Showing posts with label BoL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BoL. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The hangover (Sword & Sorcery style)

Carousing results table for Legends of Steel (revised)

01 Shanghaied! Your character awakens from his latest revel on a ship that has already set sail.

02 -03 Your character parties with a VIP, a dissolute noble, up and coming merchant, or an entertainer of repute.

04-06 Your character gets married while drunk. His spouse is very attractive.

07-09 Your character now owns a blade of exquisite quality and workmanship.

10-13 Your character gets married while drunk his spouse is not the slightest bit attractive.

14-16 Your character awakens with the poxed whore he was warned about last night.

17-18 Your character overhears whispering thieves and gains a lead on a vast sum of wealth.

19-20 Your character wins a ship or deed. The ships crew hasn’t been paid in weeks. The land title is to a large, rundown, possibly haunted, estate.

21-22 Your character pledges his service and eternal friendship to a total stranger.

23 Recruited! Your character gas joined the army.

24-40 Your character has spent half of his earnings on wenches, wine, narcotics, etc.

41-43 Your character has spent all of his earnings on wenches, wine, narcotics, etc.

44-56 Robbed while drunk - lose all your characters treasure and equipment.

57-60 Robbed and beaten while drunken, as above but your character wakes up with a wound.

61-63 Your character now owns a slave or the contract to an indentured servant.

64 Your character wakes up holding a basket. The basket has a baby and a note “Her name is Emily. Be kind to her.”

65-66 Your character drank some bad date wine, and is incapacitated for a week.

67 Your character wakes up to find he is wanted for murder (He’s completely innocent but that’s not the point).

68-69 Your character now owns an exotic mount (camel, elephant, ostrich, llama).

70-72 Your character defeated the town bully, ruffian or #1 bad guy. Everyone in town loves him, except the kin of the man he defeated.

73-74 Your character wakes up in a luxury suite with a beautiful courtesan and twice the money he had last night.

75-76 Your character awakens clutching a note in his hand. The note has a desperate message written on it.

77-79 Your character wakes up in a nobleman’s guestroom and is mistaken for a legendary hero.

80-85 Your character now owns the tavern, wine shop, or brothel he woke up in.

86-96 Your character is incarcerated for drunken hooliganism.

97-99 Your character wakes up with the “mother of all hangovers” but no other ill effects.

100  Last night she was the sexiest wench in the tavern. Your character now wakes to find “she” is really a “he.”

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Name the new pulp game contest.

My draft for BoL-Pulp was just given the "green light". Now I need to find a better name than "BoL-Pulp".
So help me find a name for BoL-Pulp and win a hard-copy of it when it comes out. Send me your entries. contest ends when I find a name I like.

Witness my frustration while trying out names...

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Simon at BBG has the first draft of what I hope will be a set of rules to expand BoL into the realm of Pulp. I felt that by releasing The Lost World of Hador without a definitive set of BoL pulp rules would be like putting the cart before the horse. Once I get the rules into a shape thats ready for release I'll move to the next step which will be writing a few adventures and other setting flavored material (like finding a snappier title than BoL/Pulp).

Monday, November 30, 2009

Friday, August 14, 2009


I've been working quite a bit lately with Simon of Beyond Belief games as we get Legends of Steel-BoL edition ready for release and he started talking to me about "Guns of Laredo" this is a Western RPG he's been working on using the BoL rules. Guns of Laredo (GoL) will be set in a fictional west more akin to the spaghetti westerns of the 60's and 7
0's than to the usual "John Ford western" or even the historical west. Simon's approach appealed to me as i have always been a fan of the adult western series paperbacks that flooded bookstores in the 80's ( Edge, Ruff Justice, Adam Steele, Lonestar, the Gunsmith, the Renegade,etc.).
I then started talking to Simon about my ideas for a pulp rpg set in the post war era rather than the typical pre-war 1930's.

As the discussion evolved it became more and more apparent that the early post WWII years would be an awesome time to run a pulp game in. In fact
many of the same tropes you find in your standard 1930's pulp era still apply, with the added bonuses of the dawn of the atomic age and a whole rewrite of the world map taking place.

The world at that particular time was a great big jumble of chaos, and a group of "Adventurers" with a set of balls could set themselves up for life by running guns, smuggling refugees, hunting Nazis, thwarting Commies and maybe even uncovering the seeds of a possible alien invasion.

And so was born my next foray into the BoL system which I am naming 1946.
I figure between Louis L'Amour adventure stories, the Republic serials, and all the Manly men mags of the period I'll have plenty of fodder for thought.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Legends of Steel _BoL Edition out soon!

The Legends of Steel campaign setting together with the Barbarians of Lemuria rules engine, promises to be the quintessential "rules light" Sword & Sorcery RPG package.

LoS/BoL is currently going through the final edits and layout and should see initial PDF release before the end of August.