Friday, April 29, 2011

Indict George W. Bush

by Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy

American Airlines itself is the source for information that AA Flights 11 (North Tower) and 77 (Pentagon) did not fly on 911. These flights are critical to the government's crumbling cover up! Bush's 'official conspiracy theory' of 911 is, therefore, false! If either 'flight' had been mothballed on 9/11, then Bush's 'big lie' --the official conspiracy theory --is not merely false, it is a bald-faced lie!

Conan Doyle, the brilliant creator of the character Sherlock Holmes, said: "When you have eliminated the impossible whatever remains however implausible must be the truth!" You can, therefore, eliminate Bush's official conspiracy theory of 911! It is not only impossible, it's absurd and insulting to intelligent people!

The Bush Conspiracy Theory is a Lie

If neither flight was in the air --as American Airlines itself has so stated --then numerous 'official versions' are but a pack of malicious, perhaps treasonous lies. There is, then, probable cause to indict Bush and his co-conspirators for the capital crimes of mass murder and high treason. See: U. S. Codes, Title 18, Section 2441. That includes every statement made by Bush.

WikiScanner discovered that American Airlines itself changed the Wikipedia entry to state that Flights 11 and 77 did not fly on 9/11. The original entry was as follows:
Two American Airlines aircraft were hijacked and crashed during the September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attack: American Airlines Flight 77 (a Boeing 757) and American Airlines Flight 11 (a Boeing 767).
New entry [as of the date of this article] is as follows and includes the bolded text below:
Two American Airlines aircraft were hijacked and crashed during the September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attack: Flight 77 (a Boeing 757) and Flight 11 (a Boeing 767).

Although these flights were daily departures before and a month after September 11, 2001. Neither flight 11 nor 77 were scheduled on September 11, 2001. The records kept by the Bureau of Transportation Statistics ( do not list either flight that day.
To make the point: the source for these changes is American Airlines by making changes to Wikipedia. The 'story' is not Wiki nor about Wiki. The story is about how AA 'corrected' a wiki entry to conform to records in official government sources: BTS and NTSB. The story is about the fact that evidence that Flights 11 and 77 were not flying on 911 comes from American Airlines itself.
According to a Freedom of Information Act reply from the U.S. Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS), the last known pre-9/11 flights for three of the four aircraft involved in the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 took place in December, 2000, nine months before the attacks, while no pre-9/11 final flight information was provided for American Airlines flight 77 (N644AA).

However, a discovered searchable online BTS database produces the following search results for three of the four 9/11 aircraft on September 10, 2001:

AA 11 departs San Francisco (SFO): AA 09/10/2001 0198 (flight number) N334AA (tail number) BOS (destination) 22:04 (wheels-off time)

UA 175 departs San Francisco (SFO): UA 09/10/2001 0170 (flight number) N612UA (tail number) BOS (destination) 13:44 (wheels-off time)

UA 93 departs San Francisco (SFO): UA 09/10/2001 0078 (flight number) N591UA (tail number) EWR (destination) 23:15 (wheels-off time)
--911 Blogger, UPDATE: U.S. BTS FOIA Records For 9/11 Planes Differ From BTS Online Database [The records were obtained by Adrian Monaghan]
The question is raised: how do we know who made the changes to Wiki? Everyone logged on to the internet does so from an IP address. In this case, the IP address making the change is that of American Airlines. It's traceable. Secondly, the changes that, in fact, originated with AA are consistent with and/or confirm official data at Federal agencies: the BTS and the NTSB.

My own WHOIS lookup as well as a Google search of the IP address proves conclusively that it was --indeed --American Airlines that made the change. American Airlines, therefore, that has said that neither Flight 11 nor Flight 77 were in the air on 911.

Therefore, the Bush theory of 911 is a deliberate lie.

My look up returnedthe following:


Location: United States [City: Ft. Worth, Texas]
OrgName:    American Airlines Incorporated
OrgID:      AMERIC-112
Address:    P.O.Box 619616
Address:    MD 5308
City:       DFW Airport
StateProv:  TX
PostalCode: 75261
Country:    US

NetRange: -
NetName:    AANET
NetHandle:  NET-144-9-0-0-1
Parent:     NET-144-0-0-0-0
NetType:    Direct Assignment
NameServer: DNS-P1.SABRE.COM
NameServer: DNS-P2.SABRE.COM
NameServer: DNS-P3.SABRE.COM
NameServer: DNS-P4.SABRE.COM
RegDate:    1990-10-31
Updated:    2002-06-27

RTechHandle: OG60-ARIN
RTechName:   Gelbrich, Orf
RTechPhone:  +1-817-931-3145
RTechEmail:  ************

OrgTechHandle: ZW72-ARIN
OrgTechName:   WARIS, ZISHAN
OrgTechPhone:  +1-817-967-1242
OrgTechEmail:  ************

# ARIN WHOIS database, last updated 2008-06-29 19:10
# Enter ? for additional hints on searching ARIN's WHOIS database.

One of Many Fatal Holes in the Bush Official Conspiracy Theory 

The many lies (referenced in previous EC articles; see links below) are probable cause to begin a Federal Grand Jury investigation of George W. Bush's role in 911. Bush should be compelled by subpoena and Federal Marshals to testify under oath before an independent Federal Grand Jury. The AA revelations demand it!

Bush lies have covered up the truth, protected the guilty and obstructed justice. The lies insult the families of 911 victims, victims who are dishonored by the continuing cover-up! Bush/U.S. lies aggravate the crimes of mass murder, terrorism and high treason for which the penalty is death. Our Government lied to us about 911!

Bushco's 'official conspiracy theory' of 911 is full of holes. Flights 11 and 77 are its essential ingredients. That AA claims that neither 11 nor 77 [information consistent with BTS records] were in the air that day sinks Bush's theory. More importantly, however, it should have gotten Bush and much of his administration invitations to appear before a Federal Grand Jury to answers charges that Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice et al betrayed the nation and waged a treasonous, murderous war upon the people.

Clearly --the official theory is an intentional cover-up. Cover-ups imply guilt! Otherwise --what is there to cover up? Innocent people have nothing to cover up! An innocent person is an idiot if he/she should destroy evidence that might prove innocence. Therefore, only the guilty are motivated to lie about a crime; only the guilty are motivated to destroy evidence germane to an investigation or, in any way, obstruct good-faith efforts to get at the truth.

The official 'lie' goes like this:
At 8:20, Flight 11 stopped transmitting its transponder signal, and veered northward and departed dramatically from the westward heading of its planned route. The controllers concluded that the plane had probably been hijacked. 4 5 At 8:24, the following transmission was reportedly received from Flight 11: We have some planes. Just stay quiet and you'll be okay .. we are returning to the airport.
..Nobody move. Everything will be okay. If you try to make any moves, you'll endanger yourself and the airplane. Just stay quiet. Nobody move please we are going back to the airport .. don't try to make any stupid moves.
6 Neither of the pilots pressed the distress call button. At 8:28 controllers reportedly watched the plane make a 100-degree turn toward the south. 7 Presumably, Flight 11 continued south along the Hudson River until it reached the World Trade Center, though documentation of this is sparse given the lack of public information.
According to NORAD's September 18 timeline, the FAA did not notify NORAD of the signs that Flight 11 was hijacked until 8:40, 25 minutes after the first signs of trouble.
-Flight 11, The First Jet Commandeered on September 11th, 911 Research
The house of cards collapses.

If AA Flight 11 was not in the air, it could not have struck the towers; ergo: the Bush theory is false!

Assertions that Flight 11 struck the North Tower are --therefore -- utterly baseless! If neither Flight 11 nor 77 was in the air that day, the Bush administration's version of events must be discarded.

If flights 11 or 77 did not fly on 911, officialdom must come up with another explanation to explain the events of 911.

If flights 11 or 77 did not crash into either the tower or the Pentagon, then the official theory must be trashed!

In fact, none of the said flights can be placed at the scene of the crime. That fact is consistent with the fact that no wreckage traceable to a 757 was ever found at the Pentagon. One would not expect to find wreckage of flights never flown.

The burden of proof is upon Bushco to prove its theory --or shut up and face charges resulting from the probable cause the Bush himself and high ranking members of his administration participated in the crimes of mass murder and high treason --capital crimes for which the guilty may be executed as prescribed by law.
Photos of an engine rotor appear to depict an engine used in the Global Hawk, a payload carrying missile that was, according to Britain's International Television News, flown from the US to Australia completely by remote control. "A robot plane has made aviation history by becoming the first unmanned aircraft to fly across the Pacific Ocean."

Britain's ITN continued:
"The Global Hawk, a jet-powered aircraft with a wingspan equivalent to a Boeing 737, flew from Edwards Air Force Base in California and landed late on Monday at the Royal Australian Air Force base at Edinburgh, in South Australia state... It flies along a pre-programmed flight path, but a pilot monitors the aircraft during its flight via a sensor suite which provides infra-red and visual images."
ITN quoted Australian Global Hawk manager Rod Smith: "The aircraft essentially flies itself, right from takeoff, right through to landing, and even taxiing off the runway."

'The Missile that Struck this Building' --Donald Rumsfeld

The Global Hawk is a much better candidate for what Rumsfeld called '...the missile that struck this building' than is a 757. Here's what you need to know about the Pentagon.
  • Only minutes after the strike, [see pic above] there is no sign of an airliner at all!!
  • No wreckage traceable to a 757 was ever recovered.
  • Only ONE engine rotor (turbo fan) was recovered! This rotor is about one third the diameter of a 757 rotor.
  • A 757 has two turbo fans, each of which are nearly three times the size of the SINGLE fan found at the Pentagon. Again --only one turbo fan was found in Pentagon debris.
  • Engine rotors are made of a Steel/Titanium alloy to withstand high temps inside jet engines and would have been found had they been there.
  • Flight 77 could not have crashed into the Pentagon and did not.
No Arabs Were on Board 77

There is not only no evidence to support the theory that Arab terrorists hijacked 77, there is every reason to believe that none ever got on board. There are no Arabs on the only Pentagon 'evidence' that is admissible in court: the 'Official Autopsy Report' of Pentagon victims. If no Arabs were on board Flight 77, Bush's theory must be trashed!

