Showing posts with label Priest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Priest. Show all posts

May 12, 2016

Catholic Priest Shot in Bronx Trying To Persuade Young Street Dealer To Change His Lifestyle

Father Damien Ekete

[From article]
A Catholic priest tried to talk some sense into a man involved in a street-corner drug deal yesterday in Queens — and ended up with a bullet for his efforts.
Father Damien Ekete was waiting for a cab outside the Habibi Gourmet Deli on Rockaway Boulevard in Jamaica at around 12:15 a.m. when he noticed a few men acting suspiciously nearby, law-enforcement sources said. Cops say a drug deal appeared to be going down.
Ekete — who was on his way back to his Bronx rectory after attending a party in the Queens neighborhood — walked over to one of the men and began talking to him about his dangerous lifestyle, sources said.
Suddenly, a green Nissan Altima pulled up, and someone inside fired off a round at the man top whom Ekete was talking.
But the shooter missed his intended target and instead hit the priest in his right biceps, sources said.
[. . .]
Ekete, a 49-year-old Nigerian native who has worked at the Church of the Holy Spirit in Morris Heights, The Bronx, for five years, walked 10 minutes to the St. Clement Pope Church on 123rd
Avenue, according to a nearby church employee who spoke to police about the incident.
But nobody was at St. Clement, so the priest walked back to a gas station on Rockaway Boulevard for help.
He was taken to Jamaica Hospital for treatment and then discharged around noon dressed in black suit pants and a blue short-sleeved hospital shirt that showed his bandaged right arm. He was flanked by two plainclothes cops.
After Ekete was interviewed at the 106th Precinct, police dropped him off at his Bronx church. He remained in the rectory for the rest of the evening.
During Mass there Sunday, the Rev. Ricardo Fajardo informed the congregation about the incident in his sermon.

Priest shot while trying to ‘do some good’
By Larry Celona and Tina Moore
New York Post
May 8, 2016 | 9:27am

October 4, 2015

Orthodox Priest Removed After Affair and Sex Tape Revealed

Father George Passias and Ethel Bouzalas
[From article]
[woman is identified as Edith and Ethel in this report]
A high-ranking Greek Orthodox priest starred in kinky sex tapes with his much-younger parish-school principal and was forced to resign after the affair — which he’d denied for years — was confirmed by church elders.
Father George Passias, the married 67-year-old pastor of St. Spyridon Church in Washington Heights, even impregnated his married lover, 45-year-old Ethel Bouzalas, according to sources.
Passias was once the chancellor of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, in charge of all of the religion’s US priests.
[. . .]
The Post in 2013 broke the story about the unorthodox relationship between Passias and Bouzalas and alleged fiscal wrongdoing at the church, which has nearly 200 families and was established in 1931 when the neighborhood was a Greek stronghold.
When Passias took the helm of the Wadsworth Avenue church in 2006, Bouzalas came with him as his assistant. He called her his “spiritual goddaughter,” and they arrived and left together every day. A church handyman said he once saw her sitting on the priest’s lap.
[. . .]

A screenshot from their personal porn video.
With his flowing black robes and oversized cross around his neck, Passias cut an imposing and authoritative figure. Bouzalas, meanwhile, favored short skirts and high heels.
Bouzalas, who had no education credentials, was soon promoted to be the volunteer principal of the St. Spyridon Parochial School, which serves kindergarten to eighth grade and has a taxpayer-funded pre-kindergarten program. She also became church treasurer and a signatory on bank accounts.
[. . .]
Her husband refused to comment on the affair or the pregnancy but said the couple was still together. He confirmed he knew of the sex tapes.

