Showing posts with label fear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fear. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

"Staying Found"

Mirage (canteen, lucky rabbit's feet, and water) 2014, 9" x 8" x 6"

 7.418ft (Key West, FL) (commissioned painting by Alberto DeAndrea, made in Key West, at 7.418ft above sea level; mat and frame) 2015, 32" x 10" x 1"

10.362ft (New Orleans, LA) (commissioned painting by Yeon Park, made in the New Orleans French Market, at 10.362ft above sea level; mat and frame) 2015, 32" x 10" x 1"

11.428ft (Ocean City, MD) (commissioned painting by Joey Lee, made on the Ocean City boardwalk, at 11.428ft above sea level; mat and frame) 2014, 32" x 10" x 1"

Three Days to Never (hose hanger) 2015, 15" x 12" x 8"

Sieve (heat-shrink tubing, Parachute Survival Bracelets, granola, light bulb, memory cards, glacial float copper, chocolate covered espresso beans, wood, and hardware) 2015, 48” x 1” x 1”

Sieve (heat-shrink tubing, heating element, light bulbs, brown rice, chicken foot (cut), memory card, bilberry pills, Parachute Survival Bracelet, wood, and hardware) 2015, 48” x 1” x 1”

Sieve (heat-shrink tubing, coral , beef sticks, Parachute Survival Bracelet, syringes, memory card, dice, asphalt, level, and hardware) 2015, 48” x 1” x 1”

Sieve (heat-shrink tubing, kidney beans, dog treats, peep holes, memory card, cherry Kool-Aid packages, Parachute Survival Bracelet, and hardware) 2015, 48” x 1” x 1”

Sieve (heat-shrink tubing, grounding clamp, melatonin tablets, light bulbs, Parachute Survival Bracelets, pad-locks and keys, coral, dice, and hardware) 2015, 48” x 1” x 1”

Sieve (heat-shrink tubing, memory card, fuses, emergency whistles, penicillin tablets, Parachute Survival Bracelet, AAA batteries, brown rice, pocket knife, ethernet cable, and hardware) 2015, 48” x 1” x 1”

I would also like to produce a Blurb book with two projects in it: Rise and KT Boundary. Rise is an ongoing piece, thereby it is longer than the version in the link.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Everyday: 8/3/15

two things today!
(cockroach legs and solar panel shards on paper)

Sieve (heat-shrink tubing, memory card, fuses, emergency whistles, penicillin tablets, Parachute Survival Bracelet, AAA batteries, brown rice, pocket knife, ethernet cable, and hardware) 48" x 1" x 1"

Friday, July 31, 2015

e.e. and futility

i was thinking of futility in context of this piece and what it needs next, to finish it, and then i opened e.e. cummings a selection of poems to this poem at random.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Everyday: 7/21/15

(vampire teeth and peanut butter)

Sunday, February 9, 2014

notes from the past few weeks

US national fear index, 1950 - 2000
 belief in climate change, 1950 - 2000

Northwest passage
Northeast passage
- ice free arctic summers
- Canadian gov. firing weapons into the sea

"maybe comfortable w/ his diss-comfort" - Fishel

low impact
no impact

list of the dead

driving home, naming the darkness

Scott Ross - Ghost (woodfired stoneware) 2009

Low - Breaker (from "Drums and Guns") 2007

Monday, December 16, 2013

We go to bed, but we don't sleep too hard.

We are crying out. We are black cats. We are lucky pennies. We are rotten food. We are cut zombie legs. We are building a raft. We are the ocean.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Dark Days: Three Cases


G. ; Notes and Queries, 2:3:366, May 9, 1857.

"A phenomenon of this extraordinary nature occurred at Bolton-le-Moors and the neighbourhood, about noon on Monday, March 23, 1857. The wind during the morning had been north-east, with a little snow; at twelve o'clock the air became quite still, and a deep gloom overspread the heavens, increasing so rapidly, that in ten minutes it was not possible to read, or distinguish the features of any person a few yards off. This was the more singular from there being no fog at the time, though snow in very minute particles was falling. The extreme darkness continued about eight minutes, when the horizon at two or three points assumed a lurid yellow appearance, as though from conflagrations a few miles distant; within a quarter of an hour from this time the darkness was dispelled; but such was the alarm caused by the phenomenon, that many persons supposed the world at an end, not a few were made ill by intense nervous excitement, and all were more or less impressed with a feeling of awe. Poultry went to roost, instinct being stronger than habit. Can any of your correspondents explain the cause of this phenomenon, or record any similar occurrences?"

