Showing posts with label construction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label construction. Show all posts

Thursday, August 23, 2012

playing with fear

i've been reconsidering the piece i wanted to make where i just let live crows into the gallery space - because of obvious reasons: live animals is an insurance risk not to mention cruel, and it is illegal to taxidermy crows in the US. so, i thought using fake crows would ruin the 'fear' that comes with real crows - but after buying a couple i'm starting to think that, installed correctly, they might deliver the same initial feeling of fear, followed by ridiculousness (e.g., a large shelf of unmoving replica crows all posed the same way).

here are some other notes:
-not climate change, but the fear & spectacle that surrounds it
-marker for the rising fear
-direct fear & talisman (talisman that aid in psychological help)

Friday, June 18, 2010


The following are images from the construction set of my source materials photographs. I think of these as formal studies; after long deliberation I cannot draw much content from them. All of these arrangements are found and photographed as are. I like them because they seem to be slightly détourned from the banal, everyday, and overlooked to something sculptural; or at least somewhat out of the ordinary (dare I say uncanny?). In associative moves my interventions and to some extent my performances function in the same way - although my work draws more attention to it's self than these temporal arrangements/accidents do. I do also greatly appreciate the at-hand utilitarian inventiveness that I often find in construction (and the like) settings. Represented here are 8 of 89 construction photos I have collected.