Showing posts with label bush treason. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bush treason. Show all posts

Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Origins of American Decline in the Assassination of John F. Kennedy

by Len Hart, the Existentialist Cowboy

The Warren Commission's official 'magic bullet' theory was cooked up to cover up the undeniable fact that the shot that killed JFK came from the front, the infamous grassy knoll where witnesses were photographed rushing up the knoll toward a leafy cover just behind the picket fence.

Gerald Ford admitted to tampering with evidence while he was on the Warren Commission. In other words, Ford committed a federal crime the effect of which has kept the truth from the American people since 1963.
The initial draft of the report stated:
    "A bullet had entered his back at a point slightly above the shoulder to the right of the spine."
Ford wanted it to read:
    "A bullet had entered the back of his neck slightly to the right of the spine."
--Gerald Ford's Terrible Fiction
The murder of Lee Harvey Oswald by known mobster Jack Ruby was entirely too timely, too convenient. It necessitated the creation of the Warren Commission which, in fact, facilitated and promoted the government's official cover story.
"According to the Warren Report the missile hit JFK in the posterior neck, then without striking any hard object passed through the neck to exit at the front of his throat. It then entered Texas Governor John B. Connally's back at the right arm pit, sliding along his fifth rib, demolishing four inches of the rib before it exited his chest below the right nipple. The bullet then allegedly struck and shattered the radius of the right wrist on the dorsal side, then exited at the base of his palm and hit his left thigh just about the knee.

The Report then asserts that CE 399 traveled about three inches beneath the surface of the skin, hit the femur and deposited a lead fragment on the bone. Then, sometime later, with a spasm of reverse kinetic energy it spontaneously exited the hole in Connally's thigh and neatly tucked itself under the mattress of a stretcher parked in a hallway of the Parkland Memorial Hospital that the Report asserted was linked to the wounded governor. There it rested calmly under the mattress waiting for its rendezvous with history."
--Gerald McKnight, Researcher
The "chain of evidence" on Commission Exhibit 399 --known as the 'Magic Bullet' --had been broken. The government could not have convicted Oswald with a 'magic bullet'. Moreover, because the 'chain of evidence' had been broken, the 'magic bullet' would not have been admitted as evidence.

A trial of Oswald would have exposed the fraudulent nature of the Warren Commission --motive enough to order the murder of Lee Harvey Oswald who had maintained from the get go that he was a 'patsy'. Oswald, I am sure, would have had much more to say in his own defense had his case gone to trial. Oswald was the man who knew too much.

The death of Oswald was improbably convenient. It relieved the government of having to get a conviction which it most certainly could not have done with inadmissible evidence. Incredibly, however, we are expected to believe a simple-minded cover story that would have been thrown out of court by a competent and/or honest judge. We are expected to believe that a single bullet fired from the Mannlicher-Carcano was responsible for numerous wounds --a fatal one to JFK and serious wounds to Texas Governor John Connally. None of this would have gotten by a spirited, competent defense.

The Zapruder film would have been played back in court, proving to any intelligent jury that the 'magic bullet' was not only wrong and inadmissible, it was irrelevant. The fatal shot came from the front, striking JFK just above his right eye, exploding his skull and driving his head backward from the impact.

Backward and to the left. 

 If you doubt this, here is a link to a unique site: Zapruder Film Frame by Frame. Every frame of Zapruder is enlarged and accessible with a link. Zapruder can be examined, literally, frame by frame.

The murder of JFK may not have been the classic coup d'etat usually announced amid great chest beating and displays of arms and/or militia.

This coup d'etat was a covert takeover by the low profile beneficiaries inside the Military/Industrial complex and throughout the CIA. As subsequent events have proven since that date, Lincoln's vision of a 'government of the people, by the people and for the people' did, indeed, perish from this earth. If it was not the classic coup d'etat, we might have been better off if it had been. Our traitors are cowards who subvert us with secrecy, lies, and subterfuge. Some prefer the tyrant that can be seen to unseen 'spooks' who murder by stealth and proxy.

If Oswald had gone to trial, the 'magic bullet' might never have been debated --powerful motive to prevent such a trial. The 'magic bullet' theory is intended to deflect attention from the grassy knoll where JFKs killer fired a fatal shot to the front from behind the cover afforded him by a picket fence and a considerable foliage.

The attending staff at Parkland said that Kennedy's neck wound was an entry wound --not an exit wound; therefore JFK sustained at least two shots from the front. These are the truths that are highly inconvenient to the government and other proponents of the 'official' Oswald story. It is a 'story' that would have been consigned to the dust bin of history had Oswald lived and had the government been required to prove its absurd case against him.
Numerous witnesses described hearing a shot from that direction; others saw smoke.

What those witnesses saw was captured most dramatically by Abraham Zapruder. His film proves conclusively that the fatal shot [Frame 313] forces JFKs head backward and to the left. Secondly, it is clear that the limousine begins to slow from a forward speed of 9 MPH to 7.8 MPH at frame 310.

Frame 313 is undeniable and irrefutable. JFK was still alive when a powerful shot from the front exploded upon impact on the right side of the President's forehead, just above his right eye. As Dan Rather initially described the film: the head was knocked backward by the impact of a shot fired from the front . In Zapruder we witness the results of a gunshot wound from the front --not a whiplash from a limousine popping a wheelie.

The many official lies about JFKs murder have had the effect, in fact, of deflecting attention from real evidence that disproves the official narrative, real evidence that had it been followed up would most certainly have proven that Lee Harvey Oswald: 1) could not have fired the fatal shot; 2) was probably not even in the depository window at the time of the murder; 3) would have been ill-placed as a shooter even IF he had a part of the bigger conspiracy.

There are many reasons to discount every part of the official narrative, everything said by the government and the Warren Commission about the murder of JFK. There is only one reason people lie in cases like this: they do not wish you to know the truth. They do not wish you to suspect that a shooter in the grassy knoll would have had the best shot, the best chance to murder JFK. There is only one reason 'they' do not wish you to know or suspect this: the government itself was complicit with a grassy knoll shooter.

Otherwise, why is the government so threatened? Why are official conspiracy theorists so adamant, so intolerant, so insistent? How do idiots get so smart, so fast?