Not only Arabs are unaccounted for. There are no passengers listed on the only admissible evidence to have survived the Bush cover-up --the Official Autopsy Report. The Pentagon autopsy report was released to Dr. Olmsted in response to his FOIA request. In a 'neat' cover-up, a 911 memorial lists all Pentagon victims of whatever it was that crashed into the Pentagon. At the same time, Pentagon victims were said to have been buried at Arlington National Cemetery. But --where, then, are the passengers buried?  I will be incredibly surprised to learn that there were passengers on a flight that cannot be proven to have existed.

I am often asked (sometimes disingenuously): what about all the people that lost family members that day? That any question re: passengers remain is simply the nail in the coffin of the Bush 'official conspiracy theory of 911!" People who raise this issue must understand that it is the very purpose of any theory --scientific or forensic --to EXPLAIN every contingency. If there are doubts that passengers even existed, the Bush must convincingly revise his theory or give himself up and submit to a grand jury indictment upon the probable cause that he was complicit in the crimes of mass murder and high treason!

Whatever crashed into the Pentagon was described by a witness as looking like a 'hump-backed whale'. Rumsfeld himself called it a missile: Below: a US Global Hawk painted to look like an AA airliner. It is both a 'missile' and it also has a hump!

The photo below does not purport to be the craft that would ultimately crash into the Pentagon. It merely demonstrates how easily such a 'paint job' could dupe those who are 1) not experts on aircraft 2) saw it only for a second or less as it scooted across the Pentagon lawn as NO 757 could possibly have done 3) were, in any case, caught off guard.

Recognizing lies for what they are is a part of the process of growing up! America, it is time to grow up! It is time to confront this heinous pack of lies! It is time to insist that the Obama administration begin a REAL investigation of 911.

It is time to insist that a Federal Grand Jury investigate every count of high treason, mass murder and domestic terrorism that was perpetrated upon the people of the US by the Bush administration, his collaborators in the Pentagon, K-Street, the Congress and the leadership of the Republican party, Marvin Bush's 'Securacom', Larry Silverstein who ordered WTC 7 be 'pulled', General Myers, Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney and, of course, George W. Bush who was, at the time, the 'Commander-in-Chief' and ultimately responsible for the orders given the US military to 'stand down'.
By Donald Rumsfeld's own admission, he was unaware of any threats to the Pentagon -- the building where he was located during the September 11th attacks -- until an aircraft crashed into the side of it, and he ran out "into the smoke" to see if it might be a "A bomb? I had no idea." (ABC News This Week, Interview 9/16/01).
Well, that's a pretty tall tale by any standard. The New York Times reported that by 8:13am, the FAA was aware of the first hijacking out of Boston. The Pentagon explosion, which Donald Rumsfeld claimed he had "no idea," did not occur until approximately 9:37am, nearly an hour and a half later, this after two of the tallest buildings in the world were devastated. Note that a plane hijacked out of Boston can reach Washington D.C. as easily as it can reach New York City.
It was widely reported that Pentagon personnel were indeed aware of the threats to their security, and they took security measures on that morning. But not the "Secretary of Defense." Why should the man charged with defending the United States of America concern himself with hijacked aircraft?
There is a set of procedures for responding to hijackings. In particular, these procedures were changed on June 1, 2001 while Rumsfeld was in power as our Secretary of Defense, in a document called: "CHAIRMAN OF THE JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF INSTRUCTION, J-3 CJCSI 3610.01A"
It is often asked: "Was 911 a Conspiracy?" Even Bushco claims that it was a conspiracy, a conspiracy of 19 Arab Hijackers who could not possibly have pulled it off. That is NOT the question.  It is, frankly, an 'outrageous conspiracy theory', a stupid scenario, an uninspired ripoff of the story of 'Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves'! Without the shock and awe campaign, no one would have believed it. The questions, rather, are which conspiracy and who were the conspirators?


Those who dare to 'pull off' crimes of this magnitude consistently, inevitable attempt to shift the burden of proof. If you allege a 'conspiracy', you are expected to prove it. If you point an accusing finger, you are challenged to back up your allegations. If you specifically 'target' Bush and company, you're patriotism is called into question.
Evidence about the September 11th attacks can be divided into three categories: destroyed, missing, and surviving. The missing category includes officially secret information, since the existence of secret evidence and what it indicates cannot be verified.
A great deal of the evidence about the crimes of September 11th has either been destroyed or is unaccounted for. Indeed the event was and continues to be used to justify a campaign of secrecy never before seen in the United States, virtually eliminating public accountability of the very agencies who were entrusted to handle the evidence.
A review of the evidence shows a strong pattern of destruction or suppression of evidence, and the blocking of effective investigations, by the authorities. This is evident whether one looks at the flights, the World Trade Center, or the Pentagon.
There has been a spate of fallacious comments of the form: "...uh...what happened the passengers, dude?" A few points:
  1. That is, in fact, an implied statement that assumes that there were flights! In a court, it would be said that the statement 'assumes facts NOT in evidence'!
  2. absence of evidence is not evidence in support of anything, let alone Bush's idiotic, fallacious and pernicious lie! ! The 'absence of bodies' is not evidence of a crash of any sort; only the presence of bodies traceable to the alleged flights are evidence supporting Bush's unsupportable theory,
  3. at last, it's Bush's theory; it's up to Bush to explain it! "Those who assert must prove!" 
  4. The only available evidence, moreover, disproves the Bushco conspiracy theory of 911. There is no evidence whatsoever that there were --at any time --any Arabs of any sort (terrorist or otherwise) on board Flight 77, a flight for which there is no evidence that it existed.
The AFIP suggests these numbers; 189 killed, 125 worked at the Pentagon and 64 were "passengers" on the plane. The AA list only had 56 and the list just obtained has 58. They did not explain how they were able to tell "victims" bodies from "hijacker" bodies. In fact, from the beginning NO explanation has been given for the extra five suggested in news reports except that the FBI showed us the pictures to make up the difference, and that makes it so.
Now, being the trusting sort, I figured that the government would want to quickly dispel any rumors so we could get on with the chore of kicking Osama/Sadaam's butt (weren't these originally two different people?). It seemed simple to me. . .produce the names of all the bodies identified by the AFIP and compare it with the publicized list of passengers. So, I sent a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the AFIP and asked for an expedited response, because we were getting ready to send our boys to war on the pretext that Osama/Saddam had done the deed. Fourteen months later, a few US soldiers dead, many Iraqi civilians pushing up daisies, and I finally get the list. Believe me that they weren't a bit happy to give it up, and I really have no idea why they choose now to release it. foia-10003.jpg 
No Arabs wound up on the morgue slab; however, three ADDITIONAL people not listed by American Airlines sneaked in. I have seen no explanation for these extras. I [did] give American the opportunity to "revise" their original list, but they have not responded. The new names are: Robert Ploger, Zandra Ploger, and Sandra Teague. The AFIP claims that the only "passenger" body that they were not able to identify is the toddler, Dana Falkenberg, whose parents and young sister are on the list of those identified. The satanic masterminds behind this caper may be feeling pretty smug about the perfect crime, but they have left a raft of clues tying these unfortunates together.
--Thomas R. Olmsted, M.D., Autopsy: No Arabs on Flight 77
Worth repeating and in summary: the last known pre-9/11 flights for three of the four aircraft involved in the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 took place in December, 2000, nine months before the attacks.

Unaccounted for passengers and missing 'Arabs' are among the biggest holes in Bush's cover story

I was asked:
Im confused, what about all the people that lost family members that day? Are you saying that everyone claiming to have a relative on those planes is complicit?
Anyone asking that question
  1. is not paying attention;
  2. has never heard of the 'burden of proof'
The fact of the matter is this: the question is irrelevant  unless and until someone puts forward the evidence that there --indeed --passengers on a Flight for which there is simply no evidence that it was ever flown. Those who put forward theories as did Bush did, then those advancing or advocating those theories must prove them, just as a prosecutor is expected to prove his case in court. If Bush and/or his 'theory' cannot explain the absence of airliner wreckage or 'missing passengers', then his official theory must be discounted, consider to be utter bunkum, a pack of malicious lies. Unlike wine, neither lies nor propaganda improves with age. Indeed --where are the passengers? Where were they on 911 when it is alleged that they were on flights that are totally and completely unaccounted for?! Where is the wreckage? Where are the turbofans traceable to a 757?

Anyone believing that there were such flights AND that there were passengers on board should insist that a Federal Prosecutor put Bush on the witness stand in front of a federal grand jury where the question is put to him: "What was the fate of the passengers on flights 77 and 11?" But --first --Bush would have to prove that the flight existed; secondly, he would have to explain why there exists no evidence whatsoever that there were passengers. I daresay that it is impossible to put non-existent passengers on non-existent aircraft. Bottom line: there were no passengers listed on the ONLY official, admissible evidence to survive the cover-up and that is the official autopsy report released to Dr. Olmsted. If there is no evidence that there were passengers and --additionally --if there if no wreckage or other evidence that an airliner struck the Pentagon, the Bush was and remains a damned liar!  If he should tell the truth, put him in the slammer. If he should LIE, put him in the slammer!

It would be very interesting to learn how he might manage to escape his experience without indictments for perjury and obstruction of justice. Other charges might include:


  • Concerning possible charges of 'high treason' against Bush: was it not Bush who declared that we were at war? Was it not Bush and shills who insisted that the US attack, invasion and occupation of Iraq was in response to an 'attack' upon the US? Have not Bush partisans insisted, from the 'gitgo', that the US attack, invasion and occupation of Iraq was part and parcel of the US 'war on terrorism'? That being the case, Bush's complicity in the events of 911 are most certainly acts of betrayal against a sovereign in a time of war! That is the very definition of high treason!

