Showing posts with label Deval Patrick. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Deval Patrick. Show all posts

December 16, 2015

Massachusetts Governor Recruited To Study Chicago Police

[From article]
Imagine Deval Patrick advising anybody about anything, but most especially about law enforcement? How long does Mayor Rahm Emanuel have to leave that knee-slapper up on his city website before he wins the joke?
Of course this is about what Tom Wolfe used to call “steam control” — keeping the lid on the “community.” Emanuel broomed this cop shooting under the rug until after he was safely re-elected last spring.
Now Deval is brought in to stand behind the mayor and be what he always has been — window dressing.
Do you suppose he held out for the same per diem he was planning to grab from Boston 2024 — $7,500 a day?

Carr: Deval Patrick’s advice as good as his record — a joke
Howie Carr
Wednesday, December 02, 2015
Boston Herald

December 22, 2014

MA Governor Shy About NYPD Officers Killed in NYC

NYPD Officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu 

[From article]
He called the 2009 arrest of scholar Henry Louis Gates Jr. at the hands of Cambridge police, “every black man’s nightmare,” and used the clash to describe his own brush with what he described as hostile law enforcement officials in Chicago.
Patrick  had waited more than a week before commenting on the Michael Brown killing, but was free with his emotions when he told the Herald on Aug, 20 he was “sick of unarmed black men being shot by police,” adding, “I’m sick of the lawlessness on the streets. I think everyone is just tired of when are we going to get through with this kind of thing.”
But Patrick’s bristling answers yesterday summoned the past — when the governor has clashed with the press.
Most recently, Patrick told Fox 25’s Sharman Sachetti, “Don’t ask me that question,” when she asked him how he felt regarding the decision not to indict Ferguson
police officer Darren Wilson. Wilson shot and killed an unarmed black man Aug. 9.
Patrick went on to easily answer the question while on NBC’s “Meet the Press” and said he “wanted to see an indictment.”

Monday, December 22, 2014
By: Hillary Chabot
Boston Herald

December 13, 2014

MA Governor Vows To Investigate False Claim Of Harvard Degree By Community College Trustees Chairman

CLASS ACT? Gov. Deval Patrick said he will look into claims that Middlesex Community College Board of Trustees Chairman Royall M. Mack boasted of a bogus Harvard pedigree.
Photo by: Ted Fitzgerald

[From article]
The Herald disclosed yesterday that Royall M. Mack Sr. — now midway through a four-year term as chairman of the Middlesex Community College’s Board of Trustees — has boasted of having an “Executive MBA” from Harvard’s Advanced Management Program since 2003, even though the school doesn’t award such a degree.
“I’m going to get the facts from the source,” Patrick said yesterday, while insisting that a separate group recommends board trustees before they reach his desk. “I will look into this latest allegation. I don’t have conversations with individual appointees to community college boards (beforehand).”
Mack also admitted to sending the same information to other boards he sits on, including the National Black College Hall of Fame, where he serves as vice chairman. The group’s executive director, Prince H. Brown, said he, too, is reviewing Mack’s credentials.
Mack’s undergraduate alma mater also credited him with having a Harvard MBA in a college newsletter as early as 2002, though Mack said he never gave school officials that info.

Gov vows to ‘get facts’ on Middlesex MBA flap
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
By: Matt Stout
Boston Herald

September 29, 2014

Massachusetts Governor Shares Misguided Policies With President

[From article]
It’s not like Massachusetts isn’t attracting enough volunteer freeloaders from every banana republic in the western hemisphere. Now we’re forcing actual taxpayers onto welfare — against their will.
Might have been a big national story, but Deval, with his little feet, was big-footed yet again by Barack Obama, who went to CENTCOM in Florida and delivered the following blood ‘n’ guts statement:
“Because in an uncertain world full of breathtaking change, the one constant is American leadership.”
And if you don’t like how constant American leadership is, just wait five minutes, because it’ll change again. Obama and Kerry said Assad was a reformer before he was Hitler before he was a partner in the peace process, although we’re still arming his opponents, the Free Syrian Army, who are our staunch allies even though some of them apparently sold Foley and Sotloff to ISIS to be beheaded.
Compared to Barack’s bungling, what’s an Annie Dookhan here, a Justina Pelletier there, 60 or so deaths in the New England Compounding Pharmacy.
Deval and Barack, not to mention the fake Indian. Harvard Law must be very proud.

