Showing posts with label Cool Websites. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cool Websites. Show all posts

Thursday, April 14, 2011

GEEK ALERT! Behind the Scenes on the set of "The Hobbit"

A million thanks to "Friend of the Lair" Jason Chalker for the heads up on this.

Nerdgasm time.

Monday, February 22, 2010

A Manly Blog for a Manly Monday!

Jason Chalker is a might fine artist and a "Friend of the Lair", his Manly Art Blog is a peek into a wonderfully diverse and imaginative portfolio. 

Be sure to check out the extremely cool Year of the Tiger Tee-shirt at his store.

Friday, January 01, 2010

Paperback Swap - It works!

A few weeks ago I heard about this service. It's all on the honor system. You post all your old paperbacks at this online site and you can trade them straight across with other folks who have paperbacks to swap. I've been using it for the last few weeks and so far it has worked like a charm! I cant recommend it enough.  it kind of works like this:

I have an extra copy of Conan the Conquerer. 
I post it on the paperbackswap database.
someone, somewhere who is looking for a copy of Conan the Conquerer sends me a request for it through the paperback swap database.
I send him the book (I pay Postage). 
I then get a "Credit" to use when I see a book on thier database that I want.
I see that someone has "King Kull" up on the database. I use my credit to order it. it is sent to me (sender always pays postage).

Give PaperBackSwap a try. and if you do try it tell them "Boojiesdad" is your referrer, I get credits for spreading the word.

Click here - Book Club to Swap, Trade & Exchange Books for Free.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

The Planet Algol Blog


Planet Algol is one of the best campaign blogs out there. The posts are full of information and ideas. I would say more, but I don't really need to. Go check it out.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Here is another cool blog I'll be stealing images from -

Christopher Mills has the coolest blogs. Here is another example: Space 1970

I will be frequently be stealing cool pictures like this...

and this...

from now on.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Get ready for a "nerdgasm" - War of the Worlds - Goliath DVD

Chris just sent this in to me. check out this trailer!

I checked their Blog- no updates since August (not a good sign) but I'll keep my fingers crossed, cause this looks too damned good.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

A couple of nice finds out on the net

Diversions of the Groovy Kind is a fun comic blog specializing in 70's era comics (my own personal "Golden age" of Comics).

Saturday, June 20, 2009

It's all coming together

A few weeks ago I posted that the Minions and I have really gotten into Heroclix. Part of the Heroclix experience is explaining the powers and backgrounds of the various characters, which is really cool for me because I'm suddenly, once again the Comic Guru that I was many, many years ago.
"Who is this guy dad?"
"How did she get her powers dad?"
"Hey dad, why doesn't Quicksilver like the Vision? I thought they were both Avengers?".

Sometimes the answers come easy, some times they take a while to explain (such as Pietro's problem with his sister marrying an android).
"She-Hulk is not Hulks wife."
"Wonderman is dead, but not really-and he's no relation to Wonder Woman."
"Yes, Wildcats costume looks a little silly, but he was one of the first guys to teach Batman how to fight, so show some respect."

Interestingly the Minions have quite a bit of Superhero/Villain knowledge, but theirs comes from cartoons, hence it's flawed knowledge. the true lore comes from the comic books and I'm quick to point that out to them. Still its a start, and shows like Batman Brave and the Bold do kick ass.

All of this Comic book reminiscing has led me to revisit my collection. and in doing do has irritated "She who must be obeyed" as she is constantly coming across comic books and comic bags all over the house. This predicament has led me to seek a solution in the 21st century-Digital comics.

Thanks to my handy-dandy Asus notebook and my link to The Crosseyed-Cyclops blog (One of the coolest and most useful blogs out there) I've been able to download many of the comics I already have, for instant (and no-mess) gratification. and it's a helluva lot easier to carry full runs of Master of Kung Fu, The Defenders, and Sgt Rock on a thumb drive than in my man-bag.

Of course I'll concede to all the purists out there that nothing compares to holding the real thing in your hand, but at my age and lifestyle I've become more of a realist, and if there's anything I can do to make my life easier, then thats the road I'm taking.

