Showing posts with label Research Fraud. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Research Fraud. Show all posts

April 18, 2016

Science Research Is Flawed, Needs Freeing From Stagnation

[From article]
Science is broken.
That's the thesis of a must-read article in First Things magazine, in which William A. Wilson accumulates evidence that a lot of published research is false. But that's not even the worst part.
Advocates of the existing scientific research paradigm usually smugly declare that while some published conclusions are surely false, the scientific method has "self-correcting mechanisms" that ensure that, eventually, the truth will prevail. Unfortunately for all of us, Wilson makes a convincing argument that those self-correcting mechanisms are broken.
[. . .]
In 2011, the pharmaceutical company Bayer looked at 67 blockbuster drug discovery research findings published in prestigious journals, and found that three-fourths of them weren't right. Another study of cancer research found that only 11 percent of preclinical cancer research could be reproduced. Even in physics, supposedly the hardest and most reliable of all sciences, Wilson points out that "two of the most vaunted physics results of the past few years — the announced discovery of both cosmic inflation and gravitational waves at the BICEP2 experiment in Antarctica, and the supposed discovery of superluminal neutrinos at the Swiss-Italian border — have now been retracted, with far less fanfare than when they were first published."
[. . .]
In a 2011 survey of 2,000 research psychologists, over half admitted to selectively reporting those experiments that gave the result they were after. The survey also concluded that around 10 percent of research psychologists have engaged in outright falsification of data, and more than half have engaged in "less brazen but still fraudulent behavior such as reporting that a result was statistically significant when it was not, or deciding between two different data analysis techniques after looking at the results of each and choosing the more favorable."
[. . .]
Less famous is a similar hoodwinking of the very prestigious British Medical Journal, to which a paper with eight major errors was submitted. Not a single one of the 221 scientists who reviewed the paper caught all the errors in it, and only 30 percent of reviewers recommended that the paper be rejected.
[. . .]
This gets into the question of the sociology of science. It's a familiar bromide that "science advances one funeral at a time." The greatest scientific pioneers were mavericks and weirdos. Most valuable scientific work is done by youngsters. Older scientists are more likely to be invested, both emotionally and from a career and prestige perspective, in the regnant paradigm, even though the spirit of science is the challenge of regnant paradigms.
[. . .]
Why, then, is our scientific process so structured as to reward the old and the prestigious? Government funding bodies and peer review bodies are inevitably staffed by the most hallowed (read: out of touch) practitioners in the field. The tenure process ensures that in order to further their careers, the youngest scientists in a given department must kowtow to their elders' theories or run a significant professional risk. Peer review isn't any good at keeping flawed studies out of major papers, but it can be deadly efficient at silencing heretical views.
All of this suggests that the current system isn't just showing cracks, but is actually broken, and in need of major reform. There is very good reason to believe that much scientific research published today is false, there is no good way to sort the wheat from the chaff, and, most importantly, that the way the system is designed ensures that this will continue being the case.
[. . .]
This is a big problem, one that can't be solved with a column. But the first step is admitting you have a problem.
Science, at heart an enterprise for mavericks, has become an enterprise for careerists. It's time to flip the career track for science on its head. Instead of waiting until someone's best years are behind her to award her academic freedom and prestige, abolish the PhD and grant fellowships to the best 22-year-olds, giving them the biggest budgets and the most freedoms for the first five or 10 years of their careers. Then, with only few exceptions, shift them away from research to teaching or some other harmless activity. Only then can we begin to fix Big Science.

Big Science is broken
Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry
April 18, 2016

August 27, 2015

Columbia Law School Professor Presents Propaganda As Scholarship

Columbia awarded a JD degree to Eric Holder co-author of the Obama-Holder doctrine, which makes inconvenient laws optional for selected elitists. Relaxed rectitude may be shared by Professor Harcourt. At Columbia Law School is The Sabin Center for Climate Change law. Got no reply when I asked if they thought the sun could be persuaded by law to behave and not to affect the weather on earth. Today's law schools have unusual standards.

