Showing posts with label Mitt Romney. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mitt Romney. Show all posts

May 17, 2016

Pat Buchanan Reveals Why Romney's Stop Trump Effort is Misguided

Mitt Romney (right), leads the stop Donald Trump (left) Campaign

[From article]
Reince Priebus was commenting on a Washington Post story about Mitt Romney and William Kristol’s plot to recruit a third-party conservative candidate to sink Donald Trump.
Several big-name Republican “consultants” and “strategists” are said to be on board. Understandably so, given the bucks involved.
With the kind of cash that sloshes around in a presidential campaign, there should be no shortage of super PAC parasites at the enlistment office.
[. . .]
If Romney believes that Trump is an unacceptable nominee and would be an intolerable president, and that Republicans have a moral obligation to prevent this, why does Romney not man up and take on the assignment himself?
[. . .]
His father shared Romney’s mindset: If the voters have made a mistake, you are not obligated to support it. Just days after Sen. Barry Goldwater locked up the Republican nomination in the California primary, Gov. George Romney was at the Cleveland governors conference plotting to stop him.
Richard Nixon arrived to encourage Romney to step out onto the tracks in front of the Goldwater express. Romney thought better of taking Nixon’s counsel. But he did join Gov. Nelson Rockefeller in denouncing his own party for coddling extremists, and refused to endorse Goldwater, as son Mitt is refusing to endorse Trump.
It was after that Cleveland Convention that Nixon ruefully told me, “Buchanan, whenever you hear of a group forming up to stop X, be sure to put your money on X.”
[. . .]
But whatever you say about the political savvy of George Romney, he was stubborn as a bull in his convictions, and he had the courage to go down to defeat fighting for them.
[. . .]
The Romney-Kristol collusion thus overlaps nicely with the interests of the Clinton campaign and the agenda of the Beltway media elite.
By scheming to divide the Republican base, they are colluding to bring about the defeat of the Republican Party. And that means Bill and Hillary Clinton back in the White House.
[. . .]
Either Trump or Clinton is going to be the next president. [. . .] The Romney-Kristol cabal is Hillary Clinton’s fifth column inside the Republican Party.

Is Mitt on a Suicide Mission?
Monday - May 16, 2016 at 10:08 pm
Patrick J. Buchanan

March 30, 2016

White Votes Matter

[From article]
The only question for Republicans is: Which candidate can win states that Mitt Romney lost?
Start with the fact that, before any vote is cast on Election Day, the Democrats have already won between 90 and 98 percent of the black vote and 60 to 75 percent of the Hispanic and Asian vote. Unless Republicans run the table on the white vote, they lose.
If there’s still hope, it lies with Trump and only Trump. Donald Trump will do better with black and Hispanic voters than any other Republican. But it’s with white voters that he really opens up the electoral map.
A Republican Party that wasn’t intent on committing suicide would know that. But Stuart Stevens, the guy who lost a winnable presidential election in 2012, says it’s impossible for Republicans to get one more white vote — and the media are trying to convince the GOP that he’s right.
tevens says Romney tapped out every last white voter and still lost, so he says Republicans are looking for “the Lost Tribes of the Amazon” hoping to win more white votes: “In 1980, Ronald Reagan won 56 percent of white voters and won a landslide victory of 44 states. In 2012, Mitt Romney won 59 percent of whites and lost with 24 states.”
Apparently, no one’s told Stevens about the 50-state Electoral College. The national white vote is irrelevant. Presidential elections are won by winning states. (Only someone who got his ass kicked running an eminently electable candidate might not know this.)
[. . .]
If Trump wins only the same states as Romney, but adds Michigan, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Illinois — where Romney’s white vote was below his national average — Trump wins with 280 electoral votes. (Romney wasn’t an ideal candidate in the industrial Midwest.)
[. . .]
I haven’t even mentioned Florida, where Trump recently trounced Stuart Stevens’ dream candidate, Marco Rubio, a sitting senator — and a Cuban! — in a 20-point rout. Republican primary voters outnumbered Democratic primary voters in that election by more than half a million votes.
If Trump wins Florida, he needs to win only two or three of the 10 states where Romney either lost the white vote outright or won a smaller percentage of it than he did nationally.
Stevens’ analysis assumes that there will be no new voters — and, again, there isn’t a mammal on the North American landmass who knows less about winning presidential elections than Stuart Stevens.
It’s as if we’re only allowed to divvy up the pile of voters from 2012. Unless you voted in 2012, you can’t vote in 2016! Use it or lose it, buddy.
That’s not how it works.
Trump is saying he’ll bring in lots of new people, as he has throughout the primaries. In the Florida GOP primary, for example, Trump got nearly half a million more votes than Romney did in 2012 — about half a million new people voted. Trump may be wrong, but it’s insane to say that it’s impossible for him to bring out new voters.
[. . .]
Maybe 50 years of Third World immigration means it’s too late, and even Trump can’t win. But it’s an absolute certainty that any other Republican will lose.

