Thursday, March 12, 2015

Crazy & The Brains = crazy good!

Crazy & The Brains seem to be the originators and sole practitioners of a musical genre known as anti-folk. I can't tell you exactly what anti-folk is, but I'm pretty sure it's the polar opposite of music that takes itself too seriously. And of course that's a movement I can fully endorse! This New Jersey punk outfit is kind of like a cousin band to party rock standouts such as New Swears and Mean Jeans. And in this case, I'm talking about the kind of cousin who always shows up to family gatherings and makes inappropriate sexual remarks at the dinner table.

As just about any Crazy & The Brains review will tell you, there's no point in trying to define what this band is. They're pop, and they're punk. But they're not pop-punk. They're goofy, but they're not a joke band. To my knowledge, this is the only band on earth playing xylophone-driven punk rock. And boy, do they ever pull it off! However you choose to classify it, the band's new EP Good Lord is as catchy and infectiously fun as music gets. If these tunes don't have you jumping around your house like a pre-teen on a Halloween candy bender, you probably are suffering from a severe lower body injury. The twist is that these sugary pop songs are anything but sweet once you start paying attention to the lyrics! Hint: "Ice Cream" isn't about, uh, food. There's an absolute brilliance in combining bubblegum melodies and a happy go lucky energy with lyrics so dirty that they make 50 Shades Of Grey look like Sesame Street. And ultimately, the triumph here is that these songs are just so fucking good. "Syreita" sounds like the R-rated smash that Tommy Roe always wanted to record. It's going to be stuck in my head until the end of time. And while a line like "Sometimes I think of you while I'm lying underneath her" will certainly grab your attention, "Kids In Da Hall" is actually a heartfelt and quite touching ode to lost love. All you punk/powerpop freaks are going to want to hear it.

Crazy & The Brains are as unique as any band I've reviewed in my life. If a punk rock manual existed, these guys burned it and peed on the ashes. Yet in its own special way, Good Lord is precisely what I've always loved in music. It's rockin', catchy, and full of attitude and energy. Don't bother trying to classify it. Just enjoy it!


Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Great new album from Nick Piunti!

So I went on record declaring that 2014 was the best year for power pop in decades. Is it possible that 2015 might turn out even better? If Nick Piunti's new album is any indication, the answer could very well be yes! Beyond The Static, out now on Two Brains Recording Co., features the former Respectables singer teaming with an all-star cast of Detroit power pop musicians (Ryan Allen, Donny Brown, Chris Richards & Andy Reed from The Legal Matters). Having garnered rave reviews for his 2013 album 13 In My Head, Piunti had the power pop community salivating over a follow-up. And Beyond The Static has no problem living up to such lofty expectations. It's a stunning achievement - the work of a true master of the three-minute pop song.

Again co-producing with Geoff Michael at Big Sky Recording, Piunti continues to craft timeless guitar pop that marries the radiant melodies of the '60s to the up-front guitars of the '90s and beyond. From a stylistic standpoint, he has pretty much stayed the course on Beyond The Static. And what a course it is! After several decades in music, Piunti has such a clear and precise idea of who he is. His songwriting, while very much in the classic style, bears his signature. Musically and lyrically, he's delivered an extraordinary collection of songs. "It's A Trap", with its gorgeous melody and instantly memorable hook, is the very definition of perfect pop. It's almost impossible to imagine a more flawless pop song - until  "Heart Stops Beating" follows immediately with a chorus that will send you into state of bliss! And once you get to the crunching riffs and soaring harmonies of "Time Machine", there's just no doubting that the whole album is going to be fantastic. There are 11 songs in all, and I can't name one I don't like. Piunti - as he's been known to do - supplements the selection of textbook power pop gems with some successful forays into adult alternative rock. If you've written off "middle of the road" style power pop as an oxymoron, wonderful tracks like "Anything But Easy" and "Red Tail Lights" could very well cause you to reconsider. These songs don't just add variety - they also prove to be two of the strongest numbers on the album. Whether he's perking things up ("Seven Days A Week") or mellowing them out ("Quicksand"), Piunti can always be counted on for indelible melodies and genuinely profound lyrics.

Challenged with following a highly acclaimed album, Nick Piunti didn't overthink the task. He just focused on writing the best songs of his life and trusting an incredible group of musicians to help execute his vision. Beyond The Static manages to be both a consummate power pop album and the distinct work of a seasoned recording artist. If you somehow combined the best qualities of Matthew Sweet, Tom Petty, and Paul Westerberg into one songwriter, Nick Piunti would be the guy. Beyond The Static is a superb effort from a music lifer at the very top of his game. If you're a power pop fan and have yet to discover all the amazing sounds currently coming out of Detroit, stop reading right now and start listening!


