Showing posts with label Politicians. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Politicians. Show all posts

June 14, 2016

Cambridge, MA City Councilor Explains Orlando Terrorism

More evidence that among the morally superior victim class of elected officials in Cambridge, Massachusetts, bigotry toward persons with disabilities remains acceptable. Saying "you very clearly have someone who was mentally unstable," about the Orlando Muslim mass murderer, shows his absolute arrogance. Is he speaking for all Muslims? As a Muslim does he have special knowledge about how all Muslims think? Candidate Donald Trump was attacked for suggesting that Judge Gonzalo Curiel might be biased due to his Hispanic heritage. How does that conflict with employing a politician who is openly Muslim to explain why a devout Muslim American citizen killed 50 and injured 53? Is he expert in criminal justice? Did this politician examine the suspect, performing a psychiatric evaluation? Has he ever met the Muslim terrorist? Upon what does he base his diagnosis? Is the gentle Muslim City Councilor a psychiatrist too? If politicians are making psychiatric diagnoses, who needs psychiatrists? Is he saying that psychiatric illness causes terrorism, violence?

How does this Muslim politician explain reports that the Orlando gentleman terrorist visited the Pulse nightclub several times before he brought his guns and killed? How does he explain that the Muslim terrorist's first wife says he was gay? How do those reports support the politician's conclusion he was unbalanced? Are gays unbalanced? Criminal planning is unbalanced?

[From article]
In this case, I think you very clearly have someone who was mentally unstable, someone who was abusive, someone who was violent.
[. . .]

I think employers, especially as a security guard training with guns, has some responsibility. Sure, if the mosque could’ve made some observations that would’ve been helpful, but this is someone who was kind of a loner ...

Cambridge city councilor talks Orlando fallout
Boston Herald Staff
Tuesday, June 14, 2016

May 31, 2016

Turn Toward Camera and Smile (Politicians Instructions at Press Conference)

[From article]
Rahm Emanuel is a close friend of Hillary (and Bill) Clinton, and as obsessed both political power and personal vengeance on his enemies. Having obtained the post of Mayor of Chicago, he is now presiding over an impossible fiscal crisis, required to raise taxes to unrealistic levels in order to pay off the bribes pension obligations exchanged with labor unions in return for voting support.
Like his pal Hillary, Rahm believes in scripting his responses to questions. Mark Konkol of DNAinfo exposes the degree to which this process is carried out, via a public records request that yielded gold:
The “Daily Press Guidance” prepared for Emanuel’s Dec. 30 news conference on a new police “use of force” policy was complete with “Today’s sound bites,” “In The News Today” topics and scripted responses to expected questions that read like a stage play.
For instance, if a reporter were to ask if the new policy is meant to tell police officers to “stand down? Not to do their jobs? Run from trouble?” the script calls for the mayor to say, “Absolutely not.”
Then the mayor’s “press guidance” includes this stage direction: “TURN TO JOHN,” a reference to then-acting police Supt. John Escalante, whose lines are also included in the script.
Half of the projected questions included in the script called for Emanuel to say a line or two and then “TURN TO JOHN.”

May 28, 2016
Public records request yields hilarious level of scripting used by Rahm Emanuel for a news conference
By Thomas Lifson

April 25, 2016

Orwellian Essay In Harvard Crimson, Conformist Politician Is Described As Unconventional

Councilor Mazen has yet to respond to Breitbart article that he is a founder of the MA Chapter of CAIR, blacklisted by the FBI because of its terrorist connections.

Councilor Mazen is unconventional as one of few children of upper class parents in politics, like George W. Bush, William Weld, John Kerry. Cambridge likes to elect children of working class parents, with exceptions. Most have an affiliation with Harvard University, e.g., former Mayor Ken Reeves. Mazen is different as a graduate of elite MIT. He supports policies that are conventional in Cambridge which explains his popularity with voters. His support for raising minimum wage, though conventional in Cambridge, is perplexing with his engineering expertise. Robots will be taking more and more jobs as wages rise.

Call Him Nadeem: Cambridge's Unconventional Politician
One thing is certain: Nadeem A. Mazen is not a traditional politician.
APRIL 24, 2016

April 13, 2016

Dropouts From Presidential Race. Where Are They Now?

Left to right. Rick Perry, Bobby Jindal, Scott Walker.

