Showing posts with label Winston Churchill. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Winston Churchill. Show all posts

May 15, 2016

World War Documentary Provides Way To Learn About War

[From article]
In the mid-1990s, 50 years after the end of World War II, the American essayist Lee Sandlin asked friends what they knew about the conflict. To his surprise, “Nobody could tell me the first thing about it. Once they got past who won they almost drew a blank. All they knew were those big totemic names—Pearl Harbor, D day, Auschwitz, Hiroshima—whose unfathomable reaches of experience had been boiled down to an abstract atrocity. The rest was gone. . . . What had happened, for instance, at one of the war’s biggest battles, the Battle of Midway? It was in the Pacific, there was something about aircraft carriers. Wasn’t there a movie about it, one of those Hollywood all-star behemoths in which a lot of admirals look worried while pushing toy ships around a map?” For Sandlin, this broad ignorance demonstrated “how vast the gap is between the experience of war and the experience of peace . . . . [N]obody back home has ever known much about what it was like on the battlefield.”
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Seventy years after its end, World War II, the definitive event of the twentieth century and perhaps of the entire modern age, remains enormously consequential, as the West was reminded in 2014, when Vladimir Putin annexed Crimea and menaced independent Ukraine, dredging up in the process unresolved conflicts involving the Nazis.
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Documentary may prove to be the most likely form in which younger generations first learn about the war. If so, the place to look for the definitive treatment isn’t forward but backward, to The World at War, a 23-hour opus that debuted in Britain and the United States in fall 1973 [. . .] Over 40 years later, though, the film remains vital, even as subsequent scholarship has made its omissions more apparent. In an age in which every impetus pushes us toward screens, rather than pages, The World at War can help us understand something, at least, about the deadliest conflict in history.
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Consisting of 26 episodes, each 52 minutes in length, it covers the rise of Hitler and the Nazis, the outbreak of war in Europe, the fall of France and the Battle of Britain, and the German invasion of the Soviet Union; Japanese expansionism in the Pacific, the attack on Pearl Harbor, and the early Pacific war against the United States; the U-boat war in the Atlantic and the North African, Italian, and Burmese campaigns; life on the home fronts in Nazi Germany, Britain, the Soviet Union, Japan, and the United States; the fighting on the Eastern Front, the greatest land battle in history; the Allies’ invasion of France and push eastward to Berlin, as well as the collapse of the Third Reich; the sanguinary battles on the Pacific islands; and the Holocaust, the Bomb, and the aftermath. Though most illuminating when seen together, the episodes are freestanding and can be watched in any order.
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“We’d gone to war for the defense of Poland,” says Lord Boothby, but “in the event, we did nothing to help Poland at all. We never lifted a finger.” Amid British failures in the Norwegian campaign of spring 1940, Neville Chamberlain is replaced as prime minister by Winston Churchill—who, as first lord of the admiralty, had played a key role in these failures. In “France Falls,” we watch as refugees—mothers with babies, old women—make their way on the roads of northern France. One girl, perhaps ten, walks with a wooden leg and cane while helping her younger sibling. We see the German entry into Paris, and Hitler’s lone visit to the capital, where he stares blankly at the Eiffel Tower. And we watch as the Nazis parade into Paris.
Alone” chronicles the Battle of Britain, as London and other British cities are bombarded by the Luftwaffe. Civilians take cover, some in the subway system. Middle-aged survivors gather in a pub to swap recollections. “The bomb that hit you, you never heard,” one says. “You can get used to anything,” says another. A man remembers seeing Churchill walk down Green Street in London, where he came upon a group of women trying to recover belongings from a destroyed home. “We can take it,” the prime minister told them. “We’re the ones taking it, mister!” they shouted back. [. . .] Couples wearing gas masks dance the jitterbug.