So all in all things are pretty good in the Fanboy area. I'm playing with my kids, I'm their font of knowledge in all things Marvel/DC, I'm embracing new technology and have found yet another use for my netbook, and I'm reading the old stuff again.
Good times.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Have you been to Zen's basement?

This is one of Those sites. Those sites that have the greatest collections of cool stuff. They pop up, lay their gems out on a velvet cloth for all to see and then disappear into the net-verse. Let's hope Zen stays for awhile.

Go check it out!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Make Mine Microsoft!


For the past week or so I have been struggling with trying to get some type of website put together for the up-coming release of Legends of Steel –Savage Worlds Edition. 

Since I started Evil DM Productions I have received lots of offers for website and Logo design. Unfortunately, I really cant afford the prices that I’m being quoted. At least not until I can recoup some of my initial investment.  So I needed to take the “do it yourself” route.

I can cut n paste – drag n drop with the best of them, but when you start talking about source codes and HTML, my eyes just kind of glaze over.

So I not only needed something free but also easy.  My first stop was my usual go to- Google.  I had a crappy site there already and I figured all I needed to do was update it. But then I find out that Google is no longer supporting their Google pages product, though they keep it running for those who want to keep using it. I really didn't want to tie my site to that hitching post.

So then I went to Tripod. And quickly left.

Finally I looked at Microsoft .

Now I’m gonna say something that may cost me a few readers, but fuck it.  I happen to like Microsoft. Nay, I LOVE MICROSOFT!

When I was In college Microsoft Office got me through many a late night.  I know for a fact that Power Point was responsible for at least three A’s based on my final presentation. And if it wasn't for Excel I would have dropped out midway through my statistics class.  And the first computer game I ever bought “Close Combat: A Bridge too far”  was from Microsoft ( I still whip that baby out and run it every so often), and as if I needed one more reason: my XBox360 lets me kick Nazi ass every day with Call of Duty . So yeah, me and Microsoft- tight.

So anyway, I do a lot of stuff on office live. I noticed that office live has a sub site-office live small business. Hey that's exactly what I want to be- a small business. in this suite of stuff they have a website designer. Nothing fancy at all, but it works and its free.

Even with this bare bones, no-frills program It still took me almost two days to hammer something halfway decent out of it.

So here it is.

She aint gonna win any beauty contests but she does her job.  Thanks Bill.

More later.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Free Game- Swords & Wizardry / Cool setting GURPS Godzilla

Swords & Wizardry is a revisit of real "Old School" gaming. And yes my friends, it's free.Taking the original Dungeons and Dragons rule set from the mid 70's the authors goal seems to be to try and re-kindle that feeling many of us had as we perused the game for the first time. You can pick up a PDF copy at Lulu.

GURPS Godzilla
When I first ran across this site I dismissed it. I'm not into fighting monster games. But as the author Jonathon Woodward states in his introduction:

"When most people consider "GURPS Godzilla", they picture playing a very flat, scorched character. I'll admit, that doesn't sound like much fun. However, in the course of nearly three dozen films starring Godzilla and his antagonists, Toho Studios has created an exciting universe, full of things to do that don't involve 300 foot monsters stepping on your character's head. This document is an attempt to explore that universe and suggest ideas to the imaginative GM."

The world of Godzilla, as created by Toho studios, is a complex and rich weird science campaign made to order. I can just see a group made up of tough "Adventuring Scientists" battling all kinds of enemies from Aliens to foreign dictators, as they unlock the secrets of these giant creatures.

Sit down and go over this stuff for a few minutes. If you cant dream up half a dozen pulp science scenarios as your reading through it, then you need a double dose of Geek Mojo.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

A new home for the old folks is a new group dedicated to out of print games that still have a following: Top Secret:SI, Chill, Tales from the Floating Vagabond, OD&D, Gangbusters,etc. they have forums, chatrooms, files to upload, contests, and more.
It's a brand new effort, just a few months old. I signed on a while back, but I havent really checked it out too thoroughly, until today. I think I may start hanging out there a bit. stop on by and get involved. I'll post more on it later as I get to look around some more over there.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A couple more freebies

The other day I mentioned some free RPG's for your gaming pleasure. I wanted to follow it up with a couple more offerings that have come to my attention.