[From article]
Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal spends much of his time these days driving his children to sporting events. Former Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley plays guitar sing-alongs with college students. And Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker presented a proclamation at the World Dairy Expo to the 2015 "Cow of the Year".
Leaving the national spotlight can be a pride-swallowing experience for politicians who have grown accustomed to being in constant demand as guests on nationally televised Sunday shows. Some never recover their relevancy, and it can take them months or even years to adjust to their diminished statuses.
[. . .]
They've spent, in some cases decades, traveling back and forth between D.C. and their home district, constantly reminding their donors and constituents of what they've done for them, he said.
But unless a politician can find a compelling way to talk about ideas and the future he has a shelf-life in the media of about 18 months after leaving office, Tyler says.
[. . .]
But Tyler says Gingrich quickly became master at remaining relevant. He hasn't fallen into the politician's trap of hanging on to his past achievements, which limits a former politician s appeal to cable TV bookers and public speaking agencies.
"He doesn't sit there saying, 'when we passed the Contract for America... '. Even though that s a huge part of his legacy," Tyler said of Gingrich. "He's always been able to stay interesting It s sort of scary [that]... there are very few politicians or former politicians who are successful at this."
Staying relevant is a challenge for former campaign operatives, too, after their boss drops out of a presidential race.

Candidates who have dropped out of race face long, hard fall
Jonathan Swan
March 26, 2016

February 15, 2016

Trump More Like Citizen Kane, Than Lonesome Rhodes

[From article]
Marc Fisher’s Washington Post comparison of Donald Trump to 1957s A Face in the Crowd fictional movie character Larry “Lonesome” Rhodes, an anti-hero played brilliantly by Andy Griffith, is a superficial one at best.
[. . .]
Because Lonesome Rhodes wasn't the genuine article, comparing Trump to him reveals The Washington Post's essay is in actuality a propagandist smear piece. In truth, Lonesome Rhodes is much more like modern day Democrats: snake-oil salesmen who depend on the ignorance [. . .] of MSM-fed low information voters.
[. . .]
Is Mr. Trump presidential material? Only time will tell, but it is overtly cynical to compare The Donald to Lonesome Rhodes. An apt comparison is actually cinematic classic Citizen Kane, a man whose vast wealth fueled an even bigger ego, an obsessive need for public adoration and, like Trump, a birthright entitlement to high elective office.

February 11, 2016
Trump: Maybe Citizen Kane, but not Lonesome Rhodes
By David L. Hunter

January 27, 2016

Definitions By Politicians

Asking politicians to define their words is a fun academic exercise. I'd like to see the White House, Al "FBI loves me" Sharpton, Jesse "Show me the money" Jackson and Eric "White people are cowards" Holder define what they mean by racism.

January 27, 2016
What Does 'Great' Mean, Mr. Trump?
By Bruce Walker

November 30, 2015

Misguided Double Standard For Politicians and Israel

Great piece of propaganda. Outrage over MA state legislators traveling to Israel. But silence about City Councilors traveling under same legal gifts to other countries. Suggesting that state officials learn the legal system of Israel before going, is like Obama learning the legal system of indonesia or even France before going there. Oh, wait. He didn't do it. Israel and the letter writer cannot be believed but international sources can? The New York Times and the Boston Globe publish propaganda like this letter regularly. Are Israelis killing people because they are not Jewish? Non Jews can vote and hold office in Israel, a democracy. What is the situation in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Turkey, and Gaza? Under what system of international law is there such a thing as Palestinian land?

LETTER: Massachusetts senators should rethink Israel trip
Posted Nov. 30, 2015 at 1:43 PM
Updated at 1:46 PM
To the editor:
John and Kathy Roberts, Huron Avenue

November 13, 2015

Congresswoman Maxine Waters Reveals White House Personal Data Base on Politicians

[From article]
The president has put in place an organization with the kind of database that no one has ever seen before in life. That’s going to be very, very powerful. That database will have information about everything on every individual on ways that it’s never been done before and whoever runs for President on the Democratic ticket has to deal with that.
[. . .]

Foreign intelligence agencies also maintain files on American politicians. With widespread computer hacking they are obviously aware of activities that these politicians would prefer to keep secret. Would a foreign power hesitate to attempt to influence legislation? Within the government there are also competing power blocs that have embarrassing information. According to Edward Klein in his book Unlikeable: The Problem with Hillary, former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, told the president to, “Call off your (bleep) dogs.” She was more concerned about the damaging leaks of her emails than the investigation by the FBI. The Obama administration obviously has information that Hillary Clinton would prefer not to have made public. Hillary Clinton also has information that the Obama administration would prefer to keep secret.

