 'miracle' weight-loss supplements work
Columbia said it 'is committed to the principle of academic freedom'
University has not removed TV celebrity doctor from his faculty position
PUBLISHED: 23:35 EST, 17 April 2015 | UPDATED: 08:39 EST, 18 April 2015

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From left to right, Dr Phil McGraw, financial advisor Suze Orman, host Oprah Winfrey, Dr Mehmet Oz and interior designer Nate Berkus participate in The Oprah Winfrey Show live from Radio City Music Hall in 2010.

[From article]
The group of nationally known doctors, in a lacerating letter to his boss, called for the TV doctor’s dismissal from the prestigious post of vice chairman of Columbia University’s department of surgery.
“He’s a quack and a fake and a charlatan,” said Dr. Henry Miller of Stanford, the first person to sign the poison-pen letter.
[. . .]
“I think I know the motivation at Columbia,” he continued. “They’re star-struck, and like having on their faculty the best-known doctor in the country. But the fact is that his advice endangers patients, and this doesn’t seem to faze them. Whether they’re hoping Oprah will come and endow a center for homeopathic medicine, I don't know.”
The one-page letter was also signed by Dr. Gilbert Ross, executive director of the American Council on Science and Health.
[. . .]
The pull-no-punches attack on the surgeon was sent to Dr. Lee Goldman, dean of faculties for Health Sciences and Medicine at the Ivy League school.
“Dr. Oz is guilty of either outrageous conflicts of interest or flawed judgments about what constitutes appropriate medical treatments, or both,” the letter concluded.
“Whatever the nature of his pathology, members of the public are being misled and endangered, which makes Dr. Oz’s presence on the faculty of a prestigious medical institution unacceptable.”
Although his television duties forced Oz to cut back on his hours, he remains a presence at Columbia as a researcher, teacher and physician.
[. . .]
It’s not the first time the 54-year-old Oz has come under fire for his on-air persona. At a Washington appearance in June 2014, a Senate panel blasted Ozfor his endorsement of “miracle” weight loss products that didn’t work.

'A fake and a charlatan': Doctors call for Dr. Oz to be dismissed from Columbia surgery faculty over alleged quack science
Published: Thursday, April 16, 2015, 2:29 PM Updated: Friday, April 17, 2015, 4:39 PM

February 18, 2015

Columbia University Negotiation Instructor Charged With Punching Boyfriend

This is typical of how elitists teach students how to act and to think while they do what they feel like doing. After dumbing down the next generation, they act according to their basest instincts. 

[From article]
A nutty professor who teaches city cops and firefighters how to cool down heated situations assaulted her ex-cop boyfriend because he allegedly cheated on her, police sources said.
Joann Baney, 54, who teaches International and Public Affairs at Columbia University, was arrested Valentine’s Day, at 10:45 p.m., after she slugged retired NYPD sergeant Walter Frey,46, while he was sleeping, according to a criminal court complaint.
“I hit him because he cheated on me,” she allegedly said at the scene while she was being arrested, the documents reveal.
[. . .]
The Ivy League professor is the director of the FDNY Officers Management Institute and a faculty member of the NYPD’s Police Management Institute, according to her bio on the Columbia University website and her LinkedIn page.
Baney was slapped with misdemeanor assault charges, attempted assault and harassment, the documents reveal.
Frey, who retired in 2011, was once arrested for allegedly making harassing phone calls to a Suffolk County woman and was charged with aggravated harassment in December 2002, police sources said.

Columbia conflict-mediation professor busted for punching boyfriend
By Natasha Velez
New York Post
February 18, 2015 | 1:54pm

Baney uploaded a video to YouTube in 2013 which stars her partner Frey. He appears at the 1:28 mark.

December 17, 2014

Columbia University Student, 19, Jumps From Dorm Window

Pictured: Columbia University student, 19, fighting for life after jumping naked from eighth-floor dorm room while 'high'
Male student was found lying naked on support structure beneath third-floor window at 8.15pm Monday
Was rushed to Mount Sinai St Luke's Hospital reportedly suffering from severe internal bleeding; was described as awake and breathing
Student reportedly walked into to eighth-floor room of female student at Wien Hall while high on drugs and began undressing before taking the leap
By Snejana Farberov for MailOnline and Sara Malm for MailOnline
Published: 01:53 EST, 16 December 2014 | Updated: 09:26 EST, 16 December 2014

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“He walked into the girl’s room and climbed into her bed naked. He covered himself up with the blankets. Security was notified. A security officer came to the room and the kid punched him in the face and shoved him out of the room and closed the door,” a law enforcement source said.
It was unclear if the girl was in bed at the time, the source added, but the security guard called the NYPD to report the bizarre behavior.
[. . .]

Brandon Marco 
Photo: Facebook

The jumper, Brandon Marco, 19, was apparently high on drugs and had been acting erratically before entering the woman’s room in Wien Hall at 411 W. 116th St. and Morningside Drive at 8 p.m. Monday, police said.

