Showing posts with label Harassment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Harassment. Show all posts

July 12, 2016

Updated(6): Publishing Interruptus, Again July 6, 2016

Posted July 6, 2016 8:45 PM ET; Last updated July 12, 2016 7:17 PM ET

Repeating the unasked question, "Is an enemy spy running the White House?"

[Updated July 12, 2016]
On Tuesday July 12, 2016, the new team of criminals occupying an adjacent apartment provided 11 non stop hours of harassment disturbing my sleep, inflicting intentional emotional and psychological stress, violating the warrant of habitability and the quiet enjoyment of my home. It does no good to complain to the administration of the landlord, i.e., The President and Fellows of Harvard College. They just ignore my complaints. It is a waste of time. It is also my suspicion that the highest levels of that corporation are well aware of the criminal activity and condone it, if not coordinate it.

One gentleman from New Hampshire, employed by the California crime Syndicate entered my building in the early morning, and began disturbing my sleep, inflicting severe emotional and psychological stress during my sleep period. I heard him run from the building and went to see who he was. I noticed him standing across the intersection wearing a blue shirt, near a neighborhood business which is popular with gamblers and Harvard University campus police. He stared at me with hate filled eyes. I do not know who he is but he appeared a few times during the past month. Is he stalking me? I suspect he is one of many police criminals employed by organized crime. He is about five feet six inches tall, weighing about 155. Short black hair, olive skin, round face. He may be from Portugal, Italy or the Middle East.

He returned to the building later for several more attacks. Someone provided him with the keys to the building. This indicates more misguided priorities by police agencies. Police criminals attack and harass me, not just keep me under surveillance.

I remain perplexed at the motive, the reason for all of this attention by police criminals as mentioned in previous updates. One member of this team explained to me, "You're going to New Hampshire." I am? Previous teams ordered me, "You're going to New Jersey." and "You're going to Canada." and elsewhere. This happens everywhere I've lived for the past 45 years. When I get settled they harass me forcing me to move.

From 1973 when government psychiatrists drugged me and the FBI used me to fight organized crime, until 1995 when I landed at this alleged haven, I moved 55 times. That is two and one half times a year for 22 years. The only reason I remain here is that the City of Cambridge made an agreement with the President and Fellows of Harvard College not to displace any persons in place when rent control was repealed by a questionable state wide referendum directed by two Harvard University lawyers. One is running for Vice President and is a former Governor of Massachusetts. It appears that some Harvard University officials especially among their for profit real estate division are openly violating that agreement by trying to force me to move.

Returning to the misguided priorities of these criminals, black terrorists stereotype white police and white men saying they are all racists. White women who refuse to have sex with black men are also racists. They name all white men as racist making them targets for violent black men and women. If white people suggest that all black men and women are violent, white people are demonized for doing what black people are celebrated for doing, by useful idiot journalists. White people stereotyping black people, wrong. Black people stereotyping white people, great insights. Huh? Useful idiot journalists on network television and in print repeatedly broadcast and publish the misguided counterproductive propaganda of black racists and supremacists, their deceptive politicians and PR flack mentors.

That includes not just black people who are descended from black slaves in the United States. But anyone with the acceptable skin color who is not descended from those slaves. The current president and many immigrants from the Middle East and Africa for example. They demand and get special privileges for suffering no harm, at the expense of white people, who are punished, who did no wrong. That is what the White House and his racist supremacist bullies promote every day. That is what they call not dividing the population. Ahem!

Harvard University campus police make threats "You may get hit." Talk about having too much free time. Do they have their priorities straight? Muslim terrorists threaten and kill Americans, Jews, Christians. They broadcast their plans to destroy Israel. Muslim terrorists kidnap, rape and kill young women they use as sex slaves. Black terrorists urge their colleagues to kill white policemen and white men in general. I suspect they include white women who refuse to have sex with black men.

Illegal aliens drain taxpayer funds denying law abiding poor American citizens and veterans, health care and housing. But Harvard University embraces and celebrates the above mentioned destructive groups. The university joins the White House supporting and encouraging lawlessness. They ignore government activity which violates constitutional protections and denies rights to law abiding ordinary individual citizens.

Instead Harvard University campus police and imported criminal thugs, with the university's $37 billion endowment, target a 70-year-old white man who they say is mentally impaired. Campus police bullies, who wear badges and carry guns. They are upset that a vulnerable law abiding elder civilian dares to use words to criticize government abuses and policies, which are supported if not promulgated by Harvard University researchers and faculty. Harvard University directs its resources promoting lawless government, destroying the Constitution and rule by law, toward rule by wealth.

Some of these criminals come to my home to attack me every day. They use sophisticated weapons, illegal in Massachusetts. But police are untrained in stopping their use. Other criminals stand by trying to provoke me to join them fighting organized crime. I did that for 15 years in an impaired state and got nothing for my time and effort. All I got was more abuse from the same criminals who the police were fighting. None of these sadistic predator criminal bullies, none of the $2 billion taxpayer funded human services agencies work to provide a safe place to live, to sleep without being disturbed, to enjoy the benefits of being human in the United States, having friendly people and loving women near.

Instead they surround me with hateful, hostile, violent, sadistic, predators. Most are police, psychologists, psychiatrists, associates of crime families. These anti social people delight in preying on vulnerable persons, provoking them, ridiculing them, humiliating them, bullying, tormenting and torturing them. That is the cutting edge standard, the priorities at the country's wealthiest university. Attacking a 70-year-old white man who they say is mentally impaired. Are they the greatest or what?

* * *

[Updated July 11, 2016 8:20 PM ET]
On Monday morning July 11, 2016, a charming young gentle lady (Communist?) began tenure as primary criminal harasser of a 70-year-old white male. She took over from a gentlemen from the California crime Syndicate, who worked diligently until 4 AM (Sunday night, Monday morning) keeping me alert with his relentless harassment. His gentle lady relief appears to be employed by the Harvard University building superintendents. It is not clear if she is also attached to the delightful and negligently trained Harvard University campus police, or is operating as an ordinary Harvard thug. Actually it was not her first day on the job as noted in a previous update. As I did errands on Monday it was the California crime Syndicate which conducted surveillance using young women as bait. Is that a new idea? Hello?

It appears that Harvard University is being used as a cover for this large criminal organization to conduct their brutal 45-year campaign of criminal harassment, insults, ridicule, humiliation, provocations, and non stop character assassination. It is thoughtful and generous of the richest university in the United States ($37 billion), to provide cover for these criminals who are employed to conduct an obscene campaign harassing a 70-year-old white male that they say is mentally impaired. That is what disability discrimination laws are for, to provide cover to criminals who enjoy harassing persons that they declare are disabled. Nice and convenient too, huh?

As usual when a new team of criminals take control of the daily harassment and surveillance they are dedicated and diligent. They make sure not to miss more than three seconds of harassment, as they follow me from room to room as I try to enjoy the quiet enjoyment of my premises. They Harvard is a thoughtful landlord, providing an incentive (24/7 coverage) using hate-filled and hostile young predators to me to keep moving seeking a place where I may be free from harassment in my own home.

She did not reveal if she too is a graduate student psychologist employed by the prestigious Harvard medical school, who encourages their clients (targets?) to kill themselves. Or if she is an undercover campus police criminal or simply one more thug employed by the building superintendents. In any case it is all Harvard University at this time with employees who are supporters or associates of the California crime Syndicate. It makes for a uniform period of harassment. Until the next team takes over.

Harvard University students, faculty and administrators declare that these employees are "not the real Harvard." They nevertheless ride around Cambridge and Boston in Crimson colored pick-up trucks with the Harvard University motto, Veritas on the side. They are paid with the same tax exempt money as faculty but they are "not the real Harvard." Sounds like something U.S. government politicians would say.

* * *

[Updated July 10, 2016 6:38 PM ET]
Early Sunday morning July 10, 2016 as I tried to go to sleep a charming young woman, maybe one of the several Chinese Communists previously deployed to conduct brutal harassment, visited me again. These women have an un-American view of police and government abuses of power. They believe that the highest form of service is to serve one's government. Not one's country, but the government. They lack any belief in individual rights. Only the government has rights in their view. Thus it is acceptable to attack a citizen, conducting non stop harassment, provocations, humiliations, ridicule, insults, threats, if the government so desires. The employers of these criminals who harass me know how they think and delight in employing them to target me or others.