It’s Only Trump

Wednesday Mar 30, 2016 4:59 PM

January 12, 2016

Sober Criticism of Trump Campaign

American voters TWICE elected the Legend-In-His-Own-Mind. They can more easily elect Donald. J. Trump, a much lesser evil. Other candidates lack spines to stand up to personal attacks for protected speech. Mr. Magnet appears to be unaware of the dumbed down nation we live in. Just because he pays attention does not mean more than a few do.

[From article]
As a New Yorker, I know that Trump Tower has become one of our city’s top tourist attractions, and I’ve seen confused out-of-towners mistakenly show up at the even more garish Trump International Hotel to bask in the great man’s aura, only to be directed across town to the “real” Trump Tower. So there is unmistakably a mystique surrounding the man with the golden mane.
[. . .]

What he can’t wave away is that, as a big New York real-estate developer, he isn’t a master builder but a political fixer, skilled in navigating the New York game of getting the zoning waivers, tax abatements, and regulatory expediting that is the means by which Gotham’s developers and politicians have turned real-estate development here into a protected cartel, which only those with inside knowledge and connections—especially the knowledge of what campaign contributions to make—can enter.
[. . .]
among other distasteful truths, that centenarian real-estate magnate Leonard Litwin’s Glenwood Management seems to have turned some tens of millions of campaign-contribution dollars into hundreds of millions of real estate tax abatements, according to the New York Times. Buy one, get nine free! Honest graft, George Plunkett of Tammany Hall called it; but how honest is a government-granted license to steal?
[. . .]
Meanwhile, New York’s homeowners or renters lacking political connections end up paying the property taxes that the big-time developers and landlords avoid.
How will Trump’s supporters like this reality? They are justifiably angry over a manipulated economy that has left them behind, especially since part of what caused their plight is government itself. With legal and illegal immigrants, 13 percent of the population but 17 percent of the workforce, now taking their jobs;
[. . .]
with a tax-supported, welfare-dependent, non-working underclass committing more than its share of crime while the Justice Department blames police for trying to keep lawbreaking under control and scorning law-abiding, cop-supporting citizens as politically incorrect; with the First Family spending $70 million on taxpayer funded let-them-eat-cake vacations—what’s not to feel angry about?
[. . .]
the president knows how they feel about all this but condemns their anger as racism
[. . .]

Trump, by contrast, has masterfully mobilized the widespread anger, and he has done the nation a service by showing how out of touch politicians and pundits are with the feelings of ordinary Americans about how the elites are running their country, while abdicating the nation’s world leadership and refusing so much as to name the radical Muslim threat that hangs over the West.
[. . .]
those candidates ignore at their peril justified voter anger over uncontrolled immigration, elite squeamishness at acknowledging Islamist terrorism as what it is, and the lies of political correctness. A Republican who can feel the voters’ pain—truly feel it—and outline a more plausible cure for it than Trump offers stands the best chance of winning the nomination and the election.