Carr: Deval Patrick basking in shadow of President Obama
Friday, September 19, 2014
By: Howie Carr
Boston Herald

September 22, 2014

MA Gov. Fires Sex Offender Board Leadership For Abuses of Power

[From article]
“The rotting fish here is not that it’s the governor’s brother-in-law, it’s that the sex offender registry process is rigged,” said Swomley. “If they can tell the hearing officer how to rule, it’s rigged and everybody knows it’s rigged. I do think it’s overdue that these people were removed.”

Board overhaul spurred by suit involving Gov. Deval Patrick’s brother-in-law
Monday, September 22, 2014
By: Matt Stout, Erin Smith
Boston Herald

December 19, 2013

Obama Commutes Sentence of Deval Patrick's First Cousin

[From article]
One of the eight federal prisoners granted sentence commutations by President Barack Obama Thursday is a first cousin of Gov. Deval Patrick (D-Mass), one of the president's most devoted supporters on the national political scene.
Reynolds Allen Wintersmith Jr. was sentenced to life in prison after being convicted in Illinois federal court in 1994 of conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute and distribute cocaine and cocaine base and possession with intent to distribute crack. He was 19 at the time of his arrest and 17 at the time he got involved running drugs for the Gangster Disciples gang. He is 39 today and has spent the last 19 years in prison.

Obama commuted sentence of Deval Patrick kin
12/19/13 4:53 PM EST

November 20, 2013

A Critic's Hilarious View Of The MA Governor

Carr: Deval Patrick: Just put it on my – er, 
taxpayers’ tab
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Boston herald
By: Howie Carr

November 1, 2013

Massachusest Governor Indicates Tolerance For Terror

[From article]
“The U.S. government is killing our innocent civilians but most of you already know that. As a M(uslim) I can’t stand to see such evil go unpunished, we Muslims are one body, you hurt one you hurt us all ... 
(T)he­ ummah (i.e., the Muslim people) is beginning to rise ... Know you are fighting men who look into the barrel of your gun and see heaven, now how can you compete with that? We are promised victory and we will surely get it.”
As the feds said, “This was a clarion call to radical militants to follow in his way.”
Yet Deval claimed he had no idea what the motivation of the “two fellows” was.
Deval Patrick plays the joker by evading questions on interview
Thursday, October 31, 2013
By: Howie Carr
Boston Herald

October 18, 2013

Massachusetts Governor Shows Religious Discrimination

[From article]
So imagine my shock and surprise yesterday when I saw a 1:56-minute video on YouTube of the governor, and this is how it began:
“Hi, I’m Governor Patrick. 
Salaam alaikum.”
(That’s Arabic for “Dominus vobiscum.”)
“I want to take this opportunity to wish you and your family a very blessed Eid al-Adha. Eid Mubarak.”
Whoa! Hold it right there, Governor. If you can use the name of the Muslim holiday, what about … the C-word? Or Easter? Or Yom Kippur, for that matter?

Carr: Gov gets message out with ‘holiday’ greeting
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Boston Herald
By: Howie Carr

October 11, 2013

Harvard Star Gazers Furloughed By US Government. Danger of Asteroids?

If an asteroid hits the earth, it will be one more disaster that Massachusetts Governor "Cadillac" Deval Patrick and US Senator Chuck "You" Schumer (D-NY) can blame on the Tea Party. Are they delusional or just graduates of Harvard Law School being Harvard lawyers?

Center for Astrophysics Workers Furloughed Following Government Shutdown
Harvard Crimson
October 10, 2013

July 14, 2013

Zimmerman Innocent of All Charges, Liberals and Black Racists Begin Harassment in Cambridge MA

Racially Motivated Harassment From Sanford FL In Cambridge MA [Work in  progress. Check back for updates] 

On Saturday July 13, 2103, before the Zimmerman verdict was in, anyone with a little knowledge of courts and the law could see that this was a misguided prosecution. It was politically and racially motivated abuse of power. As I did errands a group of local black racists and criminal officials resumed deadly harassment of a 70-year-old white male who they say is mentally ill, disabled. It took the form of surveillance and harassment, using young women as bait, blocking aisles in a market trying to provoke violence, and the non stop sleep disturbances. These misguided criminal police employees use persons with disabilities also, both mentally and physically disabled, for harassment. It is the same pattern used repeatedly for 40 years by police, crime families, Communists and criminal psychiatrists, who love to torment law abiding persons. They dare not attack or harass a violent criminal because they might get injured. So they target law abiding, harmless elder persons who dare to exercise their unalienable rights, guaranteed by the state and US Constitutions.  

