Showing posts with label Sen. Harry Reid. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sen. Harry Reid. Show all posts

July 18, 2014

Indicted Utah AGs Sought Help From Harry Reid

Two Utah Attorneys General Indicted

[From article]
Indictments released this week against two former Utah state attorneys general suggest that they sought to enlist the help of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D., Nev.) to ward off a federal investigation.
State prosecutors on Tuesday released indictments against former Utah AGs John Swallow and Mark Shurtleff. They are charged with a number of felonies, including bribery and tampering with evidence.

Harry Reid Tied to Corruption Investigation> BY: Washington Free Beacon Staff
July 16, 2014 1:58 pm

June 19, 2014

Democratic Leadership Utters Pure Nonsense

[From article]
"The decisions by the Supreme Court have left the American people with the status quo in which one side's billionaires are pitted against the other side's billionaires," he said this morning on the Senate floor. "Except one side doesn't have any billionaires."
This is categorically false. After all, the Democrats have the support of Tom Steyer, George Soros, and many, many others.

Harry Reid: Democrats Do Not 'Have Any Billionaires'
12:37 PM, JUN 19, 2014

April 30, 2014

Judge Pirro Reveals Harry Reid's Interest in Nevada Grazing Lands

[From article]
As WND reported, bloggers also made a connection between the Bureau of Land Management’s raid on Bundy’s land and a solar-energy project in southern Nevada financed by the communist Chinese energy firm ENN. It was to be the largest solar farm in the U.S.
Reid had lobbied heavily for the company’s business, even traveling to China. Reid’s son, Rory Reid, formerly a Clark County commissioner, became a lobbyist for ENN while Sen. Reid’s former senior adviser, Neil Kornze, now leads the BLM.
The project died last year, but the BLM’s library of renewable energy projects revealed it was only one of more than 50 solar, wind and geothermal projects planned for Nevada, California, Arizona and other Western states.
[. . .]
In March 2012, the Washington Examiner reported First Solar, an Arizona-based manufacturer of solar panels, received in 2010 a $16.3 million subsidy to expand its factory in Ohio. The grant came after a $455.7 million taxpayer-funded loan guarantee awarded by the Export-Import Bank to subsidize the sale of solar panels to two solar firms in Canada.
One of the Canadian firms, St. Clair Solar, was a wholly owned subsidiary of First Solar, so when First Solar was shipping its solar panels from Ohio to a solar farm it owned in Canada, the U.S. taxpayers were subsidizing the “export,” the Examiner said.

Suggests BLM's land grab from Bundy would provide big return in dollars
April 29, 2014

April 17, 2014

Options For Citizens Under Corrupt Government

[From article]
The U.S. Constitution – and Founders who designed it – assumed a modicum of integrity and commitment to the Constitutional Oath they insisted high officers swear. They assumed a degree of honor. The President and Attorney General take an Oath to uphold the Constitution in Article II, Section 1, the Majority Leader from Article VI, Section 3. Yet today, the very officials meant to check each other appear to be covering for each other.
So, what is the answer? The only answer is, for better and worse, found in the U.S. Constitution. The U.S. House of Representatives can – with reluctance– commence impeachment proceedings against the U.S. Attorney General, pressuring the Senate to step forward.
[. . .]
Probably, however, the only way “We the People” will restore accountability is at the ballot box. Thus, we must resolve to vote out this Senate leadership, and vote in a new U.S. Senate, one that cares about fidelity to law and the U.S. Constitution. This November, we will have that chance – and we must not forget.

April 17, 2014
The New Iron Triangle
American Thinker
By Robert Charles

March 26, 2014

U.S. Senator Harry Reid Blames GOP For Ukraine Invasion

U.S. Senator Harry Reid

[From article]
Politics: Harry Reid blames Russia's annexation of Crimea on Republicans who didn't act fast enough on a sanctions package. But he ignores Obama's appeasement as president and push when a senator to disarm Ukraine.
The Senate Majority Leader's latest claim is consistent with other utterances out of his parallel universe, including calling Stage IV cancer patients liars about Obamacare's collateral damage and asking why we'd want to save one child with cancer.
"Since a few Republicans blocked these important sanctions, Russian lawmakers voted to annex Crimea, and Russian forces have taken over Ukrainian military bases," Harry Reid said Monday as the Senate began debate on a package of sanctions and aid.

Delusional Harry Reid Blames GOP, Not Obama, For Ukraine
Posted 03/25/2014 06:40 PM ET

October 1, 2013

Sen. Harry Reid Supporter Sentenced to 2 Years in Prison

US Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV)

Reid Supporter Whittemore Gets 2 Years in Campaign Cash Case
By Scott Sonner
October 1, 2013

September 16, 2013

Sen. Reid Stalls Movement of Nuclear Waste To Yucca Mountain Contrary To Law

[From article]
Nevada's Sen. Harry Reid, like almost all Nevadans, regards the repository as a threat to Las Vegas, a gamblers' destination that lives off tourists who are demonstrably irrational about probabilities. Reid prefers the status quo — more than 160 million Americans living within 75 miles of one or more of the 121 locations where over 70,000 tons of nuclear waste are kept.
The court, which was concerned only with the law, not the mountain, said "the president must follow statutory mandates so long as there is appropriated money available and the president has no constitutional objection to the statute." He has none, and Reid has not yet quite succeeded in starving the NRC of funding for the Yucca licensing process.
Jewish World Review
A mountain of illegality
By George Will
August 22,2013

January 16, 2010

Martha Coakley is Not a Rubber Stamp, Reid says

Scott Ott's Examiner Scrappleface: Reid: Martha Coakley 'more than just my 60th Yes-Man
By: Scott Ott
Examiner Columnist
January 15, 2010

August 30, 2009

Senate Leader Harry Reid Threatens Las Vegas Newspaper

Aug. 30, 2009
Copyright © Las Vegas Review-Journal
SHERMAN FREDERICK: Enough is enough, Harry
Stop the childish bullying