November 6, 2015
Can Politicians be Manipulated?
By John Dietrich

August 19, 2015

Frisky Romantic Michigan Politicians Admit Affair, Won't Resign

Aug. 14, 2015: Representative Cindy Gamrat addresses the media with an apology at Abood Law Firm in Lansing, Mich.

[From article]
"I am sincerely sorry that I have disappointed so many by my actions," Gamrat said during a news conference at an East Lansing law firm representing her. Her husband, Joe, stood at her side.
Gamrat said she made "poor decisions" in her personal life and takes "full responsibility" for hurting her husband and three children but did nothing wrong in her official capacity as a lawmaker.
"I believe an open and honest investigation will vindicate me," she said, while leaving the door open to stepping down later. "I intend to continue to represent my district to the best of my ability, and I look forward to re-engaging with my constituents in the days ahead."

Michigan lawmaker says she won't quit over affair revelations
Published August 15, 2015
Associated Press
Fox News

* * *

The two legislators shared office space and aides, one of whom recorded a conversation with Courser where the politician said that he needed to 'inoculate the herd' against the news of his divorce with a 'ridiculous' story.

[From article]
Gamrat, a social conservative and Tea Party activist, took office in January.
Courser, a fellow freshman Tea Party representative who like Gamrat bases legislation on Christian beliefs, said this week he orchestrated a false, sexually explicit email to Republicans and reporters in May claiming he was caught having sex with a male prostitute to make the affair less believable if it got out.
He apologized in an audio statement but said he would not resign, saying he devised the email under intense pressure after a 'blackmailer' sent anonymous text messages demanding that he resign or the relationship would be exposed.
[. . .]
both Gamrat and Courser cite their Christian faith as an inspiration behind conservative policy platforms, had worked closely together and even shared office space and aides.
The pair were said to disappear from the office together for hours on Thursday afternoons
Gamrat said she shared staff with Courser to 'eliminate redundancy and save taxpayer dollars.'
At the press conference, she said that the shared-staff arrangement had ended and that her current relationship with Courser is 'professional'.

Tearful Michigan lawmaker confronts the cameras to apologize for her affair with Tea Party colleague - but REFUSES to resign after he made up a gay sex scandal to cover-up their relationship
Republican Rep. Cindy Gamrat, 42, of Plainwell said she would not resign
She broke down in tears in the midst of giving her filmed statement
Her husband, Todd, stood by her side as she spoke to reporters
Gamrat and GOP Rep Todd Courser, 43, of Lapeer, are subjects of a House investigation
The House is looking into whether they misused public resources to hide their relationship
Gamrat said she did not write or assist in sending the email that Courser had planned to release to protect Gamrat
The content of the email included fake story about Courser having sex with a gay prostitute behind a Lansing nightclub
By Kelly Mclaughlin For and Associated Press
Published: 15:41 EST, 14 August 2015 | Updated: 10:44 EST, 15 August 2015

May 20, 2015

PBS Feature on CIA Torture

What is humorous is two politicians suggesting that the CIA report is false and misleading. Isn't that what politicians do all the time? But also what film is accurate as history? And more, what history is accurate? Politicians write propaganda books as well and promote propaganda films. 

[From article]
Years later, the film is still controversial — especially given the 6,000-page senate report detailing the CIA’s “enhanced interrogation techniques” during the War on Terror that took place during the Bush administration from 2001 to 2006. That report, which revealed many disturbing facts about the extensive use of torture on CIA detainees, also indicates that none of the information received through torture led the CIA to the capture of Osama bin Laden.
Last night, six months after the Senate committee released a truncated, 525-page excerpt of the complete report (much of which remains classified), PBS’Frontline devoted an hour to how the CIA managed to legally clear the EIT program, how many of its architects still defend the torture practices, and how the organization influenced the depiction of its practices in Zero Dark Thirty.
[. . .]

Zero Dark Thirty, on the other hand, was billed as non-fiction — an act of cinematic journalism. It’s a film that the Frontline report argues is representative of the CIA’s version of events, especially considering that the source material was a collection of CIA-provided documents. Senator Feinstein admits in the Frontline report that she walked out of the film after twenty minutes, calling it “so false.” Former senator Udall openly calls it propaganda, especially since he and other senators had access to CIA documents that provided alternate realities.
[. . .]