[From article]
For the better part of two decades, Columbia University law professor Bernard Harcourt has been on a personal crusade against Broken Windows policing, criticizing both its theoretical underpinnings and its policy applications. A close look at Harcourt’s work, however, reveals not only the weaknesses of his arguments but also his lack of attention to other research findings that conflict with his own. His portrayal of Broken Windows policing, it turns out, is fundamentally inaccurate and incomplete.
[. . .]
Broken Windows policing (as performed by NYPD during the 1990s) involved a great deal of discretion on the part of officers. When it came to disorder, arrest was actually the exception—police were far more likely to handle minor offenses informally.
[. . .]

Harcourt must know that these were the results of the report. Even a casual look at the document shows that the NYPD’s Broken Windows policing involved a high amount of officer discretion. To conclude, as Harcourt does, that Kelling encouraged a high-arrest strategy clearly misrepresents Kelling’s arguments.
[. . .]
In a recent review in the prestigious Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, Anthony Braga and colleagues statistically combined the results of the most rigorous academic studies and found that, overall, police efforts designed to manage disorder reduce serious problems in communities. They conclude that “the results of this systematic review and meta-analysis lend some credibility to the NYPD’s claim that disorder policing was influential in reducing crime in New York City over the course of the 1990s.” Harcourt is either unaware of this research or chooses not to acknowledge it.
[. . .]
Harcourt will likely continue his assault on Broken Windows. But an inspection of much of his writing reveals that his arguments are based heavily on intentional misrepresentation, questionable research, and omission of relevant information. The media outlets that continue to accommodate Harcourt’s promotion of this misleading agenda should take note.

What Passes for Scholarship These Days
A response to Broken Windows critic Bernard Harcourt
August 25, 2015

July 2, 2015

AIDS Research Scientist Sentenced To 4 Years in Prison, $7 million Fine, For False Statements

Dong-Pyou Han, 58
[From article]
A former Iowa State University scientist who altered blood samples to make it appear he had achieved a breakthrough toward a potential vaccine against HIV was sentenced Wednesday to more than 4 ½ years in prison for making false statements in research reports.
Dong-Pyou Han, 58, also must pay $7.2 million to a federal government agency that funded the research. He entered a plea agreement in February admitting guilt to two counts of making false statements.
Government prosecutors said Han’s misconduct dates to 2008 when he worked at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland under professor Michael Cho, who was leading a team testing an experimental HIV vaccine on rabbits. Cho’s team began receiving NIH funding, and he soon reported the vaccine was causing rabbits to develop antibodies to HIV, which was considered a major breakthrough. Han said he initially accidentally mixed human blood with rabbit blood making the potential vaccine appear to increase an immune defense against HIV, the virus that can cause AIDS. Han continued to spike the results to avoid disappointing Cho, his mentor, after the scientific community became excited that the team could be on the verge of a vaccine.
Iowa State recruited Cho in 2009, and his team — including Han — continue the research with NIH funding. A group of researchers at Harvard University found in January 2013 the promising results had been achieved with rabbit blood spiked with human antibodies.

Scientist Sentenced To Prison For AIDS Research Fraud By Spiking Vaccine With Rabbit Blood
July 2, 2015 7:39 AM
CBS News Cleveland OH

February 11, 2015

More Fraud Among Global Warming Proponents (Al Gore's army)

[From article]
When future generations look back on the global-warming scare of the past 30 years, nothing will shock them more than the extent to which the official temperature records – on which the entire panic ultimately rested – were systematically “adjusted” to show the Earth as having warmed much more than the actual data justified.
Two weeks ago, under the headline “How we are being tricked by flawed data on global warming”, I wrote about Paul Homewood, who, on his Notalotofpeopleknowthat blog, had checked the published temperature graphs for three weather stations in Paraguay against the temperatures that had originally been recorded. In each instance, the actual trend of 60 years of data had been dramatically reversed, so that a cooling trend was changed to one that showed a marked warming.
This was only the latest of many examples of a practice long recognised by expert observers around the world – one that raises an ever larger question mark over the entire official surface-temperature record.
[. . .]
Of much more serious significance, however, is the way this wholesale manipulation of the official temperature record – for reasons GHCN and Giss have never plausibly explained – has become the real elephant in the room of the greatest and most costly scare the world has known. This really does begin to look like one of the greatest scientific scandals of all time.

