Showing posts with label peace. Show all posts
Showing posts with label peace. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

What is going to be gained by having discussions with Hamas about peace when Hamas is in fact the impediment to peace?

Jimmy Carter may be meeting with leaders of Hamas.
Carter is on the third day of a nine-day "study mission" to the Middle East, as part of his "ongoing effort to support peace, democracy, and human rights in the region," according to the Carter Center Web site.

During a visit to the West Bank on Tuesday, Carter placed a wreath at the Ramallah grave of former Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat. He also said he hoped to meet with exiled Hamas leader Khalid Meshaal when he visits Damascus, Syria, in the coming days.

"I'm going to try everything I can to get him (Meshaal) to agree to peaceful resolution of differences both with the Israelis through Gaza and also with Fatah," Carter said.

The ever wise Condi Rice says that's a bad idea.
Last week, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said she found it "hard to understand what is going to be gained by having discussions with Hamas about peace when Hamas is in fact the impediment to peace."

Seriously? She can't understand what can be gained? Let me put this in simple terms, Condi.

I have two sons. They're always fighting, and for the life of me, I can't understand why they can't just get along. So, when they're in the middle of a fight, and I can clearly see which of them is being a stubborn little twit, I generally talk to that child, and try to get the issues resolved, so he'll stop harassing his brother. Now, I don't always play peacekeeper with them. But, sometimes it's necessary. And if I were to talk to the child who was not being stubborn, while ignoring the stubborn child, all hell would break loose, and the stubborn child would definitely not stop.

If Condi Rice seriously can't see what might be gained from talks with Hamas, she should consider stepping down and allowing someone with a true interest in the peace process to step up. I'm tired of the US being the world bully, and that's what it's come down to.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! My wish for 2008 (besides electing Barack) is for peace.

funny pictures
more funny pictures

Monday, December 31, 2007

UK: War is Over if You Want It

From the spirit of John Lennon comes an announcement that the War on Terror is over.
Sir Ken Macdonald said terrorist fanatics were not soldiers fighting a war but simply members of an aimless "death cult."

The Director of Public Prosecutions said: 'We resist the language of warfare, and I think the government has moved on this. It no longer uses this sort of language."

London is not a battlefield, he said.

"The people who were murdered on July 7 were not the victims of war. The men who killed them were not soldiers," Macdonald said. "They were fantasists, narcissists, murderers and criminals and need to be responded to in that way."

America, do you want it?

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

October 27 - A Call to Action

I received an email today about the upcoming Peace March and Rally, and thought I'd share. First is the information about the event, and at the bottom is the email about how you can help.

The Oct 27th site has this information about the rally:



Join Utah and other surrounding states including Idaho, Colorado, and Montana, in a major march and rally on Saturday October 27th, 2007 in Salt Lake City. The action starts at 11:00 AM at the Utah State Capital where an Iraq War Veteran will give the opening address for this day of action. We then march down the hill to the Federal Building where more activities and speeches are scheduled at 12 PM. The event culminates at Washington Square, 400 South State Street in Salt Lake City, where from 1 to 3 PM nationally recognized speakers will address the gathering.

We also plan to feature great music and many local/regional anti-war street performance groups and displays.

Questions, comments, suggestions? Want to be a part of this great local effort to end the war in Iraq and bring our troops home? Would you like to distribute flyers and posters for this event?



Planning meetings for this event are every other Tuesday evening at the Salt Lake Public Library, Main Branch, on 400 South and 200 East in SLC in the Conference Room on the first floor. Next meeting: October 2nd at 6:30 PM. RSVP if possible.

And here's the flyer.

I'm not sure if I can go to this, or not. It's early enough in the day that I probably can.

So, here's the email about how you can help:

Dear friends and peace activists,

Saturday October 27 will be an important day of action to call for the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq. United for Peace and Justice , the largest activist peace coalition in the U.S., is coordinating a nationwide demonstration against the war focussed in eleven cities around the country.

Salt Lake City is one of the eleven regional centers . The Idaho Peace Coalition and other peace groups and activists from throughout the intermountain region are coming to Utah to participate in the Mountain States regional action.

The Bush administration has asked Congress to pass another $192 Billion supplemental appropriation to fund the war. Congress will be acting on this request sometime after October. We are opposed to the appropriation of any more funds for the war and occupation of Iraq. Go here to get news on what's happening in Congress and what you can do .

