Sunday, November 23, 2008

Lazy sunday Photodump

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Team Galileo

Here's a peek of the Cartoon Action Hour:2 game that we are going to be running over Skype and Screen monkey.
I just threw this together using Power Point and the venerable Heromachine program.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

This is pretty damn funny!

It helps that I hate Nazis. If anyone deserves to lose their ass on real estate its Hitler.

OH MY GOD- I NEED A Bruce Lee Phone!

A Bruce Lee phone.
A Bruce Lee phone that comes with a Bruce Lee action figure.

Pardon me while I have a nerdgasm.

Products like these are the reason that "She who must be obeyed" took the credit cards away from my impulse buying ass.

Whats more Kick ass than Chuck Norris?
The guy who kicked Chuck Norris's ass of course.


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Help a brother out - Vote for Hutt

When I began my Internet journey one of the first groups of people I met were a gang of GI Joe collectors on a list called "Action Heroes". One of the members was Hutt Wigley. It's been over ten years but many of us from that old list are still hanging out together. Hutt has taken his passion for action figures and has combined it with the wizardry of stop motion animation. This contest he's entered has a grand prize of $25,000 and the film gets shopped around to industry folks. This is a great opportunity for Hutt to get some exposure and make some connections in addition to funding for more equipment and future products. Here is a message from Hutt.:

Back in February of 2008, a local (Boise, ID) Hip-Hop artist, called QS the Soul Brother, asked me to create an animated music video for one of his songs. After listening to his catalog of music, I selected the song “Let’s Do It” which QS collaborated on with a rapper named Tone. I created action figure versions of the two musical artists and, using stop-motion animation, placed them in a sort of Indiana Jones-esque pulp adventure setting. Working an average of 6 hours a day, the video took exactly 3 months to complete.

Watch more cool animation and creative cartoons at aniBoom

The music video was shown at the GI JoeFest Stop-Motion Animation Film Festival, and won the 4th place Audience Choice award.

I also entered the video in the annual contest on which ends December 2nd, 2008. To vote for it and leave comments, go here:

Thanks for checking it out!

-Hutt Wigley

So there you go folks. Once again a fellow geek needs our help. please check out the video and vote for it. Yes, you do have to register with them to vote but it takes like 2 minutes- and this could be a life changing event for Hutt if he was to win. If you collect comics, action figures or play RPG's you know you have taken some shit from people who think those things are childish, here's a chance to toss it back at them and help a brother out in the process. the animation looks fun but it's a lot of work. Let's help reward hutt's dedication to his hobby.

Vote here.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Virtual gaming with Cartoon Action Hour: season 2

My regular gaming group came to a sudden unexpected end tonight. So to fill the void I'm going to use this opportunity to explore Cartoon Action Hour: season 2
Ive got several players from the Midnights Lair Message board signed on. It looks like we are going to try some virtual tabletop gaming via Skype and Screen Monkey.

here is the premise so far:

The characters are part of a global organization known as the World Science Agency, a private organization that recruits Scientists from all countries and conducts research and investigates all manner of scientific phenomena. The bulk of the organization is research oriented and they have facilities throughout the world. The elite of the organization belong to The Special Missions Bureau
Each member is a expert in at least one scientific field. the scientists are divided into teams that of 4-6 members and are sent to investigate any scientific issues that may have global impact. Each team is given the code name of a famous scientist (i.e. Team Galileo, Team Edison, Team Del Rio, Team Jung, etc.)

Because of the active and often dangerous circumstances the teams find themselves in, members are required to be physically as well as mentally fit. Many have military training or extensive field work experience. The Special missions "Boot camp" is in Guyana and has former members of the American Rangers, British SAS, and Russian Spetsnatz amongst its cadre.

Here is the "feel" i'm aiming for:

Monday, November 10, 2008

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Loving me some Chap Mei!

Chap Mei is a Hong Kong company that specializes in 3 3/4 scale action figures. Generally the knockoff lines from Hong Kong don't really appeal to me. but there is something magical about these figures. Chap Mei's figures range from Pulp adventurers to Vikings. Whoever works in the R&D is a kindred soul cause he thinks up the kind of figure lines I would have killed for as a kid.

the bad news is that
1- the various lines are very hard to track down. in a surprising toy twist all the cool stuff hits Europe first- and that's just wrong.

2- the sculpting of the figures is very cool in a Saturday morning cartoon way, but they seriously lack in articulation.

Otherwise they ROCK!

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Legends of Steel Cover (Proposed)

Well folks Here is the proposed cover for Legends of Steel- "Savage Worlds" edition.

The art is by Jeremy Mohler. The layout is by me with a lot of help from friends (you know who you are).

Any similarity to the classic Marvel comics of the 70's is purely intentional.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008



Republican or Democrat- Vote

Times are are a bit tough in the US of A right now, but to put it in perspective:

1. I didn’t go to sleep hungry last night.
2. I didn’t go to sleep outside.
3. I had a choice of what clothes to wear this morning.
4. I hardly broke a sweat today.
5. I didn’t spend a minute in fear.
6. I have access to clean drinking water.
7. I have access to medical care.
8. I have access to the Internet.
9. I can read.
10. I have the right to vote. *

So all in all I cant complain (too much).

*paraphrased from Marc and Angel's blog.

Monday, November 03, 2008

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Saturday, November 01, 2008