This charming young woman began with keeping me awake for three hours as I tried to sleep. That was followed with nine more hours, twelve in total for the day, of harassment, disturbing my sleep every one hour, then 90 minutes, and relentless intentional infliction of emotional and psychological stress. That is what they do every day without fail. The only difference is the amount of abuse.

I am still perplexed at their goal. Is it to provoke violence so that they can arrest me and have me put into a mental hospital? Is it to cause me to vacate this apartment as many clueless public officials suggest? Harvard University has a policy of segregation keeping their "people" separate from the riff raff who lack a Harvard degree and or do not work for the holiest university with a $37 endowment. They treat non Harvard humans as second or third class citizens, even many of those who worship the elitist university.

Another possibility is they try to keep up the harassment making it so intense and unbearable so that they will cause me to kill myself. This is not implausible especially in view of the fact that two of their graduate students in psychology at their prestigious medical school who were at the time the primary harassers, encouraged me for many weeks to kill myself. It is a pattern that was recently prosecuted in state courts when a man killed himself after his girlfriend encouraged him to do so for a period of time.

In any case I forgot to include that on Saturday July 9, 2016 as I did errands the California crime Syndicate conducted surveillance and harassment employing their associates in Somerville, MA.

* * *

[Updated July 9, 2016 9:40 PM]
Saturday July 9, 2016 was an exercise in how the various teams of criminals cooperate taking turns harassing me. The day began with one team disturbing my sleep usually un-professional police employees, most often Harvard University campus police employees, including but not limited to students and building superintendents. 

Next a team from New York appeared conducting behavior conditioning trying to make me think I have a serious illness. It is a specific type of behavior conditioning, trying to make me act irrationally so that more people think "He's crazy." It is part of an ongoing effort trying to make me seek medical care when there is nothing wrong with me. It is a long term effort over many years. 

Similar repeating pattern was to spread essential element of character assassination, "He's crazy." so that police, FBI and ordinary civilians believe it. When I sought help from taxpayer funded agencies who protect "crazy people," they turned me away saying, "There's nothing wrong with you. We cannot help you."

Next on July 9, 2016 came various crime family associates especially the California crime Syndicate who with New York Communists and the FBI, leads behavior conditioning trying to make me into a homosexual. They use man-hating feminists, man-hating lesbians to support their sleep deprivation and character assassination. The Midwestern Outfit assisted the above mentioned efforts. Next came threats, "You might get hit." These are usually Communists who make threats on behalf of crime families and the Harvard University campus police. In my limited experiences reading about police and criminals who kill humans, they do not make threats. They just do it and do not announce their plans. 

While I am under 24/7 surveillance and harassment, a disgruntled Texas U.S. Army Reserve veteran gentleman took time from his busy schedule to arm himself using his U.S. military training to shoot white policemen in Dallas, Texas. He killed five and wounded 7 or 8. No one was watching him, even though he openly posted his hatred for white police online. His sister joined him in his black supremacist beliefs posting on Facebook. The White House claims to be unable to discern the motive for the racist mass murders.   

* * *

[Updated July 8, 2016]
The harassment has only increased in intensity and length. It is now non stop whenever I am in my apartment, and when I do errands. I am perplexed at what their goal is. What do they expect to achieve? Do they want me to call the police to complain that police, psychologists and psychiatrists are harassing me? I tried that in 1990. The Cambridge, MA police arrested me and held me for 78 days contrary to law, almost twice the legal maximum, for a competency evaluation, which takes about five minutes. The California crime Syndicate hired police employees from Somerville, MA and from Cambridge, MA for a complete police frame-up. 
It involved seven defense attorneys who were paid to not put on any defense. Five judges. One threatened to put me in a hospital if I testified about what happened to me. Another judge ordered me to appear and to defend myself. After three trials, one year of a continuance without a finding, the arrest was supposed to be sealed, as if it did not happen. Nonetheless after 25 years it still appears on police files scaring anyone who looks me up on those files. It does wonders for social, economic and political lives. At least one lawyer was directing the frame-up knowing how the system works. Many if not all of the alleged defense lawyers were actually black police pretending to be lawyers. It explains why they were so enthusiastic in not making any defense. Not all disgruntled black supremacist men take up long guns and pistols to shoot white men and white policemen. Some use the courts to get revenge on whitey. 

When I sought help from the Cambridge Council on Aging their now director told me, "We don't have any problem with the police." I did not know then, and do not know now what she meant. When I reminded her of her comment she denied making it.

In view of pervasive belief in my perceived disability by police and politicians, it creates a legal disability. Not that that brings any protection from more abuses. On the contrary, the perception of a disability increases the likelihood of more criminal abuses by police, psychologists and psychiatrists. What makes sense is their goal is to control me. It is the only thing that makes sense. Not that any activity by government bureaucrats makes any sense. 

Do abusive police, psychologists and psychiatrists believe that relentless harassment will make me love them? Do they think that if they continue trying to make me into a homosexual I will love them more? Do they think keeping me from loving women will make me love criminal psychiatrist abusers more? That it will make me support them and want to help them? Typically abuse victims often become abusers themselves. Is that what these professionals want to achieve by their depraved abuse?

* * *

[Updated July 7, 2016 8:38 PM ET]
For forty years organized crime families, especially but not limited to the California crime Syndicate and the Midwestern Outfit, conducted extra legal abuses punishing me for events in which I had no role. They did not provide any notice of any crime. They did not arrest me. They did not allow me the opportunity to defend myself, or the right to an attorney or to present witnesses in my defense. They allowed me no right to appeal adverse decisions. They just punished me repeatedly for forty years over and over again and again, with relentless concurrent character assassination supporting their criminal abuses. Many times. Multiple punishments for each allegation.

Now it is the police who perform the same extra legal pattern of abuses of power. No notice. No arrest. No attorney, no right to defend myself. No right to call witnesses, and to appeal. Just punishment and character assassination exactly the same as the crime families did before them. Not once but over and over, again and again for the same allegations.

The FBI, the CIA and the New York City police department began surveillance in 1968. Ever since that year of my undergraduate education one agency or another kept me under 24/7 surveillance wherever I Iived. In 1973 government psychiatrists drugged me for 80 consecutive days using hallucinogens contrary to law. They believed I was a spy. Police and the FBI scared me in my impaired state of mind, and used me to fight organized crime for 15 years. They did not pay me one cent. They punished me for that also.

During June 2016 after 35 years telling everyone "He's a homosexual Communist, drug dealer, homeless and crazy," the FBI joined in punishing me without due process for fantasies too. They made repeated threats, "You got shot here:" and "You're going to get shot." And then they stood aside and allowed police and crime families to continue the same abuses.

During this non stop focus on harassing me and destroying me, illegal aliens poured into the nation, bringing their anti social behavior, killing, raping, drunk driving performances, and maiming citizens. Drug cartels brought tons of drugs into the country to create more business for the psychiatric industry, the criminal justice industry, the medical industry and the funeral industries. Terrorists came across the border with or without visas to make plans and to kill dozens of citizens because they are not Muslims. The focus of crime families, police and the FBI was to employ psychiatrists and psychologists to study how to best injure me.

A candidate for president with a long history of allegations of crime, was examimed by 147 special agents of the FBI for months. They were unable to find any reason to charge her with a crime. They did not threaten her as they did me. The U.S. Attorney General of the nation employed by a lawless White House declared the matter is closed. But the same criminal justice bullies continued their ongoing attacks on a now 70-year -old white man with a legal disability. They all say "He's crazy." They do not see being crazy as a disability. They see that as a reason to attack, to threaten, to insult, to provoke, to humiliate, to ridicule, to slander a person because they are crazy. It is what psychiatry is for, to generate business for the boondoggle.
The degeneration of the government criminal justice system becomes almost complete. It focuses on law abiding citizens and ignores government criminals. Isn't that what government is for? The courts remain open keeping otherwise unemployable relatives of politicians busy and off of welfare. That frees up police and the FBI to target law abiding citizens who may become aware of the criminal abuses of the government and the wholesale theft of taxpayer money. Don't kill the jobs. It may be yours. 

* * *
[Alternate version of July 7, 2016 update].
There was no independence for me over the long July 4th weekend in 2016. Police employees from New York and New Jersey visited me in Cambridge, MA to harass me. They joined the usual suspects disturbing my sleep. But they increased the intensity and instead of just trying to provoke violence to have me arrested, or placed into a hospital, they tried to cause me to have a heart attack or a stroke.

The New York City police were a part of my life beginning in 1968 if not before. That was when I was a prominent student leader in the aftermath of the student protests at Columbia University. They joined the CIA and the FBI looking for terrorists and Communists.

