Showing posts with label Marxism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marxism. Show all posts

March 15, 2016

Exposing Campaign To Destroy United States, Trump Threatens Socialists, Elitist Washington, DC Political Oligarchs

[From article]
“Critical theory” is the academy’s weasel phrase for nontraditional scholarship that seeks to change society instead of studying it. Traditional scholarship would, in other words, be “traditional theory” rather than “critical theory.” The “critical” has nothing to do with understanding and explaining society. It has everything to do with censuring and changing society. It’s the academic provenance of Obama’s political vow to fundamentally transform America.

That nexus should surprise no one. The academy’s the laboratory of culture. All politics are cultural. Obama’s the academic product of Occidental College, Columbia University, and Harvard University. And the modern American academy’s the leftist hotbed of domestic neo-Marxist social activism. Indeed, when the Nazis chased Max Horkheimer’s critical-theory Institute for Social Research out of Germany in 1933, Horkheimer in 1934 reformed the Institute as part of Columbia University Department of Sociology. That same year, Herbert Marcuse, an Institute colleague, followed Horkheimer to the reincarnated Institute at Columbia University before joining the CIA’s predecessor during World War II.
Karl Marx got the ball rolling: “The philosophers have only interpreted the world . . . the point is to change it.” But Marxism at the end of a rifle barrel didn’t work out well in the Soviet Union, and it was Horkheimer’s critical-theory Institute which restated neo-Marxism’s objective:
The Revolution won't happen with guns, rather it will happen incrementally, year by year, generation by generation. We will gradually infiltrate their educational institutions and their political offices, transforming them slowly into Marxist entities as we move towards universal egalitarianism.
But it was Marcuse himself who -- teaching from 1951-1976 at Columbia University, Brandeis University, and the University of California (where he remained a Professor Emeritus until his death in 1979) -- would go on to preeminently lead critical theory’s long march through the modern American academy (a fait accompli since chronicled by Allan Bloom, Roger Kimball, and Dinesh D'Souza).
[. . .]

So what does critical theory’s cultural Marxism do when its own failure becomes empirically manifest? It shuts down discourse, as every utopian ideology everywhere has always done when it senses the proletarian pack hot on its trail.
“Political correctness is,” as Theodore Dalrymple said, “communist propaganda writ small.”
[. . .]
The secret of Trump’s Republican presidential political success is that mainstream America is terminally sick and tired of a culturally-Marxist political correctness that has squelched it into “a society of emasculated liars.” If Trump’s anything, he’s the antithesis of political correctness. And mainstream America is turning to Trump not because he’s a lifelong principled conservative but because he’s the living and breathing negation of political correctness. Mainstream Americans who empirically sense cultural Marxism’s deconstruction of their traditional society, but can’t object without being condemned as racists, sexists, homophobes, or simply mean-spirited reactionary rednecks, are in full-blown revolt against their critical-theory jailors. And Trump -- political incorrectness incarnate -- is their natural leader.

The Republican Party needs to wake up to this reality because the revolt involves much more than the working-class Republicans at whom the Party elites turn up their patrician noses. The revolt involves every man and woman in America -- liberal or conservative, male or female, rich or poor, Republican or Democrat -- whose disgust at cultural Marxism’s repression of their freedom to engage in a principled dialogue about the future of their society is now at the boiling point.
And Hillary Clinton -- the most grotesquely hypocritical politician in American history -- was a Goldwater Republican until she got into ideological bed with the critical theorists at Wellesley College and Yale University. She’d be President today if Obama hadn’t beaten her at her own game.
The great Trump PC jailbreak is about to go down.
And the jailors are getting nervous.

March 13, 2016
The Great Trump PC Jailbreak
By Michael L. Grable

June 26, 2015

Culture War Focuses On South

[From article]
If slavery was the worst thing that happened to black folks brought from Africa to America, Christianity was the best.
Charleston, too, gave us an example of how a city should behave when faced with horror.
Contrast the conduct of those good Southern people who stood outside that church in solidarity with the aggrieved, with the Ferguson mobs that looted and burned and the New York mobs that chanted for the killing of cops when the Eric Garner grand jury declined to indict.
Yet, predictably, the cultural Marxists, following Rahm Emanuel’s dictum that you never let a crisis go to waste, descended like locusts.
[. . .]
But the battle flag is not so much a symbol of hatred as it is an object of hatred, a target of hatred. It evokes a hatred of the visceral sort that we see manifest in Jenkins’ equating of the South of Washington, Jefferson, John Calhoun, Andrew Jackson and Lee with Hitler’s Third Reich.
What the flag symbolizes for the millions who revere, cherish or love it, however, is the heroism of those who fought and died under it. That flag flew over battlefields, not over slave quarters.
Hence, who are the real haters here?
[. . .]

Vilification of that battle flag and the Confederacy is part of the cultural revolution in America that flowered half a century ago. Among its goals was the demoralization of the American people by demonizing their past and poisoning their belief in their own history.
[. . .]
And how is the Republican Party standing up to this cultural lynch mob? Retreating and running as fast as possible.
If we are to preserve our republic, future generations are going to need what that battle flag truly stands for: pride in our history and defiance in the face of the arrogance of power.

Love and Hate in Dixie
Friday - June 26, 2015 at 12:11 am
By Patrick J. Buchanan

October 26, 2014

Non Violent Marxism Taking Control Of U.S.

[From article]
Leftist “intellectuals” and Marxist revolutionaries were -- and still are -- the people to bring about Gramsci's “hegemony”. As I said, they are to do that by taking over the institutions: primarily the education system; though also the law, regional and national newspapers, rights and race groups, the charities and even churches.
[. . .]
Even when Antonio Gramsci was writing (in the 1920s and 1930s), and certainly when James Joll was writing (up to the late 1970s), it was clear that Marxists had already been successful -- at least to some extent -- when it came to installing their own “hegemony” within Western society. In fact, according to Joll, even Gramsci realized that “Marxism was beginning to exercise its own hegemony within the system of traditional culture” (111). That was around 90 years ago. And since the 1960s (some 50 years ago), the march of Leftism has been relentless.

