Showing posts with label Paranoia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Paranoia. Show all posts

September 13, 2015

Misguided Black Gentleman Expresses Pervasive Paranoid Vision of Reality

Talk show hosts speak about low information voters. Now they mention "No information" voters. Then there are the omniscient voters. This essay is from one of those. Omniscient people often prefer propaganda to the search for truth. Henry Louis Mencken, said, "No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people."

Some say it was con-man Joseph Bessimer; others say it was uttered by David Hannum, in reference to P.T. Barnum's part in the Cardiff Giant hoax. Another source credits Michael Cassius McDonald for the aphorism. "Don't worry [. . .] there's a sucker born every minute."

Few Americans have any idea that propaganda is being published. The below essay is propaganda. The writer promotes collectivism over individual rights. The argument is anti American. He enjoys, no less, demands the individual rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution, even as he curses them. He demands to be loved, not just respected.

He laments slavery, but ignores the 500,000 or more white Americans who died to enable him to enjoy individual rights. He condemns friend and foe alike accusing all white people as racist.

He does not define what he means by racist. Under his standard he is also a racist. But also by his argument, Jewish people cannot be racist because they suffered genocide under Nazi Germany. Also persons with disabilities were slaughtered by the same government. Gypsies too. Christian Scientists were killed so they cannot be racists. Southern Italians were discriminated against by northern Italians, and Americans. Italians cannot be racist under his standard. Nor can Germans and Japanese who were discriminated against by Americans. His essay makes no sense unless you accept paranoia for reason. 

Civil War Dead

But there is another argument which I often use to show that people like this man who say black people, cannot be racists are themselves racists. Racism is a form of discrimination. Usually unlawful bias is the problem. It is not a praiseworthy practice. If white people are racist they are flawed. But if black people cannot be racist they lack the flaw and they are better than, superior to, white people. That means he believes that black people are superior to white people. Isn't that an example of collective bias making one group better than another?

[From article]
Upon seeing these figures I immediately wondered about what exactly white Americans perceive racism to be, and how the supposed racism they receive has become equal to that of African Americans and other minority groups.
[. . .]
the closest incidents of an “attack” have been occasional protests that have turned violent and resulted in the destruction of property. There has never been a concerted effort to destroy white-owned establishments in the movement, and the random destruction of property is defined as criminality and not racism.
[. . .]
It has not been about pitting the races against one another and saying that one race is superior to the other.
[. . .]
These two perspectives are quite common throughout the world
[. . .]
the racist structures
[. . .]
Misinterpreting this collective social progress as anything else

09.08.151:00 AM ET
Racism Vs. Whites? You’re Kidding Me
Majorities of whites think anti-white discrimination is as bad as the anti-black kind. Honestly, are they out of their minds?
Barrett Holmes Pitner

May 5, 2015

Black Woman, Former FBI Agent Sent For Psychological Evaluation After Threats

Tunisia Davis

[From article]
Tunisia Davis — an Alexandria woman who was a FBI agent from 2004 to 2010, according to court records and friends — is accused of traveling from the National Security Agency to the Central Intelligence Agency last week and threatening to kill federal police.
[. . .]
The judge says Davis was acting inappropriately and was uncooperative. The judge added that force would have been needed to get her from U.S. Marshall’s custody in Alexandria into the court room.
After some arguments from attorneys, the judge ordered Davis undergo a psychological evaluation, which will likely happen in the next day or two, NBC Washington reports. She is being charged with assaulting a police officer.
Davis is accused of driving to the Northern Virginia campus of the CIA on April 30 and driving past an officer. Another officer had to stand in her path to stop her. While she was being handcuffed by officers, she reached out with a free arm for the officer’s gun but was thwarted, according to court documents, which were obtained and reported by NBC Washington on Monday.
Davis allegedly told the officers that if she had gotten the gun, she would have killed everyone in sight and bombed the CIA. She has denied reaching for the gun.
[. . .]
The judge says Davis was acting inappropriately and was uncooperative. The judge added that force would have been needed to get her from U.S. Marshall’s custody in Alexandria into the court room.
After some arguments from attorneys, the judge ordered Davis undergo a psychological evaluation, which will likely happen in the next day or two, NBC Washington reports. She is being charged with assaulting a police officer.
Davis is accused of driving to the Northern Virginia campus of the CIA on April 30 and driving past an officer. Another officer had to stand in her path to stop her. While she was being handcuffed by officers, she reached out with a free arm for the officer’s gun but was thwarted, according to court documents, which were obtained and reported by NBC Washington on Monday.
Davis allegedly told the officers that if she had gotten the gun, she would have killed everyone in sight and bombed the CIA. She has denied reaching for the gun.