When I moved to Cambridge, from New York for law school the NYPD did not follow. The FBI did. In 1973 government psychiatrists drugged me for 80 consecutive days using hallucinogens contrary to law. I was not under the care of any psychiatrist, psychologist. There was no court order to allow drugging without consent. In my impaired state of mind, the FBI and New York police scared me. Then they used me for 15 years to fight organized crime. No one paid me for what they did to me. Many people punished me multiple times for elements of character assassination made against me over the next 45 years. That continues in 2016.

For many years nine crime families took turns harassing me changing places with local police, FBI informants and Harvard University campus police. They all used young women as bait, young men, older women, and on occasion like always, psychologists and psychiatrists for guidance on how best to torment and to torture me.

After all these years the New York City police and New Jersey police returned to Cambridge, MA for more of the same. Over the long July 4th weekend in 2016 they did not stop for one minute. They were determined to cause me pain and stress, emotional and psychological. They were trying to cause me to have a heart attack or a stroke. So far, by July 5th they did not succeed. I do not think they gave up. It is not as if the other players mentioned above have quit harassing me. They continue in turn doing what they do best, i.e., disturbing my sleep, insulting, threatening, humiliating, ridiculing, harassing, provoking, and slandering me.

Joining these courageous police employees who attack a 70-year-old white male battered for 45 years, who they say is mentally impaired, are police employees from Seattle, Washington, police associates of the Midwestern Outfit, and police associates of the California crime Syndicate. The homosexual wing of the Kennedy cult tries to compensate me with a woman on occasion. Usually they offer me what some call, dreck. It is how the moral organizations perform human trafficking. They do not see it as human trafficking but that is really what it is. They use women as rewards, and to compensate others for their errors, to pay their bills.

Problem is that the California crime Syndicate has an outstanding edict that I am not permitted to speak with heterosexual women. This is supported by Communists from New York and the Midwestern Outfit. So even if I accepted their human sacrifices, the above mentioned organizations would not permit it to stand. Communists with support from the FBI say, "He's a homosexual Communist." They continue their behavior conditioning campaign trying still after 45 years to make me into a homosexual. Hahaha.

Keep in mind that for the past few months, the NYPD along with the Mayor of New York City and aides to the Governor of New York have been under intense scrutiny by the US Attorney for New York. Instead of focusing on cleaning up the cesspool in New York these thoughtful police employees travel to Massachusetts to look for something to do. Oh there's that guy we harassed and humiliated in the 1970s. Let's do it some more. Duh!

* * *

[Posted July 6, 2016 8:45 PM ET]

Due to extraordinary criminal harassment directed at me at my residence I can not provide material for this blog until I am able to adapt to the increased intentional infliction of psychological and emotional stress, or until it ends. I believe these criminals are trying to cause me to have a heart attack or a stroke, which is attempted murder. 

On or about June 15, 2016 a new team of criminals arrived in Cambridge, MA to conduct a brutal campaign of harassment and criminal abuses, attacking a 70-year-old white male citizen, who survived 45 years of previous abuses.

The team includes but is not limited to a Harvard University campus policemen. A black gentleman reportedly from Seattle, Washington, with suspected racist attitudes toward elder white men. Some are from New York City, where the police department is under scrutiny by the US attorney. Several high ranking supervising officers resigned and some have been arrested. The investigation is ongoing.  

The mayor of New York City is also being investigated for campaign violations. Is Harvard Law School Professor of Ethics, Lawrence Lessig, who ran for President to end campaign finance corruption concerned with the Mayor of New York's campaign abuses? Four of his top aides resigned recently. Aides of the governor of New York state are also under investigation. Their reaction is to send police resources to Massachusetts to harass a 70-year-old man they say is mentally impaired. Under state and US law it is a hate crime but also unlawful bias. Super victims, i.e., black police participate showing how depraved the priorities are in this country.

New control freak psychologists and psychiatrists and a few Harvard lawyers are sprinkled in to run interference from law abiding officials (if there are any left in this country). This is an egregious example of institutional bullying by police, psychologists and criminals of an elder man with a legal disability.

It is also a continuation of criminal abuse by police and the FBI which began in 1968, when I was a student at Columbia University. First the FBI and the CIA began watching me during the student protests of 1968-70. The FBI continued their surveillance when I traveled to Boston, MA for law school. As I understand FBI policies, from the few books I read about FBI abuse, they never stop their surveillance once they begin it. That suggests that the FBI is cognizant of this criminal enterprise by rogue policemen, associates of crime families,  and the special agents stand by with the human services professionals and watch as these sadists and psychopaths harass, provoke and abuse an elder white man. 

They increased levels of daily harassment, disturbing my sleep every 60 and 90 minutes (down from every two hours) until they get tired, or their batteries on their consoles expire. They extended the period of criminal abuses at my home from only the sleep period and when I use my computer, to include when I read, write, clean, cook and eat. In short when I am at home. It is non stop criminal harassment when I am in my home, no longer a safe haven free from harassment, no longer able to experience quiet enjoyment, and in serial violation of the warrant of habitability.

When I travel to do errands and to visit area libraries, they come along with uniformed police along the way. When I use public computers due to mine being sabotaged, they tamper with them too.

In 1973 in Cambridge, MA due to my speculation about the Watergate scandal in Washington DC, I was visited by a man showing a Department of Defense ID. Friends revealed they too were visited by government agents who falsely told them I was being considered for a new job. It is how the government gets friends to tell what they know about the target of government abuse. It is easy to fool people in Cambridge, MA. Just ask White House employees e.g., health care expert Jonathan Gruber, and national security deputy Ben Rhodes.

The focus of so many police resources on a 70-year-old white male citizen with 45 years of criminal police abuse behind him shows how seriously deranged government policies are. Muslim terrorists are openly revealing their plans to assassinate U.S. civilians by the dozen. They fulfill their threats. Illegal aliens with extensive arrest and convictions roam free continuing their criminal careers, killing policemen without any concern from police or the FBI.

The FBI reports it has about 150 agents devoted solely to investigating a candidate for president the wife of a former president. The ex-president met with the U.S. Attorney General. They said they talked about grandchildren. Huh? 

But Harvard University campus police, New York City police and criminals find it more important to target and to harass a 70-year-old white male with a legal disability. They are able to do this after 45 years of criminal psychiatric abuses, character assassination, scare campaigns, scaring ordinary people, friends, acquaintances and relatives. When they isolated me, they were able to organize the harassment taking turns. One day police. One day one of nine crime families. They permitted Communists to take turns too.

Is there any hope for an improvement with misguided mindless criminals running the government? If history is any indication, there is. 3000 years ago after the Bronze Age, the great Mycenaean empire in Greece collapsed. The kings disappeared. Ordinary people kept working at farming and crafts. A new generation of better government and better leaders rose in the Greek peninsula. It led to the beginning of science and democracy. It took hundreds of years. Today descendants of those people are destroying the creations of their ancestors in the United States. With luck people will rise again and freedom may appear. Not for me but for others. The sadistic criminals are so depraved they have no respect for human life. All they know is to get control of humans, to beat them with whatever means they have. That is my life. Prepare for when they come for you.

June 1, 2016

Brooklyn, New York Landlord Liable for $3.3 million For Harassing Elder Tenants

Prospect Park Residence
Photo: AP

[From article]
The owner of a Brooklyn assisted living facility who came under fire for attempting to evict his elderly patrons — and allegedly trying to force them out through nefarious means — will have to shell out $3.35 million to the remaining tenants as part of a settlement agreement, a Brooklyn judge has ordered.
Prospect Park Residence owner Haysha Deitsch must now pay the remaining five nonagenarians still living in the once-lavish facility the bulk of the settlement in a series of installments.
If he doesn’t stick to the court’s payment schedule, the seniors get more time to move, and more money, said attorney Fred Millett.
The two-year legal saga began in March 2014 when Deitsch abruptly gave his patrons just three months to scram — allegedly so he could sell the lucrative real estate to a development company.
A number, fearing eviction, did move out — but seven tenants stood their ground and fought the order.
Originally dubbed “the Prospect Park 7” the remaining five will have to relocate by August 31st of this year. Two of the original plaintiffs have died over the course of the legal battle.
The tenants originally filed suit claiming the eviction went against their tenant agreements, and didn’t offer enough support for relocation.
Brooklyn Judge Wayne Saitta ordered that Deitsch keep the residence open during the case, but residents soon claimed he was feeding them rotten food, hiking rent, and depriving them of central air-conditioning during the hot summer months.
Deitsch even filed a $50 million countersuit in March of this year, claiming the residents were taking part in a “scheme” to obstruct his sale of the property.
The heft of the settlement will go the five still residing in the dilapidated 134-unit living facility, while a small portion will be given to 4 former residents who moved out under Deitsch’s threat of eviction but were still involved in the suit.
“It is definitely a win for our clients,” said attorney Fred Millet, who represented the plaintiffs. “With the settlement they were able to make plans to move elsewhere, and the money to make that happen.”
But the elderly and soon-to-be-homeless tenants will face some obstacles, the attorney said.
“The problem is there aren’t a lot of adult care facilities in Brooklyn,” he explained. “And while this settlement gives them the time and money to make the transition happen, a lot of these facilities are very expensive. Prospect Park residence was comparatively affordable, so that might make it more difficult.”
Millet says his firm and the plaintiffs will continue with their suit against the Department of Health, who green-lighted Deitsch’s original eviction plan.
Meanwhile, the whole payout will go to the seniors, as Millet and his firm represented them pro bono.