The war’s immense scale is best captured in the material covering the Eastern Front. “The Red Army in 1941,” Olivier tells us, “was the largest in the world—in tanks it outnumbered, in airplanes it equaled the rest of the world’s armies put together.” But in the first few days of Barbarossa—the initial German invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941—the Wehrmacht destroyed 2,000 Russian planes, most on the ground, shutting down the Soviet air force. The Germans wiped out 6,000 Russian tanks in two battles in July. Half a million Russians died in the first two weeks of the invasion. By the end of September, nearly 3 million had perished. No country but the Soviet Union could have withstood these losses. Hitler’s plans called for victory within four months, but the Germans stalled near Moscow with the arrival of the Russian winter, for which its troops were ill equipped. And Stalin had more manpower to call upon: his elite Siberian divisions. They ski into the frame, fully armed, called to the defense of Moscow.
In “Stalingrad,” covering the gigantic battle that raged from August 1942 to February 1943, the German Sixth Army at first routs Soviet forces, but the Russians, their resistance more effective than the previous year, turn to urban warfare and house-to-house fighting—“gangster methods,” one German soldier complained. Still, the Sixth Army pins Soviet forces against the banks of the Volga River, and the Luftwaffe turns the city into a heaping ruin. Once again, though, the Germans, losing 20,000 men a week, cannot administer the killing blow before the weather turns, and the German Sixth is eventually encircled by two Soviet armies. Joyous Red Army troops embrace one another—but Olivier informs us that the joining up of the eastern and western armies had happened so quickly that the Soviets had “no time to film it.”
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The Sixth Army’s commander, Friedrich Paulus, signals Hitler: “Troops without munitions or food. Effective command no longer possible. Collapse inevitable. Army requests permission to surrender in order to save lives of remaining troops.” Hitler responds: “The Sixth Army will do its historic duty at Stalingrad until the last man.” Hitler had expected Paulus to shoot himself; instead, the general surrendered. Amazed, General Shumilov asks Paulus for proof of his identity and proof of his command of the Sixth Army. “Germans are funny fellows,” a Russian soldier says. “Coming to conquer Stalingrad in shiny leather boots. They thought it would be a joyride.”
In 1930, says Marquis Kido, billed as the “emperor’s chief adviser,” Japan “entered what might be called her convulsive period of history.” Ultranationalists took power and transformed the military through the “patriotic societies.” We see footage of these young men training in martial arts and other disciplines; their fanaticism conjures ISIS. Confident after its conquest of Manchuria in 1931, Japan invaded China in July 1937, taking Peking and Shanghai, before advancing up the Yangtze toward China’s then-capital, Nanking, where in December the army committed one of the century’s infamous atrocities, slaughtering hundreds of thousands of Chinese. Japanese troops shoot victims execution-style. “Even the Nazis were shocked,”
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at Pearl Harbor, the Japanese had destroyed much of America’s Pacific fleet—but not a single U.S. aircraft carrier, since those vessels were out at sea on December 7. At Midway, American planes launched from those same carriers destroyed four of the Japanese carriers that had launched the Pearl Harbor attack. The smashing victory, accomplished in the “fatal five minutes” that saw all four Japanese carriers ignited by American bombs, put an end to Japanese advances in the Pacific and set the stage for Allied victory.
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The war had turned against Japan and its ally Germany. Hitler spent more time at his “wolf’s lair” in the German countryside, where, in 1944, the plot to kill him came within a whisker of succeeding. But the generals’ plot was not the only form of resistance. Some Germans hid Jews from the Gestapo. One, Christabel Bielenberg, sheltered a Jewish couple in her cellar. Fearing for her children, she told them that it could only be for two days. Awaking on the third day, she found that the couple had already gone. They were apprehended trying to buy a rail ticket, and sent to Auschwitz. Wringing her hands in memory 30 years later, she says: “Hitler had turned me into a murderer.” Emmie Bonhoeffer remembers friends’ reactions when she tells them that Jews are being sent to their deaths: hold your tongue, they say, or they’ll send you away, too, and your children. “A dictatorship is like a snake,” her husband warns her. “If you put your foot on its tail, it will just bite you. You have to strike the head.”