An Insider in an Outsider’s Election
Like Mitt Romney in 2012, Donald Trump will have to answer charges about his brand of capitalism.
January 11, 2016

October 5, 2015

White House Led Nation From Song To Chaos

Vladimir Putin

[From article]
Just three years ago, President Obama famously ridiculed GOP opponent Mitt Romney’s statement that Russia remained America’s main geopolitical foe by taunting: “The 1980s are calling to ask for their foreign policy back.”
Four years before that, Obama stood at Berlin’s Brandenburg Gate to declare that once he became president, all people would join him around a global campfire, hold hands and put an end to the world’s evils and miseries.
Well, seven years into Obama’s presidency, the promised worldwide Kumbaya is instead global chaos — caused in large measure by his willful retreat from America’s position of leadership.
Washington’s traditional allies increasingly feel abandoned, its enemies emboldened. The United States isn’t even leading from behind — it’s cowering in weakness.
And no one is taking better advantage of this than Vladimir Putin, now storming headlong into the yawning chasm of American retreat and reasserting Russia’s global influence and power — just as Mitt Romney said.

Mitt Romney

Putin remains unchallenged in his invasion of Ukraine, leaving him free to intervene — again unchallenged — in the Middle East.
[. . .]
His premature abandonment, against all military advice, of Iraq and Afghanistan (where the pullout is still under way) has left both countries worse off. Iraq, in particular, is bleeding far more than it did even in the worst years of “George Bush’s war.”
Equally eager to open America’s arms to longtime adversaries, this president has begun new relationships with Iran (all but giving Tehran a direct path to a nuclear arsenal) and Cuba without any concessions in return — even on such basic issues as human rights.
It’s no accident Obama has twice spoken in Berlin — at the very spot where Ronald Reagan famously demanded Mikhail Gorbachev “tear down this wall.” Two years later, the Berlin Wall came down. Two years after that, the Soviet bloc collapsed, ending the Cold War.
Obama chose Berlin as the place to call on all nations to join him in “tearing down the walls” to “remake the world.” But his soaring rhetoric was followed by indecision, hesitation and outright appeasement.

How 7 years of Obama brought the world from Kumbaya to chaos
By Post Editorial Board
October 3, 2015 | 6:27pm

October 3, 2014

Romney Campaigns In Michigan, Says Obama Needs To Apologize To America

[From article]
Romney, the former Massachusetts governor who lost the 2012 presidential race to Barack Obama, said it has been a tough time for the country since that election.
“It’s time for him to apologize to America,” Romney said of Obama, speaking to several hundred GOP supporters.
[. . .]
Romney was born and raised in Michigan and is the son of former Michigan Gov. George Romney.
One Republican candidate not on hand was Gov. Rick Snyder, who is running for a second term as the state’s chief executive.

Romney: It’s Time For Obama ‘To Apologize To America’
October 3, 2014 7:54 AM

October 18, 2013

On the 2012 Election

[From article]
But as we awake from the nightmare, it is important to eschew the facile explanations for the Romney defeat that will prevail among the chattering classes. Romney did not lose because of the effects of Hurricane Sandy that devastated this area, nor did he lose because he ran a poor campaign, nor did he lose because the Republicans could have chosen better candidates, nor did he lose because Obama benefited from a slight uptick in the economy due to the business cycle.
Romney lost because he didn’t get enough votes to win.

To see other essays, Rabbi Pruzansky's blog is here

The Decline and Fall of the American Empire
Posted on November 7, 2012
Steven Pruzansky, Rabbi

January 18, 2013

Lie Of The Year Turns Out To be True

Whoops: PolitiFact's 'Lie of the Year' Turns Out to Be True
12:25 PM, JAN 18, 2013

November 26, 2012

Philadelphia Teacher Warned Student About Romney T-shirt

Philly Student Told to Lose Romney T-Shirt or Get Out
Teacher likens Port Richmond teenager wearing a T-Shirt for GOP
candidates to "wearing a KKK shirt"
By Dan Stamm and Claudia Rivero
NBC News Philadelphia PA
Thursday, Oct 4, 2012  |  Updated 2:00 PM EDT

