Showing posts with label anti-war march. Show all posts
Showing posts with label anti-war march. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

October 27 - A Call to Action

I received an email today about the upcoming Peace March and Rally, and thought I'd share. First is the information about the event, and at the bottom is the email about how you can help.

The Oct 27th site has this information about the rally:



Join Utah and other surrounding states including Idaho, Colorado, and Montana, in a major march and rally on Saturday October 27th, 2007 in Salt Lake City. The action starts at 11:00 AM at the Utah State Capital where an Iraq War Veteran will give the opening address for this day of action. We then march down the hill to the Federal Building where more activities and speeches are scheduled at 12 PM. The event culminates at Washington Square, 400 South State Street in Salt Lake City, where from 1 to 3 PM nationally recognized speakers will address the gathering.

We also plan to feature great music and many local/regional anti-war street performance groups and displays.

Questions, comments, suggestions? Want to be a part of this great local effort to end the war in Iraq and bring our troops home? Would you like to distribute flyers and posters for this event?



Planning meetings for this event are every other Tuesday evening at the Salt Lake Public Library, Main Branch, on 400 South and 200 East in SLC in the Conference Room on the first floor. Next meeting: October 2nd at 6:30 PM. RSVP if possible.

And here's the flyer.

I'm not sure if I can go to this, or not. It's early enough in the day that I probably can.

So, here's the email about how you can help:

Dear friends and peace activists,

Saturday October 27 will be an important day of action to call for the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq. United for Peace and Justice , the largest activist peace coalition in the U.S., is coordinating a nationwide demonstration against the war focussed in eleven cities around the country.

Salt Lake City is one of the eleven regional centers . The Idaho Peace Coalition and other peace groups and activists from throughout the intermountain region are coming to Utah to participate in the Mountain States regional action.

The Bush administration has asked Congress to pass another $192 Billion supplemental appropriation to fund the war. Congress will be acting on this request sometime after October. We are opposed to the appropriation of any more funds for the war and occupation of Iraq. Go here to get news on what's happening in Congress and what you can do .

October 27 will be our opportunity to gather together in large numbers to publicly and visibly send a loud and clear message with great impact on the political system. In Salt Lake City we will gather on the west side of the State Capital starting at 11am for a 12noon march down the hill past the Federal Building for a 1pm rally at the City-County Building.

We the People for Peace and Justice, the broad _ad hoc_ coalition which came together to organize the large rally of 5,000 Utahns when President Bush was here August 30, 2006 is organizing Salt Lake's October 27 demonstration. The overall budget for this ambitious protest will be about $6,000. So far we have raised about half this amount from individual donations and from group sponsorships.

We are asking organizations to join in sponsoring October 27 by making a minimum donation of $100. Already the Wasatch Coalition for Peace and Justice, Vietnam Veterans Against the War, Veterans for Peace, U.S. Labor Against the War, Utah Democratic Progressive Caucus, Military Families Speak Out, Mormons for Equality and Social Justice, Green Party of Utah, and the Campus Committee for Peace and Justice at the University of Utah have decided to become sponsors.

Would your organization(s) care to join these Utah groups and chapters of national organizations in sponsoring October 27? We need your political and financial support! Checks should be made out to "October 27 Committee" and can be sent to the address below. Individual donations are also welcome of course.

Get involved in the movement! The next October 27 organizing meeting is Tuesday evening October 16, starting at 6:30pm in the first floor conference room of the SLC downtown public library. Help spread the word, distribute leaflets and flyers, volunteer to help with the logistical work on October 27.

Thanks for your support for peace and justice,
Dayne Goodwin, Treasurer
for the Finance Committee,
We the People for Peace and Justice

Dayne Goodwin
275 L Street, #4
Salt Lake City, Utah 84103-3542