Showing posts with label Anti Israel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anti Israel. Show all posts

May 20, 2016

Anti Israel Indoctrination At Newton, MA High School

Published on Apr 6, 2016
New Video Exposes Bias and Bigotry in Newton High Schools

May 19, 2016

Anti Israeli Soros LInked Non Profit Exposed

[From article]
Jewish Voice for Peace is a fanatical anti-Israel group and a leading proponent of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign to toxify Israel. As CAMERA has documented, the group disseminates the most vicious smears against the Jewish state, including blood libels. For example, in a guest editorial in the Detroit Free Press in 2008, Jewish Voice for Peace repeated a libelous charge that Israeli troops had committed a massacre in the village of Tantara during the 1948 war for Israeli independence. The individual who had fabricated the story, a graduate student under the tutelage of anti-Zionist professor Ilan Pappe, had admitted under oath in a libel suit brought against him that there was no evidence to support the charge of a massacre. Yet the guest editorial writers continued to promote the libelous smear.

Ample evidence of Jewish Voice for Peace's mendacity, there is an ongoing effort by Israel's detractors in both the media and academia to portray the cultish group as a legitimate participant in the discussion about Israel and the Palestinians.
On May 12, 2016, CAMERA received information about a course claiming to be affiliated with the University of Pittsburgh Global Studies Department that utilized Jewish Voice for Peace as its main information source to teach high school students about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
In the media, Jewish Voice for Peace is cited by journalists and commentators who share the same far left orientation. The New York Times' columnist Nicholas Kristof cited Jewish Voice for Peace in a column on Aug. 3, 2011 in which he discussed Jewish groups "seeking balance" in the United States' involvement in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. Kristof depicted the group in benign terms as one that "supports divestment campaigns against companies profiting from the occupation of Palestinian territories."

J Street, a group funded by radical billionaire currrency speculator George Soros and an obscure Asian businesswoman named Consolacion Esdicul, also has engaged with the group. While officially not endorsing Jewish Voice for Peace, J Street has welcomed its representatives to its conferences and co-sponsored various letters promoting the Iran deal and other activities with negative repercussions for Israel.
A recent report by the Israel-based NGO Monitor illuminates those who fund the anti-Israel agitation of Jewish Voice for Peace. They include familiar anti-Israel money sources as well as some surprising additions.

In the 2014-5 period, the largest visible donations were provided by:
Rockefeller Brothers Fund- ($140,000 in 2015)
Tides Foundation- ($49,477 in 2014)
Firedoll Foundation- ($25,000 in 2014)
Schwab Charitable Foundation- ($158,800 in 2014)
Jewish Communal Fund- ($25,100 in 2015)

May 13, 2016
The Money Trail Behind Jewish Voice for Peace

May 17, 2016

Vassar College Tolerates Anti Israel Anti Semitic Jihadist Groups

[From article]
There is a real hate problem on today’s campuses. No surprise, the people targeted are the same people who show up at the top of the victims in the FBI’s nationwide hate crime statistics. The hate is not a few scattered individual incidents. It is organized and well funded on 126 campuses. This institutionally promoted hate is almost always the recipient of student-funded activities fees. It is ignored, condoned, and even promoted by college administrators.
These anti-Semitic hate campaigns could not exist without the compliance, support, and encouragement of the liberals who dominate academia. All of us need to be aware of this campus scourge, because it is what we can expect throughout society where leftists dominate.
The Obama administration has unleased Title IX Civil Rights Act threats of federal defunding of campuses for mythical incidents of rape culture, racism, homophobia, and the horror of transgender bathroom angst. But on the real scourge of actual hate on campuses – jihadi groups promoting crude Nazi-era anti-Semitism – crickets.
California was the first to put out the campus welcome mat for the pro-jihadi Students for Justice in Palestine.
Students for Justice in Palestine accuse Israel of sponsoring concentration camps and running an apartheid state, two contemporary forms of antisemitism condemned by the U.S. State Department and the Europeans. Their rallies have included surrounding Jewish students and shouting, "Too bad Hitler didn't finish the job!" Their national conferences have been paid for by Hamas front groups and included speakers later arrested as terrorists.
These days, Jews are fair game, from state universities to the Ivy League across America. A few weeks ago, the story was Harvard Law School (read “Harvard’s Disgrace” on Powerlineblog here.) This week it is Vassar.
[. . .]
The incidents include unaddressed swastikas, Jewish students being mocked and vilified during a March BDS vote, anti-Semitic statements posted on Vassar Yik Yak including “fuck Jews” and “Zionism is a plague of mankind” and Vassar SJP advertising the sale of shirts with convicted terrorist Leila Khaled holding a gun with the caption “Resistance is not Terrorism.” SJP’s promotion described the shirt and other items for sale as, “sweet fucking anti-Zionist gear.”
[. . .]
This same month a year ago, Vassar’s Students for Justice in Palestine created embarrassing headlines by disseminating a neo-Nazi poster, which simultaneously vilified Jews, blacks, and Americans. The Vassar administration responded at that time by sending out an email requesting a review of SJP’s “pre-organization status.” Apparently nothing has improved.