    Among a growing number of links back to this article is this excellent expose of the Flight 77 fraud:
    According to the official story, AA Flight 77, a Boeing 757, took off from Dulles Airport in northern Virginia at 8:10 a.m. bound for Los Angeles, with between 50 and 58 passengers. It flew west for about 45 minutes, making a curious detour to the north, west and south, before turning around and flying for another 45 minutes back to Washington. Why hijackers would allow a jet which they planned to crash into a target in Washington to fly for 45 minutes away from its target is not explained. Why did they not commandeer the plane ten minutes after takeoff when the plane was only ten minutes flying time from its intended target? The official story ignores this question, as it does all other questions.

    As reported by the New York Times (International Herald Tribune, 2001-10-17, p.8), as AA 77 approached the Pentagon it executed a 270-degree 7,000-foot descent over Washington while flying at 500 mph. It approached the Pentagon on a horizontal trajectory so low that it clipped the power lines across the street then (so the story goes) it smashed into an outer wall of the Pentagon.

    We were told (and, of course, expected to believe without question) that this maneuver was executed by an Arab pilot, Hani Hanjour, who in August 2001 was judged by the chief flight instructor at Bowie's Maryland Freeway Airport as not having the piloting skills required to fly a Cessna 172 solo. (Is there something fishy here?)

    In contrast to the attention given to the collapse of the Twin Towers, the attack on the Pentagon received little attention until in February 2002 a French website (by Thierry Meyssan) appeared which reproduced images obtained from U.S. Army websites: Hunt the Boeing! These images cast doubt upon the official story that the Pentagon was hit by a Boeing 757 jetliner. For example, here is a picture of the Pentagon crash site taken about two hours after the impact, with the fire still burning. Can you see any remains of the approximately 100 tons of metal (including engines, wings, and tail section) which makes up a Boeing 757? ...

    --Pentagon Official Story Hoax

    Saturday, April 23, 2011

    Why the Fairness Doctrine Must be Restored

    By Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy

    The FAIRNESS DOCTRINE was attacked and trashed --not surprisingly --during the Reagan administration. It was trashed, reviled and dismantled not because it failed or did not work but because it worked splendidly and did precisely what it was intended to do. It was targeted because it was another 'liberal', progressive, Democratic success that always makes the American right wing look bad, exposes them as the lying frauds that they are. The Fairness Doctrine was subverted because it daily laid bare the lies and claptrap which have --unfettered --all but destroyed the nation.

    The right wing stooge which made this 'revolution' possible was Ronald Reagan whose assault on the rights of the American people made him a hero among the politically challenged and untruthful.

    With the subversion, decline and rescinsion of the Fairness Doctrine, 'free speech' effectively ceased to exist in the U.S. Free speech does not exist when only one wing, one party, one elite cabal dictates what is said on the electronic mass media i.e, radio, television, cable. Free speech does not exist for those who cannot be heard because they have been deliberately silenced, shut up, deprived the right of access that had been guaranteed them. It was the GOP/right wing assault on the Fairness Doctrine effectively that shut you up though the Communications Act of 1934 had recognized --by law --that it is the people who OWN the air waves. Apres Reagan, a dwindling number of huge corporations themselves ever bigger, ever richer claimed ownership of YOUR 'airwaves'. In less PC times, we would call this theft.

    When the right wing cooked up and supported the Reagan assault on 'Fairness, it had not yet anticipated the impact that an internet might have one day. Never fear --plans are afoot to 'corporatize' the internet, plans are afoot to make it yet another top down, one way propaganda and noise machine for big corporations and the increasingly fewer elites who make up the American robber baron aristocracy..

    The Fairness Doctrine Worked

    It ensured that real people could be heard. It ensured that opposing points of view, all things, in fact, might be considered. I KNOW that from the experience I gained over many years as a major market News Director in both radio/TV. Concentration of media in just five or six major corporations concurrent with repeal of the Fairness Doctrine has effectively shut you up, that is, unless you are a billionaire who may buy his own network.

    The Fairness Doctrine, a center piece of the Communications Act of 1934, established as a matter of law that the 'airwaves' were owned by the people. The internet is not essentially 'airwaves' with frequencies allocated by a 'Federal Communications Commission'. At this juncture, the impact and the future of the internet is in doubt. As more people do an 'internet' end run around big broadcast media via the internet, the ruling elites will, of course, position themselves to strike.

    The demise of the Fairness Doctrine is related in its effects to the rise of the most pernicious and evil doctrine to appear on the American political scene, that is, the screwy idea that 'corporations', mere legal abstractions, are people and thus have rights to include free speech. Nonsense! Propaganda! Right wing rationalizations intended to justify the great right wing wealth an power grabs.

    Last Resorts

    The demise of the Fairness Doctrine made broadcasting safe for lies, propaganda, right wing lies, spin and ordinary bullshit! That the 'Christian Coalition' still wages war on the 'Fairness Doctrine' is an infallible tip-off. Without the Fairness Doctrine, the right wing has dominated the media to the exclusion of dissenting views. Liars, crooks, and morons like Rush Limbaugh and 'Billo' Really? have abused 'Freedom of Speech' itself by 'yelling fire' in crowded theaters all over the nation. In fact, there are NO fires but those started and fanned by outrageous, inflammatory rhetoric, outrights lies, myths and distortions.

    'Fair and balanced' is Orwellian 'newspeak' for 'lies' and 'propaganda' cooked-up and distributed by the very, very, very rich. They own this Orwellian media. They have reduced it to a mere mouthpiece for just 1 percent who own more than the rest of us combined. No one should be surprised that this 'unfair' and 'un-balanced' minority is, in its practice of politics, extremist, untruthful, psychopathic --committed to perpetuating a myth recently given dubious 'legitimacy' by a crooked court: corporate personhood!

    Revolutions are fought when there are no alternatives, when people are denied the product of their own labors by virtue of tax policies favoring only the very very rich. Revolutions are waged when the vast majority are denied a voice, the right to protest this absurd and tyrannical outcome. A MEDIA so neutered is nothing more than the de facto propaganda arm of the mere ONE PERCENT of the U.S. population which official stats prove own more than the rest of us combined.

    Ed Murrow's Speech to the RTNDA




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    Tuesday, April 19, 2011

    Howard Zinn: Why the U.S. May be Doomed

    by Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy

    Howard Zinn's 'A People's History of the United States' is must reading! It should be required in American secondary and high schools but most certainly won't be! It will remain anathema in states like Texas! Why is that the case? Simply --Zinn told the truth about our nation, it's history of genocide, aggressive war, income and wealth disparity, elitism, slavery, bigotry, growing distrust of one another, the need to 'feel good about ourselves' when maybe we ought NEVER to feel good about ourselves.

    Back to Zinn who wrote:
    There is evidence of growing dissatisfaction among the guards. We have known for some time that the poor and ignored were the nonvoters, alienated from a political system they felt didn't care about them, and about which they could do little. Now alienation has spread upward into families above the poverty line. These are white workers, neither rich nor poor, but angry over economic insecurity, unhappy with their work, worried about their neighborhoods, hostile to government-combining elements of racism with elements of class consciousness, contempt for the lower classes along with distrust for the elite, and thus open to solutions from any direction, right or left.

    --Howard Zinn, A People's History of the United States
    Texas may be 'the' case in point. It seems to have been the GOP 'lab' in which were tested 1) its radical, extremist, elitist, right wing ideology and 2) the means by which this ideology would be sold if not blatantly foisted upon an unsuspecting, often soporific public content to be easily distracted by the increasingly radical right wing, extremist media.

    Texas had been Democratic for some 100 years! And then it was taken over by GOP cultists, a process begun in the middle 80s when at least one extremely conservative consultant --Paul Caprio of Chicago --engineered wins for the GOP even as Tom DeLay gerrymandered the state. Caprio's prominent client was State Sen Mike Richards representing the extremely conservative, elitist Houston suburb --Sugarland.

    It was in Sugarland that reps from the Taliban met with Unocal and other pooh bahs of big oil just prior to 911, just prior to the U.S. attack and invasion of Afghanistan. Who has followed up on this? What payoffs were made to the Taliban? What has become of those representatives of the Taliban who journeyed to the suburbs of Houston to met with big oil and other right wing extremists? Recall --this is Bush/Perry country. This is the cancer from which sprang Dick Cheney's efforts to carve up the oil fields of Iraq.

    The GOP takeover of Texas is even older. You may recall this date: November 22, 1963. Just prior to the tragic, cold-blooded murder of JFK, a slim, often slouching figure was photographed 'hanging around' beside the front entrance to the Texas School Book Depository Buiding on Elm St. This slouching figure is that of a man I came to know in Houston. His name is George H. W. Bush
    The fact of that discontent is clear. The surveys since the early seventies show 70 to 80 percent of Americans distrustful of government, business, the military. This means the distrust goes beyond blacks, the poor, the radicals. It has spread among skilled workers, white-collar workers, professionals; for the first time in the nation's history, perhaps, both the lower classes and the middle classes, the prisoners and the guards, were disillusioned
    with the system.

    --Howard Zinn, A Peole's History of the United States
    It's only gotten worse! People are desperate! There is no check on right wing mendacity, psychopathy, elitism, imperialism, greed! Anyone daring to oppose them --Dem or indie --are crushed. The right wing, the moneyed elites, make the rules and finance their stooges. The electoral systems favor the status quo because it takes BIG MONEY to even get into the race; ergo --everyone who runs --regardless of party affiliation --are but pawns of the vast right wing money and power machines.

    Wednesday, April 13, 2011

    Decision Theory for Progressives

    by Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy

    Anyone telling me that there are no differences between GOP and DEM had best prove it! The government's own stats prove that every Democratic President since WWII (possibly since 1900) has better GDP and job growth than ANY GOP president. Those are perhaps the most significant, the most important differences between the two parties. Certainly --without GDP growth, without the creation of new jobs, the economy will collapse in short order. If there were no other differences between the parties, these alone are sufficient to justify never, ever voting GOP. Unless, of course, you are a robber baron member of the ruling 1 percent.

    In Texas, there is yet another strikingly significant difference between Gopps and Democrats: EDUCATION. Every Democratic governor in TX has enjoyed higher rankings and it was under Bush Jr ( as Governor) that Texas beat out the likes of Mississippi et al for dead last in high school graduations. As high school graduations declined, crime --not surprisingly --rose! Who benefits? Simply --the corporate sponsors of the GOP who own the 'privatized' prisons. There may be no better way to launder a payoff.