Star frontiers remastered is an exceptional effort to revisit one of the grand old games of yesteryear. The folks in charge have been doing an exceptional job of cleaning up and re releasing material for this game and also coming up with a regular offering of new material through their PDF fanzine called the Frontiersman. seriously, all gaming products-free or commercial- should look this good. The newest issue (#9)of the Frontiersman has just been released, you can find it here.

I haven't really had a chance to look into this too much, but for those of you who have trouble making time in real life for a game, Screen Monkey might be just what your looking for. And now Screen Monkey is teaming up with the gamer networking site RPGLife and releasing a free version of their platform. So now you have the means to game online and a place to find other like-minded geeks. It may not be the ideal role playing experience, but for some it may be the only game in town.

This last freebie doesnt have anything to do with gaming but it's a cool freebie I ran across last week. it's a web-based image editor from Finland called Sumo paint. Like I said not strictly gaming but it may come in handy.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I found just the thing - LibraryThing

Right before the most recent crash I posted on a few of the forums that I was looking for a book/game organizer. The thing is, I have tons of books and games strewn about in different parts of the Lair and all too often I come back from a “book run” only to find that I bought something I already have. One of the suggestions was a place called LibraryThing.

LibraryThing not only organizes your book and game collection it also acts as a social networking site similar to My Space and Facebook. I’m not into networking sites such as Facebook etc. they seem to me intrusive with their silly polls and other time wasters, but this one might be worth it for the networking I can do in a specific are of interest (books).

I like the feel of it so much so that I actually invited many of my online friends who also have a literary bent.

A few months ago I was talking with Howard Jones the editor of Black Gate Magazine and we were discussing the lack of a message board dedicated to Heroic Fiction or Adventure Fiction. There are a couple of Sword & Sorcery boards out there and of course many dedicated to specific characters and authors, but nowhere that one can go to discuss the various works of Mundy, Howard, Burroughs or Lamb all on the same site. LibraryThing might be the place to form such a group.

Anyway, I’m on there and trying slowly but surely to get my books entered and organized. I’m shooting for entering maybe 20 books a day. So stop by sign up, I just checked I actually have a “friend” there now.

My new goal is to be the Tia Tequila of LibraryThing!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Danger Magnet Magazine Premier Issue

Danger Magnet is a brand new Gaming magazine specifically geared towards Pulp adventure. The offerings are written for the Ubiquity gaming system, the system used for Exile Games “Hollow Earth Expeditions”, but they can be very easily adapted to any pulp style system with very little effort.

First off, I have to say the magazine is beautiful. It sports a wonderful action packed cover full of pulp flavor. The layout is crisp and stylish. I was very impressed by the look of Danger Magnet.

Since this is a PDF product I have to suggest two points to consider in future issues.

#1 Numbered pages. The table of contents has page references but as I printed it up there were no page numbers.
#2 No black backgrounds. Black backgrounds eat up a lot of ink and may keep people from printing it up. Making the magazine as “printer friendly” as possible will insure that your readers print up a copy and use it rather than looking at it once and then leaving it on their hard drive to soon be forgotten.

The feature articles include:

Professor Scrumtumbler’s BEASTiary
A “New Monsters” feature that not only introduces new creatures but also offers hooks for using them in adventures. This issue featured “Tomb Beetles” very similar to the ones that wreaked havoc in the movie “The Mummy” (1992).

The Society Page
This issue was devoted to Howard Carter the archeologist responsible for discovering King Tutankhamen’s tomb. It also gave information on incorporating Professor Carter into the “Hollow Earth” game world. This article also offered hooks or “Seeds” to help get the Professor involved in your campaign. Good stuff.

Next up is an adventure titled “The Thule Death Ray”
This is a nice solid adventure (with handouts) that adds Game master tips for setting mood and describing conditions by the sense. Good tips that even experienced game masters forget from time to time.