Having seen certified pictures of the so-called 'magic bullet', I find it hard to believe that the bullet had ever been fired, let alone slicing through flesh and smashing hard, dense bone as the government shills would have you believe. You can see pictures of the 'magic bullet' [CE 399, posted above; click for larger image] at the JFK LANCER. This is the very picture of pristine. It is highly doubtful that it had even been fired, let alone create multiple wounds and extensive bone damage. Secondly, Zapruder frame 230 proves that John Connally had not been hit by the same bullet that magic bullet theorists say struck JFK. On this point, the expert testimony of a pathologist may be seen in the second video in the playlist posted below.

The Warren Commission simply discounted anything that didn't fit officialdom. The magic bullet was concocted by Arlen Specter though he has no experience in forensics! My opinion is, at least, as good as his and most certainly less biased in favor of anything that might benefit the GOP, the MIC, or the CIA.

Specter may have hoped to deflect attention from the real source of the fatal bullet that struck JFK just above his right eye from the front. Specter may have hoped to paper over the holes. Specter's motives are relevant to the Warren Commission's credibility. If it was Specter's motive to cover up the truth by diversion, then he is guilty of obstruction of justice. Moreover, if the fatal shot came from the front the 'magic bullet' is just another establishment red herring at best, a federal crime at worst. It hinges upon Specter's motives.

The Magic Bullet was entered into the chain of evidence before it had been taken out of Connally's leg --evidence that the 'official magic bullet theory' was concocted in advance of the investigation. The 'state' was looking for anything that would shore up the cover. Real investigations are not conducted in this manner. But cover ups are! Indeed, even the FBI and the Secret Service stated in their separate reports that JFK and John Connally were struck by separate bullets.
A Warren Commission member expressed serious reservations about one of the panel's more controversial conclusions, the theory that a single shot wounded both President John F. Kennedy and Texas Gov. John Connally, a long-secret document has revealed. The "magic-bullet" theory was essential to the commission's conclusion that Lee Harvey Oswald was a lone assassin. 
Marked "confidential," the released document was a memorandum sent by commission member John J. McCloy to the commission's chief counsel, J. Lee Rankin. It was dated June 24, 1964, seven months after Kennedy's assassination in Dallas, and conveyed McCloy's critique of a draft of the final Warren Commission report. 
"I think too much effort is expended on attempting to prove that the first bullet, which hit the president, was also responsible for all of Connally's wounds," McCloy wrote. (Note: the commas are not in the original.) "The evidence against this is not fully stated." He added that a section of the report dealing with the possibility of shots being fired at Kennedy's motorcade from an overpass was "not well done." Elsewhere, McCloy questioned the commission's account that a bullet found on a stretcher at Dallas' Parkland Hospital - where Kennedy and Connally were treated after being shot - was the "magic bullet." He wrote: "The statement concerning the bullet which was found on the stretcher is not particularly persuasive because there is no indication that the `stretcher bullet' was in fact the bullet which caused the [Connally] wrist wound." 
The "magic-bullet" theory's importance to the conclusion that Oswald alone killed Kennedy lay in the number and timing of the shots fired at the president's motorcade. The commission concluded there was time for Oswald to fire no more than three shots and that he did, in fact, fire three times. One was said to have missed the presidential limousine entirely. A second - the fatal bullet - was said to have struck Kennedy in the back of the head. That left just one more bullet, but it was known that Kennedy also had been struck in the lower part of the back of his neck and that Connally had suffered wounds to his back, right wrist and left thigh.
--JFK Lancer
As relevant as these conclusions are, it is the fraudulent manner in which the 'magic bullet is introduced that makes this a case of obstruction of justice, possibly high treason to which Arlen Specter was complicit.

According to JFK Lancer, on March 20, 1964 the W. Commission took testimony of Darrell Tomlinson who found the bullet on a gurney in Parkland, Hospital. Incredibly, Tomlinson, was never shown CE-399 or asked to identify it as the bullet he found that day. Having Tomlinson ID the bullet would have confirmed the bullet's bone fides.

But that did not happen.

Like 911, the official cover story is built upon a demonstrable lie. Like 911, the official story was and remains pure bullshit! Like 911, the official cover story has had, in fact, the effect of shielding culprits who committed murder and high treason! Like 911, the culprits are found throughout and in positions of power in what is still called the 'government' of the United States. It is a government that repeatedly betrays the citizens, the sovereign people.

How many more lies have been puked up by the Warren Commission in order to cover up the truth about the cold, blooded murder of JFK?

Every crime is a matter of motive, method and opportunity. In this case, those who had the most powerful motives had the most powerful methods at their disposal. Those who wanted JFK dead had methods equal to their designs. They had the awesome power of the state on their side and they would use it in an act of treason against the state, the person of JFK and against the interests of the people who had placed JFK in office. This is murder on the most obvious level but on another it is an act of high treason. That some of these traitors still live and occupy high office is most certainly at the root cause of this nation's demise.

It is not unreasonable to conclude that planning for the JFK murder began with his historic inaugural address. Subsequently, he promised to smash the CIA into a 'thousand pieces'; he threatened to expose 'secret societies' and 'cults' that he believe posed a threat to the republic; he promised to abolish the FED. The nation, having endured the seemingly endless Viet Nam quagmire, abominable abrogations of Civil Rights, a war waged by the CIA and the FBI against civil liberties, it is easy to forget how revolutionary were JFKs words.
Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans—born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage—and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this Nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world.
--John F. Kennedy, Inaugural Address, January 20, 1961
Likewise, the entrenched establishment of about one percent of our own population could not have been happy with JFKs commitment to human rights.
To those peoples in the huts and villages across the globe struggling to break the bonds of mass misery, we pledge our best efforts to help them help themselves, for whatever period is required—not because the Communists may be doing it, not because we seek their votes, but because it is right. If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.
--JFK, Inaugural Address
In 1961, many powerful forces in and out of the US government would have felt threatened by JFKs commitment to the United Nations, a body still widely opposed and reviled by powerful forces inside the US.
To that world assembly of sovereign states, the United Nations, our last best hope in an age where the instruments of war have far outpaced the instruments of peace, we renew our pledge of support—to prevent it from becoming merely a forum for invective—to strengthen its shield of the new and the weak—and to enlarge the area in which its writ may run.
--JFK, Inaugural Address
And then JFK struck at the very source of an evil 'livlihood' --the Military/Industrial complex about which Dwight Eisenhower had but recently warned.
Let both sides seek to invoke the wonders of science instead of its terrors.
--JFK, Inaugural Address
The MIC is simply not interested in the 'freedom of man'. Like the Mafia, the MIC is in the death business and, under regimes of Reagan, Bush Sr and Bush Jr, the nation itself has become Murder, Inc.
My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.
The MIC is not interested enough in the 'freedom of man' to bother reading the US Constitution. When Gen. Haydon was appointed to head up the CIA, it was obvious that he had never bothered to read the Constitution and was appallingly ignorant, lacking even a 7th grade knowledge of the Fourth Amendment. This was not surprising in the administration of one George W. Bush who had called the Constitution just a "Goddamned piece of paper!"