May 13, 2016
Jihadi hate group privileged at Vassar
By Karin McQuillan

May 16, 2016

Former Mayor of London, England Revealed His Anti Semitism

[From article]
Ken Livingstone, the former Labour Party Mayor of London, is one of the most, perhaps the very most, nauseating figures in British politics. It is welcome news that he has been suspended from the party for his ongoing disgraceful and ignorant remarks about Jews and the State of Israel. However, inadvertently he raised the issue of Jews, the victims of the Holocaust, being blamed for their own victimization.
A generation ago, a more serious figure, the political philosopher Hannah Arendt, in her controversial book Eichmann in Jerusalem, wrote unkindly about the Jewish Councils or Judenrat that were organized by Nazi Germany to enforce Nazi orders affecting Jews in occupied countries. Arendt’s notorious comment was that “wherever Jews lived, there were recognized Jewish leaders, and these leaders almost without exception cooperated in one way or another, for one reason or another, with the Nazis.” The great Jewish scholar, mentor and friend, Gershom Scholem rebuked her for her harshness about those “who were compelled to make terrible decisions in circumstances that we cannot even begin to reproduce or reconstruct.”
Livingstone is not living in similar dire circumstances as the Nazi era but he repeatedly blames the Jews for their predicament. He has said on a number of occasions that Adolf Hitler had supported Zionism “before he went mad and ended up killing 6 million Jews.” He asserted that when Hitler won the German elections in 1932, which in fact he did not, and that when he came to power, his policy was not directed towards killing the Jews.
Livingstone tells us that Hitler wanted to deport all the Zionists (sic) to Israel. This ignorant statement is a surprise, since 1932 was sixteen years before the State of Israel was created.
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The issue of Jewish emigration was an immediate one after the Anschluss, the German takeover of Austria, on March 12, 1938. Yet it is all too clear that President Franklin D. Roosevelt suggested the conference and used it to save face and evade action in view of domestic and political opposition. No high level U.S. official attended: the U.S. representative was Myron Taylor, a businessman and friend of Roosevelt, not a diplomat.
Livingstone would do well to read the commentary on Evian given by Golda Meir in her autobiography, My Life. For her, it was a terrible experience hearing the delegates hypocritically explain how much they wanted to take in substantial numbers of refugees, and how unfortunate it was they were unable to do so. In fact, as the Nazis well knew, the Dominican Republic was the only country that agreed to accept any Jewish refugees.
[. . .]
Livingstone’s comments on world affairs are imaginative even if they lack sense. He believes that the failure -- an Israeli failure only -- to resolve the Palestinian problem fuels terrorist attacks. In blaming the victim he believes that ISIS terrorism and the terrorist attacks in Paris and Brussels are connected with Israel.
Livingstone needs lessons in history as well as in political judgment and civility of expression. He had already swallowed the fallacious Palestinian Narrative of History by telling us that the creation of Israel was a great catastrophe and fundamentally wrong because there had been a Palestinian community there for 2000 years. At a moment in history when the civil war has led to the deaths of thousands of Arabs and millions of migrants, Livingstone attributed the mass expulsion of Jews in the Arab world to the creation of Israel. As a consequence of this creation, “all the Israeli (sic) communities in the Arab world were deported to Israel.”
Livingstone tells us that prior to the creation of Israel in 1948, “there were large Jewish communities that never suffered threats or attacks… they lived in peace alongside their Arab neighbors.” He should have known that not only prior to 1948 but prior to the First Zionist Congress held in 1897, Jews were persecuted in Arab lands: Aleppo, 1850, 1875; Damascus 1840, 1848, 1890; Beirut 1862, 1874; Jaffa, 1876; Jerusalem 1847, 1870, 1895; Cairo, 1844, 1890; and in Alexandria 1871, 1873, 1877, and 1891.
While Livingston’s absurdities have outraged even the leaders of the British Labour Party, he did inadvertently touch on a controversial issue that is a reminder of the World War II problem, the dilemma for Jews in fighting evil and the threat of persecution.
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Livingston’s remark that Hitler supported Zionism is a pernicious distortion of the Nazi consistent hatred of Jews. It may be true, and the historical argument continues, that Hitler may not at first have wanted the extermination of all Jews. It is certainly true that he wanted them removed from Germany and elsewhere in one way or another. But he was no Zionist. Jews had to make the terrible decision of how to survive, even if it meant at times that Nazis benefitted financially or practically. Like everyone else, whether hostile to the State of Israel or not, Livingstone should take the advice of Gershom Scholem, and not presume to judge the Jewish people in the effort to save themselves from extermination.

May 9, 2016
Jews confront Radical Evil
By Michael Curtis

May 1, 2016

Anti-BDS Growing In Countering Anti Israel Propaganda

[From article]
At the recent Stand With Us conference, it became obvious that the anti-BDS movement is becoming empowered.
[. . .]
California has a closeness with Israel: over two billion dollars in trade, over 1500 companies do business in Israel, and Governor Brown signed a memorandum of understanding in 2014 to increase collaboration and trade with Israel.”
More and more opponents of BDS are putting the movement on the defensive. People are recognizing that one of the important battlefields is the terrain of college campuses.
[. . .]
There is no strong leadership on campus that says anti-Semitism is not okay, so we need to stand up for ourselves. I warn my fellow students who are not Jewish, anti-Semitism, which is also anti-Zionism, is a canary in a coalmine. The first piece of discrimination starts with the Jewish people and goes forward to others.”
[. . .]

a former Israeli intelligence officer, told of how she was disrespected when trying to speak at the University of Florida. “Their goal is to erase the state of Israel. They called me a baby killer. I hope the opponents of BDS become active and are not afraid to fight for what is right. I truly believe that many of those Americans who protest don’t know the facts, while believing random lies.”
[. . .]
But the supporters of BDS are going beyond free speech with intimidation and political/legal harassment. People should reflect and applaud those who speak out and take action to secure the victory of truth. Those mentioned in the above article need to be supported and admired for standing up to injustice with strength and fortitude.

April 28, 2016
Fighting BDS
By Elise Cooper

April 22, 2016

Muslim Student Activist Insults Israeli Foreign Minister At Harvard Law School

Harvard Crimson editors and law school administration tried to protect the identity of the Muslim student activist who was accused of insulting the Israeli Foreign Minister. But fellow students outed him in the many comments under this story, also reported in the Harvard Law Record. Notice Crimson headline calling it "perceived Anti-Semitism."

[From article]
The event, titled “The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and the U.S.,” was a discussion between Livni and U.S. diplomat Dennis Ross co-sponsored by the Jewish Law Students Association and Harvard Hillel. During the question-and-answer session following the event, an unidentified student asked Livni, “How is it that you are so smelly?... A question about the odor of Ms. Tzipi Livni, she’s very smelly, and I was just wondering.”
The remark drew quick condemnation. Law School Dean Martha L. Minow sent an email to school affiliates on Tuesday denouncing the comment as inappropriate. “The comment was offensive and it violated the trust and respect we expect in our community. Many perceive it as anti-Semitic, and no one would see it as appropriate,” she wrote. “It was an embarrassment to this institution and an assault upon the values we seek to uphold.”
[. . .]
By Wednesday, the remark had sparked controversy on the other side of the world, as several Israeli newspapers began covering the story. The Jerusalem Post published a story about the incident, and Hamodia—described as the “Daily Newspaper of Torah Jewry”—wrote that Livni had been “subjected to verbal abuse” at the Law School.
The backlash prompted the student who made the remark to publish an anonymous apology in The Record, denying that he intended his comments to be anti-Semitic and expressing regret for any harm he might have caused.
“I am writing to apologize, as sincerely as I can via this limited form of communication, to anyone who may have felt offended by the comments I made last week,” the student wrote. “I can see now… how my words could have been interpreted as a reference to an anti-Semitic stereotype, one that I was entirely unaware of prior to the publication of this article.”