Free speech is one of the freedoms even these limited information officials understand. What they fail to understand is that surveillance without probable cause is an abuse of power, malfeasance, a crime. They are so used to abusing their power without accountability that they no longer even consider what the laws are. It is an accepted paradigm in Cambridge, and in the state of Massachusetts, that inconvenient laws are optional. Intimidation of a person in the free exercise of a constitutionally guaranteed right is a felony in Massachusetts. Conducting psychiatric evaluations without consent violates state and US privacy statutes. Fragile people have power in this rotten borough of a city and a state. But they don't know, and don't care what the laws are that regulate their behavior. They are what Noam Chomsky refers to as government criminals. 

George Zimmerman listens to his defense counsel Mark O'Mara, left, and Don West, center during his trial in Sanford, Fla. July 10, 2013. Photo:(AP/Orlando Sentinel, Jacob Langston, Pool)

[From article]
Comments by President Obama, Al Sharpton, and others surely stirred up the racial aspects of the case and appear to have led some blacks across the country to attack whites to avenge Trayvon Martin (e.g., Gainesville, Florida; Oak Park, Illinois; Mobile, Alabama; Toledo, Ohio; Grand Rapids, Michigan; and Norfolk, Virginia).
[. . .]
The media also bears a real responsibility for sensationalism.
[. . .]
This case should never have been brought by prosecutors, but they let politics influence their decision.

For more than 40 years crime families, police, FBI informants and Communists conducted a relentless campaign  of harassment accompanied by brutal character assassination in mostly three states; NY, NJ and MA. Of all places, Cambridge MA, host city of Harvard University, MIT, and Lesley University,  appears to be led by what Rush Limbaugh calls low information voters. They are simply mindless useful idiots for the local and state criminal government officials. 

It is less than one month since the former long term Deputy City Manager, Richard Rossi, took the place of the longer term City Manger of Cambridge MA. Rossi is reportedly an obedient supporter of the Harvard University created Governor, Deval Patrick. State taxpayer money can be available or not to local cities and towns. Cambridge is run by one man, an autocracy. As long as the manager has the support of five city councilors he can do what he wants to do. Robert Healy, for whom the new police station is named, retired after 31 years as City Manager on June 30, 2013, 14 days ago. Like many cooperative city officials before him he moves to Harvard University to help them raise more money. 

Deval Patrick is a graduate of Milton Academy, Harvard College, and Harvard Law School. His meteoric career can only be imagined by ordinary humans.  In July 2013 Patrick took credit for reforming the welfare system. He opposed and stalled efforts by the Boston Herald and State Rep. Shaunna O'Connell (R-Taunton) to get public records to document widespread  fraud and waste in that agency. Patrick officials charged O'Connell $800 to get the public records. He said the abuses were anecdotes. He learned the language of obfuscation well at Harvard University. Is Harvard a training school for bureaucrats who use government mechanisms to steal taxpayer funds? 

When he was unable to stop the demand for reform in this moribund economy he said it was his administration who did it. He said his record speaks for itself when asked by Sharman Sarchetti of Fox News Boston, Channel 25 TV News. That is like the former US Attorney in Boston, Donald Stern, who appeared on the local PBS liberal propaganda show boasting how he exposed the FBI informant abuses in Boston.

But you can listen here

to the defense attorney himself disagree with that interpretation. Anthony Cardinale was a defense attorney in the US District Court with Judge Mark Wolf sitting. Cardinale made a motion to compel the FBI to release the names of FBI informants in order to explain why they needed a roving bug (listening device with no fixed location). The FBI said they did not know where the next meeting of the local Italian American crime family meeting was going to be held. 

When Cardinale's motion was granted by Wolf in December 1995, the FBI admitted that James Bulger was an informant and he knew where the meeting was going to be held. That began exposing  the previous 20 years of homicides, up to 60 admitted or charged so far, police and political corruption in the state by the Bulger crime family. Bulger's handler gave Bulger notice of an impending indictment. Bulger became a fugitive for 16 years, being captured in Santa Monica CA living near the beach. He is now on trial for 19 homicides in  US Court in Boston.