Friday, March 06, 2015

New from The New Trocaderos!

Is it weird that my favorite new release of the year is a compilation of songs I've already heard? I don't think it is! Even in this high-tech world of digital downloads and streaming music, I still have a personal need for recordings on compact disc. Essentially that's because my car is equipped with state of the art 2004 audio technology: a CD player! I can't think of a greater tradition in American society than listening to rock n' roll while you're driving. And I can't think of a better band to listen to while you're driving than The New Trocaderos!

Frenzy In The Hips compiles both singles from The New Trocaderos - the rock n' roll super group comprised of Kurt Baker, Geoff and Brad from The Connection, and songwriter/producer Michael Chaney. It adds a brand-new song called "Luckiest Man In The World" for a total of six tracks - the perfect length for my daily commute. But even if you're not in your car, listening to this disc is guaranteed to make your day more awesome. If you've been wanting to buy some of this band's music but have never gotten around to it, this is your chance to own all of it for one low price! Even though I was already familiar with these songs, there's just something super cool about having them all together on one disc. It's neat to listen with fresh ears to songs I hadn't heard in a while and be able to re-affirm my original rave reviews! I'm convinced that "Dream Girl" - featuring Geoff Palmer on lead vocals - has to be a long-lost classic pop song from the '60s. Apparently Little Steven feels the same way, since he chose to debut it as his Coolest Song In The World on a radio program that was otherwise devoted to all-time great tracks from The Beatles and Paul McCartney. Every detail - from the gorgeous harmonies to that majestic bridge to Kris Rodgers's knockout keyboard solo - is flawlessly executed. And yet it's the straight-ahead rocker "Money Talks" that has become my favorite New Trocs song. I don't think a catchier tune exists in this world, and that lead guitar work is hot! Chaney ought to be immediately inducted into the Rock And Roll Hall of Fame for coming up with that "The money key opens every lock" line.

Tipping its cap to everyone from Carl Perkins to the Rolling Stones to The Ramones to Rockpile, Frenzy In The Hips condenses 60 years of amazing rock n' roll into 16 minutes of hook-laden fun. You get the complete package: a classic sound, amazing songs, and three great singers. If you were raised on traditional rock n' roll and have become disenchanted with the direction popular music has taken in recent decades, The New Trocaderos will restore your faith in new bands. But I also envision the reverse happening: younger people digging this band and then working their way back to the British Invasion and '50s rock n' roll. If you already own the first two singles, the lure here is the fantastic "Luckiest Man In The World" - which sounds like a song the Beach Boys might have recorded with Keith Richards and Mick Taylor sitting in on guitar. Why not splurge on the whole disc?! Get it exclusively through Kool Kat Musik!


Thursday, March 05, 2015

The Top Ten 2015

As I annually do on the occasion of my birthday, I am posting my updated list of my top ten all-time favorite bands. Looking at last year's list compared to this one, there's been only minimal movement. The New York Dolls bump out The Replacements, and a few bands have shifted positions slightly. But essentially, it's the same list. I guess you could say that my musical tastes are stagnating, but I prefer to view this as an "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" type situation. As I've gotten older, I've continued to broaden my horizons and explore all kinds of great music. It's not like I'm still 25 and only listening to punk rock. I like Sinatra. I dig Mozart. I'm obsessed with early '70s orchestral soul. But nothing will ever beat the rush of "White Riot" blasting at max volume.

I try to base this list partially on which bands I listen to the most, but largely it comes down to a gut feeling. If I were abducted by aliens and told I could only listen to ten bands during my entire period of captivity, these are the ten I'd choose. If I could go back in time and witness ten bands in their prime, it would be these ten. My top three has been rock solid for a great number of years - although The Dictators continue to make a strong push for a medal position. I could throw in The Who, Buzzcocks, Boys, Stones, and Replacements and make it a full top fifteen, but it seems more fun to officially limit it to ten. So without any further elaboration, here's the list!

1. The Clash
2. AC/DC (Bon Scott era)
3. Husker Du
4. Dictators
5. Sex Pistols
6. Material Issue
7. Ramones
8. Generation X
9. New York Dolls
10. Stiff Little Fingers

If you've observed that my musical tastes are stuck in the '70s, I'll take that as a compliment! In all seriousness, I've done rough drafts of this list where I've gone to 40 bands and included more "contemporary" groups like the Dimestore Haloes (#23), BobbyTeens (#25), Dead End Cruisers (#27), and The Figgs (#31). If I'm still alive and blogging in six years, maybe I'll do a "50 for 50 list" to commemorate my next milestone birthday. What are the chances of The Clash losing the #1 spot by then? Slim to none. 