Minow, Law Students Condemn Perceived Anti-Semitism

April 21, 2016

* * *

Tzipi Livni, Israeli Foreign Minister
Harvard Law student asks Tzipi Livni, Israeli politician, why she is ‘so smelly’
By Jessica Chasmar 
The Washington Times
Thursday, April 21, 2016

Anti Israel Indoctrination @ Newton High School April 7, 2016

New Video Exposes Bias and Bigotry in Newton High Schools

Anti-Israel Indoctrination Masquerading as “Critical Thinking”

Indoctrination @ Newton High, a new video released today by Americans for Peace and Tolerance (APT), exposes a pattern of anti-Israel teachings found in Newton, Massachusetts high schools, including:
Newton’s high schools have used Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) maps that falsify the history of the Arab-Israeli conflict. Newton students were not told that the maps were created by the PLO’s propaganda unit.

Newton’s schools presented students with a falsified version of the Hamas Charter. In Newton’s doctored version the word ”Jews” – as a target of hatred — is replaced with the word “Zionists.”
In one lesson, Newton students are asked to consider the Jewish state’s right to exist. (The legitimacy of no other nation-state’s existence is questioned.) The lesson included “expert” opinions, which are drawn overwhelmingly from anti-Israel academics and anti-Semitic activists.
A book used in Newton high schools has a recommended reading list that includes the extremist writings by Muslim Brotherhood leaders including Sayyid Qutb, and Yusuf Qaradawi, whose sermons call for the murder of Jews and homosexuals.

April 13, 2016

Anti Semitism Growing In United Kingdom

[From article]
The world has been horrified by the rapid growth of the mosquito-borne virus Zika that has spread through all of South American and has threatened the United States. The virus may cause birth defects in children and neurological problems in adults. The World Health Organization has declared a global emergency to deal with the virus as the world faces an increase in the widespread levels of the virus.
No one except certified lunatics or perhaps the villains in James Bond movies are likely to call for an increase in the Zika virus. But an unfortunately large number of people, neither certified or uncertified lunatics, are keen on spreading another virus, the cancer of anti-Semitism, that is spreading throughout the world. Yet, like Zika, anti-Semitism is a public health risk and requires a coordinated international response, including perhaps the WHO, and immediate international action. As in the case of Zika, finding a vaccine to counter the virus of anti-Semitism may take years but the task must be undertaken because the cancer is growing and must be eliminated.
[. . .]
At the Inter-Parliamentary Coalition for Combatting Anti-Semitism held in Berlin on March 14, 2016, the British Minister for Justice Michel Gove remarked that anti-Semitism is not just the oldest hatred in the world, it also a virus that mutates.
In Britain today the virus has found a home in people of all political persuasions.
[. . .]
The virulent disease of anti-Semitism must be eradicated. It should be the task of all political leaders, particularly a leftist leader like Jeremy Corbyn, not simply to criticize anti-Semitism, an action that is commendable, but also to distance themselves from the carriers of disease. Researchers throughout the world are seeking to find the formula for expelling the virus Zika. The political and social leaders of the world should similarly expel the carriers of the virus of anti-Semitism from all rational and respectable organizations.

April 5, 2016
Shame on the British Left
By Michael Curtis

March 25, 2016

Palestinians At Brussels Memorial, Tear Up and Cover Up Israeli Flag With Palestinian Flag

[From article]
Video emerged Thursday of a hijab-wearing woman tearing up an Israeli flag at a makeshift memorial for victims of the Brussels terror attacks.
French RTL television captured the disturbing images of the incident at the central Brussels landmark Place de la Bourse, The Jerusalem Post reported.
The woman is seen lifting a Palestinian flag and then ripping an Israeli flag to shreds.
She then hides the pieces under other flags and walks off.
[. . .]
In another video posted on Facebook, a man is seen removing a Palestinian flag from a pole and then using it to cover an Israeli flag on the ground at a memorial site.
Among those decrying the video was one who posted: “This is disgusting. I was going to ask why no one stops them, foolish question. There is no stopping these attacks now. We will see more and more of them.”

Woman in hijab rips up Israeli flag at Brussels memorial
By Yaron Steinbuch
New York Post
March 24, 2016 | 3:50pm

* * *

[From article]
This is the shocking moment a woman removes an Israeli flag from a Brussels memorial and rips it up, before hiding the pieces away underneath another flag.
A French-language station captured the footage at the shrine set up at Brussels' Place de la Bourse.
During the clip, which is just over one minute long, a woman wearing a hijab, a brown coat and a scarf picks up a Palestinian flag from the candle-lit vigil and takes it over to an Israeli flag.
She bends down to pick up the blue and white Israeli flag and begins ripping it up, before placing the pieces beneath another flag, which looks as though it could be the symbol of Georgia.
The woman then walks off out of shot, with not one of the many onlookers approaching her to question her over her shocking actions.
It is unclear whether she has placed the Palestinian flag in the Israeli flag's place, however you can see that she is no longer carrying it when she walks away.
The French-language station does not refer to the women's actions and instead the discussion that can be heard is about the official memorial marches and ceremonies in Paris.
This shocking video is not the only time an Israeli flag has been tampered with at the memorial.
Another clip shows a man, wearing beige trousers, a black hooded jacket and gloves, walking into the middle of the candle-lit memorial.
He picks up a Palestinian flag and places it over the Israeli flag so it can no longer be seen. Once again, there are many onlookers but although some people can be heard saying 'no, no, no', nobody takes action.