What has resulted from the cold-blooded murder of JFK, a murder that I believe was carried out largely by our own government? Certainly, the death of JFK seems to have ushered in the present era, dominated as it is by the right wing. For that reason, the faults of the Democratic party are not found in its opposition to the GOP but, rather, in its failure to oppose the GOP. Since 1980, the GOP simply ran rough shod for all but eight years.

The GOP --party to numerous treasons, lies and betrayals --confirm that the GOP is not a political party. The GOP is, rather, a criminal conspiracy, a syndicate, evincing symptoms of the very worst and evil cults. Comparisons to the Nazi party are not out of line; they are conservative. The GOP must bear the criminal responsibility for having subverted the US Constitution by fraud and force and, most recently and conspicuously aiding, abetting and facilitating the rise to power of George W. Bush whose legacy about whom it is charitable to state the obvious that he was this nation's very worst President ever.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Prosecute the NIST for Obstruction of Justice

by Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy

NIST may have deliberately lied about the collapse of Building 7 --said to have been 'pulled' even by Larry Silverstein, its owner. The NIST, charged with investigating the building's collapse, is still trying to peddle the absurd ex post facto rationalization that 'heat expansion' is responsible for the perfectly symmetrical collapse of a building that had never been struck by aircraft.

Lies about crimes are crimes. 911 was a crime. Lies about 911 are obstructions of justice. NIST lied about 911 and now, a group urging a real investigation of 911, is suing to charge NIST with obstruction of justice.

In case after case, scandal after scandal, American federal law enforcement officials have clearly shown by their indictments and prosecutions that there is no confusion in their minds—lying is a crime. Businesspersons need to clearly understand those rules and what prosecutors define as lying.

In recent corporate scandals, some executives have learned the hard way that lying is still a crime in corporate America. Martha Stewart was accused of selling her ImClone stock allegedly after receiving insider information. However, she was not convicted of securities fraud. She was instead convicted for lying. In addition, Computer Associates executives were indicted and some have already pleaded guilty for lying to their own company’s attorney during an internal investigation when their lies were passed on by their attorney to the government.

--Linnea B. McCord, JD, MBA, Kim Greenhalgh, JD, and Michael Magasin, JD, The rules regarding lying in business in the U.S. are currently being vigorously enforced
911 liars held to a lesser standard, a parallel system of justice in which the laws that apply to everyone else are ignored or winked at whether the 'persons of interest' happen to be proponents of new and phony laws of physics or the numerous lies told by George W. Bush himself.
Recently, Congress enacted the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002[15], which included a specific section declaring that the destruction or alteration of documents (or the inclusion of false entries in such documents) constitutes the crime of obstruction of justice, which carries a twenty-year prison sentence. Destroying documents—or otherwise concealing tangible evidence—clearly can subject anyone engaging in such conduct to criminal prosecution.

From the legislative history of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, it appears that the new obstruction of justice section was intended to be broader in scope and to eliminate some of the ambiguities and technicalities that had been required for a conviction as described above.[16]

--Linnea B. McCord, JD, MBA, Kim Greenhalgh, JD, and Michael Magasin, JD, The rules regarding lying in business in the U.S. are currently being vigorously enforced
It is clear enough to anyone who has followed the time line of events. Bush --his administration, his gang of 'close supporters' --exploited the events of 911, overtly obstructed investigations, and repeatedly lied about the crimes. The result has been the disastrous and criminal regime of George W. Bush. It matters.

The official theories about 911 are all indefensible, revised often to overcome new objections as they arise. All are lies, ex post facto rationalizations to cover up the crime. Certainly --the lies themselves are crimes and it is time to bring the 911 liars to justice. Bush may defy the 'laws of this nation' but he is impotent against the 'laws of physics' and entropy. No more lies. No more bullshit. No more re-inventing the laws of physics. No more new-speak. No more double plus good.

There is no reason to suppose that anything supernatural happened at WTC 7; there is no reason to suppose that laws of physics discovered and described by William Thomson, 1st Baron Kelvin, Newton, Galileo et al were repealed.

There is reason to suspect that something highly illegal happened at WTC 7. Persistent heat patterns, observed and photographed from space are big holes in Bush's official theory which cannot explain them innocently. If 'thermal expansion' is to be implicated, the source of additional heat --a violation of fundamental physics --must be demonstrated. An ex post facto cover story, like Arlen Spector's magic bullet theory, is not it. Anyone who has ever built a fire knows that fires run down, get cooler and eventually burn out. Left alone, fires never get hotter. Likewise, steel exposed to fire will only get cooler over time. The only thing that might have saved the sorry assess of the 911 liars is an non-existent exception to the laws of entropy.

In thermodynamics, the concept of entropy is a measure of the amount of energy no longer capable of conversion into work after a transformation process has taken place. Things run down. Hot things get cooler. If the 'cool' kerosene fires were insufficient to melt steel, then the presence of melted steel must be explained in another manner. If the fires are now said to have gotten hotter, the additional energy must be explained rationally. Neither Bush nor his legion of paid 911 liars can change the laws of physics.

The best explanation for the collapse of WTC 7 is still the simplest --Silverstein's simple statement that the building had been 'pulled' following his discussion and agreement with firefighters. Silverstein's own explanation --that the building was 'pulled' --explains everything while providing sufficient probable cause to bring mass murder charges against Silverstein.
A reasonable belief that a person has committed a crime. The test the court of appeals employs to determine whether probable cause existed for purposes of arrest is whether facts and circumstances within the officer's knowledge are sufficient to warrant a prudent person to believe a suspect has committed, is committing, or is about to commit a crime. U.S. v. Puerta, 982 F.2d 1297, 1300 (9th Cir. 1992). In terms of seizure of items, probable cause merely requires that the facts available to the officer warrants a "man of reasonable caution" to conclude that certain items may be contraband or stolen property or useful as evidence of a crime. U.S. v. Dunn, 946 F.2d 615, 619 (9th Cir. 1991), cert. Denied, 112 S. Ct. 401 (1992).