If darknesses, such as that described above, are due to great fires, where are the reports of the fires and why does no one smell the smoke?


Murray, Charles A. ; Annual Register, 99:132-133, 1857.

"The following letter from the Hon. Charles Augustus Murray, Her Majesty's Envoy to Persia, to Sir Charles Lyell, was made public:- "Bagdad, May 23, 1857. My dear Sir Charles,—We have lately witnessed here a phenomenon so strange that a brief description of it may not be uninteresting to you. On the 20th instant, a few minutes before 6 p. m. (which is here about an hour before sunset), I was sitting with my Mirza reading some Persian letters, when on a sudden I became sensible of an unusual obscuration of the light on the paper. I jumped up, and going to the window, saw a huge black cloud approaching from the north-west, exactly as if a pall were being drawn over the face of the heavens. It must have travelled with considerable rapidity, for in less than three minutes we were enveloped in total darkness—a darkness more intense than an ordinary midnight when neither stars nor moon are visible. Groping my way amid chairs and tables, I succeeded in striking a light, and then, feeling assured that a simoom of some kind was coming on, I called to my servants to come up and shut the windows, which were all open, the weather having been previously very sultry. While they were doing so the wind increased, and bore with it such a dense volume of dust or sand, that, before they could succeed in closing the windows the room was entirely filled, so that the tables and furniture were speedily covered. Meanwhile a panic seized the whole city; the Armenians and other Christian sects rushed through the gloom to confess and pray in the churches; women shrieked and beat their breasts in the streets and the men of all classes prostrated themselves in prayer, believing that the end of the world had arrived. After a short time the black darkness was succeeded by a red, lurid gloom, such as I never saw in any part of the world, and which I can only liken in imagination to the effect that might be produced if all London were in conflagration in a heavy November fog; to me it was more striking (I may almost say fearful) than the previous utter darkness, and reminded me of that 'darkness visible' in which the poetic genius of Milton placed the demons and horrid shapes of the infernal regions. This lurid fog was doubtless occasioned by the rays of the western sun shining obliquely on the dense mass of red sand or dust which had been raised from some distant desert, and was borne along upon the blast. I enclose you a specimen of the dust. The Arabs here think that it came from the Nejd. The storm seems to have travelled in a circular direction, having appeared first from the south, then south-west, then west, then north-west. After about two hours, it had so far passed away that we were able to open the windows again and breathe the outer air. It cannot have been a simoom, for during those which I have experienced in Arabia and Egypt the wind is hot and stifling. On the 20th the wind was high, but only oppressive from the dense mass of dust that it carried with it. " Professor J. Quekett, having examined a specimen of red dust from Bagdad, which accompanied Mr. Murray's letter, detected under the microscope only inorganic particles, such as quartz, sand, and, though a small portion of calcareous matter was present in the sand, yet he could observe no microscopic shells or other organic matter."


Eells, M. ; Monthly Weather Review, 30:440, September 1902.

"Friday, September 12, 1902, was the darkest day that the oldest inhabitant of Hood Canal, in western Washington, ever knew here, owing largely to the smoke from heavy fires in western Washington and western Oregon. At Twana, in Mason County, it appeared as follows: The evening before was somewhat smoky, though not peculiarly so, with a few ashes occasionally falling. About 3 o'clock on the morning of the 12th the whole heavens were a very bright red, according to the statement of a young lady who waked up, as she supposed, about that time, the light being similar in appearance to a certain kind of northern lights only it covered the whole heavens. By 5-30 a. m. , when the writer first looked out, it had faded to a dull red. By 7 a. m. the reddish appearance had disappeared, it having turned to a gray color. At 9 a. m., it was possible to read in the house only by getting near a window, and even then it was quite trying to the eyes. By 11:30 a. m. the dull reddish color appeared all around, soon growing very bright in the north, but by 12-30 p. m. the brightest red was in the south. Between 12 noon and 1 p. m. was the darkest part of the day, it being utterly impossible to read out of doors. After 1 p. m. it began to lighten a little, the chickens, which had gone to roost, began to crow; 1:15 p.m. it was again possible to read out doors; at 2 p. m. there was considerable dull red in the sky, but it then disappeared to be seen no more, the heavens becoming again of grayish color. After 3 p. m. was the brightest part of the day.