Shocking video shows hijab-wearing woman TEARING UP Israeli flag at Brussels memorial to the dead
French-language station captured the footage taken at Place de la Bourse
Woman picks up Palestinian flag and carries it over to Israeli one
She then takes Israel's flag and tears it up before hiding the ripped pieces
Another video shows man placing Palestinian flag on top of Israeli one
See more on the Brussels attacks at
PUBLISHED: 15:05 EST, 24 March 2016 | UPDATED: 05:33 EST, 25 March 2016

March 8, 2016

Oberlin College Trustees Speak Out About Racist Professor

[From article]
The reports:
Clyde McGregor, Chair of Oberlin College’s Board of Trustees issued the following statement Saturday with regard to the social media postings of Assistant Professor Joy Karega.
At our quarterly Board meeting yesterday, the Trustees of Oberlin College discussed postings on social media by an Oberlin faculty member.
These postings are anti-Semitic and abhorrent. We deplore anti-Semitism and all other forms of bigotry. They have no place at Oberlin.
These grave issues must be considered expeditiously. In consultation with President Marvin Krislov, the Board has asked the administration and faculty to challenge the assertion that there is any justification for these repugnant postings and to report back to the Board.
From its founding, Oberlin College has stood for inclusion, respect, and tolerance. We still do.
McGregor’s statement, which does not cite Karega by name, refers to a series of posts on Facebook and Twitter, first reported by on February 25, in which Karega claims, among other things, that a banker named Rothschild secretly owns most of the world’s central banks, that Israel was behind ISIS and the terror attacks of 9/11 and Paris, and that Hurricane Sandy was deliberately engineered as a form of “weaponized” weather.
Colleges and universities across America (and much of the Western world) have been squandering their integrity and standards on the alter of political correctness, tolerating abuses of freedom of speech, recruiting poorly qualified faculty espousing lunatic theories, lowering standards for designated groups, ignoring the fundamental building blocks of our civilization of the classical liberal arts, and tolerating all sorts of laziness, emotional hysteria, and misbehavior. The professoriate and the administrators are incapable of self-correction, for the internal mechanisms of power and prestige in the non-STEM disciplines have been seized by the left.
[. . .]
I suspect that Oberlin has also seen some declines in the wake of multiple cave-ins to PC.
It is time the grown-ups, the trustees, take control of higher education throughout the country.

March 6, 2016
Anti-Semitism at Oberlin 2 – the Trustee Speaks Up
By Thomas Lifson

* * *

[From article]
Oberlin College, the small private, highly rated liberal arts institution in Ohio. Oberlin, founded in 1833 by Presbyterian ministers who were advocates of the anti-slavery and abolition cause, has a great history of which it can be justly proud. From its beginning it has been one of the country’s major educational institutions devoted to progressive causes. It was the first college to admit African-Americans, in 1844, and to grant degrees to women, in 1862. In recent times it has adopted a liberal attitude to sexuality, proving free or discounted condoms to the student body, and allowing students to room with students of any gender.
Understandably, the Oberlin student body, in addition to enjoying the Conservatory of Music, the oldest operating one in the country, is more attracted to political science than to science, mathematics, or engineering. It was therefore only a little surprising that in May 2015 the students exhibited their political engagement by taking over the college administration building to protest an increase in tuition fees.
But it is much more surprising and disturbing that Oberlin should be a locale for expositions of ignorance, bigotry, hatred, and anti-Semitism. In November 2015 the Black Students Union complained of the “cultural appropriation of ethnic foods and cultural insensitivity” in the dining hall, which in fact specialized in General Tso’s chicken, a dish created in the United States. With the same kind of twisted logic, the active pro-Palestinian students linked the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions of Israel movement to that of “Black Lives Matter.”
Those pro-Palestinian students went further by building an “apartheid wall” in front of the college library, while they or others painted Nazi swastikas on the Jewish Center and Jewish fraternities on campus.
[. . .]
The president of Oberlin, Marvin Krislov, has explained he is a practicing Jew, grandson of an Orthodox rabbi, and had lost some of his family in the Holocaust. As a political scientist with a law degree and as a Rhodes scholar at Oxford, Krislov could not understand how anyone could question the existence and horrors of the Holocaust.
After Karega had been criticized, Krislov defended the principles of academic freedom and freedom of speech as meaningful responses to prejudice.
[. . .]
With due respect, this is an inadequate and incorrect position. What is missing in Krislov’s defense of Karega are two things. In spite of his avowed Jewishness he seemed to have made no attempt to condemn the evil anti-Semitism of so many of her statements. Similarly, he ignored her willful and deliberate distortion of facts about who was responsible for terrorist acts. It is irresponsible to attribute “open discussion of ideas” to Karega’s ignorant version of the massacres of 9/11 and Charlie Hebdo.
President Krislov’s position is unfortunately symptomatic of the liberal tendency to be tolerant of the intolerant, especially when expressed by or supposed to be on behalf of an ethnic minority. The academic discipline does depend on honest and true discussion of ideas. It should exclude virulent prejudice, bigotry, and anti-Semitism. Oberlin College knows better and should act accordingly. So should also the well-known African-American leaders who should make their voice heard and ensure that their own cause is not besmirched by anti-Semitism.

March 6, 2016
Anti-Semitism at Oberlin 1 -- College President Caves to Progressive Bigotry
By Michael Curtis

February 26, 2016

Anti Israel Propaganda At Vassar College

[From article]
Jasbir Puar, an associate professor in the Women and Gender Studies Department at Rutgers University [is] widely known as a tenured professor of anti-Israeli rhetoric, a key figure in the academic and cultural boycott of Israel, and a proponent of the resolution of the American Studies Association to boycott Israeli academic institutions. Indeed, Puar introduced her lecture by congratulating the Vassar Students for Justice in Palestine, who had proposed a BDS resolution to be voted on in March.
[. . .]
The current tuition for Vassar students is $63,000 a year. Two questions can be asked. Did those students who attended the lecture get their money's worth, and are they instructed at Vassar in a peculiar kind of language that can grasp the "prehensive forms," which no one else outside Poughkeepsie can penetrate?
No official transcript was made, because of a ridiculous excuse for the need for "congeniality and respect." Thus, the world will never know the full extent of the wit and wisdom of Puar.
[. . .]
The bizarre presentation, if one can possibly understand Puar's convoluted language, appears to be that Israel's occupation has resulted in the maiming and stunting of the Palestinian population, and that BDS is both necessary and a step toward armed resistance against Israel.
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her main purpose was to continue her condemnations of Israel and her calling for boycotts of Israel.
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since the movement's real purpose is the elimination of the State of Israel.
[. . .]
It is an unfortunate truth that many in American faculties have disgraced themselves in two ways. One is by sponsoring anti-Israeli rhetoric, whether out of anti-Semitic beliefs or not, or at least not responding to vicious attacks. The other is to make clear the lack of intellectual substance, as well as the dishonesty, in some of the presentations at sponsored events.