The Twelve Talismans of Tali’ Theus
This article introduces a dozen items for use in your adventures, either as rewards, treasures to discover or heirlooms to be passed down in the battle against the forces of evil.

This appears to be a licensed product for the Ubiquity system. A bit of D&D meets Gamma World as the survivors of a post apocalyptic fantasy world struggle for survival. This offering is a locale (a cave complex) that can be inserted in a campaign. I would have preferred a write up of desolation itself. Something that would tell me in detail what the game offers and such. While the article was well written, I think it would have better been left for a future issue, after a introduction article to Desolation was done.

Finally we have an article called “Tools of the trade”
“Tools of the trade” goes over, in nice detail, the various accoutrements used by Indian Jones on his various adventures. Very well researched and fun. This is the type of “Meat and Potatoes” article that I love, very useful to any Pulp GM no matter the system being used.

The whole issue comes in at a healthy 35 pages, and was a very enjoyable read with quite a few handy tips and adventure ideas.

This premiere issue is free, though you can donate a few bucks to the cause.

For those of us who enjoy Pulp gaming we have been experiencing a renaissance as of late with great games like Savage Worlds, Spirit of the Century, Hollow Earth Expeditions, Dime Heroes and Two Fisted Tales, just to name a few. But what we haven’t seen is a magazine that addresses the genre in full and with such style as Danger Magnet. I would implore all of you to not only download the free copy but to also pony up a few bucks to insure that this effort continues. The production values of this magazine are excellent and rival any other PDF product out there. $5.00 is a very decent price for the amount of content that you’re getting. So be sure to give Danger Magnet a chance, I’m positive you won’t be disappointed. And be sure to tell them the Evil DM sent ya!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Flashback Universe free online comics!

This is a very sweet site with plenty of content. Flashback Universe is specifically geared to bringing back that old Marvel comics feel (back when a buck could get you FOUR great comics). There is a ton of free content including a nice selection of original comics in .cbr format. It’s free but if you want to donate a couple of bucks to show your support you’ll not only be supporting their efforts but you’ll also get access to special “members only” sections.
Check em out, enjoy the great comics and toss a couple of bucks their way via PayPal and support the movement!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Sword & Sorcery flavored Caption Contest at

I've teamed up with my good buddy Jeff Hebert over at to offer you the chance to win your very own custom black and white illustration from a professional illustrator!

It's like going to a comic book convention and getting a drawing, only free.

And over the internet.

And without scantily clad models for new gaming systems running around.

Here are a few links to some of the prize winners in the past so you can get an idea of what you might have done:
Hephaestian, a blacksmith babe; Celtica, an Irish warrior princess; Cyborg Ranger; a Vampire Pirate; and Deadlands character Jessie McTavish.

And all you Bloggers out there pass the word along. Let's show Jeff some Geek Karma!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Femme Noir - The Dark City Diaries

Today I picked up a copy of Ape Entertainment’s newest title: Femme Noir- The Dark City Diaries. The four issue series is a gritty look at a place called Port Nocturne and the female crime fighter who prowls its streets dispensing justice from the barrel of a gun. I enjoyed the hell out of it. Christopher Mills ( who has a pretty snazzy Blog of his own)heads up the creative team and brings a little dark pulp to the comic world. If you love Mystery, Noir, Pulp, or Crime Stories this is a title you shouldn’t miss. You can also find a very cool website here.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Fat Dragon has a "Keep on the Borderlands"

Fat Dragon Games has a growing line of great 3D products to liven up your games. Here is a classic brought to life. Oh, to have had this baby on my table when I first ran B2. Their production values seem to get better with every release. Check out the detail in the photos, the shading and reflection on the stained glass, the dried blood on the portcullis.

Just imagine all the variations you could do with this. Endless possibilities for under $10.00

With all the stuff I have going on now at Evil DM Productions I don't have the time to print it up and give it a full review, But I will say without hesitation that based on the other products from Fat Dragon that I have used and reviewed this one wont disappoint. Pick it up at RPGNow.