Showing posts with label desteni. Show all posts
Showing posts with label desteni. Show all posts

Friday, 29 January 2016

A World Without Please and Thank you

Is Please a form of begging? Do we say thank you just because of manners or to show that a person did a huge favor by going out of their way? What if helping another was something that was expected from each and every one and what if that was the norm were please and thank you will be unnecessary?

Stop complaining but your personal issues and find solutions for it here:

Monday, 18 January 2016

Whiplash Movie - What does it take to be the best?

How far is too far when pushing someone to reach their full potential? What are the consequences of trying to find the line? Is it self-righteous to push someone too hard...or is it an act of compassion? Or maybe it's something different all together? We explore some of these questions and many more as we dive into discussion about a Drummer who was pushed by his music teacher to play to the best of his abilities.

Thursday, 10 December 2015

Practicing Beethoven – Fur Elise on Acoustic Guitar

I was busy practicing a song  today ( Fur Elise ) when Leila Tried to sneak up on me and record me whilst me being unaware. Unfortunately for her she did not go unnoticed. But I did do a rare thing and let her record me while I practice ( Video Attached below) which brought up a point.

I started to learn this song yesterday and when it comes to learning new songs I tend to not want people to hear it unless I can play it fluently. So in the practice stage I definitely don’t want someone to record me and the reason for that is simple – it sounds bad lol. I just started learning this so it’s not going to be perfect and there will be many mistakes and when I play for others and there are mistakes it’s a self-judgment point, but that is part of this whole process in music. When you first learn something new you are not going to be good at it at first – there will be mistakes and it takes practice to get it right.

It is this part of music that people do not see often – when you go look at some professional musician playing a song you don’t really realize what it took for the person to be able to play that well. It’s loooooong hours of mistakes, repetition, consistency and endurance. What we see when we watch these pro’s is the end result. They don’t show the road that got them there. For me it would be cool to see that process, but in the music world of professionalism and perfection you tend to only see the end result.

So sure it’s not very good right now, but with practice, eventually, I will be able to play it well. And so, for your listening and viewing pleasure I present to you the process of making mistakes:

Monday, 9 November 2015

Day 327: No more water – The Personal Drought Experience

Being on a farm in the middle of a drought can be very frightening. You learn the real value of water and just how you depended are on it and how the environment depends on it. Within this all there is a personal experience of Doom and gloom – how to stop the gloom and doom?

Sunday, 1 November 2015

Day 326 - Do you look where you put your feet?

I never used to do this because there was no need, but living on a farm you are sharing living space with many other beings like frogs, insects and snakes.  This is their home as well and this requires some consideration.

Friday, 30 October 2015

Day 325: Is Thinking the big cause of our inner pain?

What if all our personal problems can be traced back to thoughts? What if all that is needed is to stop the thoughts? There is a power in thoughts most of us do not yet realize, especially to what extent we are directed by it.


Day 324: Complaining can be good for you

The thing about complaining is that it’s sooooo easy. Anybody can do it. We have all done it, looked at problems in our lives and complained about it, knowing full well that complaining about something is utterly useless.

So how  then can complaining be good for you?