February 26, 2016
The Need for Honest Discussion at American Colleges
By Michael Curtis

February 25, 2016

Anti Israel BDS Academics, Are Anti Semitic

[From article]
As [Associate Professor of Political Science at Syracuse University Miriam F.] Elman told her audience, “in the Middle Ages Jews were hated for their religion, in the 19th and 20th centuries they were hated for their race and today they are hated for their nation-state.”
Excepting some fringe student groups enthusiastic about boycotting Israel, the BDS movement is mostly absent from the academic scene in Rochester. The president of the University of Rochester, Joel Seligman, is a vocal critic of the movement. And while there are academics in town who sympathize with the movement enough to sign statements, at the moment BDS has no visible academic advocates in Rochester.
[. . .]
Elman is no firebrand rhetorician, but rather a level-headed, meticulous scholar. She focused on the differences between legitimate criticism of Israeli policies and anti-Semitism, which “is not in the eye of the beholder.” Anti-Semitism “crosses the line” surpassing the merely uncivil to constitute an assault on Jewish identity. We see it when historical and cultural links between Jews and Israel are refuted and when Israel is singled out for scrutiny like no other nation on earth. Most of all, we see it when three age-old stereotypes of Jews are projected onto the entire nation of Israel: the lust for power and control, the lust for blood, and the portrayal of Jews as animals, inferior to non-Jews. This rhetoric is the lifeblood of the BDS movement.
[. . .]
Elman noted the correlation between anti-Semitic activity on college campuses and campuses with active BDS movements. She shocked her audience with examples of high-profile academics like Judith Butler, Steven Salaita and others who “couch their assaults on Israel in the language of human rights” and use their skills to construct a narrative portraying Israel as the ideological successor to Nazi Germany. Scholars refer to this ugly slur as “Holocaust Inversion” – which, in the words of Manfred Gerstenfeld, is “the portrayal of Israelis and Jews as modern-day Nazis.”
[. . .]

Perhaps most unexpected was Elman’s critique of Jewish groups involved in the BDS movement. Most people are familiar with the 2,000 year history of Christian anti-Semitism and the 1,400 year history of Islamic anti-Semitism, but it seems counterintuitive that Jews could oppose the existence of Israel.
[. . .]
the American Historical Association voted 144 to 55 against joining ranks with the BDS movement. The AHA’s decision is praiseworthy, but it runs counter to the current tide. The BDS movement is growing, and it has been endorsed by the world’s most famous academic – Steven Hawking. And even though BDS votes may actually be illegal, and the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) opposes academic boycotts, many academic associations are moving ahead with efforts to impose full economic and academic boycotts of Israel, including barring their colleagues (who may not share their alacrity for anti-Zionism) from collaborating with Israeli scholars.
[. . .]
There are no conservatives in BDS ranks.
The BDS movement is an outcome of the New Left’s dominance in American academia, especially Middle East Studies. Naturally, BDS gained momentum as its proponents gained rank within their respective institutions.

February 25, 2016
Fighting the BDS Movement
By A.J. Caschetta

February 19, 2016

Secretary General of the United Nations Seeks Destruction of Israel

Ban Ki-Moon, Secretary General of the United Nations

[From article]
Ban Ki-Moon, Secretary General of the United Nations, recently penned an op-ed piece in the New York Times called “Don’t Shoot the Messenger, Israel”. He wrote this article to explain his recent comments that Israel’s unwillingness to end the “occupation” of Judea and Samaria is the true cause of Palestinian terrorism, and the Palestinian Authority’s incitement to stab, shoot, and ultimately murder innocent Israelis. The current wave of Palestinian terrorism in Israel has claimed the lives of 31 Israelis -- most recently Hadar Cohen, a 19-year-old woman stabbed and shot to death while standing guard in Jerusalem. Thousands of Palestinians turned out for the funerals of Cohen’s assailants to honor them.
[. . .]
The major driving force of the violence and extremism stems from the incitement to murder Jews and Israelis that has come from the Palestinian leadership for decades. Former Palestinian Authority president Yasser Arafat, the father of the PA, said in 1970, “The goal of our struggle is the end of Israel, and there can be no compromise.”
[. . .]
The PA have incited violence against Israelis for years. His successor Mahmoud Abbas recently admitted to ignoring a 2008 ‘land for peace’ offering from Israeli Prime Minister Olmert stating “I rejected [the peace plan] out of hand.” The Secretary General ignores the fact that from Arafat to Abbas, Palestinians have endlessly acknowledged they do not want peace.
[. . .]
From 1949-1967 under Jordanian control, there were zero settlements in Judea and Samaria, and there were still numerous Palestinian terrorist attacks. In 1978, Israel froze the building of new settlements for 3 months in the hopes of attracting the Arabs to join the Camp David Accords, but it did not. The peace process also did not benefit when Israelis froze settlements again in 1994, 2005, 2008, and 2010.
[. . .]
Then there is the bias the Secretary General clearly shows against Israel.
[. . .]
Does he not listen to the president of the Palestinian Authority? President Mahmoud Abbas said in September 2015 that he does not want Israelis to “Desecrate [the al-Aqsa Mosque] with their filthy feet.” Also in September, President Abbas proclaimed on Palestinian television, “We welcome every drop of blood spilled in Jerusalem. This is pure blood, clean blood, blood on its way to Allah.” Not once in the NY Times piece does Ban Ki-Moon mention these words coming from the mouths of the Palestinian President, which not only incite, but welcome his people to commit terror attacks.
[. . .]
The simple fact that the secretary is penning this column is an example of his bias against Israel. There are over 200 disputed territories in the world, none of which Ban Ki-Moon writes articles about. He also ignores that the world is overflowing with violence and war crimes that easily dwarf anything that is happening in Judea and Samaria. In the time Ban Ki-Moon spent writing about 150 settlements in Israel, Boko Haram killed 86 people in Nigeria, reportedly burning some children alive. Also, Bashar al-Assad murdered another 164 of his own people, in a civil war that has claimed the lives of 300,000 people. Did Ki-Moon write an article about Boko Haram or Assad’s war crimes? No. Did he write an article about Islamic State jihadists crucifying or enslaving minorities? The concentration camps in North Korea where people are worked to death and starved by their government? No
[. . .]
In November 2015, the UN General Assembly adopted six resolutions singling out Israel, and none on any other country.

February 18, 2016
Ban Ki-Moon’s Obsession with Israel
By Lindsay Schneider

February 7, 2016

Propaganda By Muslim Apologists, Ignore Terror, Focus on Anti Muslim Sentiment

This is pure propaganda. Little of it is true. Mostly fantasy to provide cover for the intolerance, hatred and anti American culture and laws that Islam promotes. A major population of the world 1.6 billion Muslims plead minority status in the United States. They do not mention the outrageous abuses of Muslim dominant countries which are really un-American. Jews, Hindus, Christians, and Buddhists are harassed, and killed in Muslim dominant nations. Like Africans who come to the United States from black dominant nations plead minority status in the United States, and ignore majority abuses in their own countries. 

