Showing posts with label Election Fraud. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Election Fraud. Show all posts

March 23, 2015

More Evidence Indicating White House Intends to Destroy The United States

[From article]
Robert Rector of the Heritage Foundation [. . .] told the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee last week that the lifetime costs of Social Security and Medicare benefits paid to the millions of immigrants to whom Obama is granting legal status will be about $1.3 trillion.[. . .]
The average DAPA-eligible family already receives about $6,600 a year in means-tested welfare benefits. That includes food stamps, school lunch (and breakfast), Medicaid, the State Children's Health Insurance Program and the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children.
Many Americans labor under the false assumption that because most immigrants are hardworking, they do not depend on welfare assistance. In fact, as Rector patiently explains, most welfare benefits go to households with children headed by a low-income employed adult.[. . .]
The average American, whose children and grandchildren will end up burdened with this enormous debt, must ask whether someone is trying to destroy America.
[. . .]
Look at California for a preview of our future under Obama's immigration plan. The Hispanic population is now almost equal to the white population, and almost 50% of babies born in California are Hispanic.
Nearly a third of "English learners" in U.S. public schools are third-generation Americans who still are not speaking English at home, and the Hispanic illegitimacy rate is 53%. The cheap labor welcomed by employers is not only a huge impediment for American job seekers but also a big expense to taxpayers, who are hit with new costs of schools, hospitals and prisons.[. . .]
The two factors that Americans are most concerned about are jobs and voter fraud. The U.S. has accepted two new immigrants for each additional job created since 2000, according to federal data, and expert witnesses have testified that once the amnestied immigrants are given Social Security numbers and driver's licenses, there will be no way to stop them from registering to vote.

The Many Costs Of Obama's Executive Amnesty
06:08 PM ET

November 20, 2013

More Government Fraud in 2012 Election

[From article]
'It was a phone conversation — I forget the exact words — but it was, "Go ahead and fabricate it" to make it what it was,' Mr Buckmon told The Post's John Crudele.
Mr Buckmon had been fired by the time President Obama was facing re-election, but The Post columnist says that he spoke to a source who told him the inflation of reports remained a problem long after he left.
'He's not the only one,' the source told Mr Crudele.
He goes on to claim that the problem 'escalated' towards the end of the campaign, but gives not specific reasons why the September 2012 figures have been singled out.
That shift- from 8.1 per cent to 7.8 per cent- was the most dramatic drop through all of 2012.
It undoubtedly helped President Obama during the final weeks of the campaign against former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney.

Census Department 'rigged' the unemployment rates that came out in the final months of 2012 presidential election
There has been a history of Census Bureau employees inflating the numbers that they report when surveying Americans
New revelations allege that could have happened in September 2012 when the unemployment rate dropped from 8.1% to 7.8%
Said to have helped President Obama get re-elected
Daily Mail (UK)
PUBLISHED: 10:59 EST, 19 November 2013 | UPDATED: 11:10 EST, 19 November 2013

* * *

Rick Santelli Rages Against Media Over ‘Manipulated’ Unemployment Data Allegations
by Andrew Kirell
12:14 pm, November 19th, 2013

* * *

House probes Census over ‘fake’ results
By John Crudele
November 19, 2013 | 9:32pm
New York Post

October 1, 2013

Sen. Harry Reid Supporter Sentenced to 2 Years in Prison

US Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV)

Reid Supporter Whittemore Gets 2 Years in Campaign Cash Case
By Scott Sonner
October 1, 2013

May 3, 2013

Tape Proving Fraud in Iran Presidential Election

Iranian President Amadenijad

Cites wiretapped conversations between candidate, ayatollah's aide, on fraud
May 2, 2013

February 15, 2013

In Addition, Hagel Won Questionable Election

Details revealed in magazine profile on alleged GOP plan to steal election
Bob Unruh
February 14, 2013

November 5, 2012

Killer Registered And Voted At Mental Hospital

Chapel Hill Killer Registered At and Voted From Mental Hospital
Dozens of mentally disabled registered in stepped-up efforts by state
By Don Carrington
Nov. 2nd, 2012

Election Dysfunction, Film Review

This 90-minute feature film opposes Voter ID laws. At one point Mo
 Rocca asks an Indiana Republican, "Can you provide me with one example
 of voter fraud?" The person cannot. That indicates that neither of
 them read J. Christian Adams new book, Injustice.

Adams provides
several examples, even a prosecution and conviction. The person
 convicted was used by Rooca as an example of being punished for voting
 after his conviction contrary to law. Rocca does not explain what he
 did to violate voting laws. Adams does. This film  makes arguments
 based on feelings and what women want, not based on law and the
 Constitution. It is how Obama thinks. Laws are simply barriers to what
 he wants to do so he ignores them. City officials in Cambridge, MA
 host City of Harvard University and Harvard officials share his
 philosophy of law enforcement.
 Rocca does not mention the several documented and prosecuted and
 convicted instances of intimidation by The New Black Panther Party of
 white voters. He only mentions wild unfounded accusations of paranoid
 black people who see racism everywhere. Rocca does not mention the
 convictions of ACORN workers of voter fraud. Rocca includes a clip of
 Eric Holder speaking on behalf of any (paranoid?) people denied their
 right to vote. This after Rocca explains that voting is not a right.
 It was left to the states to regulate. Rocca says what is needed is
 uniform federal laws. Rocca did not mention that Holder and a number
 of Justice Department staff attorneys refuse to enforce the Voting
 Rights Act in a race neutral manner. That shows again that he and the
 film-makers did not read Adams' book. This is pure propaganda and it
 is being broadcast just before the election to enable more abuses and
 to support Obama's re-election. This is another shameful exploitation
 of taxpayer funds broadcasting the film on PBS stations.