It is undisputed that the Fourth Amendment, applicable to the states through the Fourteenth Amendment, prohibits an officer from making an arrest without probable cause. McKenzie v. Lamb, 738 F.2d 1005, 1007 (9th Cir. 1984). Probable cause exists when "the facts and circumstances within the arresting officer's knowledge are sufficient to warrant a prudent person to believe that a suspect has committed, is committing, or is about to commit a crime." United States v. Hoyos, 892 F.2d 1387, 1392 (9th Cir. 1989), cert. denied, 489 U.S. 825 (1990) (citing United States v. Greene, 783 F.2d 1364, 1367 (9th Cir. 1986), cert. denied, 476 U.S. 1185 (1986)).

When there are grounds for suspicion that a person has committed a crime or misdemeanor, and public justice and the good of the community require that the matter should be examined, there is said to be a probable cause for, making a charge against the accused, however malicious the intention of the accuser may have been. And probable cause will be presumed till the contrary appears.

In an action, then, for a malicious prosecution, the plaintiff is bound to show total absence of probable cause, whether the original proceedings were civil or criminal.

--probable cause
Silverstein is on video tape confirming that within minutes of his discussion with firefighters, in which it was agreed that the building be pulled. The building would not be pulled, however, until two major news outlets reported the collapse before it happened in fact. That building 7 is irrefutable. It looks like every other controlled demolition because that is precisely what it was.

'Thermal expansion' differs among various materials. The 'thermal expansion' co-efficient of steel can be looked up on the internet for free! If you are willing to pay a small yearly subscription fee, you can plug that coefficient (for steel) into an 'online' calculator that will tell you precisely how much 'expansion' can be expected per degree of heat in various scales. The coefficients are one thing. Of more interest are the exponents which, as I recall, are always negative, as in negative 6. Any positive number to the power of negative six, for example, is very, very, very small. Any coefficient to a negative power is very, very, very small.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Incompetent FBI Merely 'Assumed' Wreckage to be Hijacked Planes

by Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy

The FBI has admitted, officially, that it cannot find any 'evidence' or documentation to support popular myths that some four airliners were hijacked by terrorists and used as weapons on 911. Their investigation, says the FBI, was based upon the never questioned assumption that the said flights had been hijacked. The Bush 'presidency' is not an administration; it is a criminal conspiracy!

This comes on the heels of my recent article in which I cited flight data released by the NTSB indicating that Flight 77 never dropped below 273 feet. That's a job the FBI should have done. The latest disclosure from the FBI, however, pull the rug from beneath a panoply of black-hearted lies by Bush and most of his administration. The official conspiracy theory of 911 is kaput!

There is not a shred of evidence in support of anything said by Bush about 911 at any time. Bush's official conspiracy theory is now proven to have been a tissue of lies from its inception! It is now proven to have been based, at least in part, upon mere assumptions by the FBI. It may be more accurate to conclude that Bush, his administration and enablers, would not have gotten away with it had the FBI done its job.

Let's put this another way: there is absolutely nothing to support Bush/Rummie/Powell/Rice assertions with regard to any aspect of 911. In short: Bush has absolutely nothing with which he may prove any statement ever made by him or his administration with regard to the crime of mass murder called '911' for short!

The following statement from David M. Hardy, Section Chief, Records, FBI, was posted on
The following is a statement by the Section Chief of the Record/lnformation Dissemination Section ("RlDS") of the FBI regarding the unsuccessful search for records or facsimiles of records, pertaining the 4 aircraft identified by the FBI and NTSB as being used during terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 or wreckage generated by them, including 2 flight data recorders.

This statement is a defense exhibit for use in an upcoming oral arguments hearing pertaining to a federal court case for records for the 4 aircraft used during the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.



Plaintiff's original FOIA request sought "documentation pertaining to any formally and positively identified debris" from the aircraft used in the September 11th attacks.
In response to this request, RIDS personnel at FBIHQ understood that any potentially responsive records would have been compiled for law enforcement purposes and would be located in a pending file because of an ongoing law enforcement investigation.

RIDS personnel therefore determined that any records would be withheld in their entirety pursuant to 5 U.S.C. § 552(b)(7)(A).

The FBI then received a copy of plaintiff's complaint for injunctive relief, later amended, wherein plaintiff requested the FBI to "produce agency records, concerning documentation revealing the process by which wreckage recovered by defendant, from the aircraft used during the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, was positively identified by defendant (with the aid of the National Transportation Safety Board) as belonging to the said aircraft, presumably through the use of unique serial number identifying information contained by the said aircraft wreckage, that was collected by defendant and which defendant has improperly withheld from plaintiff."

In response to this request, RlDS conducted a search for potentially responsive records at FBIHQ on February 11, 2008. A search of the CRS was conducted using the following subjects: "Airline Debris," "Debris Identification," "Commercial Aircraft," "Aircraft Identification," "Aircraft Debris," "Aircraft Wreckage," "Aircraft," "Recovered Debris," "National Transportation and Safety Bureau," "National Transportation Safety Board," "NTSB," "American Airlines," "American Airlines Flight," "American Airlines Flight Eleven," "American Airlines Flight Number 11," "American Airlines Flight 77," "N334AA," "N612UA," "N644AA," "N591UA," "Flight 175," "Flight 11," "Flight 77," "Flight 93," "Identifying Aircraft Parts," "Factual Report Aviation," "Federal Aviation Administration," "Pentbomb," "Ground Zero," "Freshkills Landfill," and "Fresh Kills Landfill."

Despite this extensive and detailed search effort, RlDS has been unable to locate any FBI records responsive to plaintiffs request.RIDS' search efforts included a verification by the case agent for the investigation. The case agent stated that since the identities of the four hijacked aircraft have never been in question by the FBI, NTSB or FAA (evidence collected after September 11, 2001 has corroborated the fact that American Airlines Flight 11, United Airlines Flight 175, American Airlines Flight 77 and United Flight 93 were the aircraft hijacked), no records would have been generated responsive to plaintiffs request for documents.

Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1746, I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct, and that Exhibits A-J attached hereto are true and correct copies.

Executed this 8th day of August, 2008

David M. HARDY
Section Chief
Records/Information Dissemination Section
Records Management Division
Federal Bureau of investigation, Washington, DC
There is no official documentation, evidence connecting any of the said flights to the events of 911. In other words, there is no proof whatsoever that any flight at any time did what the Bush administration has told the American people that it did. There is no evidence, for example, that Flight 77 struck the Pentagon. Indeed, this blog reported just days ago official NTSB flight data represented by NTSB to be from Flight 77. This information is directly contrary to the 'official conspiracy theory'. According to this NTSB data, Flight 77 could not have crashed into the Pentagon; after take off, it never dropped below 273 feet.

At this point, it may be well to sum up some previous posts.
High Treason: 'Pentagon Lied to the 911 Commission' ; Bush's Theory Falls Apart

911 Commission co-chairs claim that they were misled, perhaps deliberately, by the Bush administration and Pentagon brass. Because 911 was an act of mass murder overtly covered up by the Bush administration, the many lies by Bush amount to more than mere obstructions of justice or cover ups. They amount to high treason --a mechanism by which this administration seized power unconstitutionally. Holes in Bush's theories are holes in Bush's theories.


The NIST Tries to 'Repeal' the Laws of Entropy and the First & Second Laws of Thermodynamics

The NIST's latest theory ignores satellite thermal photos of ground zero indicating abnormally high temperatures for months after 911. The NIST theory du jour ignores this data and fails to explain it!

Under-estimating the intelligence of the American people, the NIST persists in papering over the endless holes in Bush's official conspiracy theories of 911. Openly declaring that its new 'report' will finish off critics of Bush's official conspiracy theory of 911, NIST has presumed to repeal laws of physics --the laws of entropy as well as the First & the Second Laws of Thermodynamics. Are we to expect Bush will now try repeal the equations of Galileo and Newton which describe precisely the free fall of sabotaged towers in New York? Perhaps Bush and his NEOCON co-conspirators will re-design the universe itself!


NTSB Flight Data: Official 'Explanation' of Flight 93 is a Criminal Fraud!

According to official NTSB Flight Data, Flight 93 could not possibly have crashed in the field in PA. The flight data flatly contradicts Bush's official conspiracy theory of 911. Guess which one is lying!

I recently posted NTSB data indicating that Flight 77 never dropped below 273 feet! Flight 77, therefore, could not have crashed into the Pentagon. The Pentagon is only 71 feet tall.

Secondly, according to the official flight data released by the NTSB, Flight 77 could not have damaged the light poles. 77 was much too high; the poles are only 40 feet high and on the wrong trajectory.

Damien, a regular contributor to this blog, has put together an exhaustive survey of equally disturbing holes in the official theories concerning Flight 93 which we have been expected to believe crashed in PA. Following is Damien's report --a damning critique and proof that the Bush cabal cover stories about Flight 93 are simply impossible and violate the recently discussed "Occam's Razor' by raising infinitely more questions than Bush's theories have been able to explain.Simply --any theory that raises more questions than it explains may be discarded. In this case, there are so many demonstrably deliberate lies, that one is justified in concluding that the Bush administration and the US military have deliberately lied to the American people about 911. The term for that is HIGH TREASON!


NTSB Flight Data: Flight 77 Could Not Have Crashed into the Pentagon

NTSB data indicates Flight 77 never dropped below 273 feet! Therefore, Flight 77 could not have crashed into the Pentagon. The Pentagon is only 71 feet tall. Secondly, according to the black box data, Flight 77 could not have damaged the light poles. 77 was much too high (the poles are only 40 feet) and on the wrong trajectory. Dare we hope that this is the wooden stake driven into the heart of vile, evil, official lies about 911?

Data released by the NTSB in response to an FOIA request by Pilots for 911 Truth are nothing less than the raw "black box' file, the official 'flight data' recorded from Flight 77. It's a digital record of everything that happened on that flight from take off. Additionally, altitude and position are confirmed by the beacon at nearby Reagan National Airport.
Who lies about crimes? those who wish to cover them up!

What is the only motive for covering up a crime? to protect the guilty!

What is the primary motive for protecting a guilty person? if the one lying is the guilty party or is complicit with other guilty parties!

Who lied about 911? the entire Bush administration seems premised upon a gestalt of demonstrable lies about a highly improbable, most certainly fictitious conspiracy of incompetent Arab pilots enthrall to one Bin Laden, a CIA asset, said to have been the leader of 'Al Qaeda', a name given this 'conspiracy' by the CIA during the Soviet/Afghan war. It means "The Base".

The most prominent liar in the Bush administration is Bush himself, an habitual, psychopathic liar/murderer who is incapable of telling the truth even by accident! Others include Donald Rumsfeld who told the truth inadvertently when he referred to '...the missile that struck this building' [the Pentagon!]
. . Here we're talking about plastic knives and using an American Airlines flight filed with our citizens, and the missile to damage this building and similar (inaudible) that damaged the World Trade Center. The only way to deal with this problem is by taking the battle to the terrorists, wherever they are, and dealing with them.

--Donald Rumsfeld, US Dept of Defense, Official Transcript
On another occasion, he referred to a 'missile' shooting down Flight 93. There is no indication that Rumsfeld intended to tell the truth. Chalk it up to senility! Other Bush admin liars include Colin Powell who deceived the entire world on Bush's behalf, basing his lies to the UN upon ten year old satellite photos and plagiarized student papers!

Ohter liars include, of course, Condoleeza Rice who said that no one could have foreseen that 'terrorists' would use airplanes to strike buildings. In fact, just such a scenario was the basis for G8 Summit security. Rice also warned San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown not to be flying on September 11th. Her warning preceded the attacks by about 3 days, as I recall. She knew and lied! Other liars inside an administration premised upon lies should not be difficult. Members of a federal grand jury reading this: you have your work cut out for you. Get to work. You have the authority to subpoena anyone you please about anything. Work your way up to Bush. You will be returning federal indictments till the cows come home!

Personal message to Bush: give it up, jack!


Make yourself available for arrest by federal marshalls.