Forcing elderly out will cost Brooklyn building owner millions
By Emily Saul
New York Post
June 1, 2016 | 4:01pm

December 22, 2015

Robert Spencer Advocate Against Muslim Terror, Delayed, Harassed On Way To Speak in Canada

[From article]
While traveling to Canada to speak, Robert Spencer found himself delayed at Toronto Airport while the authorities checked some things. Checked some things = scrutinized all of his belongings and queried him. Among other things, they wanted to know where he had traveled in the past. When he listed a number of European countries, they were surprised he’d been to Germany because, they said, Germany has very stringent “hate speech” laws.

It was at that point that Spencer realized why his travel plans were being delayed.
For three hours.
After that time, Spencer was allowed to enter Canada. Though not before his interrogators wrote down the details of his speaking schedule (names, addresses, dates, and times).
[. . .]
In a presentation sponsored by the Jewish Defense League, Spencer gave what I think is one of his most outstanding speeches (here).
ISIS promised to send terrorists to Europe, have stated they already sent 4,000, and more are on the way.

The Lebanese Education Minister said that of the Syrian refugees in Lebanon, 20,000 are active Islamic terrorists.
Although the refugee crisis is based in Syria due to civil war, half of all Muslim refugees are not Syrians and are coming to the West with forged Syrian passports.
[. . .]
He began by explaining how Muslims emigrating from Islamic countries (with forged Syrian passports in hand) is rooted in the origins of Islam.
[. . .]

two verses in the Quran that afford some guarantee that a Muslim will avoid hell.
Chapter 9, Verse 111 says that “paradise is guaranteed for those who kill and are killed for Allah.” This becomes a foundation for Muslims to kill non-believers and be killed in the process. In so doing, they are assured entrance into Paradise.
Chapter 4, Verse 100 states that if you emigrate in the name of Allah, Allah will owe you a reward. In this way, a Muslim may also be assured they will go to Paradise when they die.
[. . .]
Spencer then explained what it means to emigrate in the cause of Allah, stating that Tariq ibn Ziyad, one of the Muslims who conquered Spain, ordered all the boats burned after they reached the shore because he was determined that he and his men would take control of Spain or die there. This relates directly to 4:100, where the Quran states that if you die in a new land, Allah will reward you.
[. . .]
Spencer then asserted that the current refugee crisis is a hijra based on statements by the Islamic State as to their intentions, estimates from the Lebanese education minister regarding terrorists who have infiltrated the refugee population, the fact that some of the jihadists in Paris were refugees who had recently arrived, and the primary demographic of Muslim refugees as young, able-bodied males between the ages of 18 and 40. Spencer also finds it suspect that men who presumably live in a war zone would leave their wives and children to dash off to Europe, noting that this is not a typical profile of true refugees.
[. . .]

Spencer then spoke about Obama’s lunatic and failed plan to vet “moderate” rebels in Syria (a process that cost us half a billion dollars) as a quest to identify an army of “ideologically pure, trustworthy moderates” who were not tied to Assad, al-Qaeda, ISIS, or any other terror organization. And this army would beat everyone, and all would be well! Well, as Spencer noted: “They got 50 guys” (= ten million per man). And after giving them new trucks, the latest weaponry, and military training, we sent them into the Syrian war zone to win the war against Assad and all of Islamic terror. One could, of course, guess the outcome of this certifiably insane plan. The mission failed as all 50 men were captured or killed, or they turned everything over to ISIS.
[. . .]
But after reading the ISIS manual that maps out their plan for the West, even he was “deeply unnerved.” Central to their detailed plan is infiltration of Western nations with as many operatives as possible (such as via refugee resettlement). Once they’re here, they’re trained to blend in so as not to draw attention to themselves and to show (foolish) Westerners there’s nothing to worry about.
[. . .]
He urged everyone to persevere and never give up, stating that it’s up to each of us to exert maximum influence in our sphere of influence

December 15, 2015
Anti-jihadist Robert Spencer barely makes it into Canada to deliver speech
By Carol Brown

December 11, 2015

Student Protests At Columbia University In New York Get Weird

Columbia students say they feel pressure to join rallies -- like this one, held on campus -- in support of protests at Missouri and Yale.
Photo: J.C.Rice

[From article]
Columbia student activists are pestering peers to attend campus protests and walk-outs in solidarity with college students at Missouri and Yale or risk social isolation, students say.
Organizers posted flyers and sent Facebook messages inviting undergraduates to wear black clothing and join two demonstrations last Thursday to support people of color who are “marginalized and threatened.”
But some students worried they would be “ostracized” if they did not participate or dress in sync, one college parent said.
“There’s been a campaign of intimidation, where students are going dorm to dorm, floor to floor and asking students to go back to their dorms and put on black if they’re not wearing black,” the parent said.
“My daughter told me people are uneasy and fearful,” she added. “Her personal politics are left-wing and she shares their sympathies, but she doesn’t like to feel that she can’t wear blue if she wants to wear blue.”
Some students felt caught between their politics and academic responsibilities.
[. . .]
Hundreds of Columbia students gathered at the South Lawn Thursday, and some speakers heckled bystanders who did not participate.
“Look at those guys playing Frisbee — that is the definition of privilege,” said one speaker.
The students stopped playing Frisbee and left the area.
Another student wearing a T-shirt with the words “Kill White Supremacy” called Columbia a “white supremacist institution.”
She led the crowd in a progression of chants including “I love black people,” “I love all black people” and “I love queer black people,” before adding “I love black criminals” and “I love black people who steal.”

Columbia protesters cheer: ‘I love black criminals’

By Aaron Short

November 15, 2015 | 6:02am

December 8, 2015

Two Yale Professors Stop Teaching Due To Student Intolerance, Harassment and Censorship

Yale University faculty member Erika Christakis will not teach at the school from the spring semester.

[From article]
Two Yale professors have resigned after protests condemning the wife's comments that students should be free to push boundaries with Halloween costumes.
Faculty member Erika Christakis, who runs courses on child development and psychology, has decided not to teach classes from the start of the spring semester, the Ivy League university announced via its website on Monday.
'I have great respect and affection for my students but I worry that the current climate at Yale is not, in my view, conducive to the civil dialogue and open inquiry required to solve our urgent societal problems,' Mrs Christakis said in an email to The Washington Post.
[. . .]
After the march, dozens of faculty members contributed to an open letter showing support for Christakis.
University President Peter Salovey held a four-hour forum with students to hear their grievances and then sent a campus-wide email saying he was deeply troubled by the atmosphere there.

One student launched into a expletive-ridden rant at Nicholas Christakis (above), after he was trying to tell her why he felt the university should not censor what people wear with regard to Halloween costumes.

