Showing posts with label Language. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Language. Show all posts

April 28, 2016

Speaking Correct Grammar is White Privilege

[From article]
Consider Mona Chalabi, an editor of the iconic leftwing British newspaper, The Guardian, who believes that having good grammar and correcting others is racist, an expression of “white privilege.”
The notion that nonwhites cannot command good grammar is racist to the core. And the idea that grammar rules are simply optional based on race is a recipe for imprecise communication, aka misunderstanding.
That an editor should voice these opinions is astonishing. I suppose we can look forward to the Guardian sliding even further into incoherence.

April 24, 2016
Frontiers of 'white privilege': good grammar is now ‘racist’
By Thomas Lifson

February 9, 2016

Entitlement, Most Toxic Word

[From article]
During this election year, we are destined to hear many words that are toxic in the way they misrepresent reality and substitute fantasies that can win votes.
One of these words is "entitlement." To hear some politicians tell it, we are all entitled to all sorts of things, ranging from "affordable housing" to "a living wage."
But the reality is that the human race is not entitled to anything, not even the food we need to stay alive. If we don't produce food, we are just going to starve. If we don't build housing, then we are not going to have housing, "affordable" or otherwise.
[. . .]
If we are all "entitled" to things, irrespective of whether we produce anything ourselves, then the question becomes: Why are some people getting so much more than others?

Toxic Words
Thomas Sowell
Feb 09, 2016

January 7, 2016

Amnesty International Uses Loaded Words To Denigrate Israel But Remains Neutral On Same Acts By Russia

Extreme differences by Amnesty International describing air strikes by Russia compared to same strikes by Israel indicates bias in this alleged watchdog organization.

December 27, 2015
Why does Amnesty International use such different language describing civilian casualties for Russian and Israeli airstrikes?
By Thomas Lifson

May 18, 2015

Politicization of Language and Morals

[From article]
An extensive literature in psychology about moral reasoning traces back to Jean Piaget, the genetic epistemologist who founded developmental psychology. Piaget, like almost all important psychologists, was a humanist uninterested in God or faith. He wrote, “Only education is capable of saving our societies.” The moral reasoning theories grounded in Piaget, Kohlberg, and others are actually not about morality at all. They are about strategies for getting what one wants.
[. . .]
Justice Kennedy, you remarked that same sex marriage bestows “dignity” that benefits the children of homosexual couples. Setting aside the irony that homosexual couples can't have children, here is a God-based definition of dignity. Dignity is an unalienable element of the human mind which shines forth most brightly in people who have been especially able to rise above the clamor of wants. Dignity does not come from human convention and cannot be bestowed by the laws of men. You may say that you are not charged with trying to figure out God's will, but you are supposed to keep American law out of God's way. Our liberty and right to pursue happiness are God given. Our Constitution is written to prevent governmental interference with that liberty. The purpose of your court is to interpret law to protect divinely granted freedom, not to make up human-based entitlements. The Constitution is not to be torn apart like an old couch and mined for the spare change of unnatural, unchartered special rights.
[. . .]
For decades, the American Psychological Association (APA) has devoted vast resources to the normalization of homosexuality and same-sex parenting. The following position on Lesbian and Gay Parenting (reinforced as recently as 2012 in another statement) is typical of the APA’s official and oft repeated stance:
Not a single study has found children of lesbian or gay parents to be disadvantaged in any significant respect relative to children of heterosexual parents.
Decades of research has not produced one study that is inimical to the promotion of same-sex parenting? This not science but doctrinaire politics.
[. . .]
What are the psychological effects of knowing one has a shadow family of brothers and sisters, biological parents and grandparents who can never give their love? I once saw a teenager who had been adopted at birth into a loving Christian family. Her first words to me were, "They are not my family."
Every human condition encompasses gifts and vulnerabilities. American psychology has deemed an honest examination of the inherent vulnerabilities of homosexual consciousness and same-sex parenting to be heretical.

May 17, 2015
Justice Kennedy and Factitious Matrimony
By Deborah C. Tyler

December 14, 2014

New Book Of George Orwell's Writings, Review

[Book Review]
Seeing Things As They Are: Selected Journalism and Other Writings by George Orwell
496pp, Harvill Secker,

[From review]
Orwell remains on his pedestal and there seems no imminent risk of him being defenestrated. Indeed, if anything, his reputation continues to grow.
[. . .]
Orwell is always interesting, even when he is wrong
[. . .]
Then there is his account of attending the House of Commons in 1944 and discovering: “It is just a collection of mediocre-looking men in dingy, dark suits, nearly all speaking in the same accent and all laughing at the same jokes.”
[. . .]
There is no point, Orwell tells us, in being frank with our friends – and our enemies – if we cannot be honest with ourselves. Moreover, if we cannot manage the latter the former will be impossible. There is always a price to be paid for lies and for cowardice.