    The GOP benefits in yet another way: an uninformed and/or semi-literate population is sure to be fooled by GOP propaganda. A population that does not read must rely upon the electronic media for information. Conveniently, right wing regimes have 'de-regulated' the media, allowing its consolidation into fewer and fewer huge corporations. Just as conveniently for the GOP, an ideological right-wing court has decreed that 'corporations', in fact, just legal abstractions, are to be considered 'real people' in the eyes of the 'law'.

    In Texas, the fortunes of the Bush crime family rose as education, quality of life and air quality declined. This is another cause and effect from which only the GOP and its crooked sponsors benefit. A corollary: as Bush family fortunes increased so did crime, poverty and unemployment.

    If you wish to be informed you must ask: why is that the case? Dismissing that verifiable fact with a PC platitude like: "...there are no differences between the parties' is a convenient cop out, an excuse not to think, a ruse designed to absolve the GOP. It's a 'childhood' defense: "...but Harry did it too, teach!" But did he?

    Have the Democrats, in Texas, ever dared to pull off such an overt and heinous crime? Indeed --no! In fact, it is often joked that Democrat crimes (if there were any) benefited the people. The folk wisdom --'he may be a crook but he's our crook' --was and is still often said of Democrats and their constituency: the people! It is NOT said of the GOP. The GOP is no one's crook but that of huge corporations and the corporate money-brokers, i.e, K-street pimps...uh...shills.

    Any Democrat chosen at random beats ANY gop re: the environment. Additionally, you will find more effective opposition to 'corporate personhood' among Dems than among Gopps if any opposition among GOPPS whatsoever! The GOP, by and large, defend the recent SCOTUS decision which does what even God nor the Wizard of Oz could do --it bestowed upon corporations, mere legal abstractions, 'personhood'! What other miracles await us? I had feared to ask!

    A Bullshit Decision

    Every intelligent person most certainly knows that SCOTUS blew it with 'corporate personhood'! But when I say that Antonin Scalia may not know, I am being generous. I may be giving him a benefit of doubt that he neither earned nor deserved! If he knows better and rules otherwise, he is just a common crook! Bertolt Brecht could not have described Scalia better than his terse summation of crookery:
    "A man who does not know the truth is just an idiot but a man who knows the truth and calls it a lie is a crook!"

    Scalia either drools in public like most GOP morons ---OR he knows 'corporate personhood' is utter crap and lies about it. He doesn't care one way or the other! He long ago sold his soul. He's a lost cause, a hard case, a closed file! Scalia is a crook. To sum up: Scalia is either a moron or he is a crook! The only remaining option is that Scalia is both a crook and an idiot.

    Perhaps GDP growth, jobs and economic opportunity are unimportant to you. If that is the case, vote GOP! You will not regret it. The GOP --since WWII --has not excelled in either. Perhaps, corporate personhood is just fine with you. Perhaps you can live with the fact that the GOP is the enemy of edcuation. If you're OK with all of the above --fine! Vote GOP! But don't call yourself a 'progressive'.

    You get ONE vote!

    Who says that by voting you should expect to change the world? We consider 'voting' a right and so it is! But it is a right that must be exercised if it is to have any meaning at all. If, for example, you have the right to vote but fail to exercise it, the outcome is the same if you had not had the vote to begin with. Ergo: not voting is a vote for anything that is anti-Democracy! Not voting is only an option for those who can live with a dictatorship; not voting is an option only if you're OK with idiots telling you what to do, think or say. Not voting is an option only if you think GOP crimes are just fine!

    It is narcissistic, perhaps neurotic and most certainly immature to expect everyone you vote for to be precisely what you want. There are no guarantees that any election will please all the people all the time. To believe otherwise is immature, self-indulgent.

    At last --the root of the word DEMOCRACY is 'demos'--Greek for 'people'. You have 'a' vote among many. You are not a dictator. But --history will support the warning that a people so self-absorbed that they will not vote for the best possible result but --rather --waits until a 'dream team' is beamed down to them from on high --is done for. I don't recall anyone promising anyone a Utopia.

    Thursday, March 24, 2011

    The FBI Covered Up, Destroyed Evidence in the Assassination of JFK

    by Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy

    I met and interviewed Rosemary Willis --the little girl in the Red Dress seen in Zapruder's film running along the south side of Elm St. Rosemary showed me the slides that her father had taken that day, pictures that had been published by Look Magazine. Look Magazine had covered two pages with a single Willis photo clearly depicting a train beyond knoll and seen clearly between the columns of the Pergola.

    After publication, the FBI seized her father's original slides! While they were in the possession of the FBI, they were tampered with. Look magazine clearly depicts a train on the RR tracks beyond the Pergola. But in the slides --returned to Ms Willis some 20 years later --the train had been removed. It was at that moment that my suspicions of a vast cover-up were confirmed. The FBI covered-up, in fact, tampered with evidence relating to the treasonous murder of the President of the United States. Only the guilty are motivated to cover up a crime.The innocent, on the other hand, have an interest in getting at the truth.

    I wondered why the FBI bothered to remove a train that had been behind the knoll at the time of the murder? It would appear that the FBI had an 'interest' in hiding the fact that a train was on those very tracks where earlier E. Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis had been arrested. If the train was the egress, the get-away, the means of escape, the FBI is at least guilty of the destruction of evidence or, worse, complicity in an act of high treason and murder.

    PD officer J. C. White is a witness and gave this information in his Warren Commission testimony...
    Here is a portion of that testimony as it pertains to this topic:
    Mr. BALL. Did you see the President's car come into sight?
    Mr. WHITE. No, sir; first time I saw it it has passed, passed under the triple underpass.
    Mr. BALL. You were too far away to see it, were you?
    Mr. WHITE. There was a freight train traveling. There was a train passing between
    the location I was standing and the area from which the procession was traveling, and-a big long freight train, and I did not see it.
    Mr. BALL. You didn't see the procession?
    Mr. WHITE. No, sir.
    Mr. BALL. Before the train went by, did you see some railroad personnel over on the-would it be the--
    Mr. WHITE. East side?
    Mr. BALL. East side of the overpass?
    Mr. WHITE. Yes, sir.
    Mr. BALL. How many people?
    Mr. WHITE. About 10, approximately. I didn't count them.
    Mr. BALL. Did you hear any shots?
    Mr. WHITE. No, sir.
    Mr. BALL. Didn't?
    Mr. WHITE. No, sir.
    Mr. BALL. First time you saw the President's car it was going underneath?
    Mr. WHITE. Yes, sir.
    Mr. BALL. What did you do after that?
    Mr. WHITE. As soon as the train passed I went over and on the northwest side of the Depository Building. On the northwest side of the book store up there with the rest of the officers and after about 30 minutes they told me to go out and work traffic at Main and Houston, and I stood out there and worked traffic.
    Mr. BALL. All right, now, you heard no sound of no rifle fire or anything?
    Mr. WHITE. No, sir.
    Mr. BALL. Freight train was going through at the time?
    Mr. WHITE. Yes, sir.
    Mr. BALL. Making noise?
    Mr. WHITE. Yes, sir; noisy train.
    Mr. BALL. Mr. White, Mr. Foster was on the east side of the overpass?
    Mr. WHITE. Yes, sir.
    Mr. BALL. This deposition will be written up and submitted
    to you for your signature if you wish to sign it, or you can waive your signature.
    Which do you wish to do?
    Mr. WHITE. You said a while ago to him it would be written up like this? Is that correct?
    Mr. BALL. No, It will be written up in the form of a deposition.
    Mr. WHITE. I will waive.
    Mr. BALL. You waive it. Okay. Fine.
    --Testimony of DPD officer J. C. White, Warren Commission
    The presence of the train, therefore, is a matter of public record. Why --then --would the FBI bother to remove a train that was known to have existed, a train that was, in fact, the subject of testimony given under oath to the Warren Commission?

    In any case, someone in the FBI had determined that a clear photograph of a train beyond the Pergola was --in some way --a threat to the official story that was, at last, cooked up by Sen. Arlen Specter.
    Had President John F. Kennedy lived, had he accomplished his agenda, this country would have been a very different place, a better place, a nation in which ordinary people still dared to hope, perhaps dream of a better life. That's why he was murdered.

    To find the culprit, ask yourself: who benefited from the loss of this great President? The most obvious beneficiaries were
    • big oil
    • the CIA
    • the money brokers on Wall Street, the FED and K-street.
    Certainly --the top 1 percent benefited from the paradigm shift and now owns more than the rest of us combined, the result of GOP largesse.

    It was most certainly a CIA hit, supervised by Bush Sr. For the CIA, it was personal, akin to a mob vendetta.

    The Warren Commission is as crooked as is the N.I.S.T report and the report of the 911 Commission. All are lies by a 'government' whose claim to legitimacy hangs by a thread --and that is generous!

    The murder of JFK and 911 are tragic events years apart but alike in magnitude and their effect upon the people. Both concentrated power in the CIA, K-Street, Wall Street and the robber barons of big oil, big money, and others who make a living killing other people in foreign countries. In the case of Iraq, its only crime was that of having oil --oil coveted by Dick Cheney's 'Energy Task Force' operating on behalf of Halliburton, Exxon et al.

    There is no evidence to support anything said by the government with respect to either 911 or the assassination of JFK.
    • CE-399 (the magic bullet) would have been thrown out of court for lacking 'bona fides'. Found on 'a' gurney at Parkland Hospital, it cannot be proven to have ever been fired; nor can it be placed at the scene of the crime. It has never been traced to the Mannlicher-Carcano that is alleged to have been the murder weapon. The photo of Oswald holding it is an obvious fake.
    • Oswald cannot be placed in the 6th floor at the time of the shooting; he was drinking a coke on the 3rd Floor of the TSBD. So say witnesses.
    • Upon impact, JFKs head is pushed back and to the left from a shot fired from from the front and to the right --the Grassy Knoll. Behind the Grassy Knoll are the Rail Road tracks where --earlier --several 'tramps' had been arrested for vagrancy. Among them were E. Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis both of whom were up to their necks in Watergate.
    While Oswald was having a coke, the man who fired the fatal shot was folding up his XP-100 Fireball, putting it away in a 'briefcase' to make his get-away in the 'secured' area behind the Grassy Knoll and the railroad tracks --the same area that had been scouted and secured by tramps E. Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis and perhaps other future Watergate 'perps'.