Michael Isikoff, co-author of Hubris: The Inside Story of Spin, Scandal, and the Selling of the Iraq War, criticizes Bigelow’s film in the Frontline report, saying, “Movies like Zero Dark Thirty have a huge impact. More people see them and more people get their impressions about what happened from a movie like that than they do from countless news stories or TV spots.” And that’s entirely true, and the crux of the debate surrounding the film. Its filmmakers may argue that Zero Dark Thirty is a piece of journalism, but that’s dubious considering their limited sources (and the basic fact that people do not go to a multiplex for solid journalism). It’s a piece of art, and art is subjective; Zero Dark Thirty, then, is as morally ambiguous as the torture it displays on screen.
[. . .]
The subject of this debate is not whether torture is bad, but rather if the torture committed by CIA operatives was worth the immorality that comes along with it. History proves it wasn’t justified, and Zero Dark Thirty gives the impression that it was. If Zero Dark Thirty, then, offers the CIA’s version of the facts to a large audience, the accounts of recent history are uncomfortably misleading — which only proves worrisome for future generations who deserve an unmuddled understanding of the truth.

By Tyler Coates
May 20, 2015 11:45 AM

March 11, 2015

Former Governor and His Appointees Move On to Promoting Olympics For Cash

Former Massachusetts Governor shows where his heart lies -- in the money bag.

Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power. Abraham Lincoln

[From article]
Patrick, who has been tapped to serve as “global ambassador,” will join former members of his administration at the nonprofit group leading the Olympics charge, Boston 2024, including William “Mo” Cowan and Doug Rubin, both former chiefs of staff; Juliette Kayyem, his former secretary of homeland security; John Walsh, his former campaign manager; and Kyle Sullivan, a former spokesman. They join Patrick’s former transportation secretary Richard A. Davey, who is Boston 2024’s CEO.
The low-profile, end-of-week announcement that Patrick was the group’s latest in a series of high-profile political hires was made late Friday, possibly in an attempt to minimize backlash.
[. . .]
Evan Falchuk, head of the United Independent Party who is leading a push for a statewide Olympics ballot question, said he was disappointed Patrick is now involved in the bid.
“I think this puts Charlie Baker in a tight spot,” said Falchuk. “ There’s this very strange overlap between what is government and what is Boston 2024 and it is disturbing that there don’t seem to be clear lines between what’s what.”
Patrick will be paid based on where he travels and what services he performs, a Boston 2024 spokesman said. Some say he should follow the lead of former Bay State Gov. Mitt Romney, who is helping push the Boston bid for free and didn’t take a salary when he led Salt Lake City’s bid for the 2002 Winter Games.
“Having a governor just a few months out of office as a paid lobbyist for a project seeking public money certainly raises eyebrows,” Gray said. “My question is: if he believes in it, why not do it for free like Mitt Romney did?”

Boston Olympic bid may pit Patrick vs. Baker
Politics enter five-ring circus
Sunday, March 8, 2015
By: Owen Boss
Boston Herald

* * *

[From article]
Olympics opponents say Patrick’s new role as “global ambassador” and consultant creates the not-so-subtle impression that the state itself is backing the bid — while the average Joe doesn’t have a say, and the sitting governor, Charlie Baker, only learned about Patrick’s appointment from the media.
“It’s a brilliant hire for Boston 2024, as they can now trade on the power of a man who held the Corner Office. The problem is that the promises they’ll be making to the International Olympics Committee are ones for which Massachusetts taxpayers will ultimately be responsible,” said Kelley Gossett, co-chair of No Boston Olympics. “Boston 2024 needs more transparency and accountability, not more hired guns.”
Baker’s spokesman also reiterated the governor’s demand for transparency, suggesting the Corner Office is beginning to lose patience with Boston 2024’s high-handed approach.

Chabot: Hiring Deval for Olympics bid could cost big for taxpayers
Monday, March 9, 2015
By: Hillary Chabot
Boston Herald

* * *

[From article]
As if the evidence wasn’t already overwhelming that this proposed Olympic boondoggle is nothing more than a shadow hackerama for unemployable layabouts, now the most incompetent governor in state history is burying his snout in the “nonprofit” trough.
Deval Patrick — the gift that keeps on taking, as somebody said on the Internet yesterday.
[. . .]
If you’re indicted, you’re invited.

Carr: Deval’s gang in place for 2024 hackerama
Sunday, March 8, 2015
By: Howie Carr
Boston Herald

* * *

[From article]
Former Gov. Deval Patrick, who scored a $7,500-a-day consulting gig with Boston 2024, will walk a fine ethical line as he and members of his former inner circle lobby for the Summer Games — a bid that will require public money for infrastructure upgrades.
“The governor and Secretary (Richard) Davey and all the top ex-officials have to be very careful about not crossing the ethical line of lobbying their (former) agencies and using their position to influence them,” said Greg Sullivan, former state inspector general, now at the Pioneer Institute. “There’s a prospective problem with the top brass of state government lobbying the very agencies they led for funding.”