Whether it’s footage of Russian soldiers in the Battle of Kursk, crawling on their bellies to avoid bombardment and cutting through German fortifications with what look like lopping shears, or desperate scenes shot inside German U-boats under attack from depth charges; or testimonies, ranging from Traudl Junge, Hitler’s secretary, giving intimate details of the Führer’s final days in the bunker, to a surviving Japanese soldier, who remembers the bitterness he felt when, going off to what he felt was his certain death, he receives a good-luck belt from a young woman and wonders why she can’t just sleep with him instead, The World at War’s richness of detail rewards repeated viewings.
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“Down this road, on a summer day in 1944, the soldiers came. Nobody lives here now. They stayed only a few hours. When they had gone, the community which had lived for a thousand years was dead. This is Oradour-sur-Glane, in France. The day the soldiers came, the people were gathered together. The men were taken to garages and barns, the women and children were led down this road, and they were driven into this church. Here, they heard the firing as their men were shot. Then, they were killed, too. A few weeks later, many of those who had done the killing were themselves dead, in battle. They never rebuilt Oradour. Its ruins are a memorial. Its martyrdom stands for thousand upon thousand of other martyrdoms in Poland, in Russia, in Burma, in China, in a World at War.”
[. . .]
“Bread was now made with sweepings, cattle cake, sawdust. People ate soap, linseed oil, the paste for wallpaper. Frozen and silent, Leningrad refused to die.”
“The Germans murdered Jews and Communists. They murdered those suspected of supporting the partisans. They murdered hostages. After battle, in retreat, they just murdered.”
“Russia was saved by its soldiers and by its people. But in the earth, never to welcome the coming of peace, lay 20 million dead.”
“Germany was an ant heap some giant had kicked to pieces.”
Perhaps the most vivid example of this frugal eloquence comes at the end of “Inside the Reich,” where Germany’s crumbling fortunes spark the creation of the Volkssturm, or “people’s storm”—a rounding up of every remaining male to fight for the fatherland. We see thousands being sworn in, and then Goebbels speaks, exhorting them “never to strike our colors and surrender like cowards” (Goebbels, who would poison his six children, pronouncing on cowardice!). Goebbels then reviews the men parading by.
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Though most of the political and military participants were practiced at speaking with media, the ordinary civilians were not. Born early in the twentieth century—and some in the nineteenth—they don’t talk in the more self-conscious manner of interviewees today, who, even if anonymous, are familiar with the ubiquity of video, the vague notion that we could all be recorded at any moment. They suggest a bygone world, and they remind us that The World at War was made before documentaries were thought of as “movies.”
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It is a disarming experience, in one’s living room, to watch and listen to former SS officers; to Hitler’s valet; and to Albert Speer, Hitler’s architect and munitions chief, who had narrowly escaped execution at Nuremberg. Released from Spandau Prison in 1966, he appears in several installments, lending the film inside perspectives available nowhere else but prompting, at least in this viewer, a recurring question: Shouldn’t you be dead?
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When the series debuted, the Holocaust had not attained the cultural preeminence it now holds. The 32-minute French documentary Night and Fogappeared in 1955. The 1961 Hollywood drama Judgment at Nuremberg became one of the first mainstream films to show footage of the camps. But by and large, few Holocaust films had garnered even a fraction of the audience that Schindler’s List would one day command. And, though Holocaust denial was already well under way, no major program about the event had ever been shown in Britain, let alone in prime time.
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Eventually, “Genocide” becomes the story of survivors. Avraham Kochavi, a Polish Jew and Auschwitz survivor, describes the conditions of the railway cars that transported Jews to the camps and how, concerned with protecting his father, he beat other passengers to keep them away. “I didn’t care about the suffering of others, their cries, their threats—only that father should get up.” Another Polish Jew, Rivka Yosilevska, tells an inconceivable story of surviving a mass shooting, at which her mother, father, sister, and young daughter—who was forced out of her arms—were murdered. Yosilevska spent an entire night in a pile of corpses, alive. Czechoslovakian Jew Rudolf Vrba, who, incredibly, escaped from Auschwitz and authored a famous report on the camp, watched as lorries transported a group of Jewish women, already skeletal, to the gas chambers. Some cried out in terror; others tried to jump out of the lorries. A rabbi’s son, Moshe Sonnenshein, standing with Vrba, called out: “God—show them your power—this is against you!” But “nothing happened,” Vrba remembered. Sonnenshein then cried: “There is no God.”
The unfortunate souls whom Boch had described separating the dead in the gas chamber were members of the Sonderkommando, Jewish death-camp inmates tasked with hauling bodies, burying corpses, and the like. To cooperate was to survive another day. “No one who hasn’t gone through such a thing,” says Dov Paisikovic, a Hungarian Jew, “can imagine what the will to live is; what a moment of life is. Every person, without exception, is capable of doing the worst things just to live another minute.” He relates how the victims fought one another during the gassings to try to survive.
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Paisikovic concludes: “When the Americans entered, I weighed 42 kilos . . . . I bless every day that I continue to live because every day that I live is pure profit . . . . I was dead in the camp—and reborn after the liberation.”