Typical is this comment. "Not only is Trump’s interest­ in a burqa ban virtually unenforceable, hateful, uncultured and unpresidential, it typifies exactly the type of casual, unapologetic exclusionism that has led otherwise righteous countries down the path of violent colonialism, ethnic cleansing and ultimate self-destruction." But in Muslim dominant nations run by Sharia Law they ban the practice of other religions no less dress.

They add, "Hateful leaders can abso­lutely destroy nations and can even more easily destroy­ their own political parties." How many religious leaders in Christian, Jewish, Buddhist and Hindu churches openly express hatred and urge the murder of members of other religions? But many Muslim religious leaders repeatedly call for the murder of Jews, Christians and Americans. They demand the destruction of Israel. Is that what these authors object to?

Here's more illogical propaganda. "The Republican Party risks its own destruction as a result of this decade’s episodes of 'blame the minority,' especially when it comes time to court a new generation of minority voters,­ down the road." Surveys find 75 percent or more of illegal aliens, and up to 80 percent of Muslims identify as Democrats. Republicans have no interest to cater to Muslims or illegal aliens. The Democratic Party leads these thoughtless voters by their noses.

[From article]
We believe­ that our religious practice is not merely compatible with being Ameri­can; the social­ justice tenets we’re committed to, informed in our case by our Islam, are essential elements of American patriotism.

Thursday, February 04, 2016

January 23, 2016

Anti Israel Useful Idiots Oppose Arts and Sciences

The same group vilifies academics, isolating Israeli scholars also for political purposes. They attack freedom of inquiry not only in the arts but also the sciences. BDS is a despicable totalitarian organization. They are not a force for good, for peace or for freedom.

[From article]
The way to counter the boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) effort against Israel, opined the MK in a Jerusalem Post report, is "to go on the offensive, and bring the battle to BDS." The key, according to Oren, is "explaining the other guy [BDS]: Where they're getting funding, their means of operation, their goals."
[. . .]
Proponents of the cultural boycott want to prevent international audiences from experiencing Israeli art and want to cut the flow of world art going into Israel. To see this solely as an Israeli problem, however, is to be looking into the wrong end of the binoculars.
The cultural boycott eviscerates the role of artists to create change and build bridges, and it undermines the ideal that it is the individual, not a politically motivated third party, who should decide what he or she wishes to experience. It is a direct assault on one of the free world's most valued treasures: freedom of artistic expression.
[. . .]
BDS proponents claim that their goal is promoting human rights and Palestinian self-determination, but their rhetoric points more clearly to political ideology and their modus operandi to thought control. The strategy and tactics of the cultural BDS movement, including censorship, blacklists, intimidation, and discrimination, is repugnant to people across the political spectrum. Conspicuously absent in BDS messaging is a call for peace and coexistence.
Censorship of artistic expression is essential for totalitarian regimes to thrive. If you control content and consumption, you control thought.
[. . .]
when festivals refuse to exhibit Israeli films unless they are critical of that nation's treatment of the Palestinian people (as in the case of the Israeli film by Roy Zafrani, The Other Dreamers, which is about disabled children pursuing their dream), you are controlling content based on politics
[. . .]
Cultural boycott proponents routinely seek to intimidate artists, audiences, and venues. When an international artist announces an Israeli trip or tour, cultural BDS proponents often launch a multimedia campaign intended to derail the performance. They strive to impugn the artist's reputation by implying that he or she is giving a stamp of approval to false claims of Israeli colonialism, apartheid, oppression, and ethnic cleansing.
[. . .]
Artists who happen to be Israeli face recurring discrimination based on nationality regardless of the content of their work. This cannot be acceptable to open, liberal societies around the globe that raise their voices and institute laws against discrimination based on race, religion, gender, and sexual preferences.
When Israeli artists book international events, BDS proponents will pressure venues to cancel, interrupt performances, charge the stage, and physically intimidate participants. Audiences are forced to navigate a gauntlet of vitriolic chants. A clear statement by the vilified artists or venues saying that they do not wish to cancel the engagement is rarely accepted,
[. . .]
The cultural boycott against Israel politicizes art and eviscerates the role of artists as peace ambassadors and agents of change. The fight to counter its efforts is a battle to liberate art.
The proximate target of the boycott effort is Israel, but freedom of artistic expression, fundamental to our humanity, is its ultimate victim.

January 23, 2016
An Iron Dome against the cultural boycott of Israel
By Lana Melman

January 22, 2016

Bill Introduced In Congress to Fight Anti Israel Propaganda

[From article]
On October 10, 2015, a bill was introduced in the U.S. Congress to counter the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel. By the U.S.-Israel Trade and Commercial Enhancement Act, U.S. trade negotiators are instructed to discourage potential trade partners from engaging in economic discrimination or participating in or promoting acts of BDS against Israel. The bill seeks to eliminate the politically motivated boycott and barriers on Israeli goods, services, and other commerce imposed on the State of Israel.
President Barack Obama and the U.S. Congress should relate this firm statement to the shameful behavior of the European Union. It is generally assumed that the EU and Israel share common values. Yet on January 18, 2016, the European Council of the European Union issued yet another of its fatuous conclusions on the Middle East peace process. It was "deeply concerned about the continuing cycle of violence" in Israel and the Palestinian territory in recent months. It recalled the special significance of the holy sites and called for the upholding of the status quo put in place in 1967 for the Temple Mount/al-Haram al-Saharif.
With the moral equivalence that it illustrates to perfection, the EU urged "all parties" not to worsen the situation by way of incitement or provocation and called on all parties to condemn attacks when they occur.

The remembrance by EU ministers and officials of things past is uneven, if not schizophrenic. Absent from its memory is any note of the unprovoked Palestinian violence that has "worsened" the situation in recent months. The EU memory is steeped in the Palestinian Narrative of Victimhood. There is no hint in it of the corruption and inefficiency of Palestinian authorities and the intent of some to start Intifada III, let alone their refusal to come to the negotiating table for peace. Above all, not a word is said or thought about the Palestinians wielding knives to stab innocent Israelis to death. The EU did not point out that since October 1, 2015, Palestinians have killed, by stabbings, car-ramming, and attacks by guns, 24 Israelis and a U.S. citizen. Israeli soldiers, in defense, have killed 93 terrorists, and another 50 died in clashed with Israeli security forces.
What is present in a full way is the reiteration of EU opposition to the policy of Israeli settlements, which it considers illegal and an obstacle to peace.
[. . .]