    A photograph of Bush Sr in front of the TSBD just prior to the murder supports my long held belief that Bush supervised the A-Team (assassination team). I knew Bush Sr, spoke with him up close and personal on several occasions and that IS Bush Sr who is seen photographed in front of the TSBD. I would say so in court, under oath! [See: Did the Bushes Help Kill JFK]

    JFK died for our sins. There were at least 4 major motives:
    The last item was a cause for trauma in the oil producing state of TX.
    "An oilman drills a well that costs $100,000. He finds a reservoir containing $10,000,000 worth of oil. The well produces $1 million worth of oil per year for ten years. In the very first year, thanks to the depletion allowance, the oilman could deduct 27.5 per cent, or $275,000, of that $1 million in income from his taxable income. Thus, in just one year, he's deducted nearly three times his initial investment. But the depletion allowance continues to pay off. For each of the next nine years, he gets to continue taking the $275,000 depletion deduction. By the end of the tenth year, the oilman has deducted $2.75 million from his taxable income, even though his initial investment was only $100,000."
    --The Oil Depletion Allowance
    Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes said: "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however impossible, must be the truth!" The Warren Commission report is impossible, in fact, a sloppy piece of work.

    Arlen Specter's 'Magic Bullet' is a kooky theory for which there is no evidence. It is --in fact --impossible defying as it does several laws of physics. The most dramatic demonstration of the utter impossibility of the "magic bullet theory" was conducted in a courtroom by News Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison.

    Anyone passing first semester physics should understand that bullets do not/cannot change directions in mid-flight. It is, therefore, utterly impossible. The Warren Commission did not investigate the murder of JFK, it covered it up and gave cover to the culprits. Those actions are more akin to those of 'co-conspirators' than investigators. The murder of JFK was a coup d'etat from which the U.S. has not yet recovered.

    Thursday, March 10, 2011

    Revolution Postponed, Perhaps Indefinitely

    by Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy

    I have been urging a 'peaceful revolution' for some 20 years now! I might have been wasting my breath and keyboard! The time for that has come and gone!

    In America, too many progressives seemed content to post ugly caricatures of Bush Jr or the usual and almost always correct assessment of his utterly failed regime. Anyone would have been better, we supposed!

    It was too easily forgotten that in the United States there is no 'left wing' with which to mount an effective opposition --let alone revolution. Campaigns are incredibly expensive to 'run' and even more so to 'win'! Only the increasingly concentrated, corporate media benefits. In a nation in which right wing policies --most notably those of Ronald Reagan --have resulted in the enrichment of an increasingly tiny elite, the tiny elite tolerates elections to maintain the appearance of 'Democracy'. I will not bother to post the actual 'Gini Indices' that prove that point --a point that should already have been made, documented, and known by all. In short, American wealth is increasingly concentrated in fewer hands with the rise of the GOP. It is not a coincidence --it's policy! Reagan's 'tax cut' and subsequent GOP largesse was and remains a payoff to the base.

    But what is to be done about it? Forget about waging revolution in the conventional sense. The only hope left Democrats is a peaceful revolution waged first from within the party. It must be recalled that Hitler's 'Beer Hall Putsch' succeeded in getting Adolph arrested and thrown in jail. It is tragic that he learned from his mistake and eventually won the leadership of what was, at the time, a 'socialist workers' party. It would not remain so long. A. Hitler --like so many American politicians --pulled a 'bait and switch' on the German people.

    The Democratic party is reduced to 'sloppy seconds'; they are but a hedged bet for those who buy and finance not just individual politicians but the process itself. We are property! Realistically --how 'radical', how 'progressive', how innovative can a Democratic candidate be when his/her entire campaign is financed by the same folk who brought you Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush --the three worst 'presidents' in U.S. history --the 'three horsemen of the political apocalypse'?

    Progressives were content to sit on their asses and bitch about the choices in the general election! In many ways, the general election is the least important aspect of a political campaign. Policy and issues have been long decided. Is it no wonder, then, that elections are increasingly boring. Nothing new is ever said. Indeed, progressive issues are always the target of the right wing, prominently --Social Security.
    To combat socialism Bismarck put through between 1883 and 1889 a program for social security far beyond anything known in other countries. It included compulsory insurance for workers against old age, sickness, accident and incapacity, and though organized by the State it was financed by employers and employees. It cannot be said that it stopped the rise of the Social Democrats or the trade unions, but it did have a profound influence on the working class in that it gradually made them value security over political freedom and caused them to see in the State, however conservative, a benefactor and a protector. Hitler, as we shall see, took full advantage of this state of mind. In this, as in other matters, he learned much from Bismarck. ”I studied Bismarck’s socialist legislation,” Hitler remarks in Mein Kampf (p. 155), ”in its intention, struggle and success.”

    --Adolph Hitler, Mein Kampf, as quoted by William Shirrer, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, p 87.
    Nazis were attacking 'Social Security' even in the 'Third Reich' and, given a chance, the GOP will attack and finish it off in a 'Fourth Reich' of their creation. As far as 'Social Security' is concerned it is --arguably --the government's ONLY success story, contrary to the following 'specimen' of the kind of fallacious and idiotic thinking that is destroying our nation before our eyes:
    Regardless of what you personally think, Social Security is completely illegal and unCONstitutional, if you believe that the CONstitution is legally binding on anybody. I, on the other hand, take Spooner's attitude that it is NOT, and that therefore, the criminal syndicate referred to by dolts as the "federal government" has no legal authority at all.

    --An idiot
    If Social Security were illegal (it is not) it ought NOT to be! Without it, any one of a number of GOP recession/depressions would have decimated millions of productive Americans whose 'work' made the nation strong. For the same reason, the ruling elites of the right wing will cut off their own noses but --sadly --not until they have relegated the rest of us to misery in the land of the worthless dollar! Alas! Comments like the excerpted one above tend to confirm many in the growing belief that we will have deserved our fate.

    It is often said that there are no differences between the parties --a simplistic excuse for not getting involved at the local level during the primaries. If there are few differences between the major parties, then millions have been disenfranchised, left with no one to vote for. Any large block reduced to voting 'against' a major candidate has already lost, before the elections, the opportunity to vote 'FOR' a candidate.

    The oft repeated excuse is: '...but there are no differences between the candidates'! There never will be if most of the population 'sits out' the primary process. There are, in fact, real differences between Democratic and Republicans not the least of which is the fact that every Democratic President at least since World War II has significantly better GDP and job creation records than any Republican president. There are other less significant differences but real nonetheless. But few people know this and, Democrats seem too timid to mention it during campaigns. Democrats should be beating the fricking GOP over its collective head with the truth!

    In summary, the GOP dictates the agenda because it is owned by the ruling elite and, as a result, GOP policies are designed to enrich this elite. As long as the money drives campaigns, the differences between the parties will continue to blur and/or diminish. At present, Democrats get monies from the same people who finance the GOP. The Democratic party is reduced to a 'hedged bet'. The elites have the money, finance the elections. Democrats cannot afford to be truly independent. It's all a self-fulfilling prophecy, an echo chamber in which real people are simply drowned out. If you don't think so, just try getting 'equal time' to counter the bullshit that is spewed by Fox, Limbaugh, Beck, Billo and the boys!

    Real reforms that could change things would be opposed by the big corporations. Naturally --when corporations via K-Street dictate policy, nothing will change. The power is entrenched. A real revolution would mandate mass bustups of the entrenched powers --corporations, the corporate kingmakers who 'select' the candidates they like with a check!

    By the time, the 'general election' rolls around, the slate is reduced to Frick or Frack, Dumb or Dumber! There are no viable third choices! Nevertheless --not voting concedes the nation to the GOP. That is not an option. The better option --the third option --does not exist: a viable, grassroots, active 'progressive party' (if that is the preferred label these days)!

    As I have written time and again --if 'progressives' want a real revolution they must first wage one inside the existing Democratic party. Progressives must take back the Democratic party --the party of Roosevelt and real progressives.

    Even Hitler did not start from scratch; he and his goons got involved and took over an existing party, rebuilt it in their image, organized at the local level and eventually became a force to be reckoned with. Read Shirer's 'The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich'. Read any history of any revolution. Revolutions are not waged nor won by sitting on one's ass watching CNN and bitching about things. Do you think Hitler invented the Nazi party? No --he did not! But neither was he sitting at home --swilling a lager --while listening to 'primary' returns on the radio!

    Many people claim to have options, choices, privileges, luxuries that they don't have, perhaps never had! But sitting out the primaries is not one of them if you wish to make a difference. Hitler did not invent the NAZI party; he took it over. With it, he built up a base of support that Hindenburg had to deal with and eventually make concessions to.

    Anyone not willing to get involved in local conventions might as well stay home, swill a beer and watch the returns! But don't bother! Because millions think as you do, the end result has all been worked out on K-Street! One of only two viable candidates will win having been financed by the very same big money that bankrolls both major candidates. Interestingly, less money is given to the Dems! The Democrats have been reduced to supporting an illusion of Democracy.

    Arrowsmith [Aerosmith] Eat the Rich!




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    Friday, March 04, 2011

    It's Time for Rush Limbaugh to Go!

    by Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy

    Free speech is not free! It is paid for with responsibility! Rush Limbaugh, however, has made a career of "...yelling fire in a crowded theater" when, in fact, there is NO fire! Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.'s decision re: Eugene Debs means that Rush has routinely exceeded the limits of free speech. But the Holmes decision was fallaciously applied to Debs; Rush, by contrast, is defined by shrill cries of 'fire' when --in fact --there is no fire!