Seeing Things As They Are: Selected Journalism and Other Writings by George Orwell, review: 'a treat on every page'
George Orwell’s idiosyncratic journalism anticipated the age of social media
By Alex Massie
10:00AM GMT 13 Dec 2014

August 28, 2014

CA Politicians Wants To Change 1988 Law To Permit Non English Public School Lessons

[From article]
On Tuesday, a few hours after Mexican president Enrique Pena Nieto said that Illegal Aliens deserve justice in the USA and Gov. Jerry Brown welcomed all illegal immigrants to California, lawmakers in Sacramento passed a proposed ballot measure seeking to dismantle the English-only mandate for public schools and increase multilingual education programs.
[. . .]
The proposal by California lawmakers is designed to jettison the 1998 law which required English-only instruction in California classrooms. Many believe that inserting Spanish into the classroom only delays and hinders learning for English as second language children.

27 Aug 2014

August 25, 2014

Changing Meanings of Words

[From article]
Whole words that meant one thing for generations now have completely different meanings, and nothing unhinges a culture faster than the loss of shared language/terminology.
[. . .]
There is a reason those who plot to undo American Exceptionalism have worked so hard to capture the language. And we won’t preserve liberty for future generations until we take it back.

The American Exceptionalism Dictionary
Steve Deace
Aug 23, 2014

August 11, 2014

Texas School Principal Fired For Favoring Speaking English

Speaking out: Principal Amy Lacey has defended herself after her comments cause an uproar

[From article]
A Texas principal who sparked national controversy after she told students at her heavily-Hispanic middle school to speak English in class claims she is being persecuted for following state education rules.
[. . .]
Speaking out for the first time, Mrs Lacey said it is state policy to teach English and the official language of the state of Texas is English. Her intent, she claims, was merely to encourage her students to use English more.
She also blamed her students - who she says claimed racism when they were disciplined in class for speaking out of turn.
[. . .]
'The perception of the teachers was that students were being disrespectful and disrupting learning, and they believed they could get away with it by claiming racism.'

Principal who was fired after telling Hispanic students at Texas school to speak English claims she was persecuted for simply enforcing state rules
Amy Lacey is speaking out for the first time since her announcement over an intercom last November became national news
She says she never banned Spanish, but just suggested Hispanic students should speak English at school to help prepare them for tests
Half of students at the school are Hispanic
Daily Mail (UK)
PUBLISHED: 09:25 EST, 5 August 2014 | UPDATED: 15:40 EST, 5 August 2014

* * *

'It would be best to speak English in classrooms'
Hempstead principal Amy Lacey tells her side of the story
By Amy Lacey
for the Houston Chronicle
August 4, 2014

July 18, 2014

Elitist Totalitarians Destroy Language, Critical Thought

[From article]
If you were a member of an elitist group trying to get complete control of a logical and stiff-necked people, what would you have to accomplish first? The citizens of that country would have to stop thinking, and since you can’t just pass a law against thought, their basic ability to think would have to be destroyed -– gradually before they noticed.
[. . .]

But the most effective tool is one Orwell could see coming in 1948 -- the erasure of our language. If one is looking for domination without all the mayhem of military takeover, then just render the language unusable -- technology makes that easy.
The first is the effort to thin out key words until they no longer mean anything at all. The word “racist” comes to mind.
[. . .]

Brave New World, here we come -- complicate and alter vocabulary adequately and you rob folks of the ability to think with clarity and confidence.
[. . .]

The third attack on language is the use of words with no regard for their truth. The press keeps insisting that Islam means peace. Well if peace involves crucifixions, beheadings, kidnappings, and rocket attacks, I think I’ll pass.

July 18, 2014
Truth Telling and the Abuse of Language
By Deana Chadwell

Will United States Become Divided States?

[From article]
The world is boiling with racial, tribal, cultural and moral conflict. People carry in their hearts the seeds of these conflicts. The notion that they will come here and be converted into Ozzie-and-Harriet Americans may be a bit utopian.
America is becoming a microcosm of a world on fire.
Why are we doing this? Why are we inviting the world into the USA? Was there some grievous flaw in the America of Ike and JFK that must be expunged? Some sin for which we must do penance?
[. . .]
And when we have ceased to be an English-speaking, Christian country and become instead an Asian-Hispanic-African-American-white nation, with large Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, agnostic and atheist minorities, and no defined borders, or common faith and culture, what holds us together?
And when did we vote for this future?