 Electoral Dysfunction, a feature-length documentary created by a team
 of award-winning filmmakers, uses humor and wit to take an
 irreverent–but nonpartisan–look at voting in America. Slated for
 theatrical release and PBS broadcast in the fall of 2012, the film
 stars political humorist Mo Rocca, a correspondent for CBS Sunday
 Morning, a panelist on NPR’s hit quiz show Wait, Wait ... Don’t Tell
 Me!, and a former correspondent for The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.

April 23, 2012

Obama May Abuse $8 billion in Taxpayer Funds For Campaign 

An $8 billion trick? Toying with Medicare to fix elex
New York Post
Last Updated: 1:41 AM, April 23, 2012 Posted: 10:45 PM, April 22, 2012

February 18, 2012

Obama Holder Team Opposes Fraud Free Elections

[From article]
"APew Research Center report this week reveals that America’s active voter rolls include 1.8 million dead people.
Plus, 2.8 million people are registered in more than one state. And millions more registrations carry so many errors as to raise serious doubts whether mailings for scheduled elections reach the correct voter."

Voting while dead
New York Post
Last Updated: 10:40 PM, February 17, 2012
Posted: February 18, 2012

October 19, 2011

Obama, Maybe Was Not Elected

Here's the howler!!! Yes, Eric Holder who is himself under investigation for lying to Congress is the one to investigate Obama. Hahaha. Lots of luck with that. Hahahahaha.

[from article]
"Holcomb, who has called on the Department of Justice to investigate the Clinton and Obama petitions, also responded to a report that the suspected fake Obama petition pages passed through the county voter registration office on days when the Republican member of the office was out.",0,181597.story

Fake signatures may mean Obama didn't actually qualify in Indiana
Would '08 May ballot have been different?
By ERIN BLASKO Tribune Staff Writer
9:19 p.m. EDT, October 13, 2011

November 26, 2010

ACORN Convictions

18 Former ACORN Workers Have Been Convicted or Admitted Guilt in Election Fraud
Published November 26, 2010

October 28, 2010

Clinton Democrat Writes to Rush Limbaugh

[From essay]
"a Civil War in the Democrat ranks has been raging since May 31st, 2008…a date every Hillary Clinton supporter knows well, because that was the date of the Democrat Rules & Bylaws Committee Meeting where Howard Dean (then-DNC Chair), Donna Brazile, and scores of other Kool-Aid slurping Obama flunkies took off their masks and revealed the full extent of the Leftist coup that had taken over the party. This was the day when the DNC took delegates Hillary Clinton won in Michigan away from her and handed them to Obama (despite the fact he wasn’t even on the primary ballot in that state, because he removed his name when his campaign realized he’d come in third in that race).
[. . .]
I’m still registered as a Democrat here in Chicago [. . .] but I can’t imagine ever voting for another Democrat again, as long as I live. To Hell with Democrats. This was solidified for me on Christmas Eve of last year, when Democrats rushed Obamacare through the Senate in the dead of night, through various secret channels, and every single Democrat voted for its passage (even supposed moderates like Evan Bayh in Indiana, who quickly realized his vote would cost him re-election…so the coward retired rather then face angry voters over what he did). I just don’t believe Democrats should be given elected office by voters because they cannot be trusted to even read bills before they vote on them, not even when said bills seek to permanently alter the entire American economy. This is reckless and reprehensible to the point of treason.
[. . .]
The media has never talked about this. I don’t remember ever hearing you talk about it. But one of the biggest reasons the Democrats are in the trouble they’re in right now is because of how frequently the Left and the media (one and the same, really) called anyone who opposed Obama a RAAACIST.
[. . .]
This came straight from the top, from Obama himself. Both he and his wife Michelle called the Clintons racists. Obama’s surrogates like James Clyburne, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, John Lewis, and others called Geraldine Ferraro, Madeline Albright, and others racists. The Obamas toxified the South Carolina primary, in particular, with foul race-baiting and turned North Carolina and Indiana into racial powder kegs by ramping up accusations that anyone not supporting Obama was a vile racist that needed to be pounded into the ground.
[. . .]
Democrats, by being so shameless and aggressive with the voter fraud in 2008 have opened too many eyes for us to ever go back to pretending that fraud and corrupt practices aren’t the hallmark of the Democrat Party.
[. . .]
Just like with the Leftists Carter infected the Democrat Party with, Obama legacy hires will be in the DNC for a generation to come…and it might not be until the 2030s before the Democrats can remove the taint Obama and his Leftist agenda have put on the party."

October 27, 2010
An Open Letter to Rush Limbaugh and His Listeners — With Notes on the Democrat Civil War Already In Progress
Kevin DuJan,

August 16, 2010

Obama's Fraudulent Election

[Links to videos embedded, Preview of film plus YouTube]

Facts Obama Doesn’t Want You to Connect
by Anita MonCrief
August 16, 2010

July 13, 2010

Farnken Elected Illegally

Researchers find Franken was elected illegally. Felon voters made the difference.

Felons Voting Illegally May Have Put Franken Over the Top in Minnesota, Study Finds

By Ed Barnes

Published July 12, 2010