Kinky Orthodox priest brought down by ‘cake porn’ sex tape
By Isabel Vincent and Melissa Klein
New York Post
October 4, 2015 | 6:00am

March 1, 2015

New York City Church Priests Charged With Unlawful Bias

St. Francis of Assisi RCC
von Jim.henderson - Eigenes Werk.
Lizenziert unter Gemeinfrei über Wikimedia Commons -

[From article]
Franciscan Friars John McVean, John Felice and Tom Walters subjected the women to racist rants and took a veritable vow of silence as the ladies were repeatedly manhandled for three years by a leering, oversexed co-worker, court papers allege.
The trio “ruled St. Francis with an iron fist and fostered a culture of intimidation,” according to the Manhattan Supreme Court lawsuit. “The priests, who many at St. Francis suspect occasionally come to work drunk, often lashed out at employees and frequently screamed at subordinates.”
McVean, Felice and Walters — all friars in residence at St. Francis of Assisi Church on West 31st Street — launched their nonprofit in 1980 and now house 250 mentally ill men and women at three Manhattan locations. The charity is independent of the Archdiocese of New York.
[. . .]
The women turned to McVean, Felice and Walters for help, but were threatened with termination by the priests, who engaged in “a massive coverup,” they allege.

The three priests denied the allegations.

November 9, 2014

Jesuit Priest Executed In Syria

In this photo taken on March 28, 2014 and released by a neutral activist youth group, About our Neighborhood Hamidiyeh Simply, which has been authenticated based on its contents and other AP reporting, shows Dutch Father Francis Van Der Lugt, 75, in Homs, Syria.

Read more here:
Photo: AP

[From article]
An activist Jesuit priest who spent three years living alongside besieged civilians and rebels in the Syrian city of Homs was assassinated Monday, according to the Vatican, which said he was abducted by unidentified gunmen who beat him before executing him in front of his monastery.
Father Francis Van Der Lugt, 75, a Dutch Jesuit priest, came to Syria in 1966 and eventually founded a home for children and adults with mental disabilities outside Homs, where he lived before the three-year-old civil war started.

Famed Jesuit priest abducted, beaten and executed in Syria
By Mitchell Prothero
Foreign Staff
April 7, 2014

July 5, 2014

Priest Who Killed Nun Dies in Prison

[From article]
Police arrested him in 2004 after investigators reopened the murder case when a letter surfaced that accused Robinson and other priests of molestation. Police weren't able to substantiate the allegations of sexual abuse, but it led them back to the nun's murder.
Investigators said blood stains on an altar cloth seemed to match the patterns of the letter opener found in Robinson's apartment. New technology not available in 1980 allowed them to connect the killing with the letter opener.
Prosecutors said Robinson tried to humiliate Pahl in her death, her stab wounds formed an upside down cross and a smudge of blood on her forehead meant as a mock anointing.

Priest convicted of killing nun dies in prison
Published July 04, 2014

June 14, 2014

Two Phoenix Priests Shot In Church, One Died

[From article]
According to Martos, one of the priests had been shot and died at the hospital. The other priest is hospitalized in critical condition with unspecified injuries, he said. According to Martos, the injured 56-year-old priest was able to call 911 and direct authorities to the church.

Has the Islamic war against Christians arrived in Arizona?

Jun 12, 11:44 AM EDT

September 14, 2013

Catholic Priest Attacked With Acid in Zanzibar

13 Sep 2013, 10:35 AM PDT

August 12, 2013

Sicilian Crime Boss Arrested In London

Mafia boss Domenico Rancadore (pictured) targeted Father Gino Sacchetti because he encouraged residents to oppose the local mafia in Palermo

[From article]
The softly spoken priest was based in the Mafia’s island heartland of Sicily for 20 years between 1986 and 2006 and spoke out against organised crime encouraging locals to turn their back on them and not be intimidated.
[. . .]
Mobsters had already murdered one campaigning priest Fr Giuseppe Puglisi, 56, who was gunned down by hit men in the run down Brancaccio area of Palermo in 1993 and the pope praised him for standing up to the gangsters.
[. . .]
'The young son of an informer was dissolved in acid as punishment for him speaking out. Fr Puglisi was murdered and judges and police were targeted.'