Get yourself a lawyer! We, the sovereign people of the United States, are going to try you and your complicit minions for the crimes of high treason, mass murder and the war of naked aggression against Iraq, itself a violation of US Codes, Title 18, Section 2441:
TITLE 18 > PART I > CHAPTER 118 > § 2441

§ 2441. War crimes

(a) Offense.— Whoever, whether inside or outside the United States, commits a war crime, in any of the circumstances described in subsection (b), shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for life or any term of years, or both, and if death results to the victim, shall also be subject to the penalty of death.
Every civilian death in Iraq is a capital crime for which George W. Bush is personally responsible and culpable. Last time I checked the civilian death count as a result of the illegal US presence in Iraq is well over a million. The word for that is 'mass murder'. The so-called 'President' of the US is a mass murderer. I don't think that we, the people, should have to live with or put up with that intolerable situation. I don't think we should be supporting wars of aggression or mass murder with out tax monies. I don't think that the governance of the United States can be entrusted to a criminal cabal of defense contractors, brass, and blithering idiots like Michael Hayden. I don't think our tax monies are well-spent if they have enabled a psychopathic mass murderer like George W. Bush to hijack the awesome military power of the US.

The following comments were 'moderated' because, frankly, I sick to death of the stupidity these comments represent. But --because I am really a very nice guy and will often tolerate fools and idiots, here are the comments and my response:

If flight "77 never dropped below 273 ft." then where did it go, what happened to it?

That's a BIG HOLE in the official theory and, if Bush's official theory had been true, it would have been addressed. It wasn't! The point is: the official conspiracy theory is a lie. TRUE 'theories' explain observed events. The Bush theory DOES NOT explain observed events because it was a bald faced lie from the outset.

How do we have evidence concerning its altitude if we don't have the (remains of) the plane?

That has been explained numerous times in my article. The flight recorder data was released by the NTSB to the the pilot organization cite in response to an FOIA request. That fact that the flight data recorder was recovered is simply another glaring hole in the official theory will holds that Flight 77 was utterly vaporized. Obviously, if the government is releasing the details of the flight, details recorded as it was in flight, then the airliner in question was obviously NOT vaporized --now was it? It was also --obviously --NOT at the Pentagon.

Also see: Shocking Evidence Emerges Implicating Bush Jr In Satanic Ritual Sacrifices!

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

'They may take our lives but they will never take our freedom!'

By assuming the power to wage war upon the people of the United States, Bush has made it official: he is a traitor. Under the US Constitution, the people themselves are sovereign and Bush has declared war upon the sovereign. The word for that in law and throughout history is: high treason! [See: Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States, Joseph Story]

The Constitution of Estados Unidos Mexicanos (United States of Mexico or, if you prefer, United Mexican States) is the product of a revolution that was waged in that country in 1910. Unfortunately, the American United States, (Estados Unidos) could not be expected to have given a revolution in Mexico an adequate treatment, having failed to educate US citizens about its own history. Arguably, George W. Bush could never have gotten away with a complete repudiation of the US Constitution had Americans known as much of their history as do the citizens of Mexico about their country.

Cases in point involve the rights of individuals vs the powers of 'state'. States have no powers but those which derive by the consent of the people. The people, in fact, are sovereign. Any 'leader' who wages war upon them is, by defintion, a traitor! It is on this issue that Bush is either dead wrong or deliberately lying.

It is unfortunate that in the United States, for example, a 'Bill of Rights' was almost an after thought. So confident was James Madison that the Philadelphia Constitution was itself a bulwark against tyranny by virtue of an ingenious 'separation of powers' that he felt a separate 'Bill of Rights' to be unnecessary if not superfluous. At last, when a 'Bill of Rights' was insisted upon, Madison would draft it himself and his work therein is arguably more relevant to the individual than are those powers delegated either the President or Congress in the main body of the Constitution. It is the Bill of Rights which draws the line between state and individual, a line that state dare not trespass. People as 'sovereign' may (to use Thomas Jefferson's word) 'abolish states at their pleasure!

In Mexico (also called Estados Unidos) it is, I think, especially notable that the rights of individuals were not merely after thoughts. The rights of individuals vs those powers of state that might transgress against them are dealt with upfront and in language strong and unambiguous. While the body of the US Constitution is concerned with enumerating the powers and responsibilities of three branches of government, the very first Article in the Mexican Constitution deals with the rights of the people and individuals.
These rights cannot be denied and they cannot be suspended. Slavery is illegal in Mexico; any slaves from abroad who enter national territory will, by this mere act, be freed and given the full protection of the law.
Also covered Article I is the prohibition of all types of discrimination based on ethnic or national origins, sex, age, or social conditions. Everyone is protected by the rule of law regardless of different capacities or talents, social class or conditions, health, opinions, or preferences.

Bush, meanwhile, claims a 'right' to wage war upon the people themselves. This concept is TREASONOUS! Mexican revolutionaries understood what Bush does not: the people are sovereign. This principle was agreed to at Runnymede by King John and it is the very basis for Democracy; it the very foundation upon which any Democracy is based. Any state which presumes to wage 'war' upon its people or to enslave them upon ANY pretext is, by definition, a dictatorship, a tyranny and, in the words of Thomas Jefferson, it must be overthrown, by force if need be!
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

--Thomas Jefferson, Declaration of Independence

Che Guevara said put it this way:
Of these three propositions the first two contradict the defeatist attitude of revolutionaries or pseudo-revolutionaries who remain inactive and take refuge in the pretext that against a professional army nothing can be done, who sit down to wait until in some mechanical way all necessary objective and subjective conditions are given without working to accelerate them.

As these problems were formerly a subject of discussion in Cuba, until facts settled the question, they are probably still much discussed in America. Naturally, it is not to be thought that all conditions for revolution are going to be created through the impulse given to them by guerrilla activity. It must always be kept in mind that there is a necessary minimum without which the establishment and consolidation of the first center is not practicable.

People must see clearly the futility of maintaining the fight for social goals within the framework of civil debate. When the forces of oppression come to maintain themselves in power against established law; peace is considered already broken.

--Guerilla Warfare, Che Guevara

Bush, by contrast, has said that 'The Constitution is just a goddamned piece of paper!" and, in so declaring, he has begun his war upon the people. He is a traitor! He must be charged with high treason and brought to trial. King Charles I of England lost his head for less or similar offenses.