    We might tolerate Rush if the Fairness Doctrine were restored. His opponents would at least be heard. They are sure to be more intelligent, articulate and even entertaining; the nation would be better for it!

    How long would Rush last if he had to compete in truly free market, if he were compelled by law to be responsible as I was compelled as a working broadcast journalist in major U.S. markets? I was expected to be responsible and professional; but Rush lives down to lower expectations, lower standards. He is expected, even encouraged to be irresponsible, outrageous, dishonest and boorish!

    We might tolerate Rush had he ever made a good faith effort to inform his audiences with respect to real issues as opposed to his constant demoguoguery, his fussilade of lies and ad hominem attacks, propaganda, strawmen, distortions, outright lies and --most egregiously --bigotry and/or racial slurs most notably those about black athletes and, specifically, the great quarterback Warren Moon et al.

    If an intelligent man like Eugene Debs --whose only crime was that of exercising his conscience i.e, opposing the U.S. entry into WWI --could be imprisoned, then Rush, who has exhorted treason and bigotry in response to phony threats and strawmen, should be held responsible for having abused 'privileges' that the rest of us had --at one time --enjoyed responsibly as 'rights'. Why is Rush given 'license' when, in fct, the rest of us are DENIED the benefits of 'free speech' by having been denied access to what had publically owned airwaves. Rush is prescisely what the GOP had in minded when, under Ronald Reagan, the Fairness Doctrine and the Communications Act of 1934 were rescinded, media 'de-regulated', a GOP code-word for consoidating the ownership of media into very few and very corporate hands.

    Debs was courageous and smart --a man of integrity! Rush is slimy and stupid --a charlatan! Debs spoke truth to power! Rush misleads the poor and gullible for profit! He is a corporate kiss-up, a coward, a stooge who peddles propaganda for profit! Debs accepted responsibility for what he had made of himself and was prepared to accept the consequences. Rush is a coward who blames all on 'niggers', poor people and 'liberals, LIBERALS, LIBERALS!!!
    “When we are in partnership and have stopped clutching each other's throats, when we have stopped enslaving each other, we will stand together, hands clasped, and be friends. we will be comrades, we will be brothers, and we will begin the march to the grandest civilization the human race has ever known.”

    --Eugene Debs, American Activist
    It is time for Rush Limbaugh to GO!

    Monday, February 21, 2011

    Who Murdered JFK and Why

    by Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy

    When the Zapruder film was, at last, released to the public, several news anchors/reporters described what was seen in these words: "back and to the left"! That refers of course to JFKs head which suffered a fatal shot from the Grassy Knoll --not the Texas School Book Depository as the Warren Commission and its counsel, Arlen Specter, would have you believe. If JFKs head moves "back and to the left", then the fatal shot was fired from in "front and to the right". In other words --the Grassy Knoll.

    The significance of a shot from the grassy knoll cannot be adequately described. A shot from the knoll implies not merely a conspiracy but an official one --a coup d'etat, an act of high treason at the very highest levels, an act of high treason that --in fact --rendered the government illegitimate.

    Always interested in the JFK assassination, I became more so upon meeting a witness to the the murder of our President. That witness was Rosemary Willis, often called the "little girl in the red dress". She is seen in the Zapruder film running along the south side of Elm street as the motorcade passed by. Her father --Phil Willis --was just behind her taking 35mm slides. He may have called to her. Other than the famous Zapruder film, the Willis Photos are among the most important photographs taken that day.

    Rosemary Willis asked me to look at her father's slides. We put them on a light table and examined them with a photographer's loupe. One of the slides was of particular interest. It was a stunning photograph of JFK in the Limousine looking slightly to the northwest; the Pergola atop the grassy knoll was the background.

    "Do you see anything unusual in the photo?" Rosemary asked me.

    When I admitted that I had not, she produced an "old" copy of Look Magazine, opened to the bookmarked center spread photo. I was immediately struck by the presence of a train clearly visible between the upright columns of the Pergola. Rosemary asked me to look again at the slide. Incredibly, the train --visible in the Look 'spread' --was NOT visible in the slides! At this point I was speechless. But for the train, the photos were identical! Why was a train missing in the slide but present in the Magazine spread which was, in fact, a reproduction of that very slide?

    Rosemary continued: the FBI, she said, seized her father's photos only after Look Magazine had published them. The FBI kept the pictures for years. When the original slides were at last returned, the train was missing.

    Clearly --the train had been removed from the slides while the slides were in the possession of the FBI. Just as clearly --the FBI did not want you to know that a train had been on the very tracks where, earlier, Watergate figures E. Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis had been arrested and were henceforth referred to as the tramps who whore Gucci loafers. Both figures are notable for their involvement in Watergate and the abortive Bay of Pigs fiasco. Revenge for 'Bay of Pigs' is often cited among the top three or four motives for the murder of JFK. [ For other motives, see: Three Reasons JFK was Murdered ]

    The FBI tampered with evidence --a crime! Why? Obviously, the FBI did not want it known that the train had been present behind the grassy knoll just minutes before the President would be murdered. The motives for altering evidence, tampering with evidence, destroying evidence is simply this: guilt! Only the guilty are always threatened by the truth. Only the guilty are motivated to lie about a crime or, in this case, destroy and/or tamper with evidence. In this case, the FBI proved to my satisfaction that it was guilty of the crime in question and/or had participated in some other ways to include a massive cover-up, the criminal obstruction of justice that follows. The only rational conclusion is that the FBI did not wish it known that the train had been there because the train was, in some way, associated with a "frontal shot". With its actions, the FBI made of itself "a crook".

    The FBI tampered with evidence!

    The removal of the train from the photos is more significant than the train itself. Otherwise --why the cover up? What was it about the presence of a train near Dealy Plaza that the FBI did not want you to know? The only explanation is that the boxcars provided a staging area for a professional team to include a professional assassin behind the picket fence. It is not difficult to imagine that this shooter, having hit his target, simply folded up his XP-100 Fireball [or an equally effective weapon], put it away in a "brief case" and calmly walked away into the area behind the fence, an area that had been secured by E. Howard Hunt, Frank Sturgis et al --the tramps who wore Guccis!

    What is the name of this shooter?

    Does it really matter at this point? The bigger issue is who conceived the crime, who gave the orders, who organized the "operatives" in the field? The FBI participated in the overt cover up of what was most surely a CIA hit upon the elected President of the United States. I cannot imagine the FBI participating in a cover-up of a crime unless it is in some way complicit in the crime itself. A "cover-up" itself a crime but in this case, the cover up implicates those who participated!

    The murder of JFK was a coup d'etat! It was most certainly motivated by JFK's refusal to supply air cover for an infamous CIA operation: the "Bay of Pigs" debacle; by his promise to "smash the CIA into a thousand pieces"; and by his his threat to big oil, specifically, his promise to rescind the "oil depletion allowance" --a sacred cow to oil men.

    Certainly all these issues --big oil, Cuba, CIA atrocities --figure prominently. There were other motives, of course. JFK was a marked man. His murder defines the day on which an American' dream died. It was a day from which this nation has not yet recovered! A day which will live in infamy!

    If Oswald had been a mere patsy, as he had said he was, then the murder of JFK was a CIA hit. Set up to take the fall, Oswald, nevertheless, had to die before he could talk or raise more questions that no one on the Warren Commission seemed willing to raise or confront. The Warren Commission, in fact, is remembered for the questions that it either failed or refused to ask!

    There are good reasons to suspect one George H.W. Bush of having been in Dealy Plaza that very day. There is a famous photo of him "hanging out" beside the front entrance to the Texas School Book Depository. Having known and interviewed GHWB on numerous occasions, I would testify --in court --that that is, indeed, the senior Bush who was photographed hanging around the front entrance of TSBD on the very day JFK would die. [My first meeting with GHWB was in a conference room at the Midland-Odessa Air Terminal as he was running for Senate against, as I recall, Ralph Yaborough]

    Lee Harvey Oswald Had to Die!

    On the other hand, there is simply no case against Oswald but that of a propaganda campaign. There was no prosecutable case against him. Any competent defense atty would have won acquittal in any honest court. A competent/honest judge would have thrown out the "magic bullet" for lacking "bona fides". Oswald would have walked. Therefore, he had to die.

    CE-399, found on a gurney (possibly the wrong gurney) at Parkland hospital, cannot even be placed at the scene of the crime. A competent lawyer would have challenged it! And he would have won! An honest judge would have not admitted it into evidence. The 'real killers' would not risk that!

    It is, indeed, a magic bullet. It is, to this day, in remarkable condition considering that it is said to have created numerous wounds in two men while defying gravity, Newton's laws of physics, specifically, his laws of motion and numerous principles of ballistics. It cannot be proven to have been fired. It cannot even be placed at the scene of the crime! A competent judge would have throw it out of court!

    'Back and to the left'

    We are often told that JFKs head only 'appears' to be thrust backward from a bullet fired from the front. That's absurd on its face. In fact, JFK's head appears to have been struck from the front and thrust backward! The backward motion of the head upon being struck from the front is consistent with first semester physics. As a kid hoping to be a big league pitcher, I used to practice a fast ball against a picket fence. One day --I "smoked" one right over 'home plate' knocking the slats right out of the fence!

    Interestingly --and in accord with Newton's first law of motion --the slats did not fall forward upon being struck; instead, they fell backward upon being hit from the front. There is nothing surprising about that! It is one of the ways the world works. It is only controversial when powerful criminals try to get away with murder and numerous obstructions of justice. It's only controversial when culprits try to rewrite the laws of physics.

    As a rambunctious kid, I used to target practice firing a BB gun against tin cans on a post. None of those tin cans fell forward upon being hit from the front! Later, I used to fire .22 and 30 ought 6 rounds at various targets. None ever fell toward me. The same is true of cantaloupes or watermelons. There is NO "jet effect". The same laws of physics are consistent with what honest people will see in the Zapruder film and that is the President's head struck as it was from the right front was forced back and to the left! That's --back and to the left!

