Sunday, 11 October 2015
Corruption: Sure we are pissed, But we Still allow it to happen
Saturday, 26 September 2015
Day 315 - Would you like to ride an Ostrich?
Saturday, 19 July 2014
Nestle at it again – Drawing water from a Drought Stricken Area…
"As residents of California are urged to conserve water and the state considers placing a mandatory restriction on outdoor water usage, Nestlé is trucking away undisclosed amounts of the precious resource in the form of bottled water.
The Desert Sun has an in-depth report of controversy brewing around the company’s bottling plant, which draws water from a drought-stricken area for its Arrowhead and Pure Life brand water. Because the plant is located on the Morongo Band of Mission Indians’ reservation, it’s exempt from oversight by local water agencies and is able to keep confidential information — such as the amount of groundwater it’s pumping and water levels in its wells — that other plants would be required to disclose. As a result, critics contend, it’s impossible to know just how much of the limited resource the plant is extracting to send elsewhere.
Here’s more from the Desert Sun:
“They’re entitled to use the groundwater basin, too. Everyone is. But it’s just a shame that this water is not being used locally. It’s being exported,” said David Luker, general manager of the Desert Water Agency. He said DWA’s position has been that the Morongo tribe should have to report its water use just like other entities."
– See more at SALON:
This is pure idiocy. How you can you justify drawing large amount of water from a draught stricken area? Here you have a company making millions in profit from selling bottled water while residents literally next door are forced to restrict water usage. The residents rely on wells that get their water from underground.
Now, picture a row of bathtubs – The first tub gets filled and the overflows into the next tub and so forth. The first tub is where Nestlé draws their water from and the other tubs are where the people get their water from. Unfortunately since the first tub doesn’t get a chance to fill up properly it affects all the other tubs. This is one of the problems the people are facing – Nestlé’s factory is using most of the available water and then they friggen export the water from the region.
And since The factory does not need to comply to the same regulations as the rest of the region they can simply continue drawing large amounts of water. The company had this to say about the situation:
"We proudly conduct our business in an environmentally responsible manner that focuses on water and energy conservation," the company said. Our sustainable operations are specifically designed and managed to prevent adverse impacts to local area groundwater resources, particularly in light of California's drought conditions over the past three years."
This statement is completely contradictory and the opposite to “water and energy conservation”, since making bottled water uses large amount of water to just make the packaging. I do not understand how this can be allowed and accepted. It’s all the in the name of profits – where there is money to be made there is a way, regardless on the impact it has on the environment or the wellbeing of people.
Nestle – the company that believes water should not be a human right. Just don’t buy anything Nestle anymore.
Monday, 23 September 2013
Being Humane is being Evil
Definition of the word Humane: 1. Characterized by kindness, mercy, or compassion.
First thing to notice about the word is that it is the word human. When people want you to be kind they will often ask " Where is your humanity!". The thing is that human nature is absolute evil.
We humans are the definition of evil. All you have to do is turn on the news and see the horrible things we do to each other. Look at how we treat other species and nature. Look at how we are are destroying the earth beyond repair. Look at history - the wars - the holy crusade even, it all shows us clearly what and who we are as humans - it is all we have ever done. So to be humane is to be human is to be evil.
The definition for the word Humane is wrong - it is inaccurate. Before we can define it as being kind or compassionate we must prove that we as humans can be compassionate and kind towards others and ourselves, but at the moment we are not there.
We should instead change our very nature by letting go of our humanity - which means to stop being human, to stop being evil and and stop abusing others and the earth. Now, there are some freaks of nature - and by that i mean some people who actually care about others and the earth and do what they are able to make the world a better place - they let go of their humanity.
So the key here is to stop being humane and instead to develop into an effective living being that considers all actions taken to insure that it is what is best for all. When we start changing our ways and actually care about nature and each other where we in fact change who we are as humans - maybe then the word humane can be defined as being kind and compassionate or even better: to do what is best for all.
Join us to change our Humanity - Desteni
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
People should not have animals if they cannot take care of them
I always had a pet dog. I grew up with always having a dog. I loved my pets treated them with respect and took care of them. We lived near the ocean and just before the beach there was a big pond area and I used to play there allot (Back then it was still safe to play in a pond ). We used to look for tadpoles and frogs, because they were fascinating – we went into the pond every day and watched the growth process of the tadpoles. We would see how the legs started to form and eventually they turned to frogs and it was really cool.
I remember some kids that would take the poor tadpoles and squash them. This was utterly disturbing to me and my friends. Unfortunately there are some kids that have a complete disregard for nature. How and why is that kid so different than I was?