Deval Patrick, pals facing an ethical challenge
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
By: Chris Cassidy, Richard Weir
Boston Herald

February 25, 2015

Abraham Lincoln and Politicians Overrode Supreme Court On Slavery

From article]
America is at a constitutional crossroads. The federal courts are threatening radically to revise the family law of all fifty states. There is no Constitutional justification for them to do so. If we don't stop them the American experiment will be at an end. We will lapse back into government by an insular aristocracy, exactly what we waged the Revolutionary War to escape.
Most observers now expect the Supreme Court to rule this year that the Constitution forbids states to define marriage as including only relationships between members of opposite sexes.
[. . .]
No homosexual partners can ever fulfill the mission of a marriage. Members of the same sex can't produce children together. They can, as leftists never tire of pointing out, adopt. Sometimes, in the absence of a better alternative, adoption by same-sex partners may be in the best interests of a particular child. But human beings crave close contact with both a mother and a father. No two men can ever give a child a mother. No two women can ever give a child a father. Some homosexual partners raise children, but they never do so in the circumstances society, for very good reason, prefers.
The argument that the law should treat heterosexual and homosexual relationships as equal is absurd.
[. . .]
Reading the Constitution to require that the law be blind to the distinction between something essential and something extraneous is inane.
Unfortunately, that inanity has gotten popular with our legal elite. A cadre of deranged jurists has decided that mothers don't matter, fathers don't matter, men and women are interchangeable and there is nothing special about marriage that states are entitled to recognize.
[. . .]
In fact, the GOP was founded to nullify a Supreme Court decision closely analogous to Windsor. The 1860 presidential campaign was principally about whether the federal government would continue following that decision. Abraham Lincoln's victory ensured that it wouldn't.
The case was Dred Scott v. Sandford, in which Chief Justice Taney proclaimed that the United States had no power to restrict slavery in federal territories. This was almost as absurd as Justice Kennedy's pronouncement in Windsor that the federal government lacks the power to define the terms in its own statutes.
[. . .]
Both Dred Scott and Windsor were foolish attempts to resolve contentious political issues by arbitrary judicial decree. When judges invade politics in that fashion it is up to the politicians to defend their turf. That's what happened with Dred Scott and slavery.
[. . .]
Republicans governed as they had promised. They defied the Supreme Court and banned slavery outright in all federal territories as the prelude to the Emancipation Proclamation and the 13th amendment.
[. . .]
When the Court oversteps its bounds it is up to elected officials to smack it down and up to the people to demand that they do so.

February 25, 2015
Same Sex Marriage and Dred Scott
By J. Peter Mulhern

December 19, 2014

University Presidents Share Qualities of Politicians

Roger Morris, in his book, Partners in Power, about the Clintons, suggests that the preferred leader is  weak with relaxed rectitude. It applies to the public, private and academic communities. 

[From article]
University presidents love to form study committees -- they embrace them almost with the same glee exhibited by Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland rushing into the barn to form a band: "Let's form a (band) committee". Bureaucracy at its best. But nowhere is there a word about addressing the pertinent issue here: false rape accusations. (Nor, to sharpen the point, a syllable about protecting the actual victims -- the falsely accused. That isn't part of the PC agenda.)

December 9, 2014
What's Wrong With Our University Presidents?
By R.B. Parrish

August 3, 2014

Democrats Insult Mitch McConnell's Wife

U.S. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and his wife 

[From article]
Though Groob has deleted the tweets which mentioned Chao's ethnicity, several others about Chao remain.
"If Mitch McConnell is going to bring his wife in the race, then her lack of KY status is fair game," Groob tweeted.

After 'she is Asian' tweets about McConnell's wife, Dems rebuke operative
by Joe Arnold
Posted on August 2, 2014 at 11:50 AM
Updated yesterday at 11:49 AM

July 28, 2014

Christians, Politicians Rally For Israel At United Nations Plaza

[From article]
Carrying a "Christians for Israel" sign was Dr. Martha Smith, who said she was visiting from Oslo and had heard about the rally on Christian radio.
She started by calling the widely acclaimed 1993 Oslo Accords, which brought a fleeting peace between Israel and the Palestinians, "an anti-Semitic pact to destroy Israel." Taken aback, I asked if she opposed the peace process and she said yes, adding that "I believe that Mr. Kerry is on faulty ground and I know many of my fellow Christians who are fighting for Israelis survival feel the same."
Needless to say her support for Israel was quite vigorous. As was her belief that President Obama is Muslim and that Hillary Clinton is pro-Palestinian.