The EU, like the U.N. General Assembly, holds Israel to a double standard. No censure applies to other territorial conflicts such as those in northern Cyprus (Turkey), Western Sahara, Kashmir (India), or Tibet (China). This is now shown in a dramatic way. The EU decided on November 11, 2015 to issue guidelines for the labeling of exports originating from Israeli settlements in the West Bank. They cannot be labeled "Made in Israel." The EU says the objective of the labeling policy is to distinguish between goods made inside the internationally accepted borders of Israel and those outside. Britain, Belgium, and Denmark already do this.
There are seven factors the EU should have considered.
The first is the humiliating analogy of its boycott with Nazi Germany, which was the last country in Europe to label Jewish products.
[. . .]
The third basic issue, referring to recognized boundaries, is that most of the Arab countries and certainly the Palestinians do not recognize the legitimacy of the State of Israel, let alone borders.
[. . .]

A sixth factor is that more than 20,000 Palestinians work in the settlements at a salary considerably higher than in Palestinian-run enterprises. They may consequently become unemployed as a result of the EU proposal, which is in effect a form of boycott.
A seventh factor is that the very imbalance of the EU on the Middle East itself prevents it from playing the larger role in the Middle East peace process that it desires.
At a meeting of EU foreign ministers in Brussels on January 18, 2016, the ministers finally agreed on a joint statement on the degree to which they should stress a distinction between the country, Israel, and its occupied territories. Even the final softer text expresses that all agreements between the State of Israel and the EU must unequivocally and explicitly indicate they are not applicable to the territories occupied by Israel since 1967.
[. . .]

Margot Wallstrom, Sweden's minister of foreign affairs, in her office in Stockholm.

the person most in favor of a stronger text against Israel was the Swedish foreign minister, Margot Wallstrom, who has already called for an investigation not of the Palestinian terrorists wielding their knives against Israeli civilians, but of how Israel deals with the knife-attackers.
President Obama and Congress now have the opportunity to implement the October 2015 bill. They should inform the EU that its boycott, call it what you will, will not be tolerated.

January 22, 2016
Speaking Truth to the European Union
By Michael Curtis

Academic Anti Israeli Hatred, and Anti Semitism Fashionable

[From article]
Amira Jumaa, said to be 20 years old, a Kuwait national whose mother is a Palestinian from Jordan, a former student at the prestigious Paris Institute of Political Studies, usually referred to as Science Po, made repulsive remarks about Jews on Facebook.
In an online debate with an Israeli student, Jumaa wrote to him, “You don’t belong anywhere in this world-that’s why you guys are scum and rats and discriminated against wherever you are. Do not blame it on the poor Palestinians…. I am not an immigrant from France. I am from Kuwait so my country can buy you and your parents and put you in ovens.”
Her comments were made public in October 2015 in the website blog, The Inglourious Basterds, named after the 2009 film of the same name directed by Quentin Tarantino, about American Jewish soldiers who hunted Nazis in World War II.
Jumaa has been punished in two ways for her disgraceful remarks. She was at first suspended in October 2015 from Sciences Po, the world-class institution that ranks first in Continental Europe for political and international studies. Its alumni, who must be ashamed of Jumaa, have included hundreds of prominent and distinguished figures, including the last four and five of the last six presidents of France, more than 30 heads of foreign states, and former heads of the United Nations, the IMF, the European Bank, and diplomats, major business leaders, and bankers.
After a college disciplinary committee hearing by five professors and five students, Jumaa was expelled in December 2015 from Sciences Po, the first student ever to be expelled since the creation of the school in 1872. Also, she was immediately dismissed from her position in the cultural division in the French Consulate in New York, where she had been an intern as part of a school program.
Although so young, Jumaa, who is said to be very wealthy, a jet setter and a horseback rider, also worked in the Kuwaiti Embassy in Athens. That embassy issued no statement about the nature of her remarks.

What is most disturbing about the remarks was not simply the expected anti-Israel tirade and her advocacy of a boycott of Israel but the crude anti-Semitism, referring to the Holocaust. Her behavior provides a timely warning for those in the U.S. engaging in intense anti-Israeli activity. Though they are of course not connected to Jumaa in any possible way, the recent proponents in the U.S. of boycott of Israel must be concerned about the link of anti-Israel animus and anti-Semitic prejudice that she has illustrated.
The recent culprits of the intense bias against Israel [. . .] do not openly profess anti-Semitic opinions as does Jumaa, though some of them have talked of symbolic action to “cleanse” Israel. But all of them have called for a boycott of Israel academic institutions and, usually, Israeli personnel.
Hypocritically, they have spoken of this as “concerned engagement.” Yet in effect, it is the exact opposite. It is a refusal to engage in a normal dialogue with scholars who should be colleagues. The boycotters are opposing the very institutions that are the center of freedom of expression and major contributors to human welfare.
Jumma, the Kuwaiti young woman, issued a grave threat to the existence of Jews as well as to the State of Israel. The Americans have issued a grave threat to academic freedom. The American Association of University Professors (AAUP) has criticized the boycotters and their selective boycott of Israel for acting against the fundamental principles of academic freedom and free exchange of ideas.

[. . .]
These boycotters, moreover, have perverted the purpose of their own professional organizations. For example, 1,800 people attended the business meeting of the Anthropological Association on November 20, 2015, the largest number in its history. Their main purpose was not to vote on any anthropological issue but on boycott of Israeli academic institutions. At the meeting, 88.4 per cent, 1040-136, voted in favor of the resolution to boycott Israeli academic institutions and not to enter into any formal collaboration with Israeli academic institutions, ostensibly until Israeli academics end their “complicity” with Israel’s human rights violations.
It would be enticing to know what exact anthropological perspectives the 88.4 per cent supposedly concerned with human rights brought to the cancer research, DNA-based biological computer, the vaccines for diabetes and the examining conditions for Alzheimer’s at the Weizmann Institute in Rehovot, or to the Brain Labs at the Hadassah Medical Center.
In spring 2016, the full membership, about 12,000, of AAA will vote electronically on the November boycott resolution. The sensible and reasonable members might ponder if they want to have the disgraced Amira Jumaa as an intellectual soul mate. Anthropologists, like all sensible people, should confront the evil words of Jumaa and the evil deeds of Islamist terrorists. Implicitly, her message was that Jews are unwelcome in the world and can be put in ovens. The AAA must show it does not share her views by renouncing the boycott resolution.