I was taught to take care of animals and to treat them right. The other kid was not. It is the responsibility of the parents to teach children how to take care of animals, but often the parents do not even no how and so nature suffers.
Then you have people who have pets, but do not take care of them. They do not give the animal the proper care it needs. This can simply be a disregard for life and deliberate abuse or they do not know how – the point remains that nobody should have access to any animal unless they can effectively take care of it or have the necessary respect for them.
Unfortunately animals are regarded as not really important. Humans believe they superior and animals are just animals. Which is not true. This belief is what is causing major destruction in nature and the extinction and abuse of animals. That kid who squished tadpoles for fun will grow up never considering nature.
This should be one of the fundamental education of a child – how to care and treat animals. Animals are a part of our lives - We share this planet with them. When it is proven that a person can take care of the particular pet it wants only then should they be able to have a pet. This is how it should be and will stop animal abuse.
Wednesday, 5 December 2012
The Most Dangerous Drug in the World!!! And its legal!!!
A story in a newspaper reported of a newlywed couple who got married the one day and died the next due to a driver believed to be drunk crashed into them in a car accident. Who many stories like this have we heard? How many people have died because of alcohol? 2.5million deaths a year.
2.5 Million Alcohol-R elated Deaths Worldwide- Annually whereas Illegal Drugs Cause 250,000 Global Deaths Yearly.
In 2005, excessive alcohol caused 4 million emergency room visits and 1.6 million hospitalizations. About 2,000 people under the legal drinking age (21) die annually in car crashes due to alcohol and it is involved in nearly 50 percent of all teen deaths involving violence.
So why are illegal drugs illegal When the deaths they caused are so much less than alcohol related deaths?
Some Scary facts:
- · Nearly half of all fatal car crashes are alcohol-related.
- · One third of homicides are associated with alcohol misuse.
- · One half of car accidents are associated with alcohol misuse.
- · Alcohol is the #1 misused drug in the U.S.
- · Alcohol is the number one date rape drug.
- · More than half of current drinkers have a family history of alcoholism.
- · A blackout is an amnesia-like period that is often associated with drinking. A person may be functioning normally, but later, the person has no memory of occurrences.
- · Alcohol-related accidents are the #1 killer of teens.
- · During a blackout, an individual can participate in a significant, emotionally charged event but have no recollection of what occurred.
With all this evidence that clearly shoes that alcohol is the most dangerous drug in the world. Why is it not banned? Why is the a "War on Drugs"? Why is alcohol so widely advertised when the companies know how dangerous it is? Could it be that alcohol is a massive profit industry and to stop it from harming people would mean a massive loss of money. yes.
If the whole point of making drugs illegal is to ensure the safety of the people then obviously alcohol should be banned. But if they ban it people wont be able to ''drink their trouble away'' - People wont be able to satisfied with their jobs and way of life. Then people will be forced to face the world - and its not a happy world. Maybe then people will strive and stand up for a better world.
Sunday, 16 September 2012
Day 91 - Fearing Others and hiding
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to fear other people will hurt me
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to in this fear hide myself from others and withdraw and avoid meeting new people
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to fear other people seeing who i am and knowing me, because they might not like me and judge me
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to fear being exploited by other people where i will judge myself as being stupid
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to fear others taking advantage of me and being used
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to fear that if I share who i am that i will be vulnerable and thus weak
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to see being vulnerable as being weak and that i must be a strong manly person by closing myself off as to protect myself
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to in this fear of others to become silent so that people cant have the chance to know me and thus cant hurt me
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to when i see all the bad things in this world where people kill,exploit, manipulate etc others to then close up and hide myself from others so that I can be protected
I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that nobody can deceive, manipulate, exploit and take advantage of me unless i allow it - and that it is not something I should fear, but rather be aware of.