Liberation did come, in 1945, for survivors of the camps and of the war itself, though the years ahead saw plentiful suffering, especially for inhabitants of what historian Timothy Snyder calls the bloodlands—the swath of Eastern Europe between Berlin and Moscow, subject to the brutalities of both Hitler and Stalin. These and other agonies—of those bombed to death or deformity, slaughtered or enslaved, mistreated or maligned—have become an increasing focus of cultural memory and scholarship. The World at War offers enough military history to please traditionalists, but it also focuses intently on human costs, reflecting some of the transition already under way in the early 1970s, when the full breadth of this catalog of savagery was not yet understood. (The Soviet archives hadn’t been opened, for example.) By now, fascination with human victims and Allied (not just Axis) sins can overwhelm other considerations, especially regarding the brute reality of the war’s necessity.
In this context, the appearance of the series’ lone historian—a thirtysomething, long-haired Stephen Ambrose—is compelling. Perhaps Isaacs reconsidered his reluctance to use historians; maybe the cataclysm needed some framing, after all. Ambrose offers a timeless judgment: “The most important single result of World War II is that the Nazis were crushed. The militarists in Japan were crushed. The fascists in Italy were crushed. Surely justice has never been better served.” This was not triumphalism but empiricism. Ambrose’s words were broadcast just as the relative hopefulness of the postwar era had begun to sour. Britain was headed for a strife-ridden period of inflation and labor unrest, and the United States, already scarred from Vietnam, had Watergate and other woes to face. The generation that won the war felt the ground shifting under its feet. Ambrose’s verdict sounds almost preemptive now, like an attempt to shore up a people’s self-confidence: Whatever else you’re going to apologize for, don’t apologize for ridding the world of these monsters. Yet 40 years later, we’re less certain about everything—sometimes, it seems, even about this.
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War can never fully translate to those who don’t experience it, but The World at War is a valuable primer on the objective truths of what occurred and the realities that those truths imposed. The more elusive truths, of meaning and morality, we’re still working out.

The Greatest Documentary
The World at War, a 1973 series, remains an essential primer on history’s deadliest conflict.
Paul Beston
Spring 2016

January 5, 2016

History Repeating Itself Before World War III

[From article]
A crucial moment came in 1940, before general war broke out, when the British establishment finally saw through its own years of wishful denial. Hitler used those years to build overwhelming arms superiority, threatening and invading one country after another, spreading terror and fear through Europe while promising peace, peace, and more peace. After the "Norway debate" of 1940, Neville Chamberlain took public responsibility for his failures and resigned. Churchill was quickly asked to form the next government. He was ready, and the political establishment finally flipped on the very edge of disaster.