Bush has repeatedly asserted a 'power' to wage war on the American people, claiming and aggressively exercising, the "right to use any and all war powers against American citizens within the United States". Like any other tin-horn dictator he insists that he is above all restraints by Congress and the courts. In any state in which the people are sovereign, anyone waging war upon them is a traitor and is, by law, guilty of high treason! See: Glenn Greenwald: The NSA Fight Begins - Strategies for Moving Forward

Many of these 'wars' are still fought north of the Rio Grande (Rio Bravo in Mexico). They are still fought north of the Rio Grande because of one party primarily: the GOP, otherwise called the Republican party, in fact, not a 'Republican' party at all but the party of the self-declared and absolute dictatorship of George W. Bush.

In 1910, the people of Mexico were oppressed by the regime of Porfirio Diaz. Unlike the people of the United States, Diaz was effectively opposed and eventually deposed by a people's revolution which was eventually responsible for elevating the rights of the people as opposed to the assume and arbitrary prerogatives of any government.

Revolution 1910

As he was portrayed by Mel Gibson in 'Braveheart', William Wallace addressed his rag tag band of 'revolutionary' Scots and allied Irish who opposed the oppressive regime of King Edward, called 'Longshanks'. "What will you do without freedom?", Wallace asked!

What will Americans do unless freedom is restored in Bush's wake? Will America simply slide off into oblivion, slavery, bankruptcy and collapse?

Don't dismiss the notion. Financially, the US is already bankrupt, careers lay in ruins, millions have already lost homes and suffered broken families. The worst is yet to come and FEMA has not constructed a gulag of camps for nothing. The Bill of Rights is but a memory and unless Bush is challenged, it will remain so. The next time you feel the impulse to condescend to your neighbor who lives south of the historic Rio Grande, reflect upon the fact that he is still protected by a rule of law which states without exception:
These rights cannot be denied and they cannot be suspended.
Since the ascension of Bush, you have NO SUCH guarantees!

Jesse Ventura lays it all on the line on the Howard Stern show. Jesse correctly and politely states the issues in question regarding the war and the events of 911.

Part 1

Part 2

A Police State Update:
DALLAS (Reuters) - Texas defied the World Court and executed a Mexican national by lethal injection on Tuesday over the objections of the international judicial body and neighboring Mexico.

Jose Medellin, 33, was pronounced dead at 9:57 p.m. CDT in the state's death chamber in Huntsville, the Texas Department of Criminal Justice said.

He had been condemned for the 1993 rape and murder of 16-year-old Elizabeth Pena in Houston and lost his bid late Tuesday for a last-minute stay from the U.S. Supreme Court.

The World Court last month ordered the U.S. government to "take all measures necessary" to halt the upcoming executions of five Mexicans including Medellin's on the grounds that they had been deprived of their right to consular services after their arrests.

Medellin's execution is sure to anger neighboring Mexico and analysts have said it could make life rough for Americans arrested abroad if other countries decide to evoke the U.S. example and deprive them of their right to consular services.

This typically means diplomats will visit and provide legal advice to their nationals being held by authorities.

The Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles had recommended that the state's Republican governor Rick Perry not grant a temporary reprieve, paving the way for Medellin's execution.

Texas, which executes far more convicts than any other U.S. state, had taken the view that the brutal nature of Medellin's crimes rendered him unfit for a reprieve or lesser sentence.

--Ed Stoddard, Texas Defies the World With Execution
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Saturday, May 24, 2008

FBI Evidence that Indicts George W. Bush for Mass Murder, War Crimes and Torture

A 370-page report by the Justice Department Inspector General references an FBI investigation of US torture that accuses the Bush White House, the National Security Council, the Pentagon and the Justice Department with 'ordering and planning' torture, including 'procedures' that resulted in death to 'detainees'. In other words --murder!

The report details how the US began torturing captives in 2002. 'Attempts to stop it ... were systematically suppressed', evidence of criminal activity by the Bush administration covered up. Bush's cover up of torture is itself a crime for which he should be impeached, tried and prosecuted.

A 'capital crime' is one for which the penalty is death. There is enough evidence now to try George W. Bush for various 'capital crimes'. Manadel al-Jamadi, dubbed the “Iceman,” is seen in the picture. He was tortured to death in November 2003, using techniques that John Yoo approved in his torture memoranda.
According to the official narrative, the Bush Administration turned to the Justice Department for legal guidance on what could be done to give interrogators the latitude they were demanding in dealing with prisoners taken in the war on terror. However, not a single element of the official narrative is entirely true. The interrogators were not “pushing for broader authority.”

Indeed, the pushing was all coming out of the White House (from Vice President Cheney, to be specific), and the intelligence professionals were actually pushing back. Moreover, torture was being used almost from the start of the “war on terror.” Special operations units operating under the authority of Dr. Stephen Cambone, the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, had been authorized to use torture techniques from the opening of the war, and they used them with gusto.

At Guantánamo and at Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan, numerous instances of “highly coercive techniques” had been documented; indeed, the stories out of Bagram are among the most gruesome to be documented. In the documentary “Taxi to the Dark Side,” for instance (for which I consulted and in which I appear), we find footage of a senior U.S. officer in Afghanistan talking about the authority for torture, which was issued, and which military personnel were instructed to lie about or deny to keep covered up.

--Yoo Two, Harpers, Scott Horton
Yoo's job was that of an 'enabler', to figure out a way to make 'murder' legal.
(a) Offense.— Whoever, whether inside or outside the United States, commits a war crime, in any of the circumstances described in subsection (b), shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for life or any term of years, or both, and if death results to the victim, shall also be subject to the penalty of death.

--TITLE 18 > PART I > CHAPTER 118 > § 2441, § 2441. War crimes
It is not surprising that George W. Bush would instruct Alberto Gonzales and/or John Yoo to find ways to make his orders, his capital crimes legal after he had already committed them. The legality of his attempts to 're-write' the laws is in question and the timeline of events is not on his side.

The facts Bush would prefer hushed up are as stunning and verifiable as they are numerous. Hundreds of FBI agents witnessed thousands of incidents of torture, murder, and 'wrongful' death. Literally hundreds of FBI agents witnessed and reported acts of torture perpetrated by CIA personnel, the US military and private contractors! All are described carrying out illegal acts of torture, abuse, and, in various cases, murder. The graphic details are available to the public from the FBI.