October 27 will be our opportunity to gather together in large numbers to publicly and visibly send a loud and clear message with great impact on the political system. In Salt Lake City we will gather on the west side of the State Capital starting at 11am for a 12noon march down the hill past the Federal Building for a 1pm rally at the City-County Building.

We the People for Peace and Justice, the broad _ad hoc_ coalition which came together to organize the large rally of 5,000 Utahns when President Bush was here August 30, 2006 is organizing Salt Lake's October 27 demonstration. The overall budget for this ambitious protest will be about $6,000. So far we have raised about half this amount from individual donations and from group sponsorships.

We are asking organizations to join in sponsoring October 27 by making a minimum donation of $100. Already the Wasatch Coalition for Peace and Justice, Vietnam Veterans Against the War, Veterans for Peace, U.S. Labor Against the War, Utah Democratic Progressive Caucus, Military Families Speak Out, Mormons for Equality and Social Justice, Green Party of Utah, and the Campus Committee for Peace and Justice at the University of Utah have decided to become sponsors.

Would your organization(s) care to join these Utah groups and chapters of national organizations in sponsoring October 27? We need your political and financial support! Checks should be made out to "October 27 Committee" and can be sent to the address below. Individual donations are also welcome of course.

Get involved in the movement! The next October 27 organizing meeting is Tuesday evening October 16, starting at 6:30pm in the first floor conference room of the SLC downtown public library. Help spread the word, distribute leaflets and flyers, volunteer to help with the logistical work on October 27.

Thanks for your support for peace and justice,
Dayne Goodwin, Treasurer
for the Finance Committee,
We the People for Peace and Justice

Dayne Goodwin
275 L Street, #4
Salt Lake City, Utah 84103-3542

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The Bethlehem Christmas Project

I received this information in an email, and this looks like a very good political and social cause, and seems to have a good reputation online when looking it up. So, here's the information about The Bethlehem Christmas Project:

Thank you for taking the time and allowing me to introduce The Bethlehem Christmas Project to you. Our project may be simple but it has the potential of making a significant impact. We have partnered with Musalaha (a non-profit organization promoting reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians) to bring together former Israeli soldiers and Palestinians to deliver Christmas gifts to children in Bethlehem . We are bringing with us a delegation from the United States to interact with the Palestinians and Israelis and work side-by-side with them as they deliver Christmas gifts.

Our goal is to bring some modicum of joy to Palestinian children, build bridges of understanding between Americans, Israelis and Palestinians, and last but not least, educate Americans on the realities of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as perceived by everyday Israelis and Palestinians.

We have momentum behind us and are asking for your help to build upon it. We have a $10,000 matching gift promised to us, and I recently appeared on South Florida’s NPR station to discuss the Middle East , Israel/Palestine and our project with a member of the State Department. In addition, we have a Palestinian-Israeli documentary director who has committed to film our effort this year in order to reach the media upon our return. Following the text of this letter is information about our board and web links for you to better familiarize yourselves with us.

What we are asking for are the following: 1) Your help in directing individuals interested in visiting Bethlehem with us this December as members of our delegation. 2) Giving us the opportunity to speak with your about the project and the need to engage the Middle East in peacemaking. 3) Any fundraising assistance you can offer.

I look forward to speaking with you soon. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have.

The Bethlehem Christmas Project

Board Members:
Ali Elhajj
Ali has visited the West Bank on a fact-finding mission and has met with B’Tslem and Jeff Halper of the Israeli Committee Against Home Demolitions. His focus is on educating the American public and building bridges of understanding.

Chuck Wenger, Chairman, The Wenger Group
Chuck has served as a member of Billy Graham’s management team and has been chairman of the Chuck Wenger Group for over 25 years.

Dr. Gerald Wright , Professor of Cross-Cultural Studies, Palm Beach Atlantic University
Gerald has taught at the seminary level for 20 years. He has lived in Lebanon and in various parts of the Middle East.

Rod Reding, REL Productions
Rod has produced corporate videos for Fortune 500 companies and is an expert in marketing, media, and branding.


Bethlehem Christmas Project Website

Musalaha Website

Ali Elhajj, NPR interview blog entry and audio