Showing posts with label habitats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label habitats. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 03, 2012

What Will We Make of Earth? Heaven or Hell?

by Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy

We have known about threats to planet earth for years if not decades! Possibly even longer! And NOTHING is ever done to restrain rapacious assaults on the only environment that we will ever have; nothing is done to slow the increases in the consumption of fossil fuels; nothing is ever done to preseve the integrity of habitats, estuaries et al; nothing or very, very little is done to improve air quality as a result of a rapacious consumption of fossiul fuels, the use of oil derivatives in motor vehicles or the alarming rate with which we destroy habitats on the land and throughout the world's oceans --the ONLY oceans that we will ever have.

Bottom line: we MUST enact and abide by 'Limits to Growth' --the topic of a conference that was held in the 'Woodlands' near Houston.

At this conference, scholars, environmentalists, economists as well as representatives from some of the world's major oil companies met and discussed nothing less than the future of planet earth.

I covered this early (if not their first such meeting) for a Washington D.C. based journal: "Energy Users Report". Following is an excerpt from one of the papers that had been submitted:
II. How the Unlimited Growth Ethic Exascerbates Organizational Unresponsiveness

Unrestrained production, assumed desirable and feasible in the belief system underlying unrestrained growth, depends on and encourages unlimited rising expectations. In turn these lead to increasing numbers of conflicting demands on organizations (a) to be responsive by producing more goods and se)-vices, and (b) to be responsive to the adverse consequences of that growth. (Production and product-produced pollution are obvious examples.) Particularly distressing and complex are the demands growing from life conditions in the third and fourth worlds since the gap between them and the first and second worlds is almost certain to continue to grow in the absence of an interpretive context premised on interdependence in a finite world. Such conflicting local and planetary demands generate more information, and require attention to more information,if organizations are to be responsive. This, of course, increases information and decision over-load and is likely to lead to comparatively less responsiveness because comparatively more information. needed for discriminating responses, would be screened out or ignored.

The myth that production can be indefinitely increased also encourages tendencies toward splintering and the establishment of autonomous groups and activities. That is, ifthere need be no limits on matter and energy each dissenting group will feel encouraged to go its own way. “do its own thing”, believing it can be self-sufficient and feeling little need for interdependence or to be concerned for the welfare of others. Others can “get theirs” bv also tapping into the gravy train via the time-tested means for flourishing in a capitalistic or socialistic economy.

Autonomy and differentiation, operating in and stimulated by the absence of a shared set 01‘ values and rules of conduct. will Icad to continuing challenges to legitimacy: each group will be devoted to its interpretive context and to the specification of factual importance justified by its values.

--On Growth and the Limits of Organizational Responsiveness, DONALD N. MICHAEL
This dates to the middle 70s! Essentially ---we knew then what we know now: Earth is finite and dying! As nothing seems to have been done to prolong our planet's life, the question remains: are we resigned to sitting back, pointing fingers and, in other ways, refusing to accept responsibility for the fate of the ONLY planet that we have ever known or inhabited, the ONLY planet that any of us will ever call 'home'?

A 'bail out' is simply not a part of the equation! We do not have that luxury! Where would a 'bail out' come from? Heaven? The only world of which we have intimate knowledge is Earth. And it is on Earth that we must make a heaven or create hell itself!

Sydney Poitier Reads Plato's "Allegory of the Cave"

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Palin's Psychopathic Pledge to Keep Killing Wolves

by Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy

Sarah Palin might otherwise have been dismissed as an obvious idiot. Now she can be credited with having made the tragic plight of wolves a cause, reason enough to work toward the ouster of her ilk from positions in which they might pose a threat to living things. It is not just wolves who have been victimized by heedless human development, it is heedless 'human progress' itself that must be re-assessed, specifically the systematic destruction of the habitats of wolves, elephants and countless other species. Continuing this disastrous, cruel and evil practice is indefensible.

While many will defend 'progress', it requires a GOP psychopath like Palin to blame our victims -- animals whom we have driven into corners where they will die, where entire species become extinct. We call our victims ---pests!

Meanwhile, the Wildlife Action Fund has launched a national campaign that hopes to expose Sarah Palin's renewed anti-conservation agenda by drawing attention to Palin's absymal record in Alaska and especially Palin's advocacy of brutal and unnecessary aerial killings of wolves and other creatures whose natural habitats are literally being stolen and appropriated.

Palin favors extreme methods to kill wolves and bears, including hunting them down by air, shooting them mercilessly from aircraft. Palin's program of the aerial slaughter of wolves seeks to eliminate hundreds in a single season. Her "Board of Game" has given the green light to the unrestricted killing of young wolf pups in or near their dens --a controversial practice illegal until 2008.
"Sarah Palin isn't fading into the background, so neither are we," commented Defenders Action Fund President Rodger Schlickeisen.

"Given her known political aspirations, the American public deserves to know what she's doing in Alaska, and about her extreme anti-conservation policies. The list is long, and we will document it all, from her continued promotion of the aerial slaughter of wolves and bears, to her lawsuit to remove the polar bear from the endangered species list, even as the sea ice melts beneath it."

--Eye on Palin

McCafferty once said:
If John McCain wins, this woman will be one 72 year old's heartbeat away from being President of the United States and if that doesn't scare the hell out of you, it should!


That is one of the most pathetic pieces of tape that I have even seen from someone aspiring to one of the highest offices in this country!

McCafferty, CNN--
Visit Eye on Palin for the truth about Sarah Palin and information about how you can help efforts to put a stop to her crimes against OUR environment.