Wednesday, March 04, 2015

A sweet deal from Rum Bar Records!

In the course of sharing music I love with the world, I often have the privilege of promoting some amazing record labels. Independent labels are the lifeblood of our scene. They put music into the world for the sheer love of it - often taking a financial loss in the process. One of my favorite labels out there is the Boston-based Rum Bar Records - run by Malibu Lou (ex Melted Records). I may be a beer man, but I do enjoy a Captain & Coke from time to time. Before I had any personal contact with Lou, I had reviewed a number of his releases (The Connection, Kurt Baker, Muck & The Mires). I think Lou and I share a passion for a certain slice of underground music (garage/rock n' roll/power pop), and I'm humbled that he's been so appreciative of reviews I've recently given to bands like Watts and Los Breakdowns. I think Lou puts out awesome music. And just as importantly, he's a true fan. He's completely psyched about every band he works with. I was honored when he approached me with the idea of creating a new Rum Bar top shelf deal that would have my name attached to it. So here goes: from now until March 31st, you can get 20% off the purchase of all Rum Bar titles at Bandcamp simply by entering the code rutledge20 at checkout. If you've always wanted to buy, say The Connection's Let It Rock on splatter color vinyl or the CD version of Kurt Baker's Brand New B-Sides, now would be the time to do it! Head on over to Bandcamp for the complete catalog of Rum Bar titles, and feel free to spread the word. For more information about this outstanding label, be sure to check out this interview with Malibu Lou that was posted last week on the excellent Ratboy '69 blog!


Tuesday, March 03, 2015

A killer LP from Line Traps!

When a band introduces itself as "a 40-year-old guy who grew up on '80s hardcore, bargain punk records, and '90s garage with two fresh-faced 23-year-old girls who love all that shit too", I know my ears are in for a royal treat! And so we have the mighty Line Traps out of Victoria, British Columbia - a trio reviving the garage punk by way of Angry Samoans stylings of pre-millennium greats like Loli and the Chones and Zodiac Killers. On its 12-song (one-sided) debut LP, this band comes hard and fast with a perfect blend of ferocious hardcore punk and trashy garage goodness. With songs mostly in the 1-2 minute range, each track is a quick burst of attitude and aggression. At no point do Line Traps find it necessary to slow things down or stretch the ambitions of their songwriting. Instead it's one ripper after another - with songs so good you'd swear you heard a few of them on an old volume of Killed By Death. You may know singer/guitarist T. Depression from his one man band The New Krime. Line Traps are essentially the full band version of The New Krime - with Poly Ethylene (bass) and S. Pressure (drums) comprising the consummate trash punk rhythm section and hands down the coolest backup vocal tandem I've heard in years. Furious cuts like "ShockAppeal", "She's Electric", and "Mannequin" have me constantly checking to make sure I haven't time traveled back to the late '90s.

What a record! Even with all the great stuff out there right now in the punk/garage world, I've really been missing simple, snarling punk music like this. Maybe Line Traps will inspire a new movement. Or perhaps they've given us a debut album so good that no one will bother trying to top it. The "best band in Canada" conversation looks to be getting even more complicated!


Monday, March 02, 2015

The Kicks Ain't Alright

Like their East Coast counterparts Biters and Wlydlife, Modern Kicks seem to inhabit a parallel universe where the rock n' roll radio hit never died. If triumphant guitar solos and massive melodic choruses went out of fashion a quarter of a century ago, nobody bothered to inform these San Fran heartthrobs. And thank God for that! On their new EP, The Kicks Ain't Alright, Änt and the gang recall a time when youth anthems were loud, fun, and catchy as hell. While there are expected nods to Cheap Trick ("We're Alright"), Thin Lizzy ("Don't Let Me Down"), and junkshop glam ("Hole In My Head"), what really sets Modern Kicks apart from the crowd is that they're not afraid to take it way over the top and just freakin' rock! "Up All Night" is the lead track and clear hit. If its chorus were any catchier, it would be illegal in at least seven states. But "Teenage Overdose" shows another side to this band - infusing a thundering KISS/Crue style attack with power pop hooks and slick-as-hell production. And when these boys go full-on glam metal on "Aim High (For Suicide)", they totally pull it off. It's cool to hear a band doing this type of music with the actual intention of writing good songs.

While stylistically similar to the band's 2013 LP Rock 'n' Roll's Anti Hero, this new EP finds Modern Kicks sounding bigger and better than ever. The judicious use of keyboards is a brilliant stroke, and the production has been taken to another level entirely. I just have love a band that aspires to craft the next generation of rock anthems. These guys - along with The Cry!, Biters, Giuda, etc. - are ushering in another great era for rock n' roll. Don't sleep on it. 