One FBI agent, Bulger's handler, John Connolly, high school friend of James Bulger and his family,  was convicted of homicide. Another special agent, H. Paul Rico, died in prison awaiting a trial for homicide. No other FBI agents or police officers or elected or appointed officials, were held accountable for their extreme abuses of power, including the use of the FBI for ethnic cleansing of the crime families in Boston. Diversity does not apply so much to the FBI. The FBI agents who framed four white men for murder have never been charged, even after the men and the families of Joe Salvati, Peter Limone, Louis Greco, and Henry Tameleo,  were awarded $101 million plus attorneys fees, in damages, which the US taxpayer covered. 

This indicates the level of morality of Massachusetts government and its voters. Their priorities are clear from who the government and local criminals target for harassment. They do not harass drug dealers, for fear of being injured. They simply tell limited information useful idiot civilians, who believe that all white men are racists, "He's a retired drug dealer." and "He's a racist." in order to stir up racial animosity and police animosity toward a law abiding citizen who these sociopaths say is mentally ill, disabled. To get support for this criminal misadventure, from man-hating feminists who believe all men are rapists,  they say, "He's a rapist." and "He bothers women." and "He's a sex offender." 

They never target real sex offenders, even ones who were convicted. See Jaycee Lee Dugard's heart wrenching tale, A Stolen Life. A convicted sex offender who was not under surveillance as the 70-year-old white male in Cambridge is 24/7/365. He and his wife, kidnapped 11-year-old Dugard and held her for 18 years. His parole officer visited his home 60 times during the period she was held in his backyard. They did not find her or look for her. It shows how relaxed government officials are when doing their mandated chores. But easily find time to abuse their power harassing law abiding citizens.

We never should have witnessed a Zimmerman trial
By John Lott
Published July 14, 2013

June 18, 2013

Learning From John Martorano at The Bulger Trial

Massachusetts Role Models

John Martorano, served 12 years for killing 20 people. Got $20,000 from taxpayers when released from  jail. $250,000 for film rights; another $250,000 if a film is made; $80,000 from a book about him, as partners with the author Howie Carr. In Massachusetts, crime pays very well. 

Cambridge native John Martorano testified at the Boston trial of James Bulger, who is charged with 19 homicides. Martorano, who admitted 20 murders for Bulger, said that Boston Special FBI Agent John Connolly, friend of US House Speaker John McCormack from Boston, was expected to write false reports about a homicide in Fort Lauderdale FL. 

Massachusetts Governor Speaks No Evil, Sees No Evil and Hears No Evil

Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick, Harvard College, Harvard Law School, BFF of President Barack Obama. 

James Bulger, on trial for 19 homicides while working as a Boston FBI informant.

Massachusetts State Legislature Hears No Evil, Sees No Evil, and Speaks No Evil

Here's my question. Is it only John Connolly who prepared fake reports? Or only Boston FBI agents and police who did that? 

John Connolly, Special Agent of The Boston FBI, convicted of homicide. Inmate in Florida state prison.

Civilians are expected to believe that when Bulger became a fugitive in 1995, all the gambling rings and drug dealers in Massachusetts disappeared. All of the police and FBI agents who took money and assisted Bulger's crime family became upstanding and honest law enforcement officers, and all is well in the Bay State. Ah-hem!

Steve Flemmi, partner of James Bulger admitted to 20 homicides pleaded the Fifth Amendment about others.

I know Harvard University campus cops write false reports. 

I know police regularly testify under oath telling lies. Lawyers also commit perjury without fear. James Rosen reported in his biography, The Strong Man about John Mitchell and how White House lawyers freely lied under oath before the Watergate Special Prosecutor, Congressional Committees and US Courts. 

Kevin Weeks, partner of James Bulger. Helped bury the bodies. 

Cambridge City Hall Hears No Evil, Sees No Evil and Speaks No Evil

Most revealing from this prosecution of James Bulger is that we are expected to believe that only four guys, Bulger, Flemmi, Weeks and Martorano, made up the criminal population of Massachusetts. Only one FBI agent was corrupt. Hello?

William "Billy" Bulger. Brother of James. Former Massachusetts State Senate President, President of the University of Massachusetts and friend of US House Speaker John McCormack.

No local police officers have been prosecuted. No state police officers. One state police officer killed himself after he stopped James Bulger trying to take $100,000 out of the country at Logan airport. The next day the trooper was transferred allegedly after James Bulger's brother Billy intervened to discipline him. 