We are now living through an eerily similar moment. Jihadists use Nazi methods to terrify people long before they have the power to impose sharia tyranny. They work to win the psychological war long before they take over. Today, jihad is buying politicians in Europe and the U.S., with the constant promise of peace. We are seeing a sophisticated propaganda war against us, full of smiling agents of influence like CAIR, paving the way for jihad by the sword. These tactics were worked out long ago, when the early Mohammedan jihadists conquered the Persian and Byzantine Empires, the greatest powers of the time.
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Peaceful peoples have a hard time even imagining deadly danger, and most European countries just collapsed from the terror and intimidation that Hitler spread. French resistance to the Blitzkrieg lasted only a few weeks before the government surrendered and fled to Vichy.
Aggressors like the Nazis and jihadists try to win long before open battle breaks out. They win by terror. That is the goal of jihad today.
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If France, Britain, Czechoslovakia, and Poland had found the courage to stand together, Hitler would have been too weak to attack. He psyched out his victims one by one, snatching the closest ones while telling the rest about his peaceful intentions. The suckers believed him. They fell for it every single time, until 1940 or so.
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Donald Trump, Popular Person

Serious people like Admiral James Lyons are publicly warning about jihadist infiltration of our intelligence establishment. We can see it with our own eyes in the Obama crowd and with Hillary's personal aide, Huma Abedin. The evidence is at your fingertips if you have the courage to see it.
Jihad infiltration is not hard to see. But for ignorant and avoidant people, it is hard to believe. Jihad strategy is based on peaceful peoples being stuck in deep denial until it is too late.
Donald Trump may be a figure of fun for the U.S. political class, but his message is Winston Churchill's, and the danger he warns about is just as real.
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The media-power class are deeply invested in the Big Lie, which is why they fear the truth. They will be the last to admit what we all know.
"War is deception," said Sun Tzu. If that is true, the truth-tellers are the most important people today. Even if the corrupt media greet the truth with ridicule. The media class are not on our side. The Donald Trumps and the truth-tellers are. That's the secret to Trump's popularity.

January 5, 2016
Jihad, Trump, and the Lessons of Churchill
By James Lewis

March 30, 2015

White House Ignores Churchill-like Warnings About Iran

Shah Reza Pahlavi of Iran

[From article]
Against ferocious opposition at home and abroad, [the White House] is about to repeat the grievous mistake of appeasing Iran that Carter made over three decades ago and do even more geopolitical damage than [Carter] wreaked in 1979.
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On February 1, 1979, two weeks after the cancer-ridden Shah of Iran left his country in the hands of a caretaker as he wandered the world in search of treatment, his fanatical opponent, Islamist cleric Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, returned from his 14-year Parisian exile and within a week had engineered the overthrow of the shah’s feeble substitute and installed his own puppet regime. Not only did Iran’s Islamists hail the ayatollah’s return; Carter’s United Nations ambassador, the painfully naïve Andrew Young, lauding Islam as “a vibrant cultural force in today’s world,” prophesied that the ayatollah himself—with ferocious indignation flashing from his eyes and bristling from his beard under his sharia-chic turban—would prove “somewhat of a saint.” On February 15, the saintly imam began murdering Iran’s officer corps, and on April Fool’s Day, which he called “the first day of a government of God,” he declared his nation an Islamic republic. In mid-May, the U.S. Senate condemned Iran’s systematic slaughter of its officers, a rebuke Iran met by recalling its ambassador from Washington. By July, mullahs began publicly taking control of the government.
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on November 4, a mob of “students” invaded and seized the American embassy in Tehran and took its 68 employees hostage, though they soon released the 15 women and African-Americans, and later set free another hostage suffering from multiple sclerosis. The other 52 Americans endured 444 days of captivity.
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What the president should have done, as was clear even then, was simple and traditional. He should have told the mullahs that they had 48 hours to release our citizens unharmed, or else we would leave not one stone standing on another in the “holy” city of Qom. We then should have leafleted the city with warnings to the population to flee. And, were the hostages not released, we should have done what we threatened to do. And were they not released at that point, we should have made the same threat against Tehran.
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Being a world leader, however, sometimes requires making such harrowing choices. To prevent the powerful French fleet in Algeria from falling into Nazi hands after the 1940 Vichy surrender to Germany, British prime minister Winston Churchill ordered the Royal Navy to seize or sink it, if its commanders did not get it out of Nazi reach, thus protecting Britain’s vital mastery of the seas. A single pigheaded French admiral failed to choose any of the three honorable options Churchill offered. As a result, 1,297 innocent French sailors went to their watery graves after the British fleet opened fire on July 3, with 977 dying in the first 15 minutes. Also as a result, skeptical Americans finally came to believe that Churchill wasn’t kidding when he said that the British would never surrender, and the U. S. government took a giant step closer to joining the war. As sociologist Max Weber warned, anyone who wants to keep his hands clean should stay out of politics, because politics ultimately rests on the force and violence necessary to repel force and violence against one’s countrymen. And force and violence, however legitimate and productive of ultimate good, also produce evil in the process.
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the mullahs have been avid supporters of Islamic terrorism, and with their enthusiastic backing of Hezbollah, they have become state sponsors of terrorism, as well.
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So now President Obama wants to make an agreement that will ensure that Iran can produce an atom bomb essentially overnight. He has not seen fit to explain his reasoning to the American people, and it is hard to imagine what it might be. But all I can think of is Churchill’s rebuke to Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain when he returned from his infamous appeasement of Hitler in Munch in 1938. “You were given the choice between war and dishonor,” Churchill thundered in Parliament. “You chose dishonor, and you will have war.” Certainly President Obama is choosing dishonor. What kind of war he might unleash, the world watches with dread.