Columbia student attacked guard before jumping out 8th floor window
By Jamie Schram, Yaron Steinbuch, Kevin Fasick and Kirstan Conley
New York Post
December 16, 2014 | 10:12am

* * *

[From article]
The 19-year-old man had been acting “erratically” before he walked into a woman’s room in Wien Hall at 8 p.m. and took off his clothing, according to police.
Officers were sent to the room after someone in the building called 911. But the student had already leaped out the window.
He was discovered on a third- floor setback and was taken to St. Luke’s Hospital, where he was in critical but stable condition.

Columbia student hospitalized after jumping out dorm window
By Kenneth Garger, Kirstan Conley and Leonica Valentine
New York Post
December 16, 2014 | 2:41am

December 10, 2014

NYC Novel Writer, Barnard College Graduate Found Dead After Apartment Fire

Evelyn Dahab, 33

[From article]
Evelyn Dahab, 33, who wrote a sizzling 2011 novel titled “Incapacitated: Sex, Power, Money, Control,” was found about 3:20 a.m. in her pad at 31 E. First St. at Second Avenue, authorities said.
Dahab, a former partner in the Park Slope bar Lucey’s Lounge and a wine blogger, was a Long Island native and Barnard College grad who had also had a minor role on the soap “Guiding Light,” her distraught mother, Carolyn Dahab, told The Post.
“She was beautiful. She was bright. She wrote a book. She was on ‘Guiding Light’ twice,” she said.
[. . .]
The website goodreads described Dahab’s book as “a haunting, sexually graphic novel about sex, power, money, and control. It’s the story of a young, beautiful Ivy League graduate who is emotionally and sexually paralyzed by the vices of one of New York City’s wealthiest bachelors, an oddly compelling man more than twice her age.”
She said on her Facebook page last month that she had been hospitalized after suffering a bad reaction to a prescription psychotropic drug she had been taking to treat bipolar disorder.

Erotica writer found dead in East Village fire
By Georgett Roberts and Natasha Velez
New York Post
December 10, 2014 | 9:14am

December 5, 2014

Columbia University Freshman Found Dead in Dorm

Posted December 5, 2014 8:47 PM ET

Carman Hall, Columbia University
Photo: Columbia Spectator

[From article]
Joshua Villa, CC ’18, was found dead in Carman Hall on Friday morning, Columbia College Dean James Valentini said in an email sent at 1:35 p.m. on Friday.
Police are investigating the death in Carman Hall, where Villa lived. Villa was from Azusa, California, and graduated in 2014 from Gladstone High School in Covina, California, near Los Angeles.
A police spokesperson did not immediately have more details about the death. A medical examiner spokesperson said that the death was reported to them on Friday morning, and that they are investigating.

Joshua Villa, CC ’18, found dead in Carman Hall
Columbia Spectator Staff Writers
December 5, 2014, 2:06pm
Updated Dec. 5, 2014 5:33 p.m.

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[From article]

A freshman at Columbia University was found dead in his dorm bathroom Friday morning, cops said.
Joshua Villa, 18, was discovered with a bag over his head inside the bathroom at Carman Hall, near West 114th Street and Broadway at 9:10 a.m.
Villa, who was from Azusa, Calif., was a member of the clubs Columbia Mentoring Initiative, Proud Colors and Columbia Queer Alliance, according to campus newspaper the Columbia Spectator.
In the hours before his death, Villa sent out a series of troubling tweets.
“Somebody almost noticed my irrelevancy. As their mind began to question my role, I quickly justified my existence: “I answer the phones,” he wrote.
He also tweeted, “I can’t tell the difference between growth, and becoming something I don’t want to be.”
His last tweet came 12 hours before his death: “There’s not a day goes by.”

Columbia student found dead in dorm with bag over head
By Natasha Velez
New York Post
December 5, 2014 | 12:02pm

November 15, 2014

Fareed Rafiq Zakaria's Writings Questioned Again For Plagiarism

Fareed Rafiq Zakaria
Photo: Emmanuel Dunand/AFP/Getty

[From article]
Fareed Rafiq Zakaria is perhaps America’s most celebrated public intellectual. Born 50 years ago to an elite Muslim family in Mumbai—his father was a prominent Indian politician, his mother the editor of India’s Sunday Times—he boasts a glittering resume that includes a Yale bachelor’s degree and a Harvard doctorate; the editorships of, and articles in, some of the nation’s more influential magazines and newspapers; three favorably-reviewed books on foreign policy; and a prestigious adjunct professorship at Columbia University.
Imperially slim and darkly handsome, possessed of an insinuating charm and a cultured manner of speech that recalls the British Raj, he’s a prized dinner guest in Upper East Side salons, and an occasional adviser on world affairs to President Obama.
[. . .]
“We’re not reporters,” @BlippoBlappo emailed Newsweek, “and we are not looking to use our posts on plagiarism as a means to land a job in the industry.”
[. . .]
Last Friday, Newsweek, where Zakaria had been the longtime editor of the weekly’s international edition prior to the newsmag’s now-defunct merger with The Daily Beast, identified seven articles, dating back to November 2001, that “borrow extensively [from other authors] without proper attribution” and do “not meet editorial standards.”

Can Fareed Zakaria Survive A Plagiarism Firestorm?
CNN presenter Fareed Zakaria has been hit by another wave of plagiarism accusations. Publications are adding warnings to his pieces, though his editors are standing by him.