Husband-and-wife Yale professors resign in the wake of Halloween costume scandal: Couple driven out of politically correct campus
Faculty members Nicholas and Erika Christakis have chosen not to keep teaching their courses, the university announced
Mrs Christakis came under attack in October for her response to a request from a campus group that students avoid wearing insensitive costumes
She wrote an email saying students should be be able to wear any costume
Her husband, a professor of social and natural science, defended her when confronted by students in an incident that was caught on video
Was one of several incidents that prompted large protest march last month
PUBLISHED: 23:16 EST, 7 December 2015 | UPDATED: 17:31 EST, 8 December 2015

* * *

[From article]
The school is ultimately responsible for the chill on free speech, according to Foundation for Individual Rights in Education.
"While Yale did eventually get around to issuing a statement in favor of free expression, it’s hard to imagine that Erika or Nicholas Christakis would have decided to quit teaching at Yale and take a sabbatical, respectively, had Dean Holloway or President [Peter] Salovey consistently shown their support for free expression through their words and actions on campus," said FIRE's Robert Shibley.
The issue of free expression on campus has come into sharp relief on several campuses, with students calling for “safe zones” and speech codes where words and deeds deemed offensive are barred. Erika Christakis provoked outrage when she sent an email to Silliman residents questioning the desire to find offense in Halloween costumes.
“Is there no room anymore for a child or young person to be a little bit obnoxious… a little bit inappropriate or provocative or, yes, offensive?” Christakis wrote. “American universities were once a safe space not only for maturation but also for a certain regressive, or even transgressive, experience; increasingly, it seems, they have become places of censure and prohibition.”

Yale couple flees classroom amid free speech chill
Published December 08, 2015

November 7, 2015

Counting The Votes November 5, 2015

Update November 7, 2015

During the days of vote counting and verification of 2015 Cambridge election results, California crime Syndicate associates based in New York City, employed psychiatrists for surveillance and more never ending character assassination. Attending a lecture of lawyers, negotiators and arbitrators a unique young lady was present speaking out loud and otherwise disturbing the meeting. Is she one of many dependent on anti depressants, an active mental patient? Was this one of the human trafficking women sent by criminal geniuses as payment for their 45 years of criminal abuses? Was she supposed to be a pal for me to hang out with? Was she sent as my partner in celebrating how great psychiatrists are, even if they work for a national crime syndicate?

It shows what they think of me. More evidence I remain surrounded by hateful, hostile, clueless criminal psychopaths. They try desperately to have me arrested, using women as bait. Often they try to recreate events which in their minds were reason enough to have me arrested in the 1970s, even though there was no arrest, or even wrongdoing by me. Between 1968 and 1973 it was an extreme abuse of power by the California crime Syndicate for personal reasons. At the time I was clueless why they were harassing me, and did not learn what they accused me of until 1979, nine years after severe abuses by government thugs who joined crime families attacking me. On at least one occasion in New York City a member of a crime family stopped a member of another crime family from killing me in the streets of Manhattan.

Persons unknown to me would approach me and insult me in the streets of Cambridge, MA. I did not know why, and just ignored what they said thinking they were unbalanced or misguided. One young woman said to me, "Your mother was a fool." I do not know why she said that to me. I suspect it was because my mother took care of my disabled father for twenty years after he was injured in an industrial accident. The upper class that was at the time surrounding me in Cambridge would never do that for a husband or family member. Perhaps there was another reason for the insult to my mother. Nonetheless I ignored what she said, and went on with my troubled life at the time. The personal animosity based on my family background would only continue and got worse. That was the basis of some of the hatred toward me from Cambridge, MA residents in the 1970s. It was class based. 

Today it is racial and class based. Limousine liberals believe that all white persons are wealthy and powerful. All black people are poor and weak. This misguided world view is often expressed by students at Harvard University Law School who lament how they are oppressed by dead wealthy white men and government policies from 150 years ago. Wealthy white people accept their whining, while the privileged black students live a life of extreme indulgence in the corridors of wealth and power. It is one example of upper middle class black people having joined the dinner table in the film, The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie.

Having risen from the lumpen working class, from a broken home of uneducated parents, one an immigrant, which limousine liberals now celebrate, I live in a lower economic class than when I was born. This after obtaining a degree from Columbia University and attending law school. I am living the results of 45 years of non stop character assassination, ridicule, humiliation, provocations, insults and slander. It is truly amazing how American citizens are unable to make judgments on an individual basis. If a person is poor to the upper class of Cambridge in 2015, they are stupid and dangerous. How has that changed from the Medieval period in history? Not too much. These people believe they are the most enlightened and tolerant because they now have black upper class elitists in their club. Hahaha.

Crime families and their police associates continue to manipulate the self absorbed ruling class in Cambridge, MA. The elite stand by and permit 45 years of criminal abuses by crime families and police agencies targeting a single white male, now 70 years old. How depraved are these elitists who claim moral motives for their public policies and promote them with little or no real world experience. It indicates there is little common sense among the highly educated, pampered privileged children of the upper classes.

The upper class elites use their inheritances to employ criminal thugs to harass unpleasant poor persons, who are skeptical about their public policies. In the days after the 2015 election during verification of the votes, four groups took turns attacking me disturbing my sleep and trying to provoke violence. First the California crime Syndicate which was always present during the past 45 years leading the daily harassment. They were joined by a homosexual police employee of the Kennedy Cult from Massachusetts, one black homosexual FBI employee from New York City. The  fourth is a Communist lesbian police employee from Harvard University. On Saturday November 7, 2015 it was a local police employee from Somerville, MA. I feel proud to be free after their brutal attacks, and provocations. But I am still under 24/7 surveillance and harassment.

On Saturday November 7, 2015 I went grocery shopping in Somerville, MA. I noticed a tall black man watching me as I moved through the store. I do not know if he is affiliated with: the Midwestern Outfit, the FBI or Cambridge police. There was a uniformed Somerville officer who joined him watching me as I went through the cashier line. This is not the first time police kept me under lock step surveillance as I did my lawful errands. On previous occasions it was also Somerville police. I complained to the Mayor and their disability commission with no response. Due to relentless character assassination police are employed to watch me because they perceive me as being crazy. They believe that being crazy is also dangerous. Nothing unusual. It is pervasive throughout the United States. But watching me because of their perceived disability is a violation of state and US laws. 

But local, state and U.S. taxpayer funded agencies do not enforce those laws. Discrimination laws are only enforced for black people, women and homosexuals. Recently Muslims have been added to the privileged class being protected by those laws. But being crazy?Or being perceived as being crazy? Not so much. It is still acceptable to not only discriminate but also to harass, to provoke, to ridicule, to humiliate, and to slander due to perceived disability. That is one reason why the criminal abuses by police and crime families has gone on for so many years.  They do it because they can. 

* * *

Beginning on Election Day evening November 3, 2015, the criminal harassment escalated. Criminal police employees from two or three of the major crime families, i.e., the Kennedy Cult, the California crime Syndicate and the Midwestern Outfit took turns with Communist police employees at Harvard University, and gambling rings from Medford and Somerville, MA. They took control of the primary harassment both at my home and as I travel about the area doing my lawful errands.

On November 3, 2015 due to relentless harassment I got three hours of sleep. On November 4, 2015 over a 15 and 1/2 hour period I got 8 hours sleep. The same pattern of harassment using women as bait also continued. Crime families, police and psychopaths who try to have me arrested conduct the exact same abuses. Often using the exact same women. One lesbian police employee has an intense hatred toward men. She expressed her hatred toward me due to my letters in local newspapers and in other venues. She objected to my criticism of misguided policies of local, state and US government agencies and politicians.

This man-hating woman is often present in venues when I visit. I avoid her. If I see her on the street I cross the street. She is one of about four local women who I used to speak with until they revealed their irrational animosity. I avoid them whenever I see them. When I voted on Election Day there were about six women at the poll who I never saw before. Each year I vote, and got to know all of the poll workers at my precinct. 

One year I realized except for the police officer all of the poll workers were black women. I found it humorous that there are daily complaints about racism and discrimination, but where I voted there were no white poll workers. Typical of Cambridge, MA. On November 3, 2015 these other women were helping voters who appeared to have a disability. That was unusual. One of the long term black women poll workers said to me as I checked in, "You are causing trouble, Roy. Goodbye."

Not wanting to get into a discussion of why she said that, I voted and left. I wondered what I had done recently to justify what she said. The only thing that could be considered trouble was me writing about my experiences over the past 45 years. Harvard University lawyers repeatedly tell me, "No one reads your blog." But where else could this woman learn what I was writing?

Since I came to Massachusetts to go to law school in 1970, my life was and is a nightmare. Few people believe it or want to hear about it. For many years I was ashamed to tell anyone about my experiences. But I read about others and what they did after their horrible experiences. One was Louis Zamperini, as described by Lauren Hillebrand in her book Unbroken. His beatings while a prisoner of war in Japan were awful to read about. What amazed me most was when he made it home safely he told his father what he lived through. Neither his father or a therapist believed what he told them. It seems that few people are able to comprehend human depravity. How one person or persons could commit such extreme abuses on another person.