The fiddling with temperature data is the biggest science scandal ever
New data shows that the “vanishing” of polar ice is not the result of runaway global warming
By Christopher Booker
10:15PM GMT 07 Feb 2015

July 10, 2014

Academic Peer Review Fraud

[From article]
You’ve heard of prostitution rings, gambling rings and extortion rings. Now there’s a “peer review ring.”
The publication is the Journal of Vibration and Control (JVC). It publishes papers with names like “Hydraulic engine mounts: a survey” and “Reduction of wheel force variations with magnetorheological devices.”
[. . .]
After a 14-month investigation, JVC determined the ring involved “aliases” and fake e-mail addresses of reviewers — up to 130 of them — in an apparently successful effort to get friendly reviews of submissions and as many articles published as possible by Chen and his friends. “On at least one occasion, the author Peter Chen reviewed his own paper under one of the aliases he created,” according to the SAGE announcement.

Scholarly journal retracts 60 articles, smashes ‘peer review ring’
By Fred Barbash
July 10 at 3:02 AM

February 10, 2014

Defamation Suit For Claim Climate Change Data Is Fraudulent

[From article]
The case stems from Mr. Steyn’s written reference to Michael Mann’s climate change data as fraudulent, according to news website Raw Story.
Of especial ire to Mr. Mann was that Mr. Steyn quoted Competitive Enterprise Institution analyst Rand Simberg, who compared Mr. Mann to convicted Penn State child molester Jerry Sandusky.
Mr. Simberg called Mr. Mann “the Jerry Sandusky of climate science, except that instead of molesting children, he has molested and tortured data.”
[. . .]
Mr. Steyn is representing himself after firing the magazine’s legal team over a dispute related to how the judge was handling the case.

Defamation suit against Mark Steyn, National Review a go, judge says
Friday, January 31, 2014
By Cheryl K. Chumley
The Washington Times

November 26, 2012

Science Fraud

Study: Fraud growing in scientific
While still rare, fraud is growing more rampant in scientific studies
UPDATED 7:54 AM EDT, OCTOBER 4, 2012 |

September 6, 2012

Harvard Finds Psychology Professor Faked Research Data

Hauser Responds to Federal Report Published Today
Federal Report Finds Hauser Guilty of Research Misconduct
Published: Wednesday, September 05, 2012

* * *

Harvard psychology professor 'faked data and fudged results in monkey experiments'
Marc Hauser, 52, researched evolutionary roots of human abilities
Probe by Office of Research Integrity found Hauser responsible for six cases of scientific misconduct
Allegedly fabricated data in a paper on monkeys' ability to learn syllables
Currently works with at-risk youth at Cape Cod Collaborative
PUBLISHED: 17:26 EST, 5 September 2012 | UPDATED: 17:48 EST, 5 September 2012

January 12, 2012

Connecticut Researcher Falsified Data 140 times

[From article]
"As a result of the investigation, all externally funded research in Das’ lab has been stopped and the university has declined $890,000 in research grants.
[. . .]
Das earns a salary of $184,396. UConn spokesman Chris DeFrancesco said he "remains employed by the UConn Health Center pending dismissal proceedings per university bylaws."

UConn researcher Dipak Das was known...
Photo by AP file
UConn researcher Dipak Das was known for his work on red wine’s benefits to cardiovascular health, but university officials now say an internal review found 145 instances over seven years in which Das fabricated, falsified and manipulated data.

UConn researcher fabricated data, investigation finds
By William Weir /
The Hartford Courant
Boston Herald
Thursday, January 12, 2012

September 4, 2010

Academic Research Whistle Blower Fired

Axed prof sues NYU
Mew York Post
Last Updated: 9:38 AM, August 29, 2010
Posted: 3:44 AM, August 29, 2010

July 15, 2010

Medical Researcher Jailed, Faked Data in 21 Studies

Scott S. Reuben
Photo courtesy of Pain Management Web

Scott Reuben, a former Baystate doctor who faked research, sentenced to 6 months for health care fraud
Published: Thursday, June 24, 2010, 9:01 PM
Updated: Thursday, June 24, 2010, 9:23 PM
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March 10, 2009

A Medical Madoff: Anesthesiologist Faked Data in 21 Studies

A pioneering anesthesiologist has been implicated in a massive research fraud that has altered the way millions of patients are treated for pain during and after orthopedic surgeries

By Brendan Borrell

Scientific American