The Brazil of North America
By Patrick J. Buchanan Friday - July 18, 2014

July 16, 2014

America Divided

[From article]
Ronald Reagan said, a nation that cannot control its borders isn’t really a nation anymore.
In Federalist No. 2, John Jay wrote, “Providence has been pleased to give this one connected country to one united people – a people descended from the same ancestors, speaking the same language, professing the same religion, attached to the same principles of government, very similar in their manners and customs. … ”

He called Americans a “band of brethren, united to each other by the strongest ties.” The republic of the founders for whom Jay spoke did not give a fig for diversity. They cherished our unity, commonality and sameness of ancestry, culture, faith and traditions.
We were not a nation of immigrants in 1789.
They came later. From 1845-1849, the Irish fleeing the famine. From 1890-1920, the Germans. Then the Italians, Poles, Jews and other Eastern Europeans. Then, immigration was suspended in 1924.
[. . .]

From 1925 to 1965, the children and grandchildren of those immigrants were assimilated, Americanized. In strong public schools, they were taught our language, literature and history, and celebrated our holidays and heroes. We endured together through the Depression and sacrificed together in World War II and the Cold War.
By 1960, we had become truly one nation and one people.
[. . .]

And though the civil rights movement had just begun, nowhere did black peoples enjoy the freedom and prosperity of African-Americans.

Pat Buchanan cites ways 'diversity' has harmed United States
Patrick J. Buchanan
July 15, 2014

June 28, 2014

Obama's War Words Mislead

[From article]
The Afghan end of this thing is the nearest to a conventional war there is. A sovereign state was invaded and its government toppled. But the toppled party never quite went away, and they're assuredly going to be part of Afghanistan's post-US future. When Obama says this is how wars end, he's wrong. Wars end either by being won or lost or drawn.
[. . .]
One of the justifications offered for the Bergdahl trade is that his captors were threatening to kill him. So that's not a "prisoner exchange" between lawful combatants but a hostage negotiation with terrorists. Every civilized nation says it will not negotiate with terrorists, but sometimes, whatever their protestations to the contrary, governments wind up doing exactly that. And, when they do, terrorists wind up walking out of their cells as free men.
[. . .]
Watch that Rose Garden ceremony again and ask yourself Shannon Allen's question: Which guy is the hero? Pace Susan Rice, there are three dishonorable men in that short photo-op: a deserter who broke his oath, a father who sympathizes publicly with the enemy ...and a president lying before the nation, to make them complicit in that dishonor. Mr Obama is unworthy of the men who fight on "his" behalf.

Jewish World Review
June 16, 2014 18 Sivan, 5774
There is No 'Deal'
By Mark Steyn

June 19, 2014

James Madison On Immigration

[From article]
Step one was for city officials to proclaim that they would play no role in enforcing Federal immigration law. This was first done in 1979 by the city of Los Angeles through its illegal and unconstitutional Special Order 40.
Since immigration law is Federal, local officials have no authority to enforce or not enforce immigration law. In reality these statements were crafted to function as public relations initiatives, as efforts to reach out to those who would enter the area illegally. The large numbers of illegal immigrant juveniles being invited by President Obama into the U.S. today is the boldest expression of the seizure of Congress’ power to control immigration, and Obama’s move has its roots in Special Order 40.
[. . .]
The state of Illinois, City of Chicago, and Cook County have also proclaimed that the matricula consular I.D. card, issued by the Mexican Consulate and other Central and South American Consulates, is accepted in their jurisdictions as a valid form I.D. This also enables them to vote. Cities and states have no Federal authority to declare what form of I.D. a foreign national may carry in the U.S. Only the State Dept. and DHS have this authority.
[. . .]
Obama, for the first time in U.S. history, has used the power of the Executive branch of the Federal government to brazenly defy Congressional authority and control immigration through his own edicts. In fact, President Obama’s actions can only be described as hostile to existing Federal law and the U.S. Constitution. He has not only refused to allow the Justice Department to enforce Federal law, he obstructs efforts by states to enforce existing law, such as when Arizona passed SB1070 and he ordered the Justice Department. to stop them from enforcing U.S. Immigration law.

June 13, 2014
James Madison Foresaw Illegal Immigration
By Michael Bargo, Jr.

February 8, 2014

Reality Is What I say It Is, Nothing More

[From article]
Barack Obama, the first president shaped by the celebratory culture in which every child who plays soccer gets a trophy and the first whose campaign speeches were his qualification for the office, perhaps should not be blamed for thinking that saying things is tantamount to accomplishing things, and that good intentions are good deeds. So, his presidency is useful after all, because it illustrates the perils of government run by believers in magic words and numbers.
[. . .]
Many of the words and numbers bandied by Obama and his administration may reflect an honest belief that the world is whatever well-intentioned people like them say about it. So, Obama’s critics should reconsider their assumption that he is cynical. It is his sincerity that is scary.

President Obama’s magic words and numbers
By George F. Will
Published: February 7

December 12, 2013

Liberal Distortion of Language

[From article]
Here are a few words I’m sure liberals do understand: Your days of controlling the news are over.