A second book I read was A Stolen Life by and about Jaycee Lee Dugard who was kidnapped when she was eleven years old. A convicted sex offender took her with his wife and held her for 18 years. She had two babies while in his custody. The man's parole officer visited the home 60 times but did not see her. She was fortunate to make it back home where her mother was still alive and welcomed her with love. Her story is heart wrenching. But I learned about several other stories after I read these books. One other book I read is Night, by Elie Weisel. It is about a teenager surviving mass murder during the holocaust. A young man was on his way home but was caught up in a sweep by German troops who killed hundreds. He was put into a mass grave but was not dead. He survived and made it home to tell his father what he saw. His father told him he must tell others so they could learn and be aware.

Three young women Michelle Knight, Amanda Berry, and Georgina "Gina" DeJesus, were freed after being kidnapped by a man who held them in Cleveland, OH for eleven to thirteen years. Others e.g., Colleen Stan, Tanya Nicole Kach, were held in captivity for many years. One story was broadcast on NBC Dateline, as Angels and Demons. Daniel Perez, who used several aliases, founded a cult in Kansas. He repeatedly raped girls as young as ten, and their mothers. He killed for insurance when he needed money. The reporter interviewed the women on camera now in their twenties and married. You can hear their deadened emotions as they tell about being raped hundreds of times by the man.

One of them explained she feared she would not be believed when she testified in court because it was such a remarkable story of extreme abuse. It is how I feel for the same reasons. Add to that the relentless character assassination by police, the FBI and crime families saying, "He's crazy." I know that almost everyone I know, knew and meet still thinks that about me. But I realized that if that is true I have little to lose. If they already think I am crazy, what do I have to lose by speaking about my unusual experiences after 45 years of criminal abuses by police, crime families, etc.

If these young women can speak publicly about how they were abused over many years and it was beneficial to them I can do it too. Even though I am in my 70s. So that may be why that black woman poll worker on November 3, 2015 said I was causing trouble. I am telling what I survived over 45 years. Too many people believe the lies that the government and the crime families repeatedly broadcast for the past 45 years to cover up what they did to me and to discredit me. So It appears that telling my story is doing me some good. It is getting me free of those who were lied to and who believe what they heard. Perhaps I too can find people I'd want to be with, to socialize, and spend time with, instead of the hateful and hostile psychopaths employed by police and crime families. Instead of the dysfunctional thousands of people who have had me surrounded over the past 45 years.

November 3, 2015

Updated: Election Day November 3, 2015

Posted November 2, 2015 9:33 PM ET; Last updated November 3, 2015 8:39 PM ET

Update: November 3, 2015
My life is like a Marx Brothers movie, with episodes from the Three Stooges and Abbott and Costello interspersed. It is ludicrous that the enormous power of organized crime and law enforcement is being unleashed and directed at me, harassing, provoking, humiliating, ridiculing, insulting, slandering, keeping me under 24/7 surveillance, and broadcasting relentless character assassination.

Clueless civilians unaware of the concept of propaganda, and character assassination, fear me, the victim of criminal government abuses. They employ psychologists, psychiatrists, police for testing, drugs and sleep deprivation solely as a means of control and preventing me from enjoying the basic rights, to be safe, secure, to pursue happiness, and to be left alone.

There are millions of illegal aliens living among the citizens of the United States. Never any scrutiny, no surveillance and no psychiatric or psychological testing. Seldom any accountability for serious crimes. They operate vehicles without licenses, insurance and while impaired. No problem. Some of them are terrorists plotting and planning to kill Americans, Jews, and Israelis as their life mission. The FBI catches some of them but admits it cannot monitor all of them. Some conduct open criminal enterprises of identity theft, computer intrusions stealing information. Trained business teams import and market dangerous drugs including but not limited to heroin, contributing to the opioid epidemic in 2015. American citizens assist illegal alien drug cartels by selling prescription drugs adding to the damage to another generation of young Americans.

More American citizens especially young black citizens and useful idiot celebrities are openly calling for shooting and killing police officers. The president ignores these dangers and focuses on targeting conservative white males, especially those who support the US Constitution. Other black organizations demand segregated political meetings and television shows. Black teenagers focus on attacking white individuals especially older white people. No problem.

Instead organized crime families, Communists, local, state and US law enforcement apparatuses focus on white males over 70 years old who they say are disabled. For many years I believed in and took seriously the rule of law. I came of age during the Watergate crisis when law professors from Harvard Law School and Columbia Law School traveled to Washington DC to fight for the Constitution. But in 2015, the same law professors stand by as the enormous power and wealth of the government and private organizations remain focused on a beaten individual who dares to speak out about the misguided leaders and policies being promoted by a lawless government.

* * *

[Brief history of the Cambridge, MA gambling ring in my life is written but not edited, and waits my attention. The harassment is extremely intense preventing me from making it presentable for publishing on my blog, which Harvard lawyers relentlessly remind me, "No one reads your blog." This update will have to suffice until the main brief history is ready. Patience.]

There is also a racial element to this criminal abuse of power by the FBI and police. In 1979 as part of the eight year history in my life with a gambling ring based in Cambridge, MA, a gentleman who was employed as a black homosexual ran the ring based at a taxi company in Cambridge, MA. A gentleman employed by the ring and the MA state police recruited me to work for them. After I declined their invitation, they began an intense 18 month harassment campaign preventing me from earning money. I left the company then learned that it was the manager of the company, the black homosexual FBI informant, the uncle of the owner who ordered the harassment. It was news to me he was also an FBI informant.

Also beginning in 1979, the FBI began an intense and relentless campaign of character assassination, saying "He's a racist." That was when the lesbian I dated in law school began dating a different black homosexual FBI informant. It was also after Cambridge, MA police employees beat me on the street, after I complained about the FBI informant gambling ring. The abuse followed me to two states and continues today. They stirred up racial animosity from black youth and even from Harvard University neurologists. One reportedly took time from his busy schedule to have Harvard University campus police arrest me for being a racist, a status crime. How far the nation has traveled. From arresting black people for being black, to black Harvard University professors employing campus police to arrest a white man for being a racist. Being a racist because the professor said he was. Hahaha. It is truly amazing that Harvard University's media image is as misleading as the image of the FBI. They teach students how to abuse vulnerable persons, preying on them and pretending to be victims. Just as the FBI promotes their image as morally superior, while abusing law abiding civilians.

It is part of a pattern of how the FBI got control of crime families not just gambling rings. James Bulger ran the Massachusetts crime family that runs the state government, for 20 years. Bulger's FBI handler, John Connolly, is in Florida state prison convicted of homicide. Bulger's brother was president of the state senate and president of the University of Massachusetts, who retired with a state pension of almost $190,000 per year. In New York City Greg Scarpa was the head of the Columbo family and an admitted FBI informant. His handler Roy Lindley Devecchio was prosecuted for homicides in New York state court, but was acquitted because Scarpa's girl friend was discredited when she testified. Scarpa was accused of 32 homicides with Devecchio. Bulger admitted to 11 but there was up to 60 that his crime family are suspected of. In New York again Mr. Joseph Massimo was the head of the Bonanno family and became an FBI informant. I do not know the entire history of FBI abuses but it appears that they now have control of all the crime families in the nation and currently run those organizations.

It makes it easier to implement the pattern established by J. Edgar Hoover, as the arsonist and the fire chief. They can use criminals to harass law abiding citizens who are not under the control of the FBI or the corrupt political leaders. The targeted person must seek help from the FBI, the source of his problem in the first place. In my case the FBI was using me to fight crime since 1973 after government criminal psychiatrists drugged me because of their paranoia that I was a spy. One faction of the FBI did not know that this gentleman was also an FBI informant.

Thus began in my life from 1979 unto the present, relentless harassment by this gentleman who as I understand it now lives in Tampa, FL; the gambling ring which now operates in Somerville, MA; and all the gambling rings in this country wherever I lived, who assisted the police protected Cambridge, MA gambling ring. As I understand it they did not tell about the failed recruiting and harassment preventing me from earning money, over 18 months. They only told the other gambling rings, and the FBI encouraged that, about me complaining about the FBI informant, black homosexual manager of the company and gambler, to the government. Once again it was a partial tell (half truth), which portrayed me as wrong when it was the FBI that was wrong. And they are still lying about it. Different gambling rings punished me about 20 times for this event.