Searching for Falafel Outside the 'New York Stands With Israel' Rally
July 28, 2014

July 18, 2014

You Can't Handle The Truth, How About Some Misguided Policies

[From article]
Since the 1960s and Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society, Washington has spent some $22trillion on 80 programsattempting to uplift the bottom rungs of American society.
[. . .]
The reasons for the lack of progress are many, but let me suggest one impediment that has drawn scant attention: a clear-eyed scientific analysis of the problem is off-limits lest inquiry somehow “offend” powerful political interests. Imagine if modern medicine functioned this way -- doctors would be outlawed from explaining one’s illness by criticizing personal habits or hygiene.
[. . .]
A perfect illustration of this stifling recently occurred when Congressman Paul Ryan (R-WI) in a town hall meeting opined that inner-city poverty might have something to do with men there not valuing the culture of work (a similar ruckus occurred in 2012 when Newt Gingrich criticized the work habits of young blacks). Ryan’s claim is certainly plausible given the mixed result of federal programs to build job skills among the poor.
[. . .]
The congressman then did what every public figure does when caught violating a taboo -- he tried to weasel out.
[. . .]
Congressman Ryan’s tribulations also convey an indisputable message to others -- avoid frankness on racial matters if being forthright can be judged offensive to anyone who owns a public soapbox. And being well-intentioned is no defense. If asked why blacks academically lag behind whites and Asians, just reaffirm the orthodoxy -- the legacy of slavery, bad teachers, dilapidated schools,  and, most of all, white racism. Hard to imagine any public figure getting into trouble for making this flimsy, unscientific argument.

July 14, 2014
When it Comes to Race, Why Worry About Facts?
 By Robert Weissberg

April 30, 2014

UK Politician Arrested For Reading Churchill Speech

[From article]
a candidate for Member of the European Parliament, was arrested Saturday, hauled off in a police van, and could face two years in prison. All for reading a passage from Winston Churchill’s book, The River War, regarding Islam:
[. . .]
Point out problematic aspects of Islam, and the British state's response is "F--- off, or I'll arrest you."

April 28, 2014
UK politician arrested for quoting Churchill, could face 2 years in prison
Thomas Lifson

December 3, 2013

Politicians, Lying and Deception

[From article]
Given Obama's fragmented childhood, has the boy in him who had to protect himself from a loss of his father, a distant mother, and a confused identity, merely evolved into the man who uses protective language coloration to shield himself? Studies show that by five or six years of age, children become quite adept at lying.
[. . .]
To lie "is the ability to understand another's mind." And here Obama excels. He clearly knows that the reality of his deeds would never have been accepted if the American people clearly understood what the ultimate goals would be. Thus, fibbing, misinforming, distortions, and victimizing, have become the rule of the day.
[. . .]
According to Aldert Jrij, a professor of psychology from the University of Portsmouth, UK, "people are better at detecting the truth than detecting lies." Americans, by nature, are not a suspicious people because that would "destroy the cooperation essential to success as a society." And we have never confronted a Manchurian President before. There is also a historical naiveté that precludes this generation of millennials from understanding that distortions of language are the first manifestation of the obscuring of truth. Consequently, the "Liar's Advantage" is a psychological principle and tactic made possible partly by the difficulty of lie detection and partly by [humans'] own inherent gullibility."

December 3, 2013
Does Obama Think He Is Lying?
By Eileen F. Toplansky

October 18, 2013

Black Politicians Send Their Children to Private Schools

From article]
Though many black politicians mouth that we should fix, not abandon, public schools, they themselves have abandoned public schools. They see their children as too precious to be sacrificed in the name of public education. While living in Chicago, Barack Obama sent his daughters to the prestigious University of Chicago Laboratory Schools. When he moved to Washington, President Obama enrolled his daughters in the prestigious Sidwell Friends School. According to a report by The Heritage Foundation, "exactly 52 percent of Congressional Black Caucus members and 38 percent of Congressional Hispanic Caucus members sent at least one child to private school." Overall, only 6 percent of black students attend private school.
Jewish World Review
Oct. 9, 2013/ 5 Mar-Cheshvan, 5774
Racial Trade-offs
By Walter Williams