Monday, December 21, 2009


"Well let's see," says me. "Number ten is... what's number ten..."
"You can't think of anything," says Giblets.
"Sure I can," says me. "I just need a little more time."
"The zeroes were stupid and awful and stupid and bad and you can't think of ten things in them that weren't," says Giblets.
"Number ten is air!" says me. "Everybody likes air. It's fun to breathe!"
"This is getting lame," says Giblets.
"Number nine is... hmmm..." says me.
"Giblets is bored," says Giblets.
"Number nine is the long-eared jerboa," says me, "for its impressively long ears."
"Giblets is going home," says Giblets.
"Number eight," says me. "Nummmmmber eight."

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posted by fafnir at 8:13 PM
Friday, December 23, 2005

The hottest item this year is The Fafblock and it's easy to see why. It's portable, durable, easy to use, and comes in almost two exciting shapes and colors! Will it sit or will it stay? You never know what that crazy ol inertia's gonna do next!

For the child with a creative mind, why not get the P3-31 Heavy-Duty Industrial Wood Lathe? Your kids will enjoy hours of borutainment disassembling and reassembling the P3-31 from its thousands of component parts! While you're at it check out our Family Size Metal Lathe, on sale now!

Love speaks many languages, but most of em sound like Ladies' Fafblock. With its elegant design and romantic beauty, Ladies Fafblock is the perfect gift for that special someone in your life who's in the mood for Ladies' Fafblock.

Younger children will light up when they see this season's kids' favorite under the tree: Lay Me To Rest Elmo. Elmo has lead a long and troubled life - the tickling, the persistent brain damage, the hard abuse of liquor and oxycontin - and now it's time to inter his weary bones. Bury his coffin by daybreak or Elmo will rise and carry you down to his hellish fate beside him! Makes three exciting groaning sounds. Also available: Action Sam's Poison Playset! Warning: playset may be poisonous.

Everybody wants the Fafblock 360 Gaming Console! Stare for hours and play as many games as you want... with the unbridled power of imagination.


posted by fafnir at 9:02 PM
Saturday, July 2, 2005

Man it's a slow news day.

UPDATE! This just in! According to Editor and Publisher, the McLaughlin Group is still on the air!

"Giblets does not believe it," says Giblets.
"No it's true," says me. "I think it's on PBS."
"PBS! Pa-heh!" says Giblets. "Nobody counts PBS!"
"Maybe it's a reunion tour," says me.
"The fat guy was the heart and soul of that show," says Giblets. "It could never be the same without the fat guy."
"That's not fair Giblets," says me. "Mort Kondracke put in some highly competant bass work to say nothing of Eleanor Clift's scorching drum solos."
"All of them hacks!" says Giblets. "The McLaughlin Group used to be about fire and love and rebellion! Now they're just sellin out to the man."
"I think we expect too much of our heroes," says me. "All that belonged to a different age."
"Before they found Charlie Rose OD'd in a hotel bathtub," says Giblets.
"Peace, Charlie - wherever you are," says me.
"Who are you talking to?" says Giblets.

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posted by fafnir at 2:34 PM
Tuesday, February 8, 2005

We get these a lot so here ya go.

1. Yes.
2. Yes.
3. Probably not, but who knows? Maybe in the future.
4. Definitely not. Giblets would hate the cake.
5. In the original story I'm asleep in my cave an Siegfried comes runnin up with his sword an stuff goin raaar an trips an falls an totally sprains his foot an I go you need help with that? an he's all no no I got it an I go cause I could call a doctor an he's all no that's all right I'll just call my girlfriend she can pick me up an I go sure all right an then he gets hit by a bus. Also in the original insteada bein a mighty dragon I am a 1973 AMC Gremlin. Wagner touches it up a bit.
6. Yeah, but why would we need a fish tank? I don't know where people get that idea.
7. Yes, that would be awesome!
8. Three random people on the east coast an some guy in Berkeley.
9. I know they don't look like much but if you put em on backwards an read it out over an over again they transport you to a maaaaaagical wonderland! This is not true.
10. It IS happening! He has his own pilot on NBC this fall called "Gibsquad"! She's a tough-talkin no-nonsense murder cop who's seen it all. He's a tiny despot who lays claim to the universe by dint of his own glory an resplendence! They laugh, they learn.
11. We are sorry for everything.

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posted by fafnir at 3:07 PM

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