Harvard Law School, Hears No Evil, Sees No Evil and Speaks No Evil

The entire faculties of five law schools in Boston, the entire faculties of government schools, political science departments, the Massachusetts state legislature, the governor, the city councils, city managers,  and mayors of the 351 cities and towns of Massachusetts are all clueless about this? Do you believe that? The Attorney General of Massachusetts focuses on bullying of high school students by other students. Universities and governments celebrate diversity and multiculturalism. But the Bulger-FBI operation over 25 years was partly an effort at ethnic cleansing. The FBI was working with the Irish-American crime family that controls Massachusetts, to eliminate the Italian-American families. It appears that diversity like tolerance is limited to selective groups only. The charming lesbian who works for Harvard University campus cops, stalks me, tampers with my computer, harasses me every day, and threatens me, "They will kill you." 

Harvard's Kennedy School of Government Sees No Evil, Hears No Evil and Speaks No Evil

[Boston Herald's John Zaremba from US Court, June 18, 2013]
JM [John Martorano]: “we were gonna try to blame it on the cubans for drugs” and says Connolly was going to put in FBI reports to support the story"

* * *
[One of many articles about Martorano by Howie Carr who wrote a book, Hitman, about Martorano.]

Carr: Johnny’s bad, but not the real rat
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Boston Herald
By: Howie Carr
* * *

[From article]
Referring to two decades of execution victims as “problems” who “represented Judas to me,” Martorano said, “I always tried to be a nice guy. Family and friends come first. My father 
always taught me that. The 
police, the nuns I grew up with, taught me that. I would rather be considered a vigilante than a serial killer — a person who would hurt somebody who did wrong.”

Hit man’s ‘nice guy’ image picked apart by defense
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Boston Herald
By: Laurel J. Sweet, John Zaremba

June 17, 2013

Cambridge MA, Hitman Paid Big Bucks By Taxpayers

Turning: John Martorano, native of Cambridge MA,who has admitted to killing 20 people, claimed he was 'heartbroken' when he learned that his former boss has been supplying information to the government

[From article]
He served just 12 years in prison after admitting to the [20] killings under a plea deal. He now lives in a quiet suburb of Boston on a golf course. He testified that he collects Social Security.
However, he was also paid $250,000 for the film rights to his story and has made $80,000 off a 2012 book about his life titled 'Hitman.'
He has also been paid thousands by the U.S. government, including a check for $20,000 from the Drug Enforcement Agency gave him when he was released from prison.

[My comment]
This saga of police, FBI and crime families working together is an accurate paradigm of how Boston government operates. Massachusetts is a one party Democratic state. Its economy is dominated by education. Harvard University dominates education. There are five law schools including Harvard Law School in the Boston area; five government schools, and Harvard Medical School and University. This is how the best and the brightest run society. Hear all that silence from the elite academics? The current governor is a graduate of Harvard College and Harvard Law School. Heard any comments from him about this abomination of government corruption? The current US President is another Harvard Law School graduate. Has he made any comments about criminal justice in Boston besides saying "The Cambridge police acted stupidly." after they arrested his BFF multi millionaire tenured Harvard Professor?

Cold-blooded hitman 'The Executioner' describes describes murders
John 'The Executioner' Martorano has admitted to 20 murders
He worked for James 'Whitey' Bulger in for decades and is expected to reveal many details of Bulger's alleged crimes
Martorano, 72, served just 12 years in prison after striking a deal with the federal government
He currently lives on social security on a golf course outside Boston
Martorano was paid $250,000 for the movie rights to his life story, $80,000 more for a book and thousands by the federal government
PUBLISHED: 13:33 EST, 17 June 2013 | UPDATED: 17:59 EST, 17 June 2013