I forgive myself that i have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that there is no need to protect myself or fear sharing myself to those who i trust and have proven that trust
I commit myself to stop fearing that others will hurt me and realize that there are people in this world who hurt others, but i cannot live my life in fear of this and being directed by it. Instead I am aware of this, but no longer allowing this fear to close me up
I commit myself to stop hiding myself form others and to stop fearing meeting new people, instead i embrace the opportunity to meet new people to asses my effectiveness
I commit myself to stop fearing being exploited and taken advantage of and to realize that this can only happen if i allow it and to instead become effective within myself so that i can see when someone want to exploit and take advantage of me and direct it accordingly
I commit myself to become vulnerable and to stop seeing it as being weak and to realize that I have created this believe that being vulnerable is weakness. Instead vulnerability is more like being open where I do not have anything to hide and no fear, because I am the directective principle in my life
I commit myself to Stop living the silent type character out of fear of others, but to instead express myself
I commit myself to stop the belief that I have to protect myself and steel myself from everybody in order to keep me safe from them hurting me and to instead realize that if i hide myself from everybody then i will never change or become effective in this world
Saturday, 25 August 2012
Day 77 - Using Religion to justify this world
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to use religion to justify myself and all of the world
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to use religion to justify war, poverty slavery and all abuse saying that it is part of gods plan and that cannot change or question gods plan
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to to use religion as a justification and excuse for me not doing anything to change the world
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear not finding a reason why all the suffering exist in the world - because then it would invalidate my beliefs and proof that my beliefs are not real so i keep on justifying the world no matter what
I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that if I have to keep on finding proof and reasons why my belief is real and if i have to keep justifying it then that alone shows me that my beliefs are not real
I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that justification is an excuse - that i have never looked back at history to see that religion has been used countless time to justify wars, slavery, torture, mass murders and other abuse in the name of god
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to hold on to this abuse so strongly that i will even justify rape by saying that it is a blessing from god - instead of realizing that it is the evil of man and the world that WE have created
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to hold on on my beliefs so strongly that i cannot see common sense - that if I cannot find a reason for something to exist i would just say that it is part of gods plan just so that i can continue my beliefs - not realizing that If rape, murder, poverty and great suffering is part of gods plan then this is a really evil plan -
I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize if i do not question gods plan then i accept gods plan and then I also accept all the suffering and abuse of this world - and in this i will do nothing to change it - i will do nothing to end the suffering and the abuse because i agree with it. And so i am trapped by my religion as the perfect excuse not do anything.
I commit myself to stop justifying my action when i clearly see that what i am doing is not what is best for all beings, but that i am only acting based on self interest .
I commit myself to stop trying to justify the abuse and suffering in the world like war. poverty, rape, slavery etc, and to realize that I am using this to justify my beliefs
I commit myself to stop saying that all the suffering and abuse is part of gods plan and to realize that i am using this as an excuse for me not to have change the world - and to stop agreeing with gods plan by not accepting and allowing this world the way it is - and to instead find ways to end all suffering and abuse
I commit myself to to stop deliberately ignoring common sense - when i see my beliefs don't make sense to not keep on justifying it
I commit myself to to realize that religion has been used in the past to justify countless suffering and that i am doing the same here now
I commit myself to to stop the fear of letting go of my beliefs and to see the common sense that what i believe on doesn't make sense and holds no real solution to the problems on earth, but instead it gives permission for the problems to continue
I commit myself to stop justifying the unjustifiable and to let go of all beliefs that allow the world to continue the way it does - but to instead se that there is a real problem on earth that must be sorted out and so i dedicate my life to find the solutions to the problems on earth that are permanent
(permanent solution here: - join in with the discussions and add your input on how you would like the world to be instead)
Wednesday, 8 August 2012
Day 64 - Also attracted to broken girls?
Some introspection.
I was reading Gian's blog about being attracted to broken girls and i looked back in my life and realized I was the same. When i was in school i was attracted to girls who had something happen to them in the past or who are sad and depressed.
I remember a girl I was 'dating' in school and I liked her - she had problems with passing out at school and being generally distracted and i wanted to help her because I saw she needed help. And for me to help a girl back then was to be with her which meant dating her which will make her feel better. It pained me to see her suffer so I did all i could to help her - i found out she was bulimic which was the reason she passed out - because she wasn't eating.
Then there was another girl who I friends with who had a boyfriend who died in a car crash - they had a fight and he got very angry and went for a drive and then crashed. She was not the same after that so i wanted to help her because it pained me to see her sad and depressed about it.
I never questioned this point to find the reason why I liked girls who need saving. The reason why was because of my mother when she died the pain i went through has unbearable for me. And i did not want anybody to experience what i went through and thus i wanted to save people and help them get over it so that they don't suffer like I did - and it made me feel better about myself as i was also very depressed at this time and doing things like helping people i could handle the depression. And i was good at helping my friends when it came to their problems - but I could never help myself. I never even thought about helping myself, never occurred to me.
I never realized that i was the one who created the depression - and in that decision i created the character of wanting to save others from going through what i was going through. I never realized that i can then assist and support myself by getting rid of the depression, because i created it after all - i accepted and allowed it within me for years.
And that is what i did - with the tools I learned from Desteni I was able to get rid of the depression and to start living again and be self directive. Go to the forums for more information and i will also be continuing on the morrow with part two.