    Those facts --plus the pristine condition of the so-called 'magic bullet' (CE-399) --are reason enough to discount the Warren Commission summarily. The magic bullet is --we are told --the fatal bullet fired by Lee Harvey Oswald. I doubt that the magic bullet had ever been fired but, if it had, it most certainly never struck anything. Moreover, had Lee Harvey Oswald gone to trial, the charges would have been dismissed.

    Found on 'a' gurney at Parkland Hospital, the 'magic bullet' [CE-399] cannot even be placed at the scene of the crime, NOR can it be proven to have ever been IN the alleged murder weapon or, indeed, fired from any weapon whatsoever. A competent judge (had the case gone to trial) woud have dissallowed it. Of course, whomever murdered JFK never intended this 'case' to go to trial in the first place. If you had conspired to assassinate a popular President, would you want the case to go to court?

    The Magic Bullet Cannot be Placed at the Scene of the Crime
    "The killing shot that spread JFK’s brains all over the trunk of the limo – the pieces of which Jackie tried to crawl out to retrieve – was so obviously from the front of the car, any suggestion that the shot came from behind is ridiculous."

    --Mondo Media
    The fatal shot came from the front, the grassy knoll. Only those with a vested interest in the official cover story will try to convince you or intimidate you otherwise. Only the guilty lie about a crime. Only the guilty are motivated to do so. The innocent, by contrast, benefit ONLY when the truth is told!
    The single bullet theory (or magic bullet theory, as it is commonly called by its critics) was introduced by the Warren Commission in their investigation of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy to explain what happened to the bullet which struck Kennedy in the back and exited through his throat. Given the lack of damage to the presidential limousine consistent with it having been struck by a high-velocity bullet and the fact that Texas Governor John Connally was wounded and was seated directly in front of the president, the Commission concluded they were likely struck by the same bullet.

    I cite wikipedia only because it summarizes the so-called "Magic Bullet" theory as it survives in the Warren Commission report. The theory itself is an elaborate ex post facto fallacy cooked-up to paper over a bald-faced lie, a lame theory, an official position that is intended to obstruct justice and hide the truth from the American people. Warren Specter, I believe, intended or was, perhaps, recruited to protect the coup d'etat which benefited from this 'high crime', this callous act of bloody treason!

    said official about the murder of JFK is untrue. So --as we have asked about 911 --who lies about a crime? Who is most motivated to lie about a crime but those who have committed the crime? At the very least, the authors of the 'Magic Bullet Theory' are guilty of obstruction of justice by virtue of their lies; at worst --they should be tried for their complicity in the murder itself. Lying about a crime in order to protect the guilty is a crime and there is an enormous body of case law about it. Are you reading this Arlen Specter?

    If it Does Not Fit

    As Lee Harvey Oswald himself said --he was a patsy. There was no case against him. Secondly, the sixth floor is most certainly the worst place from which to try to kill a sitting, legitimate President of the United States. It offers a very small window of opportunity. The distance to target is about three times that of a knoll shooter.

    No intelligent sniper, no experienced 'hit man' would have considered trying to murder a President from the sixth floor of the TSBD. There is no hope of escape from the sixth floor. It is said that, upon firing the fatal shot (the magic bullet) LHO ditched the Mannlicher-Carcano behind some boxes and fled down six stories by way of the staircase. Witnesses, however, say he was spotted on the third floor (as I recall) having a soft-drink! Are we to believed that he stopped there to have coke on the way down? If he were suspected, why was he not arrested then and there? Would a sane man, a man of just normal intelligence have risked such a stupid move? No wonder the real criminals would not risk, would not even try to get a conviction against their 'patsy'. Simply --he had to die! Dead men tell no tales.

    An experienced hit man would not have considered the sixth floor, knowing that he might get off the fatal shot, rush down some six flights of stairs and into the waiting arms of the 'man'! The 'real killers' thought the TSBD to be a great place to set up a patsy. It worked because people are gullible, the press was under control and the FBI --as we know --would seize and tamper with real evidence. The real killers and their co-conspirators ---Bush Sr, E. Howard Hunt, Frank Sturgis, et al --had secured the area behind the knoll. It was a simple case of mis-direction.

    The train --which the FBI so carefully removed from Phil Willis' slides --would make a great staging area. Anyone wishing to get to the train and/or hang around in a box car would be harassed! Cops? It would appear that a fix was in! In any case, does anyone believe that a gang to include Bush Sr and E. Howard Hunt is going to allow their plans to be screwed up by a foot patrolman or an underpaid detective? The CIA pros --simply --'secured' the area.

    There are NO discernable missing fragments. Where did the other fragments comes from? I suggest they be weighed and an estimate made of how many bullets were fired that day. That just might put the lone gun man 'theory to rest forever!

    "Back and to the Left"

    As the film depicts, JFK was struck by a bullet fired from the front! His head was driven 'back and to the left'. Some (notably Gerald Posner) have said that a 'jet effect' explains backward motion of the head. That is --at least --a concession that the head moves 'back and to the left'! The flaw in that reasoning is that 'jet effect' was invented for the purpose of 'explaining away' a shot from the front! I know of no other instance in which a jet effect has ever been observed or documented. There is no reason to believe that the laws of biology and physics were alterred radically on Nov 22, 1963 and restored the following day --Nov 23rd!

    As lies become more outrageous in support of a 'theory', the more suspicious one becomes of them. I had not yet concluded that the fatal shot came from the knoll until Posner's ludicrous ex post facto fallacy cinched it. Like the 'official conspiracy theory of 911', one is justified in asking: if the official theory were true, then why is it necessary to lie about it? If the Warren Commission were true, why is it necessary to invent psuedo science ex post facto ? Ask yourslef --who is most motivated to lie about crime? Who is most motivated to cover up a crime? Who is most eager to cover up the truth? That's easy! Who lies about a crime?


    Early lies about the JFK murder said that two bullets were fired from the direction the TSBD. Those lies were "starkly contradicted" by testimony of doctors and nurses who attempted to save Kennedy’s life at Parkland. Two groups of doctors saw a head wound in the back or back-right of the head as a result of a bullet that came from the front. That conclusion is supported by Zapruder and by the fact that a position in front was --from an assassin's point of view --the very best chance of getting off a fatal shot.

    Much has been said of 'method'. But what of 'motive'? There were many motives, three of which I dealt with in a previous article. In summary, however, JFK was a revolutionary. The target of his 'revolution' we now call the 'New World Order' i.e, NEOCONS, militarists with a stake in the Military-Industrial Complex! It was JFK who told us how to beat them: 1) abolish the FED 2) Smash the CIA 3) Rescind the Oil Depletion. I believe that JFK intended to tax them and might have abolished 'corporate person-hood' and other dodges that have, over the years, placed this elite, this corporate class above the law!

    Most importantly, Sen. Arlen Specter et al are wrong about frame Z313; STABILIZED FOOTAGE confirms Police Chief Curry who stated flatly -- In 1978-- that the fatal shot came from the front. The Zapruder film confirms him --the head is driven backward by a shot from the front.

    Why Was JFK Murdered and who benefited?

    George H.W. Bush --who was in Dealy Plaza that very day --benefited from the JFK murder as President of Zapata Corporation, a holding company based in Rochester, New York. Many have alleged that there existed many links between Zapata and the CIA. Certainly, GHWB would become Director of the CIA.

    That, in itself, is a significant connection. Among many motives three are major motives and are related in many ways to George H.W. Bush: 1) JFK had threatened to repeal the OIL DEPLETION ALLOWANCE; Big Oil was not happy and one would not have expected the President of Zapata to have been pleased with JFKs plans. 2) JFK tried to strip the Federal Reserve Bank of its power to loan money to the government at interest 3) JFK Threatened to 'smash the CIA into a thousand pieces'. Now --recall that BUSH SR who was, at the time, at the very nexus of the AXIS of CIA-BIG OIL --would later become the Director of the CIA and, eventually, 'President' of the United States.

    It's always been about the 'price of oil' at the wellhead and the profits that accrue to 'big oil'! Having grown up in Texas, I can vouch for the following very short, illustrative history:
    Ross Sterling, the former owner of Humble Oil, was elected governor of Texas and took office on 20th January, 1931. The Texas Railroad Commission, under the control of the large oil producers, attempted to limit the production of oil (prorationing) in the new fields of East Texas. On 31st July, 1931, the federal court in Houston sided with a group of independent oil producers and ruled that the Texas Railroad Commission had no right to impose prorationing.

    Large oil companies in Texas such as Humble Oil were in favour of prorationing and Sterling came under great pressure to intervene. On 16th August, 1931, Sterling declared martial law in Rusk, Upshur, Gregg and Smith counties. In his proclamation Sterling declared that the independent oil producers in these counties were "in a state of insurrection" and that the "reckless and illegal exploitation of (oil) must be stopped until such time as the said resources may be properly conserved and developed under the protection of the civil authorities".Sterling now ordered the commander of the Texas National Guard, Jacob F. Wolters, to "without delay shut down each and every producing crude oil well and/or producing well of natural gas". Wolters who was the chief lobbyist of several major oil companies in Texas, readily agreed to this action. Wolters used more than a thousand troops to make sure that the oil wells in East Texas ceased production. The Texas Railroad Commission was now in firm control of the world's most prolific oil fields. It now controlled the supply of the oil in the United States. As a result, the price of oil began to increase.
    --Texas Oil Industry and the Assassination of JFK
    Humble later became "Exxon". It is not only prices but profits that are of considerable if not irrational concern. Big oil had been, in effect, guaranteed huge profits by another bit of accounting legerdemain: the oil depletion allowance. The 'oil depletion allowance' is like depreciation but more abstract. Depreciation is often visible. Machines wear out, the loss of utility is real. From an accounting standpoint, the 'oil depletion allowance' is just a whopping write off, literally a pay off for the oil you won't find later! Now --how would like to be paid NOW for the money you WON'T make LATER when the business you're in NOW is no longer profitable?

    Sweet deal --perhaps even better than the 'sweet deal' the FED got. I can think of no other industry that has managed to so effectively shake down the government. I can think of few businesses in which you are paid upfront the money you will not earn at some point in the future. If there should be such a scheme, I would like to sign up for it right now!