May 18, 2013

Liberal Abuses of Police Powers, Pervasive Even in Cambridge MA

In Cambridge over the past 25 years, city, state and US officials have permitted crime families and Communists to harass a 70-year-old white man with a legal disability. Complaints to appointed and elected officials were ignored openly and insultingly. The City of Cambridge is run by an appointed  one man autocracy, with no oversight from elected officials. Limousine liberals claim they always speak for the most vulnerable. They do not explain that it is only the most vulnerable who are useful idiots for the liberals. The state is run by limousine liberal homosexuals from Harvard University. Harvard promotes diversity along with the Cambridge wannabes. But they are intolerant in the name of tolerance. US Offices in Massachusetts take their standard of behavior from the white-hating racially biased protocols of Eric Holder and his BFF Obama. Holder refuses to enforce laws in a race neutral manner. Obama and his BFF, and fellow Harvard Law School Graduate,  MA Gov. Patrick, choose which laws to enforce. So it is either the US government imitating Cambridge and Harvard's behavior, or the small minded city officials and Harvard are imitating Obama and his contempt for the Constitution and individual rights. In recent days the Cambridge Police Commissioner is alleged to have joined in the criminal harassment of the same man. IRS, Associated Press, Fast and Furious, Pigford farm subsidy scandal, New Black Panther Party, Benghazi, is not enough to remove the deceiving contemptuous of the Constitution hooligan from office? 

[From article]
All of these IRS actions took place in the years leading up to the 2012 election. They constitute the use of governmental power to intrude on the privacy and shackle the political freedom of American citizens. The purpose, obviously, was to overwhelm and intimidate—to kill the opposition, question by question and audit by audit.
It is not even remotely possible that all this was an accident, a mistake. Again, only conservative groups were targeted, not liberal.

Updated May 17, 2013, 6:43 p.m. ET
This Is No Ordinary Scandal
Political abuse of the IRS threatens the basic integrity of our government.
Wall Street Journal

April 30, 2013

MA Governor Folds Giving Up Welfare Records

Deval Patrick, BFF Barack Obama, HLS Graduate, Massachusetts Governor, "I am not a politician."

Massachusetts Governor, a Harvard Law School Graduate lost his credibility along with his BFF after too many instances of selective enforcement of laws. (Holly Robichaud, "Deval Patrick transparent as a brick wall, April 29, 2013, Boston Herald)
Noam Chomsky refers to the elected criminal class. This is how criminals act when they get to cherry pick what laws they like, while ignoring inconvenient laws. Hopefully enough voters will wake from their comas to get rid of the misguided politicians.

[From article]
“Patrick only enforces the laws that fit with his ideology. He is more than willing to ignore the laws when he disagrees,” State Sen. Bob Hedlund (R-Weymouth) said.

Robichaud: Deval Patrick transparent as a brick wall
Monday, April 29, 2013
Boston Herald
By: Holly Robichaud

April 27, 2013

Governor Lost Credibility

Deval Patrick, BFF Barack Obama, Massachusetts Governor, Harvard College, and Harvard Law School Graduate

Deval Patrick's policy of selective enforcement of laws destroyed his own credibility arguing for withholding welfare files. Joining his BFF misguided President, he undermines respect for laws. If it is to be a free for all, the most powerful and fearless will win. And it won't be any spineless deceptive politicians.

Pol vows to open welfare records
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Boston Herald
By: Erin Smith

April 11, 2013

State Denies Public Records Request for Sale of Cambridge Courthouse

Leave it to lawyers (and politicians) to corrupt the English language. Only lawyers (and politicians, and PR Flacks?) can state the obvious untruth with a straight face and sometimes even believe what they say. Is it always easier to use violence to end the verbal crap or are there occasions when logic and reason still apply?

[From article]
the Secretary of State’s own “Guide to the Massachusetts Public Records Law” explicitly states bids are only exempt from public scrutiny “prior to a decision to enter into negotiations with or award a contract to a particular person”
In a response, Attorney Peter Wilson, representing DCAMM, told the Chronicle, “The Purchase and Sale Agreement is exempt because the terms and conditions are still under negotiation.”

Councilors, residents want answers from Governor about Sullivan Courthouse
By Erin Baldassari/
Cambridge Chronicle
Posted Apr 10, 2013 @ 03:18 PM
Last update Apr 10, 2013 @ 05:44 PM

September 4, 2012

Text Of MA Governor's Speech To 2012 Dem Convention

Text of Gov. Deval Patrick’s DNC address
Boston Herald
By Gov. Deval Patrick
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

March 30, 2012

Pathetic MA Governor Runs From Ending Waste of Taxpayer Funds

Deval Patrick attacks Herald for ‘making sure you’re angry’
Something we said, gov?
Boston Herald
By Chris Cassidy
Friday, March 30, 2012

March 5, 2012

MA Governor Is Obama's Attack Dog For Campaign

elax, Mitt Romney, Deval Patrick’s on the attack
Boston Herald
By Holly Robichaud
Monday, March 5, 2012