Not just using harassment. The government and crime families (if there is a difference) practice an elite form of human trafficking. If they want to hurt a person they take their woman from them. The FBI stole my personal journals, and sold them to local police and crime families who used them for ridicule and for harassment. I'm told they culled all of the women I dated and mentioned, who are now married to FBI informants. If they want to reward a person they use women for sexual favors and/or women with money, and even as wives to reward the person who helped them. Thus the lesbian woman who I dated for three months when I was a student in law school, is now married to a black homosexual FBI informant. Hohoho. The reason as I've been told, is to punish me for the gambling ring event, and other offenses. In 1979 after being beaten in Cambridge I left the area. Landing in New York City suburbs, the crime families from Cambridge announced. "He paid." But for the next 27 years they are still making me pay, over and over, again and again. Over the past 45 years, use of women as rewards were presented, and ended up with the crime families who accepted the trafficked women as a valid form of currency.

The woman was given (or stole with her now husband) money to compensate me (that's how they operate) for the 15 years of FBI abuses using me in an impaired state to fight organized crime. But the woman and the money are now under control of the black homosexual FBI informant, who live under the protection of the FBI and US Marshals with their new identities. But they also harassed me for 35 years. At the same time these two charming individuals were paid by the FBI to pretend to be my friends and to broadcast FBI character assassination, "He's a retired drug dealer." That became the source of more IRS and police harassment for more than 35 years in three states. The government officials believed the character assassination. He must have money hidden and he did not pay taxes. Ahem! This is no joke. At the same time admitted retired drug dealers, e.g., Jay-Z, dines at the White House, makes multi million dollar record deals, and endorses mens clothing fashion.

In October 2015 I got a notice from the Social Security Administration. It is about the 10th time they did this to me. Criminals use government agencies for harassment. They want to audit how much money I have. Under administrative rules, recipients of SSI may only have $2,000 in resources. Over that the SSA withholds benefits until the resources are reduced. This is no joke either. The resource limit was established in the 1970s before much inflation. But what do they care. Poor people have no rights under the criminals who run the government. But also do they scrutinize anyone else as they do me? After several of these audits, I wrote to the manger of the local SSA office, explaining why this was happening, that the gambling ring was doing this as retaliation. He told me he put a note into my file directing that it not be done any more. Nonetheless this is the second time it happened since he allegedly put that note into my file.

Does an FBI run gambling ring have the right to demand that law abiding citizens work for them? This is after 45 years of criminal abuses by the FBI and crime families (is there a difference?), Communists and local police. The black homosexual gentleman from Tampa, FL formerly in Cambridge, MA as manager of the gambling ring and taxi company (or someone on his behalf), is now harassing me again. Not double jeopardy, but like 20-fold jeopardy.

In September 2015 I called a taxi to go from one part of Cambridge to another. Guess who the driver was? A black homosexual who was talking on his cell phone, looking to provoke a fight. He asked me four times where I was going and I told him twice, then said I would show him. He stopped the cab almost hitting a black bicyclist and threw me out. I called the police non emergency phone. The dispatcher said "We'll take care of that." But as usual they did not. He continues his harassment (35 years after my being punished many times for refusing to join a criminal organization), even following me on the street as recently as October 31, 2015 as I returned home after grocery shopping. He apparently has some friends at the Broadway Market on Broadway near Ware Street.

Petitioned the Cambridge City Handicap Commission in September 2015, after the taxi incident. Police and the FBI broadcast character assassination, "He's crazy." forever since government psychiatrists drugged me in 1973. It didn't stop the FBI from using me to fight crime, but it was convenient if anyone wondered what happened to me. "He's crazy." covers everything. In any case that is where the legal disability arises, having a history of having an impairment, and being perceived as having an impairment. It appears in state and US statutes. As usual the handicap commission explained, "That was a long time ago." Huh? The previous week was a long time ago? One more example of government employees standing by as vulnerable persons are brutalized by criminals. In October and November 2015 the gambling rings in Massachusetts resumed intense harassment retaliation for events in 1979. Unaware (or knowing and repeating it anyway) that dozens of other gambling rings had already punished me they began an elaborate campaign as if for the first time. Though they are harassing me in November 2015, the government refuses to address the criminal campaign by the crime family gamblers, because "it was a long time ago." It is an extra legal use of force, a criminal enterprise, which government ignores and condones. But also the criminals prevent me from doing what the government is paid to do, i.e., stop crime and protect people. The obvious question is, "Do crime families run the government?"

The attorney whose motion in court began the exposure of the corruption of the FBI in Boston, appeared on a radio show. He explained that if FBI informants are a problem in your life you should call the MA Attorney General. Which is what I did for many years. But these days the MA Attorney General (and local police) does not prosecute crime families. They are advocates for political causes, joining journalists who advocate and do not educate readers. They appear on television talk shows. The crime families and the black homosexual gentleman FBI informant were free to continually harass me for 45 years. They needed to take turns, waiting, because there were others who were harassing me also. The FBI took the role of coordinator beginning in 1988, for the crime families retaliating against me.

The entire system of government appears now under the control of criminals. At Harvard University a prominent law professor and founder of an ethics center runs for president. He says he wants to fight corruption in campaign finance. Oh? Isn't that the jurisdiction of state attorneys general and the US attorneys? He attended a Cambridge City Council meeting and explained that the campaign contributions to the city council candidates were legal. Huh? Is that how he fights corruption? He doesn't just want to be president. He wants to be president, a judge, a professor of ethics, and an ordinary citizen at the same time. Is that how mass confusion, and identity crisis passes for intellectual and moral superiority? At the same time FBI gambling rings harass me after having been harassed for 45 years, while state government criminals, and taxpayer funded abuse protection agencies, stand by and permit the abuse. Is that corruption by both government and organized crime? The Harvard Law School professor of ethics and presidential candidate has no comment. November 2, 2015, Prof. Lessig ended his campaign for president, with $1 million in ethical campaign funds. 

In the days leading up to Election Day November 3, 2015, the FBI reportedly from New Jersey began intense harassment trying to provoke violence. Unable to do so, they left, being immediately replaced by a team of Communists from Washington state for two days. Next was the gambling rings from Massachusetts who demand, "You're going home." 

It's not laughable. It's hilarious that the United States government, the FBI with its billions in taxpayer funding and thousands of employees actually believe the character assassination broadcast by one of its informants, its own faction, that "He's a retired drug dealer." They believe I have hidden accounts full of money. That I did not pay income taxes. Hahaha. Hahaha. They believe slander of the California crime Syndicate and the Midwestern Outfit who employed psychologists, psychiatrists, the IRS and the FBI for illegal abuses contrary to law for 45 years. How misguided, misplaced and a total waste of taxpayer funds and resources. They use government resources for personal and political reasons, to destroy an individual who was used to fight crime for 15 years, then attacked by crime families for 25 years as retaliation.   

October 31, 2015

Long Time Ago. Publishing Interruptus Continued October 27, 2015

After the charming Chinese Communists ended their few days of extreme criminal abuses in October 2015, they were immediately replaced by associates of the gambling rings operating in Cambridge, Boston, Medford  and Somerville, MA. For the following weeks these gambling ring associates and employees conducted a brutal campaign of intense relentless criminal harassment. Local and state police, and US authorities do not spend resources on gambling rings. They all participate in them, part of the families.

On Tuesday, October 27, 2015 the charming gambling ring associates in the Kennedy cult brought out teams of alcoholics to surround me as if I was one of them. It is one of the many methods they use to insult, to ridicule, to humiliate and to discredit me. First the California crime Syndicate, now the Kennedy cult surround me with hateful and hostile persons. Surround me with man-hating feminists and  lesbians. Surround me with white-hating black and brown persons. It is how to create healthy, happy, well adjusted persons. Just ask the psychiatrists and psychologists employed by these criminal organizations who direct the ongoing criminal abuses. These health care professionals promote an image as healers, love and avoiding hurting feelings. But they unleash the brutal power of police and government on an individual to destroy his spirit and his humanity. They stir up animosity among special interest groups who take turns harassing me.

The previous night (Monday October 26, 2015) at a school committee candidate forum they continued 45 years of character assassination scaring ordinary civilians away broadcasting elements of the slander campaign. It shows that with all of their wealth and political power in this nation, the same depraved spineless bullies still fear me. After 45 years of being slandered they still fear having their lies and their predatory criminal abuses of power exposed. That indicates what they think of me, trying to discredit me further. Recall that in 1968 this same organization adopted me when I was a student at Columbia University, to groom me to be a political leader as they do with others now in public office.