What caused the reddish appearance has not been satisfactorily explained. Some attributed it to the light from the fires, but this does not seem possible. The writer attributes it to the sun's rays working through the darkness, until he learned that the brightest red was seen about 3 a. m. There certainly seems to have been a very peculiar state of the atmosphere that day, which can only be explained by wiser meteorologists than the writer, but the day will be remembered as one in a lifetime."

-from Corliss, William R. Strange Phenomena: A Sourcebook of Unusual Natural Phenomena. Volume G-2. Compiled by Glen Arm, Maryland: The Sourcebook Project, 1974.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

from the introduction to Mary Pipher's "The Green Boat: Reviving Ourselves in Our Capsized Culture"

this book is defining my practice.

Monday, September 30, 2013

i just bought this, shit!

i tuned into WBEZ online this morning (because the NPR in Baltimore isn't my favorite) and heard an interview with this author on Worldview.

The Green Boat : Reviving Ourselves in Our Capsized Culture by Mary Pipher

Pipher is back with another groundbreaking examination of everyday life, this time exploring how to conquer the fears about major environmental issues and transform them into a positive force in for life


"Mary Pipher takes on our planet's greatest problems with the skills of a truly gifted therapist. She knows why we avoid and deny the truth and she knows how we can heal ourselves and our communities even as we try to heal the earth. This book is a deep and true gift."—Bill McKibben, author of Eaarth

In Reviving Ophelia, Mary Pipher offered a paradigm-shattering look at the lives of adolescent women. Now Pipher is back with another ground-breaking examination of everyday life, this time exploring how to conquer our fears about the major environmental issues that confound us and transform them into a positive force in our lives.

Pipher emphasizes the importance of taking small, positive steps to preserve what’s important, drawing from her own experiences as part of a group fighting energy company TransCanada’s installation of the Keystone XL oil pipeline across the Midwest, which will sit atop the Ogallala Aquifer, the source of 40% of the United States’ fresh water. The challenges she confronts reveal surprising answers to the critical questions we face: How do we mobilize ourselves and our communities to work together to solve global problems? How do we stay happy amid very difficult situations? And what is the true meaning of hope?

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

maglite tests

We hardly see light and dark anymore
Return to Sender
[flashlight and aluminum]

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

where will we go after we ruin this planet?

A total of 723 confirmed extrasolar planets have been found since the first was spotted in 1995, according to a tally kept by the website

More than 3,000 sightings by the specialist Kepler orbital telescope await confirmation.

So far, no exoplanet spotted has the potential to be a home away from home; a rocky planet that orbits in a balmy zone, enabling water to exist in liquid form and thus nurture life as we know it.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

owl and table cloth brings...

i've made a new sculpture for an upcoming themed exhibition (themed around Italian superstitions). owls are bad luck in Italy.
no title yet - perhaps Harbinger, Bellwether, Crier or something like that.

 garden defense owl and table cloth (2013)

garden defense owl and table cloth (2013)

supposedly the ghost of Templars - taken in an Italian castle in the 1980's

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Monster Theory

...America, a society that has created and commodified “ambient fear"-a kind of total fear that saturates day-to-day living, prodding and silently antagonizing but never speaking its own name. This anxiety manifests itself symptomatically as a cultural fascination with monsters-a fixation that is born of the twin desire to name that which is difficult to apprehend and to domesticate (and therefore disempower) that which threatens. And so the monster appears simultaneously as the demonic disemboweler of Slasher and as a wide-eyed, sickeningly cute plush toy for children: velociraptor and Barney.