January 22, 2016
An End to Evil Thoughts and Deeds against Israel
By Michael Curtis

January 2, 2016

Prioritizing Anti Muslim Bias Over Anti Jewish Bias

Seldom mentioned is the enormous difference between the number of Muslims compared to the number of Jews in the world. The focus is only on the United State where Muslims are a minority compared to Christians, who show their tolerance toward Muslims. In Muslim dominant nations, Jews, Christians, Buddhists and Hindus are not tolerated and are targets for harassment and murder. There are fewer Jews, and more anti Jewish hatred in The United States than anti Muslim. It shows that Muslim supremacism is active in this area especially.

[From article]
The Christmas Day firebombing of a Houston mosque got plenty of attention. Perhaps because of all the pressure, a perp was rapidly arrested – and, to the embarrassment of all those Islamophobia-mongers, turned out to be a faithfull attendee, five times a day, seven days a week. CAIR was quick to cry "bias":
Mustafaa Carroll, who is the executive director for the Houston chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, called on law enforcement to investigate, citing a recent spike in vandalism to mosques that have prompted hate crime investigations.
"We urge law enforcement authorities to investigate a possible bias motive for this fire," he said in a statement.
To the north and west of Texas, in the state of Nevada, some stupid prankster left a strip of bacon draped over the handles of a mosque located outside of Las Vegas. Not only is it being treated as a possible hate crime, but the FBI is offering a reward for information leading to the arrest of the man seen on surveillance video placing the bacon on the door handles.
[. . .]
And to think that about a year ago, when multiple swastikas appeared scattered throughout my neighborhood, I was told by law enforcement that it was probably just a bunch of kids acting up.
[. . .]
Obnoxious prank involving food that is forbidden under Islamic law on the door to a mosque = hate crime that warrants an FBI reward vs. swastikas, which are a symbol of genocide against Jews = childish prank.
Of note, the majority of hate crimes based on religion are against Jews. But what’s typically covered in the media are hate crimes (including those that are fabricated, such as here, here, and here) against Muslims. And ironically, it’s worth noting that as religiosity rises in Islamic communities, so does anti-Semitism. As a result, as the Muslim population in America rises, so too will anti-Semitism (as we see occurring in Europe).

December 31, 2015
Anti-Muslim and anti-Jewish hate crimes: Different strokes
By Carol Brown

December 18, 2015

Kuwait Airlines Refuses to Accept Israeli Passengers From New York City To London

A Kuwait Airways plane
Photo: Getty Images

[From article]
Kuwait hates Jews so much that its national airline has ditched a popular and lucrative New York-to-London flight rather than allow Israelis on its planes, authorities said Thursday.
Kuwait Airways killed the flight to spite American officials, who threatened to pull the airline’s permit to fly to the United States if they continued discriminating against Israeli passengers.
The airline says they cannot allow Israelis on the planes because the Middle Eastern kingdom prohibits it citizens from doing business with citizens of the Jewish state.
“On December 15th, Kuwait Airways informed the United States Department of Transportation that they will be eliminating service between JFK and London Heathrow,” said a department spokesperson.
The airline has at least twice refused to let customers with Israeli passports buy tickets on flights from
New York to London because of the Islamic state’s ban on trade with Israel.
[. . .]
“They should show some gratitude that they even have their dictatorial little half-assed country,” said Lancman.
The airline will still run its New York-to-Kuwait flight from JFK, but since Israelis are not allowed in the country, the feds cannot require them to allow Israelis on that flight. The lawyer for Eldad Gatt, the Israeli citizen who tried to buy a ticket on the New York to London flight in the fall of 2013 and was denied, said he does not plan to drop his suit against the airline and that he would like a formal ruling that the airline is discriminating against Israelis.

Jew-hating airline cancels flight rather than allow Israeli passengers
By Danielle Furfaro
New York Post
December 17, 2015 | 1:14pm

December 16, 2015

Small Number (180 million to 300 million) Of Radical Muslims Enough To Kill All Americans

[From article]
San Bernardino terrorist Syed Farook was born in the United States to a father admitted as a Muslim immigrant, bringing into this country the execrable seed of Jew-hatred, a foundational part of Islam. Syed Farook’s family have claimed they were unaware of what he was up to and said they were “shocked” by what he did. (What he did = mass slaughter in the name of Allah.) But whether they knew anything or not, whether they were genuinely shocked or not, there remains a dark, unifying connection throughout the family: Jew-hatred.
[. . .]
Damn that little Syed! If he would have listened to his father and been patient, before too long, the Jews in Israel would be shipped off to Ukraine, and Israel would cease to exist. There’s just nothing like a family that can gather ’round the table and share their hate for Jews.
Jew-hatred is a central tenet of Islam. Yet few in the West bother to acknowledge it. They couldn’t care less. Including far too many Jews.
But many Muslims know.
[. . .]
Recently, a Pakistani religious leader, Pirzada Muhammad Raza Saqib Mustafai, said: "When the Jews are wiped out ... the sun of peace [will] begin to rise on the entire world." The same preaching is routinely done not only by clerics, but by politicians -- in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and elsewhere. This is not just Ahmedinijad; it is at the heart of Islamic theology that world peace will be established only when all the Jews are wiped from the earth. But few people in Western media are alarmed by this kind of rhetoric or care to expose this dreadful dark side of Islam's obsession with Jew-hatred.

December 7, 2015
Farook family values
By Carol Brown

* * *

Brigitte Gabriel 

[From article]
Based on intelligence reports, Brigitte Gabriel states that 15% to 25% of Muslims worldwide are radicalized. That’s 180 million to 300 million people (the higher number being approximately equal to the population of the United States).
[. . .]
passionately noted by Gabriel (in this must-watch video clip), throughout history, small numbers of evil people cost the lives of hundreds of millions of people. Against this backdrop, the majority of peaceful people were irrelevant. And so, as Gabriel so chillingly reminded us with a litany of historical examples, despite being a small percentage of the Muslim population, ISIS is wielding enormous power as its members advance across the Middle East and beyond, creating Hell on Earth.
[. . .]
Obama can talk about “interpretations” all he wants. There is only one Islam, and its holy book is a totalitarian ideology that mandates world domination. That’s it in a nutshell.

December 7, 2015
Imam Obama defines Islam for Muslims
By Carol Brown