October 25, 2014
Gramsci's Dream Came True: We Have a Leftist Ruling Class
By Paul Austin Murphy

October 23, 2014

Marxism, Islamist Terror, and Psychopaths

[From article]
Barack Hussein Obama is but the latest of a long line of Marxist heroes that were expected to usher in the new Utopia, and Obama with all his shortcomings is failing and degrading the USA more rapidly than any other president in memory. Granted, the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave is not fertile ground for establishing a Marxist system. Yet many millions of dollars were invested in making Obama president of the USA, and the Hope and Change were palpable that finally -- finally! -- the hard work and dreams of Marx and his followers would be realized.
[. . .]
in the 2014 election cycle, Obama is only marginally more popular than Ebola.
[. . .]

Marxists collect enablers, supporters, followers, useful idiots, useless idiots, college students, and voters by buying support (social programs), by indoctrinating the young, and by creating and exploiting social, economic, and ethnic divisions, much as did the Soviet Union and Fascist Germany. Marxism's followers are not sophisticated enough to realize that they are being defrauded, and the fraud has been ongoing for a century in widely scattered areas of the globe.
[. . .]
the black demographic comprises Obama's strongest supporters, yet black jobs, income, and wealth are now in greater decline than elsewhere, and black dependency grows. It is ever thus for Marxist states, but the elitist nomenclatura always does well. Gross corruption is typical of Marxist states and of other psychopathic states (militant Islam), and is becoming an ever larger factor in the USA.
[. . .]

Without a conscience to restrain them, psychopaths become predatory, and the personality, intelligence, and social background of the individual psychopath determines the object of his predation: money, sex, political power, whatever. Intelligent psychopaths can do major damage in a financial or political organization as their unrestrained ambition propels them toward the top. With no moral restraints, psychopaths have no limits on their acquisitiveness and seek to gain the most they can by controlling other people, which is the ultimate "ego trip" for a psychopath. Political psychopaths cultivate ignorance and dependency in their followers, the better to control these followers.
[. . .]
The attraction of Marxism is that it gives Marxists control over others. Marxism is the primary element in the psychopathic mask of Marxists, and provides a false rationale for Marxist control of all aspects of a state and its citizens. Marxism is not about economics; Marxism is about the psychopath's control of other people -- their finances, their behaviors, their ways of thinking, their lives. True believers in economic Marxism are gullible psychopath enablers and followers, and are not commonly themselves psychopathic.
[. . .]
But these supporters are certainly susceptible to the charming and horrific nonsense spouted by destructive psychopaths.
You may take this thesis, make minor adjustments for culture and geography, substitute "militant Islam" for "Marxism," and the premise remains equally valid.

October 22, 2014
The Politics of Psychopathology
By James G. Long

September 8, 2014

Conflicting Moral Codes

[From article]
Many political and social arguments today seek to accommodate two fundamentally incompatible and opposite moral codes: a Judeo-Christian code and a Marxist-Progressive (“MarxProg”) code. When we on the Judeo-Christian side of the equation appeal to terms such as “good,” “evil,” “right,” and “wrong,” we usually fail to realize that they mean entirely different things in the MarxProgs’ lexicon.

September 8, 2014
Our Defining Moral Crisis
By Danny Lemieux

November 20, 2013

Obama Destroying Liberalism

[From article]
Now, if you can picture the Titanic, packed with black plague victims, exploding over Lakewood, NJ, you have a reasonable picture of the enormity and impact of ObamaCare, a fiasco that will cause more damage than any other government-sponsored operation since the heyday of the Marxist dictatorships in the mid-20th century.
[. . .]
That's the pattern, one that could not have established itself without a complete lack of honesty, historical knowledge, common sense, or professional pride among anyone concerned
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One of the great desires of the liberal elite of our time is perfect communion with radical Muslims. This yearning for oneness with butchers is in no way a new trait.
[. . .]
In Syria, the United States has found itself supporting "rebels" who tear out living hearts and eat them.

November 20, 2013
Obama vs. Liberalism
By J.R. Dunn
American Thinker

December 13, 2011

Frankfurt School

[From history]
"As the growing influence of National Socialism became ever more threatening, its founders decided to prepare to move the Institute out of the country.[11] Following Adolf Hitler's rise to power in 1933, the Institute left Germany for Geneva, before moving to New York City in 1935, where it became affiliated with Columbia University. Its journal Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung was accordingly renamed Studies in Philosophy and Social Science. It was at this moment that much of its important work began to emerge, having gained a favorable reception within American and English academia.
[. . .]
Critique, in this Marxian sense, meant taking the ideology of a society – e.g. the belief in individual freedom or free market under capitalism – and critiquing it by comparing it with the social reality of that very society – e.g. social inequality and exploitation.

January 24, 2010

Instability Energizes Capitalism

Instability Energizes Capitalism

Observing all the ways in which business proves to be an endlessly renewable resource is enough to make the intellectual heirs of Karl Marx reach for the Pepto-Bismol. Easterbook quotes one of them, the Marxist philosopher Slavoj Zizek, who notes, “Capitalism is the sole organizing structure in world history that is rendered stronger by its own instability. This is part of the genius of capitalism. Instability does not cause it to collapse.”’

Don't Panic: because American innovation will save the economy
Kyle Smith
New York Post
Last Updated: 9:21 AM, January 17, 2010
Posted: 1:24 AM, January 17, 2010