Former FBI agent accused of ‘violent threats’ at CIA to get psychological exam
May 5, 2015 3:50 pm

February 22, 2015

Does A Left Wing Conspiracy Run US Government?

Tea Party members gather in St Louis, Mo., Sept. 12, 2010.
(Associated Press) ** FILE **
White House abuses of power targeting conservative patriotic Americans continues. First the IRS, now Department of Homeland Security focuses on conservative Americans, instead of the real threat from Muslim terrorists.  

[From article]
A new Department of Homeland Security intelligence assessment circulated this month focuses on the threat of right-wing sovereign citizen extremist groups in the U.S. Some law enforcement groups say the threat is equal to, and occasionally greater than, the threat from Islamic extremist groups.

DHS report warns of domestic right-wing terror threat
By Kellan Howell
The Washington Times
Saturday, February 21, 2015

* * *

[From article]
Terror group Al-Shabaab has released online a video calling for attacks on shopping malls in Canada, the UK and the United States.
But "there is no indication of any specific, real threat" against malls in the U.S., according to FBI spokesman Rich Quinn.
Another U.S. law enforcement official familiar with the situation also told CNN that there is no actual working threat against any mall in the country and added that no one should avoid going to the mall because of the online threat.

Al-Shabaab threatens malls, some in U.S.; FBI downplays threat
By Faith Karimi and Ashley Fantz
Updated 11:26 PM ET, Sat February 21, 2015

* * *

Terrorist group Al-Shabaab has threatened to attack shopping malls in the US like the Mall of America.
Photo: Getty Images

[From article]
Terrorist group Al-Shabaab released a video calling for attacks on shopping malls in the US, Canada and the United Kingdom, which included mention and images of the Mall of America in Minnesota.
“I would say that if anyone is planning to go to the Mall of America today, they’ve got to be particularly careful,” Johnson said on CNN’s “State of the Union.”
The al Qaeda-linked group was responsible for the deadly Nairobi, Kenya mall attack in 2013. The Mall of America has responded by beefing up security.

Terrorist threat calls for attacks on American shopping malls
By Marisa Schultz
February 22, 2015 | 11:12am
New York Post

February 4, 2015

Maryland High School OKs Black Students Beating White Teachers Perceived As Making Racist Comment

A teacher (pictured) was left covered in blood last week following an attack by a student over a perceived racist remark at Forestville High School in Maryland.
The report sounds as if the comment was racist, then the student would be justified in attacking the teacher. This indicates how distorted reality is concerning one form, one single form of discrimination. which remains undefined. Using that standard, every time a Palestinian activist expresses his hatred toward Jewish people, and Israel, it would be legal for any Jewish person to attack the Palestinian. If the school administrators, government officials and police do not wake up soon there will be extensive violence which the police will be unable to control. It will be the fulfilling of the prediction by Conor Cruise O'Brien about the instability of the United States regarding culture, religion and identity. With all the influence that teachers unions have why have they not spoken up to defend this teacher? Will the student be evaluated for paranoia? 

[From article]
A high school teacher was left covered in blood last week after he was punched by a male student over a perceived racist remark.
The teacher at Forestville High in Maryland, who was not identified by officials but named as James Hemmen on social media, suffered minor injuries after being attacked by the teen.
The school characterized the incident last Thursday as a 'misinterpretation of a comment' during class but some students and parents said the teacher made a racially-insensitive remark.
[. . .]
The student is to be disciplined for the attack, according to NBC, with authorities adding that this was an isolated incident and there was no need to increase security at the school.
It was not clear on Tuesday if the student would face criminal charges over the attack.
According to a school district spokeswoman: 'On January 29, a misinterpretation of a comment in a classroom at Forestville High School resulted in an assault against a teacher.