By: Ann Coulter
12/11/2013 06:11 PM
Human Events

December 3, 2013

Politicians, Lying and Deception

[From article]
Given Obama's fragmented childhood, has the boy in him who had to protect himself from a loss of his father, a distant mother, and a confused identity, merely evolved into the man who uses protective language coloration to shield himself? Studies show that by five or six years of age, children become quite adept at lying.
[. . .]
To lie "is the ability to understand another's mind." And here Obama excels. He clearly knows that the reality of his deeds would never have been accepted if the American people clearly understood what the ultimate goals would be. Thus, fibbing, misinforming, distortions, and victimizing, have become the rule of the day.
[. . .]
According to Aldert Jrij, a professor of psychology from the University of Portsmouth, UK, "people are better at detecting the truth than detecting lies." Americans, by nature, are not a suspicious people because that would "destroy the cooperation essential to success as a society." And we have never confronted a Manchurian President before. There is also a historical naiveté that precludes this generation of millennials from understanding that distortions of language are the first manifestation of the obscuring of truth. Consequently, the "Liar's Advantage" is a psychological principle and tactic made possible partly by the difficulty of lie detection and partly by [humans'] own inherent gullibility."

December 3, 2013
Does Obama Think He Is Lying?
By Eileen F. Toplansky

September 15, 2013

Distorting Language, Misguided Speech

[From article]
In sports, when have you heard a coach explain or excuse a black player's poor performance by blaming it on a "legacy of slavery" or on that player's being raised in a single-parent household? When have you heard sports standards called racist or culturally biased? I have yet to hear a player, much less a coach, speak such nonsense.
[. . .]
In future elections, they will be able to claim that anyone who campaigns on cutting taxing and spending is a racist. That's what Rep. Charles Rangel, D-N.Y., said in denouncing the Republican 1994 call for tax cuts. He said, "It's not 'spic' or 'nigger' anymore. (Instead,) they say, 'Let's cut taxes.'"
Jewish World Review
August 21, 2013/ 15 Elul, 5773
Progressives and Blacks
By Walter Williams

July 15, 2012

Police, Journalist Abuse of Language

It is curious that police say they took a person "into custody" but did not "arrest" them. The word "arrest" means to stop. If a police officer tells a person to stop that is an arrest. But these days police put handcuffs on suspects or persons of interest, place them into their patrol vehicles and say they have not been arrested. What they try to distinguish is that they did not file a formal charge against the person, who was not incarcerated That does not mean that they were not arrested. It is one more example of deterioration of the language where words have little meaning.

[From article]
Police did not say whether the two taken into custody have been arrested.

Bullets fly near scene of drug raid in Carver
Boston Herald
By John Zaremba
Sunday, July 15, 2012

July 1, 2012



To write with a broken pencil is pointless.

When fish are in schools they sometimes take debate.

A thief who stole a calendar got twelve months.

When the smog lifts in Los Angeles, U.C.L.A.

The professor discovered that her theory of earthquakes was on shaky ground.

The batteries were given out free of charge.

A dentist and a manicurist married. They fought tooth and nail.

A will is a dead giveaway.

If you don't pay your exorcist you can get repossessed.

With her marriage, she got a new name and a dress.

Show me a piano falling down a mineshaft and I'll show you A-flat miner.

You are stuck with your debt if you can't budge it.

Local Area Network in Australia : The LAN down under.

A boiled egg is hard to beat.

When you've seen one shopping center you've seen a mall.

Police were called to a day care where a three-year-old was resisting a

Did you hear about the fellow whose whole left side was cut off? He's all
right now.

If you take a laptop computer for a run you could jog your memory.

A bicycle can't stand alone; it is two tired.

In a democracy it's your vote that counts; in feudalism, it's your Count
that votes.

When a clock is hungry it goes back four seconds.

The guy who fell onto an upholstery machine was fully recovered.

He had a photographic memory which was never developed.

Those who get too big for their britches will be exposed in the end.

When she saw her first strands of gray hair, she thought she'd dye.

Acupuncture: a jab well done.

I may be schizophrenic, but at least I have each other.

April 26, 2011

American Indians and Jews

An American Indian comes back to the Reservation to visit with his parents after spending some time in New York . He tells his father that he's fallen in love with a nice Jewish girl.
His father is mortified and says, "You're betraying your heritage and you'll break your mother's heart that you're not marrying a precious Indian girl....and you know how Jews are, they'll feel the same way and you'll be ostracized in both camps!"
The Indian son reassures his father, "Don't worry. The Jewish family has already accepted the situation because they've gone ahead and given their daughter an Indian name."
"Really?" asks the father. "What name?"
The son answers... "Sitting Shiva."