    By 1962, JFK had sealed his fate. He had decided to take on the Texas oil industry. He persuaded Congress to 'remove the distinction between repatriated profits and profits reinvested abroad'. The law applied to all industries but affected the oil industry particularly. Texas oil fat cats watched earnings from foreign investments fall by one half --or from 30 per cent to 15 per cent.

    As President, LBJ, abandoned plans to abolish the oil industry's sacred cow, the cow it regularly milked. The oil depletion allowance was not disallowed until the Presidency of Jimmy Carter still reviled in Texas though he is among the nation's best Presidents in terms of GDP growth and job creation. One would never suspect it --given the campaign of lies that he still inspires. At that, Carter is among the fortunate; it is only his 'record' that has been assassinated.

    Moreover, I knew Bush SR and would testify under oath that the pic of a man in front of the TSBD just prior to the fatal shooting of JFK is --in fact --Bush sr. I know that slouch, that unmistakable hairline and jaw. It's him. I believe Bush Sr was in a position to supervise the 'hit'; in the field. The tramps had secured the area behind the picket fence for an 'egress'. One of those tramps was E. Howard Hunt; another was Frank Sturgis.

    In our lifetimes, the best and brightest have been snuffed before our very eyes by the cowardly, unseen, shadowy exercise of pure evil and rotten ambition. The most prominent victims are John F. Kennedy who was, at the time, President of the United States, Robert Kennedy, a former U.S. Attorney General and candidate for his party's Presidential nomination, Dr,. Martin Luther Kr whose 'dream' while liberating to right thinking persons was, in fact, a gauntlet thrown down in front of those who dare to enslave us. Those benefiting most from JFKs murder are most certainly guilty of it. It's a question of motive, method and opportunity. The American right wing had all three. An analysis of the motives reveal a pattern, a constituency supporting murder as a means of achieving 'regime change'.

    JFK tried to strip the power of the FED, abolish the Oil Depletion Allowance, and 'smash the CIA into a thousand pieces'. No President since has dared piss off so many powerful and ruthless people.

    JFK tried to strip the Federal Reserve Bank of its power to loan money to the government at interest

    The move would have bypassed the Fed by restoring to the government the power and authority to issue currency. Executive Order 11110 gave the US government the ability to create its own money --backed by silver! It just might have put the FED out of business.

    Some background and basic economics: to pay it's bills, the US government borrows money from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. The Federal Reserve Notes are not backed up by anything. 'Silver certificates' issued under the authority of JFKs order would have been backed up by government owned silver. The government would no longer borrow from the FED to pay its obligations. It would have done so with 'silver certificates' issued by the government itself.

    Like any commodity, Federal Reserve notes are subject to the laws of supply and demand. The demand for Federal Reserve notes might have collapsed altogether and the FED itself might have been forced out of business.

    Executive Order 11110 could have prevented the national debt from reaching its current level. It would have would have made it possible for the government to repay its debt without having to borrow worthless 'notes' from the Fed and having to repay them later at interest.

    Executive Order 11110 was never repealed. One wonders why no other President ever bothered to utilize it. Could it have had anything to do with the fact that JFKs order made him very, very unpopular throughout the banking establishment? In fact, JFK was brutally murdered in Dallas just five months after issuing the order. No more silver certificates were issued. The FED's gravy train was still intact.

    The 'scheme' preferred by the Fed allows the Fed to create money which it loans to the government at interest.
    The private Federal Reserve owners don’t have a trillion dollars to lend the Government, nor do they need it. All they do is create it, via a bookkeeping entry, and write a check to the U.S. Government as the loan in exchange for the U.S. Bonds. The U.S. Government banks at the Federal Reserve Bank so cashing this check is very easy.

    It's a scheme, possibly a scam. Certainly --no hard currency is exchanged. Government agents are never seen walking out of the FED offices --under armed guard --carrying bullion, coins, or, indeed, anything of real value. The Fed makes an 'entry' in the books! The government makes an entry in its books! And you thought you had to work hard to make money!
    "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."

    --variously attributed to Thomas Jefferson [editor note: if it is confirmed that he did not say it, it is, in the opinion of the author of this article, true! And, if he did not say it, someone should have! h/t Warren Aide-Riley]
    JFK Threatened to 'smash the CIA into a thousand pieces'

    The CIA had conspired with 'cuban exiles' in Florida to assist in the invasion of Cuba. Both entities acted without authorization from the government, without a declaration of war from Congress which alone has the power to declare war --or so says that 'goddamned piece of paper', the US constitution.

    Certainly, because of Cuba, the CIA was more motivated to murder JFK than was Lee Harvey Oswald. The CIA saw Kennedy as a threat to "national security" and, from the CIA/Cuban exile perspective, he proved it when he refused to order air support during the Bay of Pigs invasion. The axis of CIA/Cuban exiles never forgave JFK this 'act of betrayal'.

    It is at this time in our history that the name George Bush comes up. It was in 1959 --the year that Fidel Castro seized power in Cuba--that George Bush set up Zapata Offshore in a Houston headquarters.
    George must have been a frequent visitor to New Orleans. Because of his family's estate on Jupiter Island, he would also have been a frequent visitor to the Hobe Sound area. And then, there were Zapata Offshore drilling operations in the Florida Strait. On all of these activities, the official "red Studebaker" biographical material and the Zapata Offshore annual reports are extremely cryptic.

    According to Joseph McBride of The Nation, "a source with close connections to the intelligence community confirms that Bush started working for the agency in 1960 or 1961, using his oil business as a cover for clandestine activities." 1 By the time of the Kennedy assassination, we have an official FBI document which refers to "Mr. George Bush of the Central Intelligence Agency," and despite official disclaimers there is every reason to think that this is indeed the man in the White House today. The mystery of George Bush as a possible covert operator hinges on four points, each one of which represents one of the great political and espionage scandals of postwar American history. These four cardinal points are:
    1. The abortive Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba, launched on April 16-17, 1961, prepared with the assistance of the CIA's "Miami Station" (also known under the code name JM/WAVE). After the failure of the amphibious landings of Brigade 2506, Miami station, under the leadership of Theodore Shackley, became the focus for Operation Mongoose, a series of covert operations directed against Castro, Cuba, and possibly other targets.
    2. The assassination of President John F. Kennedy in Dallas on November 22, 1963, and the coverup of those responsible for this crime.
    3. The Watergate scandal, beginning with an April, 1971 visit to Miami, Florida by E. Howard Hunt on the tenth anniversary of the Bay of Pigs invasion to recruit operatives for the White House Special Investigations Unit (the "Plumbers" and later Watergate burglars) from among Cuban-American Bay of Pigs veterans.
    4. The Iran-contra affair, which became a public scandal during October-November 1986, several of whose central figures, such as Felix Rodriguez, were also veterans of the Bay of Pigs.
    George Bush's role in both Watergate and the October surprise/Iran-contra complex will be treated in detail at later points in this book. Right now it is important to see that thirty years of covert operations, in many respects, form a single continuous whole. This is especially true in regard to the dramatis personae. Georgie Anne Geyer points to the obvious in a recent book: " entire new Cuban cadre now emerged from the Bay of Pigs.

    The names Howard Hunt, Bernard Barker, Rolando Martinez, Felix Rodriguez and Eugenio Martinez would, in the next quarter century, pop up, often decisively, over and over again in the most dangerous American foreign policy crises.

    There were Cubans flying missions for the CIA in the Congo and even for the Portuguese in Africa; Cubans were the burglars of Watergate; Cubans played key roles in Nicaragua, in Irangate, in the American move into the Persian Gulf." 2 Felix Rodriguez tells us that he was infiltrated into Cuba with the other members of the "Grey Team" in conjunction with the Bay of Pigs landings; this is the same man we will find directing the contra supply effort in central American during the 1980's, working under the direct supervision of Don Gregg and George Bush. 3 Theodore Shackley, the JM/WAVE station chief, will later show up in Bush's 1979-80 presidential campaign....This FBI document identifying George Bush as a CIA agent in November, 1963 was first published by Joseph McBride in The Nation in July, 1988, just before Bush received the Republican nomination for president. McBride's source observed: "I know [Bush] was involved in the Caribbean. I know he was involved in the suppression of things after the Kennedy assassination. There was a very definite worry that some Cuban groups were going to move against Castro and attempt to blame it on the CIA."

    --Webster G. Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin, George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography --- by Webster G. Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin, CHAPTER VIII-b - THE BAY OF PIGS AND THE KENNEDY ASSASSINATION
    I recently quoted Albert Speer's summation of the Third Reich which, for so long, he served admirably with the best fascist architecture Reichsmarks could buy! Speer summed up the Third Reich. He said that it had been built upon hollow, meaningless platitudes. The same can be said of the GOP in America:
    George Bush's inaugural address of January 21, 1989, was on the whole an eminently colorless and forgettable oration. The speech was for the most part a rehash of the tired demagogy of Bush's election campaign, with the ritual references to "a thousand points of light" and the hollow pledge that when it came to the drug inundation which Bush had supposedly been fighting for most of the decade...Bush's performance during the Panama crisis was especially ominous because of the president's clearly emerging mental imbalance.

    Several outbursts during the Noriega press conferences had resembled genuine public fits. Racist and sexual obsessions were reaching critical mass in Bush's subconscious. These gross phenomena did not receive the attention they would have merited from journalists, television commentators, and pundits, who rather preferred studiously to ignore them. It was during these waning days of 1989 that Bush's mental disintegration became unmistakeable, foreshadowing the greater furors yet to come.

    -- Chapter XXIII, The End of History
    How will we remember the 'presidency' since the murder of JFK? I will remember these years for what was not accomplished because JFK was murdered --the dreams that are still unfulfilled, the hopes that were dashed! I will remember an era of GOP dominance distinguished by its celebration of mediocrity. I will remember a GOP that rewarded crookery and made of evil a banality. It took a horrible war and millions of deaths to crush the Third Reich! What will it take to crush the oppressive GOP dominion of some fifty years? Please tell me! We have work to do.

    Zapruder Film Stablized: The fatal shot came from the Grassy Knoll