Iran and the Lessons of History
With the pending nuclear deal, Obama courts dishonor—and possibly war.
March 22, 2015

March 12, 2015

A White House Different From Churchill and Reagan

[From article]
what if it had been Barack Revere! Prepare to be dazzled.
If Obama had been able to apply his intricate, coruscating mind to the situation, he might have cried out, as he galloped through the streets that fateful night:
Good evening, everybody! I want to say a few words on a number of topics and take a few questions! First, beginning with the No. 1 thing most Americans care about — the British are — well, it would tempting to say they’re “coming,” but that would be painting with too broad a brush. Is the entire British Empire coming? Is Bombay coming? Bengal? The Turks & Caicos? This is something I just recently heard about on the evening news! The truth is, “We found out that certain forces are marshaling.” We are not at war with the British Empire. We are at war with people who have perverted the British Empire! Our military action has to be part of a broader, comprehensive strategy to protect America’s working families and strengthen the middle class! And that starts with the Minutemen building on the progress that they’ve made so far and forming an inclusive force that will unite their towns and strengthen their security forces! And I’ve asked Secretary Kerry to continue to build the coalition that’s needed to meet this threat. Which, by the way, is COMING!
[. . .] Churchill’s much-slobbered-over [. . .] “We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.”
How would Prime Minister Obama rally the nation?
I put forward in the past an all-of-the-above war strategy, but our war strategy must be about more than just winning one war. And, by the way, it’s certainly got to be about more than just taking one beach. Now, I know there’s been a lot of controversy surrounding the proposal to fight on the beaches because any number of natural habitats would be disturbed and permanently endangered if beaches are to be used as a venue for armed conflict. There are, for example, 19 different nesting birds on South Coast beach alone. And the EPA, at my direction, is going through the final stages of evaluating the proposal. That’s how it’s always been done.

Barack Obama: A man for the ages!