High school teacher left beaten and bloodied by student after alleged racist remark
The teacher at Forestville High in Maryland was treated in hospital for minor injuries after the assault last Thursday
The school said it was a 'misinterpretation of a comment' but some students and parents claimed teacher made a racially-insensitive remark
PUBLISHED: 12:32 EST, 3 February 2015 | UPDATED: 13:45 EST, 3 February 2015

July 10, 2014

Another Right Wing Conspiracy?

[From article]
After all, Obama will claim — perhaps in perfect candor — that he never intended to raise tensions with China, pick a fight with Russia or set the Middle East ablaze. That he managed to achieve the exact opposite of his stated intent must appear to him perverse; explicable only as some malevolent plot hatched by Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh.
[. . .]
The one thing we can say with certainty about the 21st century is this: peaceful or war-torn, it isn’t going to be boring.

July 9th, 2014 - 5:19 pm
Richard Fernandez

January 13, 2014

Obsessions With Racism

[From article]
Joe is obsessed with white racism, and because he is black, people acquiesce to him in ways they would not for a white man. Regardless of the setting, Joe will change the topic to excoriate white people for their racism. I believe that Joe's obsessional racism and compulsion to express it are fueled by guilt over the fact that he began avoiding people of his own race about 50 years ago.
Joe was born in Brooklyn in 1931. Despite being raised in a middle-class family (his father was a dentist), when Joe talks to young people, he does not ask them about their goals; he oppresses them with tales of the horrors of racism suffered by his father and grandfather.
Joe's first wife was black. He divorced her in the 1960s and married a wealthy white woman. Eventually she passed away, and he married another white woman.

January 13, 2014
Obsessive-Compulsive Racism and the Black Guilt Complex
By Deborah C. Tyler

January 18, 2013

Black Actor Sees Racism In Second Amendment

[WATCH] Actor Danny Glover tells students 2nd Amendment was created to protect slavery
By Timothy Dionisopoulos
Jan 18, 2013

January 6, 2012

Judge Sends Black Defendant to Mental Hospital After Repeated Claims of Racism

The judge sent this defendant for a psychiatric evaluation. What took him so long? Many black people and their useful idiot supporters blame every bad event they experience on racism. A black Cambridge MA, city councilor admitted that black people are paranoid. Why have fake accusations of racism been allowed to silence white people for so many years due to mental illness of so many black people?

[From article]
"Judge Timothy Creany took the drastic step Thursday as Erik Britt, 27, facing charges of assaulting a prison guard, repeatedly interrupted proceedings by accusing deputies of racism.
[. . .]
After removing the jury from the court several times while Creany tried to calm Britt down, a deputy wrapped "heavy, red tape across Britt's mouth and around his head" to silence him,"

Judge orders suspect's mouth taped shut in Penn. court
New York Post
Last Updated: 10:08 AM, January 6, 2012
Posted: 10:04 AM, January 6, 2012

April 13, 2011

When Paranoia Rules

This wisdom about paranoid citizens driving public policy applies to Black Americans women and homosexuals.

"Max Hastings writes that “so strong is Muslim paranoia about our ill intentions toward Islam that we must do nothing that feeds it” (“Danger Zone,” PostScript, April 3). This is terrible advice. When crazy people influence our behavior is when we start living in their world."

Joseph L. Koenig, Manhattan

Mideast misguided
Joseph L. Koenig, Manhattan
New York Post
Last Updated: 4:51 AM, April 10, 2011
Posted: 10:24 PM, April 9, 2011

September 16, 2010

Do You See What I See?

Ann Coulter
Like, Is Sarah Palin Totally Conceited?

May 17, 2010

Liberal Paranoia

[From article]
"If you want to watch some one squirm, take a look at the two-minute videotape of Attorney General Eric Holder dodging Republican Rep. Lamar Smith's question about whether "radical Islam" motivated the Times Square bomber.

Holder, who last year called America "a nation of cowards" for refusing to talk frankly about race, plainly didn't want to say what is plain to everyone else, that Faisal Shahzad, back from five months in Waziristan, launched his terror attack because of his Islamist beliefs."