But in 1973 and for the next 42 years it was inconvenient for them to continue their support. They had no use for me as a human being. They abandoned me, and joined with the California crime Syndicate and Communists attacking me.  Thus began a relentless campaign to discredit me. One element was to tell everyone "He's a retired drug dealer." They employed two mercenaries, a woman I dated for three months when I was in law school, and an FBI informant to pretend to be my friends for 35 years. That was after government psychiatrists drugged me for 80 consecutive days using hallucinogens contrary to law. They thought I was a spy. It was also after the FBI scared me and used me in an impaired state for 15 years to fight organized crime, and did not pay me one cent. 

The government promoted three cover stories for what they did. "He had a nervous breakdown." "He is a drug addict." "Teenagers put PCP in his marijuana." But even if one believes any of the three cover stories the FBI still used me in an impaired state to fight crime families and left me to live in the streets for 18 months. It shows how disgusting the FBI and the Kennedy cult can be. It shows how depraved this organization is while they promote high minded morally superior issues, as they destroy individuals. 

In 2015 they employ gambling rings for the same criminal abuses which the California crime Syndicate performed against me for the previous 35 years. Public officials in local, state and US agencies, and their $2 billion taxpayer funded human services industry stand by and watch. The criminals do what they want on property owned and operated by the President and Fellows of Harvard College, the most prestigious and wealthiest ($37 billion) university in the nation.

Over the past 45 years one constant element of a double bind is police and Communists saying about me, "He's a criminal." The FBI said, "He's a retired drug dealer." for 35 years. They had other elements which changed over the years. First "He's a black, homosexual, Communist, Jew from New York." which morphed into "He's a racist, Italian, homosexual from Boston." At the same time crime families say, "He's a Communist." They each use their propaganda to justify harassing me. During the 20 years of my tenancy at Harvard University their superintendents began with "He's a homosexual racist." then reverted to "He's a Communist employed by the Kennedy cult." They tamper with electronic communications devices. Harvard University employs all the same technology to criminally abuse, and to control their tenants, as the government criminals use against terror suspects. Unlike government criminals, Harvard University hooligans do not obtain court warrants for their abuses.

In October 2015 Harvard employees resumed their effort to have me evicted. The latest gambling ring psychologist pretender joined the graduate student in psychology at Harvard University Medical School urging me to commit suicide. That is the kind of depraved people employed by Harvard University toward a tenant that they say is crazy. You have to admire their depravity, and the kind of politicians they produce to run the city, the state and the nation. Prey on the weak, and pretend to be a victim.

Next came the returning FBI homosexual squad who led the surveillance and harassment since 1973, ensuring that the Communist campaign trying to make me into a homosexual was actually effective. They made it appear that I was a homosexual keeping me surrounded by lesbians and homosexuals. In case I thought about talking with a heterosexual woman, they ensured the women I met were man-hating feminists, rape victims, police employees, psychologists, or psychiatrists. It is always thus. They added a new round of "He's not real." and "He's dead." I thought only Saddam Hussein had doppelgangers.

On Sunday, October 25, 2015 I was treated to a relentless day of harassment and provocations from a charming gentleman who is reportedly employed by the Kennedy cult gambling rings from above named cities and towns, protected by police agencies. Some report the gamblers are from San Francisco too. See how important I am? Numerous gambling aficionados work at Harvard University. The lead gambler-harasser of the day, is about 5 feet 6 inches tall, weighs about 210 pounds. Has reddish brown curly hair, some facial hair and was wearing a green Oxford University sweatshirt when I saw him in the basement.

The on call superintendent for the weekend was in the basement attending a substantial water leak from a large pipe going from the first floor into the basement. The Oxford shirt, may be a wannabe psychologist, having worked in a mental hospital as a guard. They often think they are psychiatrists. I suspect he uses police or government files, which are notoriously inaccurate. Not just mine. I asked local police for any files, and the FBI twice. They denied having any files about me. They either lied or the files were destroyed contrary to law. That has happened in other jurisdictions. So it is not surprising to me. The lead psychologist-gambler of the day likely works for the gambling rings mentioned above with a Harvard University connection.

On Sunday, October 25, 2015, with a superintendent present,  I saw him wandering the halls with no supervision as if he lived in the building. He occupied the apartment above mine as all of the criminals do who harass me, disturbing my sleep, keeping me awake through evening hours, sabotaging my computer and keeping me under surveillance. That apartment is now vacant as previous ones were. Harvard employees provide access to criminals for the vacant units for harassment. The pattern that these creepy people use and repeat each time there is a new one is: first to harass, trying to provoke violence. They are told, "He's crazy." And the prevailing belief, obediently reported by journalists everywhere, is that if a person is crazy, they are easily provoked and are violent.

Failing to provoke, they next use young women as bait. When that fails to lead to an arrest, they use older women, often married. And when that also fails they use young men as bait. All of which occurred on Sunday, October 25, 2015. It suggests there is a limitless supply of mercenary morons willing to earn money interfering with my life. He is only the latest vulgarian to do so. One of the unlimited parade of hateful and hostile beings that I am surrounded by each day, every day. It indicates the priorities of police, crime families and Communists. But also for the FBI that allows this long term abuse, 45 years so far. Journalists report many murders, and attacks on police officers. How many people with long arrest records and histories of violent crimes are walking around with no one watching them? But for 45 years the same kind of creepy people have kept me under surveillance, harassment and character assassination. Consider how extremely misguided they are.

They think I do not know they are watching, harassing and using young women as bait. They are disgusting perverts, and reveal what they think of me. Do they think I will get violent and allow them to have me arrested? In 1990 the California crime syndicate hired Cambridge and Somerville police to harass me, and paid for a complete frame-up with seven attorneys, five judges, two clerks, and about a dozen police employees from the two cities. That was after I wrote letters to the chiefs of those police departments complaining about police harassment. No more complaints to police.  

The usual Harvard University superintendent suspects provided access to my building, to the Oxford hooligan. Harvard employees explain they are only following orders. It is not clear who is ordering the harassment. Is it from high up in the Harvard administration food chain? The President? The Provost? The General Counsel? Or one of the puppet Vice Presidents? The gambling ring psychologist wannabe continued the campaign trying to make me into a homosexual, then tried to provoke violence. The gamblers operate under the ancient profile of me being "a black, homosexual, Communist." They employed white-hating black people for harassment as I shopped for groceries. I suspect they also stirred up racial animosity, telling them, "He's a racist." It is what these thoughtful gentlemen do. But that element comes from the FBI which suggests they work as informants for the FBI. Watch for the history of Boston area gambling rings in my life 1971-1979, as soon as I am able to edit it into presentable form.

The Middlesex District Attorney (and the Attorney General of Massachusetts) ignores my complaints saying "He has no evidence." When is it the responsibility of crime victims to provide evidence? That is what the police (and the FBI) are for. When I went to the US Attorney to complain. They told me that they only act after the FBI provides evidence of a crime. Oh! That explains why the FBI in Boston is rife with corrupt agents. The FBI does not report themselves. Police (and the FBI) say "He's mentally ill." and ignore complaints in violation of the discrimination laws. Those laws remain unenforced due to the intentional ignorance of taxpayer funded agencies. Taxpayer funded agencies remain focused on white-only racism, homophobia, Islamophobia, and sexism. Disability? Not on their radar. Even at the Cambridge Handicap Commission they are not concerned. In October 2015 I went to their office, explaining what happened the previous week. The staff told me, "That was a long time ago." Huh?

The mostly gambling ring criminals repeat events from 1971-1979 in 2015. When I complain the government tells me "That was a long time ago." I see. The gambling rings harass me and repeat events from long ago. But when I complain to the government they say it is the present, that was long ago. It is the same with character assassination, "He's crazy." They scare people away to keep me isolated. But when I seek help from taxpayer funded agencies who are paid to help persons who are crazy, the staff and the mental patients say, "Don't come here. There's nothing wrong with you." We do not want non mental patients observing us. Oh. So the crazy part is only for non crazy people, just to scare them. In the real world of crazy it is non existent. That is just perfect as one of the crime families often says. At a candidate forum on Monday October 26, 2015 there were at least two psychologists present conducting evaluations. That is in addition to the police employees watching for violence. Amazing waste of taxpayer resources.

Police power is focused on harmless individuals. The police and their employees fear targeting dangerous violent criminals. They might get hurt. Thus they harass harmless persons in order to provoke them and make their arrests without endangering themselves. The TSA and the DHS do the same at the federal level targeting older women and children at airports for thorough searches, while terror candidates wear police and pilot uniforms carrying weapons onto the planes. It is pathetic how the government wastes taxpayer money, and does not keep people safe.