Ann Coulter Wednesday Mar 11, 2015 10:44 PM

January 15, 2015

Minimizing Threat Because of Size Of Terrorist Groups, Is Extremely Dangerous, See History

[From article]
British Islamist Anjem Choudary made one of the most important and revealing yet little-mentioned statements in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo terrorist attack last week. The imam tweeted, “Muslims love the Messenger Muhammad more than their parents, children and even themselves! Why don’t people understand?”
[. . .]
if world leaders do not wake up from their dangerously naïve, self-induced comas just as the terrorist sleeper cells are stirring from their slumber, Charlie Hebdo and the terror attacks at the Parisian kosher butcher shop and Sydney chocolate store will become commonplace across the globe for many years to come.
Obama continues to whitewash the global threat of Islamic fundamentalism. He initially refused to call the Charlie Hebdo massacre “terrorism.” Once he finally did, his statement ridiculously claimed that the attack was the “senseless violence of a few.”
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But coming from the guy who promised that if you like your doctor, you could keep your doctor (among other doozies), making false and grandiose assertions to sell the country a bill of goods is simply par for the course (for our Golfer-in-Chief).
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Brigitte Gabriel explained:
There are 1.2 billion Muslims in the world today – of course not all of them are radicals! The majority of them are peaceful people. The radicals are estimated to be between 15 to 25 percent. … But when you look at 15 to 25 percent of the world Muslim population, you’re looking at 180 million to 300 million people dedicated to the destruction of western civilization. That is as big as the United States.
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After pointing out that the majority of Germans, Russians, Chinese, and Japanese were peaceful people, and yet radicals from those countries still murdered tens of millions of people, Gabriel observed, “The peaceful majority were irrelevant.”
What is relevant is what our government is ignoring.
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It is arrogance when someone with little knowledge of a topic takes to the bully pulpit and makes false assertions as if an expert. When our president does so, it is dangerous. When he does so with national security, he becomes an accomplice to an existential threat to our country’s long-term viability. When Obama claims, “ISIL is not ‘Islamic.’ No religion condones the killing of innocents,” he is willfully shirking his responsibility to defend our nation.
Obama’s platitudes and assertions that only a rogue “few” are terrorists, fly in the face of reality.
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The terrorists have no problem identifying their enemy and developing a plan to defeat them. The people entrusted with our national security whitewash, pander, and lie.
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Our leaders do not acknowledge with whom we are dealing.
Obama has spent six years extending his open hand to Iran’s mullahs and the past year negotiating a deal that will likely lead to Iran obtaining a nuclear weapon.
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In his work, Sun Tzu stated:
If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.
Barack Obama refuses to identify our enemy.
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no recognition that we are fighting a war pitting civilization against barbarism.
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Our enemy recognizes that we are under the leadership of the man who bowed to the Saudi king, praised Islam before the Muslim Brotherhood in Cairo, jailed an innocent man for making a YouTube video about Islam, and took to the world stage to “boldly” pronounce, “The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam.” They see a tired people who did not have the fortitude to stay the course in Iraq and Afghanistan and who elected a weak leader twice despite his trashing of our allies and reaching out to our enemies.
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A recent study by the Center for Immigration Studies concluded that the rise in immigrants from Muslim countries poses a national security threat. The administration announced that it will be expanding resettlement of Syrian refugees, as well hiring Fatima Noor, a Muslim woman who dons a hijab, as a special assistant at Homeland Security tasked with bringing in more Muslim immigrants. With at least six Muslim Brotherhood operatives working for the administration (and the recent appointment by Nancy Pelosi of the first Muslim representative to the House Intelligence Committee), this new addition should be no surprise.
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Golda Meir recognized decades ago that “[w]e will only have peace with the Arabs when they love their children more than they hate us.”
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Churchill’s quotes warning of the rise of the Third Reich that fell upon deaf ears. He stated:
I cannot recall at any time when the gap between the kind of words which statesmen used and what was actually happening in many countries was so great as it is now. The habit of saying smooth things and uttering pious platitudes and sentiments to gain applause, without relation to the underlying facts, is more pronounced now than it has ever been in my experience.