The 'howling mob': How Libs view you

Last Updated: 3:04 AM, May 17, 2010

Posted: 10:28 PM, May 16, 2010

April 18, 2010

USA, Paranoid Country

[From article]
"The baton of paranoia about executive power passes back and forth from one party to the other depending on who's in opposition. The reaction tends to be the same because it's written in our political DNA, inherited from the most glorious paranoiacs the world has ever known -- our Founding Fathers."

American psychos
A healthy bipartisan tradition
New York Post
Last Updated: 4:36 AM, April 17, 2010
Posted: 12:28 AM, April 17, 2010
Rich Lowry

March 4, 2010

Obama and Narcissism

March 04, 2010
Obama's Malignant Narcissism
By James Lewis
American Thinker

February 7, 2010

Paranoid Leftist Propaganda on MSNBC

Daily Kos Yells at Media: Don't You See GOP Wants a 'Civil War'?

Photo of Tim Graham.

July 17, 2009

Paranoid Boston Democratic Hit Piece

Mark up another hypocritical, double-standard hit piece by paranoid hate-filled Boston Democrats. (DAVID S. BERNSTEIN, "$arah™, Inc.," Boston Phoenix, July 15, 2009) Raising $100 million for Obama's campaign was good for America. Republicans doing the same is bad for the nation. In his front page story about Gov. Palin Bernstein threads acts by others into the narrative associating their abuses to Palin who "might" or "possibly" or "seems" or he "assumes" to do what they did. As he says the "punditry was left puzzling over what she could possibly do next."

Bernstein quotes political insights of Alaska's Man-of-the-Year whose major accomplishment was getting a teenager pregnant showing how desperate Bernstein is for something negative to say about the Governor. He reaches back to her high school nickname for more disparagement. Was Bernstein the high school grad most likely to deceive?

Focusing on money is a great way to understand what is behind puffing politicians. But Bernstein describes only Republicans abuses as if the Democrats are gentle, loving, and totally altruistic. Ahem! Where was the bottomless "well of right-wing money" in 2008? Is Bernstein clueless about the $100 million raised by the ACLU which now focuses on fund raising rather than civil rights?

Bernstein exposes evil practices of non profits suggesting that Palin will take advantage of them. Are there no non profit abuses in Boston where Democrats rule?

One-third of this hit piece is not about Palin. Suggesting that the Governor is not a committed Republican why does Bernstein associate their efforts with her? Obama is not guilty by association with Ayers or Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Why is Palin guilty for what Gingrich, Keyes, and Reagan do?

The McCain campaign did not create the image of Palin as "maverick reformer." She was that before chosen. Bernstein says, "Religious conservatives idolize Palin for" giving birth to her son Trig. Stereotyping all religions in diverse Boston? Rupert Murdoch who endorsed Hillary Clinton is an "arch conservative opportunist?" Is John Kerry an "ultra liberal elitist" opportunist?

It is beyond (Bernstein's limited) imagination that Dick Morris' book could debut "at number one on the (sic) New York Times bestseller list" without Sean Hannity. Huh?

Bernstein reveals his political conformity contrasting Mitt Romney's strategy glad-handing "with elites at $1000 a plate" with Palin's. The attraction for voters is Palin's authenticity. Would a genuine human being do what politicians do? Cynical conformist journalists are incapable of thinking outside the box. They will not find Gov. Palin there. That is why they are all confused.$arah%E2%84%A2-Inc/

From Jester to Esther
Talking Politics
$arah™, Inc.
The biggest brand name in conservative politics is about to enter the burgeoning right-wing marketplace — and she's perfect for it. Ka-ching!
Boston Phoenix
July 15, 2009

July 19, 2008

NY Governor Paterson says it is racism

NY Governor Paterson says it is racism

In this New York Observer article New York Governor Paterson says calling him an accidental Governor is racist. Like race mongers he does not define racism. He also says that if Obama loses that shows the country is racist also. But the article and a related editorial shows that many Governors and Presidents were also called accidental. Paterson appears to be clueless about that. Typical clueless politician.

Paterson Implies 'Accidental' Racism
By JACOB GERSHMAN, Staff Reporter
The New York Sun
July 18, 2008

Paterson's Paranoia
New York Sun
July 18, 2008