A visit to the Massachusetts State House will reveal that in the floor tiles of the fourth floor are the very same swastikas. Do these swastikas carry the same anti semitic meaning as the one on Dunster Street?
Not a Rhodes Scholar knows how Chanukkah is spelled in English. Common sense not credentials asks why the swastikas at the State House are not objectionable to the "faith leaders?" Not vandalism placed the swastikas at the State House. No crime there. Without a crime is the symbol still hate?
Your personal attacks undermine your argument. It diminishes any rational debate you claim to own. Accusing trollishness shows your ignorance again. In Hull MA in 1990 some claimed that the town hall floor tiles with swastikas were anti semitic. I raised the same question then. Maybe you were too young to read. It was met with silence which makes more sense than personal attacks. A brief search shows that many older public US buildings have swastikas on them. So again the question is does vandalism make the use of the swastika evil? From Bertrand Russell (1872-1970
) "The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are
always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts."
So, "not a Rhodes Scholar," "trollish nature questions," "idiot," "dumb," and "trollish" again. They all make for perfectly good personal attacks. Is that how Harvard scholars argue? It is rule number one of Communist propaganda, to discredit the person when you have no rational argument. In the case of Hull Town Hall you make my point. Jewish residents found the swastikas offensive and they were covered up. There was no crime so it was not hate speech, anti semitism. But spray painting on a building is a crime, which becomes hate speech. Without the crime is there no hate? was my question. Regarding police abuses is the Crimson now remedying police abuses of power? When the courts don't work is the Crimson the alternative? How many Harvard affiliates have any clashes with police? Harvard long ago gave up freedom for security. For the multi-millionaire tenured professor at Harvard arrested in the most famous disorderly conduct arrest in the history of the world, the Mayor, the Governor and the President said "the Cambridge police acted stupidly." It was an abuse of power, a violation of the Hatch Act for all three officials. But there was and is silence from the media and the allegedly concerned citizens at Harvard. For the comatose at Harvard, police never do wrong. The concern about political corruption should raise questions about the corruption of the FBI and the local police who tolerate criminal political abuses. Have you heard of James Bulger now on trial in Boston US District Court for 19 homicides while an FBI informant? Did you hear of the Boston FBI frame-up of four white men for murder? Two died in prison. Two were released after 30 years. Or the resulting $101 million US court judgement which the DOJ refused to pay? Clueless is as clueless does when it comes to how thoroughly polluted the local, state and US government is today. Harvard has an interest in keeping it that way with their FBI, Defense Dept., Human Services grants, informants and employees at the Law School and at the Kennedy School. Harvard enjoys access to the highest levels of power. Corruption makes their access easier. Try reading e.g., J. Christian Adams new book, "Injustice," about corruption of the DOJ at the highest levels. That's in addition to the Fast and Furious scandal, the Pigford Scandal. Academics usually have their heads up their behinds when it comes to police abuses. Living in their ivy covered fantasy world they attack those who live in the real world as defects. Sorry but your personal attacks do not work among the non comatose.
[updated December 27, 2011 8:30 PM]
Excuse me. You make the personal attacks, not I. Changing the subject does not improve your argument. Glenn Beck, a strong conservative supporter of Israel against liberal anti semitic bashers is irrelevant here. You want to know what you don't know, but speak as if you know it all. I am reminded of Mark Twain's observation: "It's not what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you think you know for sure that just ain't so." In his recent book, "Thinking, Fast and Slow," Daniel Kahneman of Harvard reveals that most humans act on their system 1 mind which is always working. It thinks that WYSIATI (what you see is all there is). Often this type of thinking results in making wrong decisions. Politicians and salesmen enjoy this situation. Unlike system 1, system 2 is lazy and only works when provoked into action. Your comments obviously result from your system 1 mind. You exhibit a superficial view of HUPD. Your requirement for evidence, "One that is mentioned in the Boston Globe." is laughable. Do you really believe what you read in the Globe? Or that the Globe publishes a complete view of all that happens? If it's not in The Globe it did not happen? Hahaha. As for the President (a Harvard and Columbia media creation), aside from being irrelevant here, he is irrelevant to any search for truth. Hehe. As for revealing any evidence of HUPD wrongdoing, criminal abuse of power, in the Crimson, to what end? So you will say, "I didn't know that?" HUPD is authorized by the sheriffs of Middlesex and Suffolk to make traffic stops while traveling between the Boston and Cambridge campuses. They are not empowered to make traffic stops anywhere, any time. But that too is irrelevant to the issue of what is the meaning of a swastika. Have you ever heard the term mens rea?
Swastika Graffiti Prompts Condemnation from Faith Leaders
Published: Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Two swastikas were found on the side of a Harvard-owned building located at 69 Dunster Street on Sunday, prompting religious leaders to condemn the act of vandalism and the hateful message commonly associated with the image. The swastikas were spray-painted side-by-side in bright red on the wall of the building, which is located behind the Harvard Square Homeless Shelter and the University Lutheran Church.
Jayms Battaglia, parish administrator at the church, said that she was “deeply saddened” by the swastikas. Battaglia had noticed the swastikas Sunday morning, and said that she spoke with someone from 69 Dunster Street who told her the occupants were “aware” of the graffiti. She added she had also brought the incident to the attention of the University.
According to Deputy Superintendent Jack Albert, no one has filed a report on the swastika with the Cambridge Police Department. Harvard University Police Department did not return requests for comment.
The building’s administrators and Harvard Yard Operations could not be reached for comment Monday evening.
Rabbi Jonah C. Steinberg, executive director of Harvard Hillel, condemned the act of vandalism, calling it inconsistent with “the spirit of respect that generally prevails at Harvard.”
Steinberg, who said that he did not know of the incident until The Crimson reached out to him for comment, said that he was not sure what could have compelled a person to graffiti a building with a symbol so often associated with racial bigotry.
“One can only feel pity for someone who is compelled to express hatred in such a way,” Steinberg said.
He added that he plans to bring the incident to the attention of the College chaplains, who he expects will collectively issue a response to the incident.
Like Steinberg, Emily S. Unger ’13, incoming chair of the Harvard College Progressive Jewish Alliance, said that she was not aware of the incident until informed by The Crimson.
“This is the first instance of anti-Semitism that I think I’ve seen while at Harvard,” Unger said. “I just hope that the Harvard community will come together in response to this and make it clear to the world that this is not acceptable in our eyes. It is not something that we will tolerate.”
Unger said that she thought the College should release a statement condemning the act of vandalism and the implicit meaning behind such a symbol.
“There’s nothing more strongly anti-Semitic than a swastika,” Unger said.
—Staff writer Hana N. Rouse can be reached at hrouse@college.harvard.edu