January 15, 2015
Coming to America: A Terrorist Cell Near You
By Lauri B. Regan

June 5, 2014

Going Rogue at 1600

[From article]
What Winston Churchill said of Secretary of State John Foster Dulles — that he was a bull who carried his own china shop around with him — is true of Susan Rice, who is, to be polite, accident-prone . When in September 2012 she was deputed to sell to the public the fable that the Benghazi attack was just an unfortunately vigorous movie review — a response to an Internet video — it could have been that she, rather than Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, was given this degrading duty because Rice was merely U.N. ambassador, an ornamental position at an inconsequential institution. Today, however, Rice is Barack Obama’s national security adviser, so two conclusions must be drawn.
Perhaps she did not know, in advance of the swap of five terrorists for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, the, shall we say, ambiguities about Bergdahl’s departure from his platoon in Afghanistan and the reportedly deadly consequences of his behavior. If so, then she has pioneered a degree of incompetence exotic even for this 10-thumbed administration. If, however, she did know and still allowed Obama to present this as a mellow moment of national satisfaction, she is condign punishment for his choice of such hirelings.
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The 44th president, channeling — not for the first time — the 37th (in his post-impeachment conversation with David Frost), may say: “When the president does it, that means that it is not illegal.” Already the administration says events dictated a speed that precluded complying with the law.
This explanation should be accorded open-minded, but not empty-minded, consideration. It should be considered in light of the fact that as the Veterans Affairs debacle continued, Obama went to Afghanistan to hug some troops, then completed the terrorists-for-Bergdahl transaction. And in light of the fact that Obama waged a seven-month military intervention in Libya’s civil war without complying with the law (the War Powers Resolution) that requires presidents to terminate within 60 to 90 days a military action not authorized or subsequently approved by Congress.
[. . .]
This episode will be examined by congressional committees, if they can pierce the administration’s coming cover-up, which has been foreshadowed by the response to congressional attempts to scrutinize the politicization of the Internal Revenue Service. If the military stalls on turning over files to Congress pertaining to the five years of Bergdahl’s absence, we will at least know that there is no national institution remaining to be corrupted.

When a president goes rogue
By George F. Will
Published: June 4, 2014

April 30, 2014

UK Politician Arrested For Reading Churchill Speech

[From article]
a candidate for Member of the European Parliament, was arrested Saturday, hauled off in a police van, and could face two years in prison. All for reading a passage from Winston Churchill’s book, The River War, regarding Islam:
[. . .]
Point out problematic aspects of Islam, and the British state's response is "F--- off, or I'll arrest you."

April 28, 2014
UK politician arrested for quoting Churchill, could face 2 years in prison
Thomas Lifson

March 9, 2011

Churchill's Criticism Applies to Cambridge and to MA

"Compact oligarchies operating through a privileged party and a political police," sounds like Massachusetts and Cambridge.

[From article]
The ruling communist parties were, Churchill said, "all embracing police governments," ruled "either by dictators or by compact oligarchies operating through a privileged party and a political police." This was certainly not, he said, "the liberated Europe we fought to build up."

Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill

To rally the West
Churchill's historic warning
New York Post
Last Updated: 6:13 AM, March 5, 2011
Posted: 9:46 PM, March 4, 2011

August 8, 2010

Churchill, Unique Leader

[From article]
"There can never be "an understanding" with an ideology that despises democracy.
[. . .]
Churchill recognized that rallying his citizenry was just part of his job as a war leader. He was prepared to authorize the use of every weapon at his disposal to keep the enemy at bay and to destroy his ability to invade the British homeland."

Never surrender: Churchill, donning a flying helmet during pivotal battle summoned his nation's spirit, and resources, at key moment. -
Never surrender: Churchill, donning a flying helmet during pivotal battle summoned his nation's spirit, and resources, at key moment.

A test of courage

Battle of Britain's timely lesson

Last Updated: 4:30 AM, July 31, 2010

Posted: 12:29 AM, July 31, 2010

December 3, 2009

War Makes Strange Allies

"Asked how he could justify cooperating with the Communist mass murderer Josef Stalin as an ally against Hitler, Winston Churchill replied, 'If Hitler invaded Hell, I'd at least try to make a favorable reference to the Devil.'"

Afghanistan: How to win
Principles for the president
New York Post
Last Updated: 7:44 AM, December 3, 2009
Posted: 1:04 AM, December 3, 2009