Note from the author: Portions of this preface and of chapter 1, “Monster Culture (Seven Theses),” have twice been delivered as part of conference presentations. Invariably the audience giggles at the juxtaposition-so seemingly absurd-of the friendly mascot of PBS (Barney) and the equally but oppositely fictionalized dinosaur who thinks like a human and shreds flesh like the Alien (velociraptor). “That's not funny,” I chide them, knowing full well that it is; what anxiety, then, do we hide by the laughter? What does the dismissal by declaration of absurd mismatch allow us not to have to think about?

- from Monster Theory: Reading Culture, by Jeffrey Jerome Cohen

Thursday, January 17, 2013

witches brew


Ingredients you need
  • 0.5 oz. Cranberry juice
  • 0.5 oz. Sour Mix
  • 1 oz. Vodka
  • 1 Chambord
How to make a Witches Brew:
Fill glass with ice.
Add vodka and chambord.
Add a splash of cranberry andsour mix.
Stir and enjoy my Halloween treat.  
Type of drink Cocktail Recommended glass Highball Glass.



Friday, December 14, 2012

Baltimore Police Helicopter Night: Marcus Floyd

Marcus Floyd. We're looking for Marcus Floyd. Marcus Floyd, call home or go home immediately. If you know the whereabouts of Marcus Floyd call 911. We're looking for Marcus Floyd.

-via the police helicopter that is circling Waverly, Pen Lucy, Ednor Gardens, and Original Northwood. 
police sirens in the not so distant distance, NW of us.
12/15/12 1:00am, Baltimore, MD

Thursday, December 13, 2012

slow onset events

'cause somethings gotta keep me up at night

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

all perishes

The fear of death is indeed the pretense of wisdom, and not real wisdom, being a pretense of knowing the unknown; and no one knows whether death, which men in their fear apprehend to be the greatest evil, may not be the greatest good.
-Plato, "Apology," Dialogues, 399 B.C.

What is death at most? It is a journey for a season; a sleep longer than usual. If thou fearest death, thou shouldest also fear sleep.
-St. John Chrysostom, Homily, c. 388

When there's no more room in hell, the dead will walk the Earth.
-Peter (Ken Foree), "Dawn of the Dead," 1978

All perishes and passes that we see with our eyes. The wealth of this world wanes into wretchedness. Robes and riches rot in the ditch. . . . Their gold and their treasures draw them to death.
-Richard Role (c. 1300-1349), Selected Works of Richard Role

Saturday, September 1, 2012

crow art

here is some research related to the crow project i am working on. my piece, which is unfortunately planned to be kinda similar to Seonna Hong's piece, will consist of a large number of fake taxidermy crows lined up on a shelf the entire length of the wall a foot or so short of the ceiling.

Edouard Manet - Raven (wash on paper) 1975-8

Carlo Dolci - St. Paul the Hermit Fed by the Raven (oil on canvas) c. 1648

Caspar David Friedrich - Woman with Raven on the Edge of a Chasam (woodcut) c. 1803

Dante Gabriel Rossetti - Illustration to Poe's Raven (pen and wash on paper) c. 1847
 Seonna Hong - Raven 1-8 (leather) 2006
M.C. Escher - The Black Raven (wood engraving) 1925

Elizabeth Stehling - Raven (umbrella) 2009

Robert Davidson - Raven (screenprint)

Monday, August 27, 2012


whining dog
(my backyard, Druid Heights, Baltimore, MD)

"fear is present, fear is also a spectacle,... and fear might be real, or just as real as we allow it to be." - Irene Pérez

Thursday, August 23, 2012

playing with fear

i've been reconsidering the piece i wanted to make where i just let live crows into the gallery space - because of obvious reasons: live animals is an insurance risk not to mention cruel, and it is illegal to taxidermy crows in the US. so, i thought using fake crows would ruin the 'fear' that comes with real crows - but after buying a couple i'm starting to think that, installed correctly, they might deliver the same initial feeling of fear, followed by ridiculousness (e.g., a large shelf of unmoving replica crows all posed the same way).

here are some other notes:
-not climate change, but the fear & spectacle that surrounds it
-marker for the rising fear
-direct fear & talisman (talisman that aid in psychological help)