Mafia boss arrested in London after 20 years on run firebombed my car and nailed a lamb's head to my front door', says priest
Father Gino Sacchetti targeted by crime family run by Domenico Rancadore
Angered mob bosses while he worked as a prison chaplain in Sicily by refusing to sell up prime land for development
Spoke out against organised crime and told residents not to be intimidated
Daily Mail (UK)
PUBLISHED: 11:10 EST, 11 August 2013 | UPDATED: 11:14 EST, 11 August 2013

February 23, 2012

Eagan and Bishop Show Bigotry

Eagan continues irrational stereotyping of persons with disabilities. She equates violence with mental illness as if there was a causal connection. Why are so many journalists and radio talk show hosts with a history of mental illness not institutionalized? The answer to the good Bishop's query about why the violent man was not institutionalized is that it is contrary to law to hold someone without committing a crime. Having a history of mental illness is a status. It is like being black, being a homosexual, being a woman, an illegal alien, a Muslim. Should all of the above-mentioned groups be institutionalized? The US Constitution is why. Depriving a person of freedom without Due Process is the law of the land, the same law that allows same sex marriage. Only in Cambridge and at Harvard do police and campus criminals attack and harass persons due to their fears and for allegations. Under law one must commit a crime to lose one's freedom. In Cambridge police keep unpopular persons under 24/7 surveillance, harassment, provocation, threats, ridicule, character assassination and humiliation without any legal basis allowing such abuse and denial of rights. It is what Eagan and the Bishop would prefer. Why not limit the description of the suspect to having a history of violence? What is the connection to the history of mental illness? Mental illnesses are created from personal opinion not law. Eagan and the Bishop indicate they are bigots toward persons with disabilities slurring all persons accused of mental illness. Are all homosexuals and priests pedophiles? Are all black persons psychopaths? Are all women lying, cheating abusive criminals? Are all Muslims terrorists? All illegal aliens violent felons? All journalists mercenary deceivers?

[From article]
"Miller was afraid of Nguyen, or that he had a history of mental illness and violence dating back to childhood."
[. . .]
“One would wonder why this young man was walking the streets, if it’s known very well he’s unstable, that he’s known for violent acts,” said Bishop A. Livingston Foxworth
[. . .]
“There’s so many people who should be institutionalized who are free to walk the same space as a loving woman
[. . .]

‘We are devastated’
Neighbor describes suspect as ‘creepy’ in granny slaying
By Margery Eagan
Boston Herald
Thursday, February 23, 2012

February 1, 2012

'Ndrangheta Threatens Priest

Severed pig's head dumped on doorstep of crime fighting Italian priest after he condemned Mafia
By Nick Pisa
Daily Mail (UK)
Last updated at 11:49 PM on 30th January 2012

September 18, 2010

Elderly Confession

An elderly man walks into a confessional. He tells the Priest:

Man: 'I am 92 years old, have a wonderful wife of 70 years, many children,
grandchildren, and great grandchildren. Yesterday, I picked up two college
girls, hitchhiking. We went to a motel, where I had sex with each of them
three times.'
Priest: 'Are you sorry for your sins?'
Man: 'What sins?'
Priest: 'What kind of a Catholic are you?'
Man: 'I'm Jewish.'
Priest: 'Why are you telling me all this?'
Man: 'I'm 92 years old; I'm telling everybody!'

August 27, 2010

Priest Gets Teen Counseling Client Pregnant,0,3276836.story

Lawsuit says Berks priest fathered teen's child Legal action says priest was video-taped in sexual act with former student.
By Tracy Jordan,

6:35 p.m. EDT
August 27, 2010

December 21, 2009

Priest Suggests Shoplifting

Priest outrages police by telling congregation: 'My advice to poor is to shoplift'
By Graham Smith
Mail (UK) Online
Last updated at 12:41 PM on 21st December 2009