Romney Obama Share A Lot

Exclusive: Alan Keyes asserts Romney isn't persuaded by conservative arguments
Alan Keyes
October 18, 2012

November 16, 2012

November 13, 2012

Romney Got Zero Votes in 59 Philadelphia Districts

In 59 Philadelphia voting divisions, Mitt Romney got zero votes
Interactive map: 59 divisions, no Romney votes
Miriam Hill, Andrew Seidman, and John Duchneskie,
Philadelphia Inquirer Staff Writers
POSTED: Monday, November 12, 2012, 5:30 AM

Rotten Population Brought Obama Victory

Romney was only the candidate. The problem is the citizens who voted
for Obama. That indicates a population corrupt, self centered and only
interested in now, and what they can get from taxpayers. Ben Franklin
observed that a corrupt population leads to tyranny. Fixing the damage
done by Obama and his mindless, misguided greedy colleagues is easier
than fixing the mindless, misguided voters.

NOVEMBER 13, 2012 12:00 A.M.
Nice Losers
Romney never bothered to expose the flaws in Obama’s argument.
By Thomas Sowell
National Review

October 18, 2012

Romney's Right: Obama's Pension is Bigger, and With Foreign Investments

Pension Envy: Who Has More—Obama or Romney?
Published: Wednesday, 17 Oct 2012 | 2:37 PM ET
By: Jeff Cox Senior Writer

October 9, 2012

Letterman Says Romney Is A Felon

Anger as Letterman accuses Romney of being a felon over taxes
TV host claims Presidential candidate 'has not paid a nickel' in federal income tax
Letterman was discussing a poll which said 6% of Americans want to see Romney's tax returns
His comments come in spite of recently-released IRS documents showing Romney paid $2m in tax 2011
Daily Mail (UK)
PUBLISHED: 08:36 EST, 8 October 2012 | UPDATED: 11:29 EST, 8 October 2012

Obama Thugs Use Excrement to Deface Romney Signs

Romney signs defaced with excrement in Virginia
By David Sherfinski
The Washington Times
October 9, 2012, 01:12PM

Twitter Threats to Riot If Romney Wins

New civility: Obama supporters threaten to riot if Romney wins;
Update: Deleted tweets
Posted at 12:15 am on October 9, 2012
by Twitchy Staff

Obama Misguided About Election Performance

Obama 'believed he had BEATEN Romney' in Denver debate - after ignoring advice of top aides on preparation
Obama believes he'd got the better of Romney as he walked off stage to the dismay of his aides, according to a Democrat close to the campaign
The President failed to prepare properly, opting instead to visit the Hoover Dam the day before the showdown Democrat claims he was so disdainful of Romney that he didn't think he needed to even engage with him
Had one-liners on 47% prepared but chose not to use them
Daily Mail (UK)
PUBLISHED: 11:25 EST, 9 October 2012 | UPDATED: 14:27 EST, 9 October 2012

September 4, 2012

Why Black People Will Not Vote For Romney

John Crudele reports the WSJ-NBC poll reveals no black people will vote for Romney. Phillip Dix, (commenter-reader, Charlotte NC) says "Blacks can never be racist in a white supremacist society." implying the USA is "a white supremacist society." That means that Black people are better than White people because they are incapable of being racist. He argues that Black people have had their genes cleansed of greed, mendacity and sadism. Isn't that what racism is--one race is better than another? Like Mr. Dix, liberal zealots are in denial that Black people are no different from White people. They can be as racist as any White person. Until this is part of the public discourse, racism will continue to be the argument of choice for scoundrels.

Blacks have a big reason to vote for Romney
John Crudele
New York Post
Last Updated: 10:58 PM, September 3, 2012
Posted: 10:58 PM, September 3, 2012

August 30, 2012

Romney As Successful American

Romney vetoed 300 bills one year. The MA state legislative geniuses over rode 299 of them showing how vigorously MA opposes two-party democracy.

Romney better than us? You betcha!
Boston Herald
By Margery Eagan
Thursday, August 30, 2012