Several agents reported beatings. Thirty agents witnessed and reported 'prolonged shackling of detainees in stress positions'. Seventy agents detailed instances in which detainees were subjected to sleep deprivation, extreme temperatures, and periods of extended isolation intended to 'wear down' resistance. Four FBI agents described instances in which 'detainees' were kicked or beaten to death. Two detainees in Afghanistan were shackled for long periods of time in a standing position.
The report confirms that senior FBI officials knew as early as 2002 that other agencies were using abusive interrogation methods,”“The report shows unequivocally, however, that the FBI’s leadership failed to act aggressively to end the abuse.”

--Jameel Jaffer, American Civil Liberties Union (tracks detainee issues), Torture Lawsuit News: Dept. of Justice Inspector General Report Details How US Torture of Prisoners Began in 2002
Let's talk about some specific instances where a man calling himself "President" of the United States has simply thumbed his nose at the law, the rule of law, the international conventions to which the US bound by treaty, US Codes, and convention. The FBI has opened a 'war crimes file' documenting torture as it was witnessed at the US torture gulag at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The “War Crimes” file documents torture as it was witnessed before George W. Bush ordered the FBI to stop writing the reports.
A survey of 493 FBI personnel who were asked whether they observed aggressive mistreatment, interrogations or interview techniques of GTMO yielded 26 positive responses and several additional responses that were "not purely negative." These responses culminated in a 9/2/04 request through FBI's OGC to conduct a "GTMO, Counterterrorism Division, Special Inquiry" re 9 of the incidents identified. The conclusion was that there was no FBI involvement in the target interview techniques -- only outside entities.

--Federal Bureau of Investigation, Guantanamo Bay Inquiry
As you read some of the following excerpts from the FBIs own report, remember that George W. Bush has repeatedly denied that the United States tortures. This FBI report is stark reading consisting of verifiable reports of war crimes perpetrated by the United States under orders from the 'President' of the United States. That there is probable cause now to try George W. Bush for having ordered the torture is bad enough. But Bush insists that it never happened. Following are but a very few instances that are found in the FBI report.
W observed women crying near the river, their homes had been destroyed by planes. Trucks full of people trying to surrender were blown up by planes. On 2d day after capture, d was put in a ditch by Northern Alliance people. Next day, he was allowed to jump into a truck and taken to Mazar-e-Sharif where he was forced into a metal "shipping"-type container w/about 100 men. The container was then closed and d blacked out due to lack of air. When he awoke, there were new holes in the container., The man next to him was dead. He thinks he was in the container 24 hours - only 20 men survived.

...occasionally ds [detainee] complained of inappropriate behavior i.e., incident in which d alleged female guard removed her blouse and, while pressing her body against a shackled and restrained d rom behind, handled his genatalia and wiped menstrual blood on his head and face as punishment for lack of cooperation


..on several occasions, witness ("W") saw detainees ("ds") in interrogation rooms chained hand and foot in fetal position to floor w/no chair/ food/water; most urinated or defecated on selves, and were left there 18, 24 hrs or more. Once, the air conditioning was so low that the barefoot d was shaking with cold. Another time, it was off so the unventilated room was over 100 degrees, d was almost unconscious on floor with a pile of hair next to him (he had apparently been pulling it out throughout the night). Another time, it was sweltering hot and loud rap music played - d's hand and foot was chanined and he was in a fetal position on the floor. Upon inquiry, W was told that interrogators [military contractors] ordered this treatment. Took place in Delta Camp


# d was kept in darkened cell in Naval Brig at GTMO, then transferred to Camp Delta where he gave no info. Then taken to Camp X-Ray and put in plywood hut. Interrogators yelled and screamed at him. One interrogator squatted over the Koran. Another day a German Shepherd was commended to growl, bark and show his teeth to the prisoner. Subsequently someone laughingly told the W "you have to see this" and took him to an interrogation room where W saw a d with a full beard whose head was wrapped in duct tape

# civilian contractor asked W (an FBI SA) to come see something. There was an unknown bearded longhaired d gagged w/duct tape that covered much of his head. SA asked if he had spit at interrogators, and the contractor laughingly replied that d had been chanting the Koran nonstop. No answer to how they planned to remove the duct tape.

--Federal Bureau of Investigation, Guantanamo Bay Inquiry
The war against Iraq was begun upon a pack of lies and is, therefore, unlawful. Every incident following is therefore a war crime, every Iraqi death a count of murder. Colin Powell's address to the United Nation was a criminal fraud in which Powell cited a stolen, plagiarized student paper [See: Britain's Intelligence Dossier on Iraq was Plagiarized from a Grad Student], presented ten year old satellite photographs and other so-called evidence! It was upon this 'evidence' that Bush began a criminal campaign against Iraq, a campaign in which EVERY death is, by US codes, a capital crime.

Earlier, Bush boasted of the the state sanctioned murder of 'those who met a different fate', in other words, the 'summary executions' of some 3,000 people 'deemed' terrorists. These acts of state sponsored terrorism by the United States include summary executions, the abduction and detention of civilians without trial and, most repugnant of all, torture related war crimes violating international statutes and treaties to which the United States is a signatory. Bush's own words confirming this are admissible evidence against him.
All told, more than 3,000 suspected terrorists have been arrested in many countries. Many others have met a different fate. [smirking] Let's put it this way -- they are no longer a problem to the United States and our friends and allies. (Applause.)

Bush, State of the Union Address, 2003
It has been the position of this blog that the Bush administration is legally culpable for having launched a war of naked aggression against Iraq. This blog has insisted that there was sufficient probable cause in the public record to indict George W. Bush for violations of US Codes, Title 18, Section 2441 --capital crimes!

Worth remembering: the wars of naked aggression against Afghanistan and Iraq have, in fact, nothing at all to do with 911. Al Qaeda was created by the CIA; Bin Laden has been dead for years and was, when he was alive, one of Bush's business partners and a CIA asset.

I have pointed out for years that George W. Bush, his administration, and all those who are willingly complicit are subject to prosecution for capital crimes.

Now --with the information freely available from the FBIs own website --there is simply no excuse left NOT to impeach, indict and begin legal proceedings against Bush and his murderous gang! As this is written, one can be sure that the Bush administration is destroying evidence, covering tracks, rewriting the record of the most criminal regime since Adolph Hitler and Pol Pot. The time to act is now. True patriots will!

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